Petition Urges Bishop to Allow Fr. Pavone to Resume Full Duties at Priests for Life

ProLife Blogs
September 18, 2011

Operation Rescue is urging pro-life supporters to sign an online petition to Bishop Patrick Zurek of Amarillo asking him to allow Fr. Frank Pavone, head of Priests for Life, to return to his full-time duties with the pro-life ministry.

The petition can be signed by CLICKING HERE or through the petition box in the right-hand column at

Fr. Pavone was recalled by Bishop Zurek to Amarillo and is barred from traveling outside the Diocese. However it must be noted that he is under no discipline whatsoever, and remains a priest in good standing. He has been serving communion and fulfilling other priestly duties in the Amarillo Diocese and continues to do work for Priests for Life from Texas.

Bishop Zurek released a statement that gave the impression that there were financial mismanagement accusations against Fr. Pavone related to Priests for Life, however, Msgr. Harold Waldrow issued a clarification last week indicating that Fr. Pavone is a priest in good standing and is not being accused of wrongdoing in the finances of Priests for Life. [Read. Msgr. Waldrow's Letter.]

"We stand behind Fr. Frank Pavone one-hundred percent. We join in calling on Bishop Zurek to free Fr. Pavone from Amarillo and allow him to immediately return unfettered to the work at Priests for Life. We urge everyone to sign the petition to Bishop Zurek and pry this matter will be resolved as soon as possible for the sake of the babies dying in our nation from abortion," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

For more information about how you can help support Fr. Frank Pavone please visit


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