Abuse Tracker 2010
Part 5: September to October 2010
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
September 2010
September 1
- Former Altar Boy Describes Aftermath of Alleged Abuse by Eureka Priest, by Guy Kovner, Press Democrat (September 1, 2010)
- A Mother's Tale of Truth and Suffering, by Sam Landsberger, Dandenong Leader (September 1, 2010)
- New Catholic Abuse Guidelines 'Are Only a First Step', in Der Spiegel (September 1, 2010)
- $2.3m Reno for Catholic Glebe House in Halifax, on CBC News (September 1, 2010)
- Centreville Man Accused of Child Sex Crimes Arrested in Poland, by Gregg Macdonald, Fairfax Times (September 1, 2010)
- Family Sues Church, Pastor for Allegedly Harboring a Pedophile, by Jon Brines, Auburn Journal (September 1, 2010)
- Grand Jury Returns 20-Count Indictment against Youth Pastor, by Jon Hutchinson, Verde Independent (September 1, 2010)
- Belgian Abuse Report 'Defames Cardinal', in Sydney Morning Herald (September 1, 2010)
- Vatican to Decide on Pope's Visit to Abuse Victims, in Punch (September 1, 2010)
- Vatican Official Seeks 'Closure' on Abuse, by Claudia Calleja, Times of Malta (September 1, 2010)
- Danneels Tapes 3: the Lesson, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (September 1, 2010)
- Danneels Tapes 2: Mea Culpa, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (September 1, 2010)
- Vaticaan Beslist over Ontmoeting Paus - Misbruikslachtoffers, by Vincent Nichols, Rknieuws (September 1, 2010)
- Karaktermoord Op Kardinaal Danneels, in Metro Times (September 1, 2010)
- Advocaat Danneels: " Dit Is Karaktermoord", in Deredactie (September 1, 2010)
- Besluit Van De Minister Van Justitie En De Minister Voor Jeugd En Gezin Van 16 Augustus 2010, Nr., in Staatscourant (September 1, 2010)
- German Catholic Church to Crack down on Sexual Abuse, in Deutsche Welle (September 1, 2010)
- Priest Sent Forward for Trial on Galway Sex Assault Charges, in Galway Bay Fm (September 1, 2010)
- Court Dismisses Fraud Claim against New Ulm Diocese, in Post-Bulletin (September 1, 2010)
- Attorney Shares Story of Sex Abuse by Priest Old Tiles Unleash a Flood of Memories, by Kathleen Lavey, Detroit Free Press (September 1, 2010)
- Boycotting the Mass, by Megan Sweas, U.S. Catholic (September 1, 2010)
- Put up or Shut Up!, in Nuchem Is Right (September 1, 2010)
- Que. Man Alleges Sexual Abuse at School for the Deaf, in Montreal Gazette (September 1, 2010)
- Montreal Religious Order Faces Potential Sex Abuse Class Action Lawsuit, by Shuyee Lee, Cjad (September 1, 2010)
- Child Rapist Appeals Ruling on Plea Deal, by, Wjz (September 1, 2010)
- No Comment on When Church Probe Will Reach a Conclusion, by Claudia Calleja, Times of Malta (September 1, 2010)
- Der Kummer Von Belgien, in Vatican Magazine DEUTSCHLAND (September 1, 2010)
- Church Latest Victim of Ach Fraud, by Linda McGlasson, Bank Info Security (September 1, 2010)
- Claudy Bombing: Catholic Church 'More Interested in Making Excuses', by Emily Moulton, Belfast Telegraph (September 1, 2010)
- Cardinal's Lawyer Gives Context to Leaked Tapes, in National Catholic Reporter (September 1, 2010)
- Disclosure Released in Assault Case, by Tracey Tong, Metro (September 1, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Group Blasts 'Near-Certain' Upcoming Meeting by Pope W/ Victims, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2010)
- A " Most Wanted" Molester Is Caught; Bishop Should Do Outreach, SNAP Says, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2010)
- Stunning 68 Page New Report on Crimes at Overseas Mission Is Released, by Kari Mikitson, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2010)
- Key Findings in the New Report on Abuse at " Fanda," the New Tribes Mission School in Senegal - Aug 2010, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2010)
