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John Paul II 4 Million,ayatollah Khomeini 9 Million People at Funeral! Cardinal Pell, Fanatics Cannot Beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederasts By Paris Arrow John Paul II Millstone April 13, 2011 The John Paul II earthquake faults is being felt as far away as the Land Down Under in Australia where a retired priest listed a litany of JP2 faults before the beatification of John Paul II in Rome where 1 million of fanatic Catholics are expected to attend. 4 million fanatic Catholics attended JP2 funeral in 2005 where they chanted and held giant strategic banners of Santo Subito. Father Eric Hodgens who wrote the scathing JP2 article in the quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia is a retired old priest which means he is not one of those young Catholic fanatics “WYD JP2 Generation” who go around the world every two or 3 years chanting “JP2 we love you”. Father Hodgens wrote that John Paul II had a "lust for power . . . taken to monumental proportions." He was “out of touch in Scripture and limited in theology, a bad listener and rock solid is his self-assessment as God’s chosen man of destiny”. His whole life had been spent in the persecuted Church of Poland with its fortress Church mentality frozen in time … John Paul’s lust for power showed very early and was taken to monumental proportions. Accountable to nobody, John Paul moved against any opinion other than his own and removed many exponents of alternative opinions from teaching and publishing…He reinforced a distorted devotion to Mary based on fundamentalist theology and introduced peculiar devotions such as Sr. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Devotion which undercuts Easter-- the climax of our liturgical year.” (Note that John Paul II died on the eve of Divine Mercy and will be beatified on the Sunday of Divine Mercy) “A more grievous abuse of power by John Paul II was his appointment of bishops,” Father Hodgens added. “Appointees were to be clerical, compliant and in total agreement with his personal opinions. Many are from the ranks of Opus Dei-- reactionary, authoritarian and decidedly not creative.” Read more of his text below and our related articles on Opus Dei. Australia’s Cardinal George Pell immediately hit back Father Hodgens by sarcastically quipping, “Pope John Paul provokes a special hostility, allegedly an abuser of power, out of touch in scripture, limited in theology, a bad listener…It is a surprise that anyone came to his funeral.” Obviously, Cardinal Pell measures John Paul II's greatness by the number of people who attended his funeral. Well, we got news for Cardinal Pell, read on below. First, we'd like to point out that the Australian newspaper is part of the JP2 Opus Dei media empire and how. Note that they branded (the happily retired priest with no criminal record) Father Hodgens as “a radical Catholic priest” with the headline “Unholy war as George Pell pelts priest”. The one-liner headline already instantly summarizes the whole article. The title is the main message. The title is the main strategy as it is always the subliminal needle shot to readers (like a tranquilizer needle shot) which John L. Allen Jr. craftily employs as the Pied Piper of the Vatican in his headlines in All Things Catholic as he makes fanatic Catholics feel good about John Paul II and Benedict XVI inspite of their crimes in the cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army Likewise, here the Australian newspaper immediately brands it as an “unholy war” because it is a major epic article against the giant John Paul II the Great. They give the adjective that defines it “unholy” war to discredit instantly everything that Father Hodgens has written. This meant that Father Hodgens is unholy and not a holy priest who is staging an “unholy” war. “Holiness” is the main reason why the Opus Dei is beatifying John Paul II read their reasons here Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome That word ‘”unholy” gives away the golden standard of the Opus Dei World Domination Agenda clue right away. In the same title, the Australian newspaper gives the winning edge to Cardinal Pell with a needle short word that said “Pell pelts priest” meaning the Cardinal hits the “radical priest” and thus the readers are immediately brainwashed and feel condescending toward the priest and they see that Cardinal Pell is the conqueror. How clever, “Cardinal Pell pelts priest”. We exposed John L. Allen Jr. similar strategy in our related articles here The underlying identical Opus Dei sarcasm is evident in every title which should be the reader’s clue of Opus Dei Media Empire. Cardinal Pell went further to belittle Father Hodgens by saying that both John Paul II and Benedict XVI were "professional academics with a record of scholarly and popular publications rarely if ever equalled by any Australian priest." By this statement, Cardinal Pell is warning all Australian priests that they are not qualified to criticize John Paul II and Benedict XVI and they might as well all shut up for they are nothing but simpleton priests. This comparison by Cardinal Pell is the Opus Dei brand of academia as only the highly educated from universities and wealthiest are qualified to be members of the elite numeraries and supernumeraries and only Opus Dei priests are qualified to speak and praise John Paul II as they have done last April 1, 2011 at their Pontifical university of the Holy Cross in Rome. Read our related article John Paul II's official spokesman Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls reveals the true