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Nick Xenophon Denies Naming Rape Accused Catholic Priest Was Stunt Herald Sun September 15, 2011 [with video]
FEDERAL Senator Nick Xenophon has hit back at criticism that his use of parliamentary privilege to name a Catholic priest at the centre of a rape allegation was a publicity stunt. The independent senator created a furore in his naming the priest in parliament, accused of raping a now Anglican bishop John Hepworth decades ago. The priest has categorically denied the claims. South Australian Premier Mike Rann told state parliament it was more about "publicity'' for the senator than justice for the victim. But Senator Xenophon said the premier's comments were way off the mark. "I must say I am disappointed given that Mike Rann's previous advocacy for victims of abuse, for victims of crime is something that I've said on the record is admirable,'' he told reporters in Canberra. "I am disappointed that he has categorised my comments, characterised my actions in this matter in the light that he has.'' Senator Xenophon also accused the Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, of "an extraordinary lapse of judgment'' in dealing with the rape claim. The senator seized on an admission by Archbishop Wilson that the priest had not been stood down because the allegations did not involve the sexual assault of a child. "However, if there are allegations of rape involving a priest against an adult then the criteria is different. I find that extraordinary,'' he said. Senator Xenophon said the fact that the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, had intervened in the matter was an admission of "a complete and abject failure of process'' by the church in SA. |
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