Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Accuse Pope of Crimes against Humanity

By Shelley Walcott
September 15, 2011

[with video]

MILWAUKEE - Today members of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests filed a formal complaint in International Criminal Court.

They're asking the ICC to prosecute Pope Benedict the 16th and other members of the Vatican for crimes against humanity. They say the pope and high level clergy knew priests were sexually abusing children and chose to cover it up.

"These people are responsible, we feel, for not pulling these priests out of ministry.... for not letting children be raped anymore," said SNAP's Milwaukee Director Mike Sneesby.

The detailed complaint contains more than 20,000 pages of evidence, including an allegation that then Cardinal Ratzinger was involved in the case of Father Franklyn Becker, who is accused of multiple cases of abuse.

"As we uncovered more and more information we've seen that the Vatican knew about this," Sneesby told TODAY'S TMJ4.

No one at the Cousin's Center would comment on the lawsuit.


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