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Tom Doyle Clergy Sexual Abuse Bibliography…5.9.2011 Voice from the Desert May 10, 2011 CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SELECTED SOURCES RELATED TO CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE, ECCLESIASTICAL POLITICS AND THEOLOGY AND CHURCH HISTORY Thomas P. Doyle Revised May 9, 2011 CONTENTS BOOKS BOOKS: SEXUAL ABUSE BY CLERGY 3 BOOKS: THEOLOGICAL AND GENERAL 10 BOOKS: SOCIOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 20 BOOKS: CANON LAW 22 BOOKS: CIVIL LAW 23 BOOKS: HISTORY 24 BOOKS: SEXUAL ABUSE, PSYCHOLOGY AND TRAUMA 30 ARTICLES ARTICLES: SEXUAL ABUSE BY CLERGY 34 ARTICLES: GENERAL 39 ARTICLES: CANON LAW 41 ARTICLES: CANON LAW & PROPERTY OWNERSHIP 45 ARTICLES: CIVIL LAW 46 ARTICLES: HISTORICAL STUDIES 53 ARTICLES: SEXUAL ABUSE AND TRAUMA 56 BOOKS: SEXUAL ABUSE BY CLERGY Balboni, Barbara Susan. THROUGH THE LENS OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE PERSPECTIVE: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF AMERICAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ UNDERSTANDING OF CLERGY SEXUAL MOLESTATION AND ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. Ph.D. Dissertation. Law, Policy, and Society. Boston, Massachusetts. Northeastern University, September, 1998. Bausch, William. BREAKING TRUST. A PRIEST LOOKS AT THE SCANDAL OF SEXUAL ABUSE. Mystick CT. Twenty Third Publications. 2002. Bell, Roy and Grenz, Stanley. BETRAYAL OF TRUST: SEXUAL MISCONDUCT IN THE PASTORATE. Downers Grove, IL. Intervarsity Press. 1995. Benyei, Candace Reed. UNDERSTANDING CLERGY MISCONDUCT IN RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS: SCAPEGOATING, FAMILY SECRETS, AND THE ABUSE OF POWER. New York. Haworth Pastoral Press. 1998. Berry, Jason. LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION. New York. Doubleday, 1992. Berry, Jason and Renner, Gerald. VOWS OF SILENCE. New York. Free Press. 2004. Bianchi, Eugene. THE CHILDREN’S CRUSADE. Thiensville, WI. Caritas Communications. 2008. Boston Globe. Investigative Staff. BETRAYAL: THE CRISIS IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Boston, New York, London. Little Brown and Company. 2002. Breslin, Jimmy. THE CHURCH THAT FORGOT CHRIST. New York. The Free Press. 2004. Brown, Christa. THIS LITTLE LIGHT: BEYOND A BAPTIST PREACHER, PREDATOR AND HIS GANG. Cedarburg WI. Foremost Press. 2009. Brown, Joanne Carlson and Bohn, Carole. CHRISTIANITY, PATRIARCHY AND ABUSE. Pilgrim Press.1989. Burkett, Elinor and Bruni, Frank. A GOSPEL OF SHAME. New York. Viking Press, 1994. Chinnici, Joseph P. WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE: THE Catholic CHURCH, SEXUAL ABUSE AND THE CHALLENGES OF LEADERSHIP. New York. Orbis Books. 2010. Chirban, John T. Ed. CLERGY SEXUAL MISCONDUCT: ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVES. Brookline MA. Hellenic College Press. 1994. Coldrey, Barry. RELIGIOUS LIFE WITHOUT INTEGRITY. Melbourne. Tamanirak Press, 2000. Coldrey, Barry. THE SCHEME: THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AND CHILDCARE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Melbourne. Argyle-Pacific. 1994. Coldrey, Barry. A CHRISTIAN APOCALYPSE: THE SEXUAL ABUSE CRISIS IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1984-2004. Melbourne, Australia. Tamanarak Press, 2004. Conway, Eamonn, Duffy, Eugene, Shields, Attracta. THE CHURCH AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: TOWARDS A PASTORAL RESPONSE. Dublin. The Columba Press. 