New Support Group Formed for Church Abuse Victims

By Dylan Lovan
CT Post
April 21, 2011

A new clergy abuse support group in Louisville says it wants to give guidance to sexual abuse victims and urge Catholic laity to demand more openness from church leaders.

The group, Protect the Children, held a news conference Thursday with victims and other activists who have organized past protests against the church. Leaders say they want to raise money to support new victims who come forward and to protect priests who may jeopardize their standing in the church by providing information.

"We want to start a new movement and bring people in that are Catholic, that are frustrated with the church," said Nick Pfeiffer, who helped start the group. "We don't want to sue, we're not here for money, we want to fix the problem for good."

Pfeiffer's father, Cal Pfeiffer, is also a member of the new group and he has been active for years as part of the Louisville chapter of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.

Cal Pfeiffer said the Archdiocese of Louisville has spent more than $29 million since 2002 on settlements and legal and administrative fees related to the church abuse scandal in Louisville. The total includes the nearly $26 million the archdiocese agreed to pay in 2003 to settle with more than 240 victims of sexual abuse by priests or other church workers.

The Archdiocese of Louisville said in a statement that it remains committed to a charter enacted by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2002 that offers services to abuse victims and includes prevention measures.

The archdiocese has a sexual abuse review board that reviews cases and any "priest or employee with a substantiated accusation of child abuse is removed permanently from ministry," according to the statement. There is also required training for archdiocese employees and volunteers who work with children, support from a victim assistance coordinator and offerings of financial assistance, according to the statement.

Tom Weiter, a victim who was part of the settlement with the Louisville Archdiocese, said he is troubled that many Catholics choose to ignore media reports of abuse. He attended the news conference with other victims Thursday.

"The Catholic people in the church are some of the most wonderful human beings I've ever associated with in my life, and how they sit back and stand by the hierarchy that's been covering this up for centuries is beyond me," said Weiter, who said he was molested by a Louisville priest in the early 1960s. He said many other Catholics who followed the news grew despondent and left the church.

"I don't want them to leave the Catholic Church, I want them to hold (church leaders) responsible and make the necessary changes to stop the child sexual abuse," Weiter said.

The group has set up a website,, and is holding its first meeting next month. Nick Pfeiffer said the group hopes to begin raising money and set up a hotline for victims.


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