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Moral Priorities Faith in the 21st Century May 23, 2011
One day after the John Jay College report on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in the U.S. was released, Father Shawn Ratigan was arrested for possession of child pornography. He apparently had been taking pictures of girls at his parish/school covertly, including nude photographs. The interesting part about all of this is that the local ordinary, Bishop Robert Finn (Kansas City), had been aware of the images on Ratigan's computer since December, and had transferred the priest on a couple of occasions without notifying authorities or the diocesan review board. Once again, the problem is not "homosexual priests." The problem, beyond the individual perversion of this pedophile, is the inaction and cover-up by the local bishop. Bishop Finn is well-known for his activism for the old liturgy, Although it is the oldest existing Catholic Church in Kansas City, Old St. Patrick was solemnly consecrated by Bishop Robert Finn Oct. 25 in a Traditional Latin Rite ceremony performed only one other time in the U.S. since the early 1960s. The church which is under the care of clergy from the Institute of Christ The King and is now permanent home of Kansas City's Latin Mass community is well near completion of a three-year renovation project. The only major item left undone is installation of a pipe organ. Catholic Key, 11/04/2008 for taking public anti-abortion stands and making anti-abortion statements, Our country is at the edge of the precipice concerning the protection of the life and dignity of the human person. A significant new attack on innocent human life will likely send us into a moral freefall. Bishop Robert W. Finn, 10/21/2008, The Catholic Key ...and publicly campaigning against gay marriage. What about the persons who wish to establish a path of living which contravenes God's law: promoting abortion; unnatural substitutes for marriage, and all such distortions of true freedom? Warriors for the Victory of Life, Key Note Address for the 2009 Gospel of Life Convention, April 18, 2009, Most Reverend Robert W. Finn If only the life of children on this side of the womb were as important as those on the other. Further, it seems to me that photographing little girls is unnatural and contravenes God's law, not gay marriage. Priorities? |
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