reasons why there's the Pope and the Pedophile Scandal Prayer to John Paul II: the saint of pedophiles and pederasts, rapists and abusers of children Our related article Mexico mounts worldwide campaign against John Paul II's beatification Why is it that every time someone criticize John Paul II or the Pope they are either silenced like the Jesuit Jon Sobrino or branded as “radical priests” like Father Hodgens? When 12 European theologians wrote their 7 points Call for Clarity to Benedict XVI in 2005 because he declared to waive the 5 year waiting period for the canonization cause of JP2, they were branded as “dissident theologians” by John L. Allen Jr. read our related article John Paul II oppressed Ignacio Ellacuria & caused his martyrdom This proves that the Vatican and the Pope is a totalitarian regime and there is no freedom of speech whatsoever in the Catholic Church. Read Jon Sobrino’s paragraph in his book Martyrs of El Salvador that cost him Cardinal Ratzinger’s final condemnation for his books and “silenced” him for life meaning that he is forbidden to teach in all Catholic schools and speak in all Catholic venues -- while Father Marcial Maciel the serial pedophile rapist was free to preach and travel with his beloved companion John Paul II around the world read our related article Beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel together in their journeys to Guadalupe: Both were great founders and great deceivers alike Perhaps Father Hodgens waited until he retired to speak out against John Paul II so as not to suffer the same fate as Jon Sobrino. But his timing is ripe because he is speaking out on the eve of the beatification of John Paul II where there is a massive strategic publicity to crown John Paul II as the greatest Catholic Pope and the greatest Catholic saint of all times whose writings and speeches must be – cited blindly – by all priests and Catholics because John Paul II is the new All Things Catholic one-stop Walmart Pope. And to finally prove that The Australian is part of the Opus Dei World Domination media Empire, it barely cited the words of Father Hodgens and instead heavily quoted Cardinal Pell’s statements. Well, as Cardinal Pell pelts Father Hodgens nearby, we would like to pelt Pell from North America with this ballistic number that 9 million people (or estimated 12 million) attended the Ayatollah Khomeini’s funeral in Tehran on June 3, 1989. This means that the Ayatollah Khomeini had 5 million people more than Pope John Paul II’s funeral on April 7, 2005. That’s more than double the 4 million people who were chanting Santo Subito and therefore, by Benedict XVI’s standard for the hasty beatification of John Paul II, the Ayatollah Khomeini should be a saint twice over John Paul II. So Cardinal Pell, numbers or millions of people can be wrong, and most of them have been wrong, as history has proven. Wake up, Cardinal Pell, how many really attended the funeral of Jesus Christ? How many attended the funeral of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, who had to carry Jesus for 9 months to full term before giving birth to him while you Cardinals, Popes, Bishops and priests can re-incarnate instantly Jesus’ flesh and blood in 9-seconds in the transubstantiation of the Eucharist which is the ultimate feel good Harry Potter magic of God!!! Read our related article Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood, 15,000 priests in Rome Are you, Cardinal Pell and your all-male hierarchy of priests more powerful than Mary, the purest creature God has ever created, considering that you are all born sinners and cohort of the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army who are an inherent all-male hierarchy born out of the Devil’s Bowels? Read our article The Devil’s Bowels smell like roses at the Vatican and The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels Are you, Cardinal Pell more holy than others because you celebrate the Mass in Latin? Read our related article Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot be the “official language” of the Vatican. Why must the Vatican Bank be above all banks? The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI they both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell Cardinal Pell, here is a list of the 8 largest funerals in history. Should they all be beatified and canonized as well like John Paul II because there were as many or even more millions people who attended and adulated these men and women? 1) C. N. Annadurai, 1969 a former Chief Minister of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu,15 Million 2) Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran on June 3, 1989, 9 Million (other estimate 12 million). A Tie for Third Place, 4 million 3) John Paul II in Rome on April 7 2005, 4 Million. (estimate 2 – 4 million) 4) Singer Umm Kulthum in Cairo, Egypt February 5, 1975, 4 Million 5) Egyptian President Nasser in Cairo on October 1, 1970 was also estimated at 4 Million 6) Diana, Princess of Wales at Westminster Abbey in London on September 6, 1997, 3 Million (2.5 billion watch it on TV) 7) Victor Hugo (the writer) June 1.1885, 2-3 Million 8) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi January 1948 over 2 Million Only about 300,000 attended/viewed JFK About 1 Million attended Chairman Mao They are unsure on Stalin because his erupted into chaos and The beatification of John Paul II will be celebrated with a 3-day festivity organized by the Opus Dei which is a copycat of the canonization of their founder St. Josemaria Escriva. The prophecy of Fatima will come true about the total demise of the Vatican because