What a Difference a Word Makes!

Boys Don't Tell
August 25, 2011

What a difference a word makes!

Here is an excellent article on the incredible difference it makes in how we perceive peoples’ positions in a situation base on the labels we use. In this case changing the name of a victim to accuser and now she seems to be the aggressor and the alleged perpetrator or rapist becomes the accused. Now he sounds a little like a victim doesn’t he? It is a slick way to turn the tables on victims.

The minister that admitted sexually abusing me as a teenager was described by the Bishop as having committed an act of clergy sexual misconduct. That’s a far cry from child sexual abuse which is exactly what happened. As you read this article I hope you think about how as a society (and the media) put a twist on reality by changing just one word. Misconduct, abuse; victim, accuser.


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