1999. Cornwell, John. SEMINARY BOY. New York. Doubleday. 2006. Cozzens, Donald. THE CHANGING FACE OF THE PRIESTHOOD. Collegeville. Liturgical Press, 2000. Cozzens, Donald. SACRED SILENCE: DENIAL AND CRISIS IN THE CHURCH. Collegeville MN. Liturgical Press. 2002. Cozzens, Donald. FAITH THAT DARES TO SPEAK. Collegeville Liturgical Press. 2004. Crewdson, John. BY SILENCE BETRAYED: SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN IN AMERICA. Boston. Little, Brown and Company. 1988. Deville, Rik. L’OEUVRE, UNE SECTE CATHOLIQUE. Bruxelles. Editions Golias. 1996. Deville, Rik. LA DERNIERE DICTATUR. Bruxelles. Editions Code. 1993. Deville, Rik. LA MALADIE CATHOLIQUE. Bruxelles. Editions Golias. 1996. Dokecki, Paul. THE CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE CRISIS: REFORM AND RENEWAL IN THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY. Washington DC. Georgetown University Press. 2004. Doyle, Paddy. THE GOD SQUAD. Berkshire, G.B. Corgi Press. 1988. Eslava,Galan Juan. EL SEXO DE NUESTROS PADRES. Barcelona. Planeta. 1993. Fairbanks, Catherine Britton. HIDING BEHIND THE COLLAR. Frederick MD. Publish America. 2002. Feierman, Jay, MD. PEDOPHILIA: BIOSOCIAL DIMENSIONS. New York. Springer-Verlag. 1990. Feierman, Jay, Editor. THE BIOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOR: THE EVOLUTIONARY ORIGINS OF FAITH AND RELIGION. Santa Barbara, CA. Praeger. 2009. Ferro, Jeffrey. SEXUAL MISCONDUCT AND THE CLERGY. New York. Facts on File, Inc. 2005. Fleming, Patrick, Lauber-Fleming, Sue, Matousek, Mark. BROKEN TRUST: STORIES OF HOPE AND HEALING FROM CLERICAL ABUSERS AND SURVIVORS. Crossroad Press. 2007 Flynn, Kathryn. SEXUAL ABUSE OF WOMEN BY MEMBERS OF THE CLERGY. Mcfarland and Company. 2003. Flynn, Eileen. CATHOLICS AT A CROSSROADS: COVERUP, CRISIS AND CURE. New York. Paraview Press. 2003. Fortune, Marie. IS NOTHING SACRED? San Francisco. Harper. 1989. Fortune, Marie M. & Longwood, W. Merle. Editors. SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: TRUSTING THE CLERGY. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Pastoral Press, 2003. Foster, Chrissie. HELL ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN. Sydney. Bantam. 2010. France, David. OUR FATHERS. New York. Broadway Books. 2004. Frawley, Mary Gail and Messler, Jody. TREATING THE ADULT SURVIVOR OF CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE. New York. Basic Books. 1994. Frawley O=Dea, Mary Gail and Goldner, Virginia. Editors. STUDIES IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY. Special Issue: THE SEXUAL ABUSE CRISIS IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Volume 5, Numbers 1 and 2. 2004. Hillsdale, NJ. The Analytic Press. 2004. Frawley-O=Dea, Mary Gail. PERVERSION OF POWER: SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Vanderbilt University Press, 2007. Friberg, Nils and Laaser, Mark. BEFORE THE FALL. PREVENTING PASTORAL SEXUAL ABUSE. Collegeville MN. The Liturgical Press. 1998. Gardner, Richard. SEX ABUSE HYSTERIA. Creative Therapeutics, 155 County Rd., Cresskill NJ. Gerdes, Louise, editor. CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Greenhaven Press, 2003. Gonsiorek, John. BREACH OF TRUST. