New Clergy Sex Film in Austria; Filmmakers Not Granting Interviews

August 9, 2011

For more information:

David Clohessy of St. Louis, SNAP Executive Director +1-314-566-9790 cell,

Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, SNAP Outreach Director +1-314-862-7688 home, +1-314-503-0003 cell,

New clergy sex film in Austria; filmmakers NOT granting interviews

Sex Abuse Victims Applaud Documentary

Trailer Can Be Viewed on “”

Filmmakers Are Not Granting Interviews At This Point

But Support Group Praises Them For “Courage and Compassion”

SNAP: “Film Will Encourage Those Suffering In Silence to Come Forward”

Several Austrian clergy sex abuse victims and their supporters have posted on YouTube trailers for a documentary they are preparing about the abuse and cover up scandal within the Catholic church.

A prominent US-based support group for clergy sex abuse victims is applauding the filmmakers. Called "Paedophiles & Impunity," the movie (still to be finalized) will be submitted to an international film festival as an amateur documentary, since it’s being made without actors or professionals.

Leaders of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, have only seen the short trailer. But the organization is optimistic the documentary “will be a force for healing and prevention.”

“Children, victims and Catholics all benefit when this horrific scandal is openly discussed,” said Barbara Dorris, Outreach Director of SNAP. “We applaud these brave Austrian victims for tackling this difficult subject and we urge all who care about the safety of kids to watch it.”

The trailer can be viewed at

The primary filmmakers are NOT granting interviews at this time.

SNAP, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for victims of clergy sexual abuse with more than 10,000 members across the globe. It is based in Chicago, Illinois and its website is


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