Irish Press Hails Pm's "Historic" Attack on Vatican

Straits Times
July 21, 2011

DUBLIN - IRISH media on Thursday hailed Prime Minister Enda Kenny's blistering attack on the Vatican's handling of clerical child abuse, saying his speech ended decades of Dublin's 'obeisance' to Rome.

Several newspapers in the mainly Roman Catholic country described Kenny's speech to parliament on Wednesday as 'unprecedented', saying that no Irish premier had ever spoken of the papal state in such terms.

Kenny was reacting to a judicial report on the Church's failures in handling abuse claims against 19 clerics in Cloyne diocese in southern Ireland.

Its inability to properly deal with the affair showed a culture of 'dysfunction, disconnection, elitism and narcissism' at the Vatican, he said.

'Enda Kenny, with steely eloquence, has ended decades of government obeisance to Rome,' said a sketch in the Irish Times.

'Never before has the head of an Irish government spoken of the Vatican in such terms as Enda Kenny did yesterday,' it added. -- AFP


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