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications. 1995 Gonsiorek, John. MALE SEXUAL ABUSE. Thousand Oaks CA. Sage Publications, 1990. Goode, Helen, McGee, Hannah, O=Boyle, Ciaran. TIME TO LISTEN: CONFRONTING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE BY CATHOLIC CLERGY IN IRELAND. Dublin. The Liffey Press. 2003. Grace, Sonja. GARLANDS FROM ASHES: HEALING FROM CLERGY ABUSE. Wanganui, Australia. Garlands. 1999. Haggett, Louise. THE BINGO REPORT: MANDATORY CELIBACY AND CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE. Freeport Maine. Center for the Study of Religious Issues. 2005. Hanson, R.K., Pfafflin, F., Lutz, M. Editors. SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE Catholic CHURCH: SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES. Vatican City. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2003. Harris, M. UNHOLY ORDER: TRAGEDY AT MOUNT CASHEL. Ontario. Viking Press. 1990. Hastings, Anne Sterling. FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION: UNDERSTANDING SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO CHILDREN. Gretna LA. Wellness Institute. 2000. Heggen, Carolyn. SEXUAL ABUSE IN CHRISTIAN HOMES AND CHURCHES. Eugene, Oregon. Wipf and Stock. 1993. Henton, Darcy and McCann, David. BOYS DON=T CRY. Toronto. Stewart. 1995. Hidalgo, Myra. SEXUAL ABUSE AND THE CULTURE OF CATHOLICISM: HOW PRIESTS AND NUNS BECOME PERPETRATORS. New York. Haworth Press. 2007. Hopkins, Nancy and Laaser, Mark. RESTORING THE SOUL OF A CHURCH. Collegeville MN. The Liturgical Press. 1995. Hopkins, Nancy Myer. Editor. CLERGY SEXUAL MISCONDUCT: A SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE. SPECIAL PAPERS AND RESEARCH REPORTS SERIES. No. OD99. Bethesda, MD: The Alban Institute, Inc. 1993. Horst, Elisabeth. RECOVERING THE LOST SELF: SHAME HEALING FOR VICTIMS OF CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE. Collegeville MN. The Liturgical Press, 1998. Horst, Elizabeth. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT CLERGY SEXUAL MISCONDUCT. Collegeville, MN. Liturgical Press. 2000. Horton, Anne and Williamson, Judith. ABUSE AND RELIGION: WHEN PRAYING ISN=T ENOUGH. New York. Lexington. 1988. Hunter, Mic. HONOR BETRAYED: SEXUAL ABUSE IN AMERICA’S MILITARY. Fort Lee NJ. Barricade Books. 2007. Isely, Paul. IN THEIR OWN VOICES. A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF MEN SEXUALLY ABUSED AS CHILDREN BY CATHOLIC CLERGY. Jenkins, Philip. PEDOPHILES AND PRIESTS. New York. Oxford University Press. 1996. Jenkins, Philip. MORAL PANIC: CHANGING CONCEPTS OF THE CHILD MOLESTER IN MODERN AMERICA. New Haven. Yale University Press, 1998. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM OF SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS BY PRIESTS AND DEACONS. Washington, D.C. USCCB. 2004. Johnson, David and VanVonderen, Jeff. THE SUBTLE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ABUSE. Minneapolis. Bethany Press. 1991. Kaiser, Robert Blair. CLERICAL ERROR. New York. Continuum. 2002. Kempe, Ruth. THE COMMON SECRET: SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. New York. W.H. Freeman. 1984. Kitzinger, Jenny. FRAMING ABUSE: MEDIA INFLUENCE AND PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN. London. Pluto. 