Operation Rescue Stands Shoulder to Shoulder with Fr. Frank Pavone and Priests for Life

Christian News Wire
September 15, 2011

Contact: Troy Newman, President, 316-841-1700; Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor, 316-516-3034; both with Operation Rescue;

WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 14, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life is one of the most respected and effective leaders in the Pro-Life movement today. We were saddened and confused by the order of Bishop Patrick Zurek to suddenly confine Fr. Frank's priestly duties to Amarillo, Texas. It makes no good sense to remove him from the mission field while children continue to die at the hands of unscrupulous abortionists.

"I can think of nothing the abortion cartel would want more than to have Fr. Frank sidelined at this critical time when the pro-life movement is gaining ground and poised to finally end abortion," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

"The attack on the good name of Priests for Life and Fr. Frank Pavone in particular is shocking to say the least. Priests for Life's books are a matter of public record. I would expect this kind of slanderous attack from someone at Planned Parenthood or NARAL, but not from a bishop in the Church. This is a very sad day for the innocent unborn.

"We have labored alongside Fr. Frank throughout the years and know him to be a humble yet determined and faithful man of the highest integrity. It is hard to understand why Bishop Zurek would make such outrageous public accusations against him, casting a shadow where none should be. I can't help but think of the Scriptures that say we should do to others what we would want done to us. Certainly Bishop Zurek would not want his reputation besmirched with unfounded accusations as he has done to Fr. Frank. Perhaps he should have considered that before acting out with such a heavy hand."

Bishop Zurek accused Fr. Pavone of the financial mishandling of Priests for Life assets, but those close to the issue tell Operation Rescue that PFL has great financial accountability and has repeatedly provided the Bishop with their financial reports. Each time, he has failed to acknowledge them.

"We pray for the Priests for Life organization that they will not allow this unfounded attack to deter them from their critical life-saving work, and we pray for Bishop Zurek that he will soon work out whatever seems to be troubling him and restore Fr. Frank to his full duties at Priests for Life."

Please call Bishop Zurek and ask him to reconsider his decision at 806-383-2243


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