Priest Accused of Paedophile Fantasies Leaves for 2-Month Vacation

Croatian Times
May 6, 2011

The priest who had shocked the Croatian public when explicit photos of him were published in several daily newspapers left his village for a vacation.

Marko Tomusic from the village Berak near Vukovara will be away from his priestly duties for one to two months, the daily Jutarnji List writes.

The priest found himself at the centre of a scandal where photographs of him wearing S&M clothes and playing with dildos were leaked to the press by a Serbian man who has known him for 15 years. During their Skype conversation which the 34-year-old Ilija Lutrov recorded, the priest admitted fantasising about young boys.

Lutrov told the daily Vecernji List that he decided to expose the priest because he needed the money.

"My family keeps promising me financial assistance, they are well-off, but I cannot get anything. Marko [the priest] is a good man, but he is immoral, as a priest he shouldn't be doing those things," says Lutrov who is also a Catholic.

The two met 15 years ago at a party of his cousin's in Osijek where people were known to engage in sexual encounters. Lutrov said that the priest came seldom and usually did not participate in these activities, but had once tried to establish sexual contact with Lutrov when the latter spent the night at his cousin's house.

Lutrov said that he was sorry for exposing the story but that he did not have a choice, the Croatian media reports.

The priest's community seems to be divided over the media reports - many are distrustful and exalt Tomusic's service in the community, while others are demanding that the story is investigated.


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