2004. Knockwood, Isabelle. OUT OF THE DEPTHS: THE EXPERIENCES OF THE Mi”kmaw CHILDREN At THE INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL AT SHUBENACADIE, NOVA SCOTIA. Lockport, NS. Roseway Publishing. 2005. Lawlor, Kevin, editor. THE END OF INNOCENCE: CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN IRELAND. Cork. Oak Tree Press. 2001. Lennon, J. Paul. OUR FATHER WHO ARE IN BED. 2008 Levine, Judith. HARMFUL TO MINORS: THE PERILS OF PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM SEX. Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press. 2002. Likoudis, Paul. AMCHURCH COMES OUT: THE U.S. BISHOPS, PEDOHILE SCANDALS AND THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA. Illinois. Roman Catholic Faithful. 2002. Linacre Institute. AFTER ASCETICISM: SEX, PRAYER AND DEVIANT PRIESTS. Bloomington IN. Author House. 2006. MacIntyre, Linden. THE BISHOP’S MAN. Toronto. Vintage Canada. 2009. McGlone, Gerard, Shrader, Mary, Delgatto, Laurie. CREATING SAFE AND SACRED PLACES. Winona, MN. St. Mary=s Press. 2005. Mooney, Tom. ALL THE BISHOPS’ MEN. Dublin. The Collins Press. 2011. Mullings, Janet, Marquart, James, Hartley, Deborah, editors. THE VICTIMIZATION OF CHILDREN: EMERGING ISSUES. New York. Haworth Press. 2004. Nelson, Jay. SONS OF PERDITION. New Mexico. 2009. O’Beirne, Kathy. DON’T EVER TELL. Edinburgh. Mainstream Publishing. 2006. O=Connor, Alison. A MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN: THE LIFE AND CRIMES OF FATHER SEAN FORTUNE. Kerry, Ireland. Brandon. 2000. O’Gorman, Colm. BEYOND BELIEF. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 2009. O=Grady, Ron. THE HIDDEN SHAME OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND THE CHURCH. Switzerland. Consul Oecumenique. 2002. Phillips, Donald. UNTO US A CHILD: ABUSE AND DECEPTION IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Irving, Texas. Tapestry Press, 2002. Plante, Thomas, Editor. BLESS ME FATHER FOR I HAVE SINNED: PERSPECTIVES ON SEXUAL ABUSE COMMITTED BY ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS. Westport, CT. Praeger, 1999. Plante, Thomas, Editor. SIN AGAINST THE INNOCENTS: SEXUAL ABUSE BY PRIESTS AND THE ROLE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Westport CT. Praeger. 2004. Podles, Leon J. SACRILEGE: SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Maryland. Crossland Press. 2006. Poling, Nancy Werking. Editor. VICTIM TO SURVIVOR: WOMEN RECOVERING FROM CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE. Cleveland. United Church Press. Porter, Muriel. SEX, POWER AND THE CLERGY. Victoria, Australia. Hardie Grant Books. 2003. Raftery, Mary, O=Sullivan, Eoin. SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN: THE INSIDE STORY OF IRELAND=S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. New York. Continuum. 1999. Reynolds, Lisa Rene. COMING OUT AND COVERING UP: Catholic PRIETS TALK ABOUT SEX SCANDALS IN THE CHURCH. John Rutledge. Editor. 2009. Richardson, Kim Michele. THE UNBREAKABLE CHILD. Clearwater, FL. Kunati. 2009. Rigert, Joe. AN IRISH TRAGEDY: HOW SEXUAL ABUSE BY IRISH PRIESTS HELPED CRIPPLED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Baltimore. Crossland Press. 2008. Robinson, Barry J. LUCIFER GROWS IN OUR GARDEN. Canada. Fernstone. 2004. Robinson, Geoffrey. CONFRONTING POWER AND SEX IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia. John Garrett Publishing. 