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Heil-Y Offensive: Taoiseach Compared to Hitler by Louth Church JOE July 28, 2011
A week after his damning Vatican speech in the Dail, churchgoers in Togher, Co.Louth, read a parish newspaper containing the headline 'Heil Herr Kenny'. According to The Sun, the Sunday pamphlet was a fierce riposte to Enda's powerful condemnation of the Vatican in the wake of the Cloyne Report into sexual abuse by members of the clergy. A choice quote from the newsletter include the following: "The last European leader to make such a blistering attack on the Pope was the ruthless German dictator Adolf Hitler. "If history teaches us one lesson, it must surely be a call to be careful about the canonisation of political leaders," it continued. The paper goes on to quote a local man that claimed, "It is a bit much comparing the leader of Ireland to Hitler – the article went too far". He has a point, no? Taoiseach Kenny has already distanced himself from the controversy, stating that the newsletter "doesn't deserve the dignity of a comment from me." The shocking comparison comes a year after the New York Times mistakenly referred to the Fine Gael leader as 'Ms Kenny'. Here at JOE, we try not to make political statements or adhere to one side of a fierce argument but on this momentous occasion, we have decided to throw caution to the wind and announce the following: Enda Kenny is NOT the new Adolf Hitler. Although he should really keep his nose away from nearby microphones if he wants to avoid the comparison (pictured above) in future... |
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