from now on, the biggest lie of a “Blessed” John Paul II will be be chanted by innocent children who are like the blood of Abel crying to Heaven from all the hundreds of thousands of little boys and girls who were victims of the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportion committed by the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army and Mary is like Rachel weeping and wailing for her children whom John Paul II the Great freely gave to his army to slaughter in the Vatican house of Sodomy. Read our article Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same Navarro-Valls in New York Times interview: A psychiatrist with a penchant for media manipulation. Two open letters sent to Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls Paris Arrow saw the vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone around JP2's papal neck until it broke and he cast him into a raging sea fo fire because he refused to address the priest pedophilia in Boston, only an hour flight away
The young John Paul II when he had all the chance to do something to stop the pathological lies of his "John Paul II the Great" papacy and speak up against pedophile priests like his beloved Father Marcial Maciel. Alas, he preferred to be like the Levite priest in the Good Samaritan Parable of Jesus and he looked the other way and preoccupied only with his narcissistic writings and saint-factory at the Vatican. Holy Heist! John Paul II WYD had no role with Arab youths who liberated Egypt from Mubarak who stole then deposited billions into Vatican Swiss Banks JOIN the protest signed by signatories worldwide here Here is an excerpt: Among the circumstances that concern us is the unseemly pressure of “popular demand” for this beatification as manifested by the slogan “Santo Subito!”—“Saint Immediately!” It is precisely in order to avoid the influence of ephemeral popular sentiment, and to allow the perspective of a sober historical judgment to form, that the law of the Church wisely prescribes a five-year waiting period before a process for beatification can even begin. Yet in this case that prudent waiting period has been dispensed with. Thus a process that should barely have commenced by now is already nearly at an end, as if to provide immediate gratification of the popular will, even if that is not the intention. Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 rapists-priests - John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei --- The Vatican Trinity: Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of JP2 and therefore Opus Dei was most responsible for the cover-up and aiding and abetting the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II
The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radio
Unholy war as George Pell pelts priest The Australian AUSTRALIA'S Cardinal George Pell has hit back at a radical Catholic priest who branded the church's bishops "low on creativity, leadership, education and even intelligence". On the eve of Holy Week, Australia's Catholic priests are witness to a major row unfolding in The Swag, the magazine of the National Council of Priests. It began in January when retired Melbourne priest Eric Hodgens wrote an article in which he slammed the direction of the church under the Pope as a "reversal" of the second Vatican Council of the 1960s. The article, which drew letters from priests around Australia, shocked many Catholics. Father Hodgens claimed former pope John Paul II, who will be beatified next month, had a "lust for power . . . taken to monumental proportions". The Polish pontiff, he said, had re-emphasised "devotion to the static Real Presence" and "reinforced a distorted devotion to Mary". Father Hodgens said his generation had "changed from being priests called and consecrated by God to being presbyters called and ordained by the church - the people of God." He decried church teachings about papal infallibility, confession, priestly celibacy, contraception and homosexuality. "Why can't women be leaders in the church . . . Why alienate remarried divorcees . . . Why this salacious preoccupation with sexual mores?" Cardinal Pell said Father Hodgens's arguments had moved "beyond the limits of orthodox Catholicism". "We find no evidence in Eric's article that the Catholic Church is the recipient of divine revelation," the cardinal wrote. "In my view, Eric's prescriptions are a significant cause of our problems. His solutions were put into practice after the (Vatican) Council, to some degree in Australia, but especially in Belgium, Holland and French-speaking Canada. They emptied the churches there." Cardinal Pell said "in an astonishing example of provincial arrogance", Father Hodgens had claimed some of the more intelligent, better educated bishops were corrupt and had sold their souls for advancement. "Methinks he protests too much," he said. "Pope John Paul provokes a special hostility, allegedly an abuser of power, out of touch in scripture, limited in theology, a bad listener," Cardinal Pell said. "It is a surprise that anyone came to his funeral. In particular, he is denounced for emasculating the leadership of the church." He said both John Paul II and Benedict XVI were "professional academics with a record of scholarly and popular publications rarely if ever equalled by any Australian priest." They were not hostile to intelligence, education or competence as claimed. Both had "striven to appoint bishops who would defend the apostolic tradition and strive to implement policies that would strengthen the Catholic position, not white-ant it". |
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