2007. Rodriguez, Pepe. LA VIDA SEXUAL DEL CLERO. Barcelona. Ediciones B. 1995. Rossetti, Stephen. SLAYER OF THE SOUL. Mystick CT. Twenty-Third Publications. 1990. Rossetti, Stephen. A TRAGIC GRACE. Collegeville MN. The Liturgical Press. 1996. Rutter, Peter, M.D. SEX IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE. New York. Fawcett Columbine. 1989. Sennott, Charles. BROKEN COVENANT. New York. Simon & Schuster. 1992. Shupe, Anson. IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT=S HOLY. London. Praeger. 1995 Shupe, Anson. WOLVES WITHIN THE FOLD. New Brunswick, CT. Rutgers University Press. 1998. Shupe, Anson. BAD PASTORS: CLERGY MISCONDUCT IN MODERN AMERICA. New York. University Press, 2000. Shupe, Anson. SPOILS OF THE KINGDOM: CLERGY MISCONDUCT AND RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY. Chicago. University of Illinois Press. 2007. Sipe, A.W. Richard. A SECRET WORLD: SEXUALITY AND THE SEARCH FOR CELIBACY. New York. Brunner-Mazel. 1990. Sipe, A.W. Richard. SEX, PRIESTS AND POWER. New York. Brunner-Mazel. 1995 Sipe, A.W. Richard. CELIBACY. Ligouri MO. Triumph Press, 1996. Sipe, A.W. Richard. CELIBACY IN CRISIS: A SECRET WORLD REVISITED. New York. Brunner-Routledge. 2003. Sperry, Len. SEX, PRIESTLY MINISTRY AND THE CHURCH. Collegeville. The Liturgical Press. 2003. Stiles, Hilary. THE ASSAULT ON INNOCENCE. Albuquerque. B & K Publishers. 1987. Thigpen, Thomas, editor. SHAKEN BY SCANDALS: CATHOLICS SPEAK OUT ABOUT PRIESTS’ SEXUAL ABUSE. Charis Books. 2002. Thompson, Ann. SAY SORRY. Rosedale NZ. Penguin Books. 2009. Tranel, Virginia. BENITA: PRAY FOR HIM. Fairfield, IA. First World Publishing. 2010. Van Dam, Carla. THE SOCIALLY SKILLED CHILD MOLESTER. New York. The Haworth Press. 2006. Van Der Zee, John. AGONY IN THE GARDEN: SEX, LIES AND REDEMPTION FROM THE TROUBLED HEART OF THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. New York. Thunder=s Mouth Press/Nation Books. 2002. Whitfield, Charles, Silberg, Joyanna, Fink, Paul Jay. Editors. MISINFORMATION CONCERNING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE AND ADULT SURVIVORS. New York. Haworth Press. 2001. Wolmar, Christian. FORGOTTEN CHILDREN: THE SECRET ABUSE SCANDAL IN CHILDRENS’ HOMES. London. Vision. 2000. Yallop, David. BEYOND BELIEF: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE SEX ABUSESCANDAL. London. Constable. 2010. BOOKS: THEOLOGICAL AND GENERAL Abbott, Elizabeth. A HISTORY OF CELIBACY. New York. Scribner. 1999. Allen, John. ALL THE POPE’S MEN. New York. Doubleday. 2004. Allport, Gordon. THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS RELIGION. New York. The MacMillan Company. 1954. Anciaux, Paul. THE EPISCOPATE IN THE CHURCH. Staten Island. Alba House. 1965. Anonymous. AGAINST RATZINGER. New York. Seven Stories Press. 2008. Armstrong, Karen. THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION. New York. Anchor Books. 2006. Armstrong, Karen. THE CASE FOR GOD. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 2009. Bartunek, Jean, Hinsdale, Mary Ann, Keenan, James. CHURCH ETHICS AND ITS ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT. New York. Sheed and Ward. 2004. Bass, Diane Butler. A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY. New York. Harper Collins. 2009. Beier, Matthias. A VIOLENT GOD IMAGE. 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