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Joe Flowers, Church Leader, Facing More Charges By Lynette Adams WHEC July 7, 2011
More charges brought today against a once trusted church leader. Joe Flowers is already facing charges of sexual abuse from boys who were 11 and a 15 at the time. Now, another teen has come forward saying he too was abused. Troubles for the founder of the Walk of Life Christian Center in Rochester continue to mount. Bishop Joe Flowers pleaded not guilty in Monroe County Court Thursday afternoon to two counts of endangering the welfare of a child and a charge of sexual abuse. Flowers was arraigned this afternoon in county court accompanied by his wife and son. This is now the third indictment against him. Flowers is accused of repeatedly walking around naked in front of a 12-year-old boy and placing his mouth on the boys ear. Court documents say the abuse started in July 2009, continuing for a year. The second count against Flowers accused him of touching the boy on his butt. Court papers say this happened almost a year later. Flowers goes on trial Monday in another case. In that case, he will be on trial for course of sexual conduct. He's accused of fondling the 11 year old, forcing the boy to shower with him and sleep with him in the nude. This over a three year period of time. For more Rochester, N.Y. news go to our website |
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