- Michigan Clergy Sex Victim Speaks Out; SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2010)
- Danneels Ontkent Nog Maar Eens Dat Hij Fout Handelde, in De Morgen (September 1, 2010)
- Commissie-Adriaenssens Krijgt Opvolger, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 1, 2010)
- Belgian Newspaper Defamed Cardinal Danneels, Lawyer Charges, in Catholic Culture (September 1, 2010)
- Protestors Demand Fairfield U. Aid Haitian Sex-Abuse Victims, by Genevieve Reilly, Westport News (September 1, 2010)
- De Kardinaal Antwoordt, by Fernand Keuleneer, De Standaard (September 1, 2010)
- Naschrift, by Bart Sturtewagen, De Standaard (September 1, 2010)
- Kerk Zal Vangheluwe Niet Vervolgen, in De Standaard (September 1, 2010)
- " What the Pope Knew" Reported by Cnn's Gary Tuchman, in Webwire (September 1, 2010)
- Cardinal, Who Mediated in Belgian Abuse Case, Says He Was Misled, by Doreen Carvajal, New York Times (September 1, 2010)
- German Church to Require Police Checks for Those Working with Youths, in Catholic News Service (September 1, 2010)
- German Bishops Issue New Guidelines on Reporting Sexual Abuse, in Rome Reports (September 2, 2010)
- Jane Doe 43c V. Diocese of New Ulm, in Leagle (September 1, 2010)
September 2
- Sex Allegations Shock Kerala Church, by Shibu Kalaparamban, Cathnews (September 2, 2010)
- Church Abuse Scandal Flares up As Victim Releases Tapes, in L'Anglophone (September 2, 2010)
- Grand Jury Indicts Youth Pastor on Child Molestation Charges, by James King, Phoenix New Times (September 2, 2010)
- Cardinal Danneels' Lawyer: Media Coverage of Abuse Victim Meeting Was Character Assassination, in Catholic News Agency (September 2, 2010)
- Cardinal Has 'Moved On' from Resignation Talk, in Irish Examiner (September 2, 2010)
- Church Supports White Balloon Day, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 2, 2010)
- Irish Cardinal Will Not Resign after Scandals, He Says, by Nic Robertson, Cnn (September 2, 2010)
- Priest Jailed for Abusing Sisters, in Irish Times (September 2, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Priest Jailed for 4 Years, in Utv (September 2, 2010)
- Kardinaal Simonis Moet Getuigen, in Nos (September 2, 2010)
- Getuigenis Kardinaal Simonis Geeist in Misbruikzaak, in Hrc Handelsblad (September 2, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Wil Bisschoppen Ernst En Van Den Hende Als Getuige, in Bn Destem (September 2, 2010)
- Judge Dismisses 'With Prejudice' Sex Abuse Charges against Catholic Priest, in Catholic News Agency (September 2, 2010)
- Priest Jailed for Abusing Three Sisters, on RTE News (September 2, 2010)
- Abusing Priest Fr Eugene Lewis Jailed for Four Years, on BBC News (September 2, 2010)
- Slachtoffer: 'Danneels Wou Niet Luisteren', in De Standaard (September 2, 2010)
- De Communicatie Voorbij, in De Sandaard (September 2, 2010)
- De Onmacht Van De Kardinaal, in De Standaard (September 2, 2010)
- Wat De Kardinaal Zegt, Is Gelogen, by Werner Rommers, Het Nieuwsblad (September 2, 2010)
- Judge Tosses Sex Abuse Case against Priest, by David Hedges, Times Record (September 2, 2010)
- Lawyer Wants Dutch Cardinal's Evidence on Sex Abuse, by Harro ten Wolde, Reuters (September 2, 2010)
- Judge Dismisses Sex Abuse Charges, in News and Sentinel (September 2, 2010)
- Sanford's New Tribes Mission Faces Sex-abuse Allegations from 1980s, by Amy L. Edwards, Orlando Sentinel (September 2, 2010)
- The Trouble with the Pope - a Documentary, in GLT News (September 2, 2010)
- Danneels Had Maar Een Zorg, by Jan Peeters, Katholiek Nieuwsblad (September 2, 2010)
- Getuigenis Simonis Geeist in Misbruikzaak, in Katholiek Nederland (September 2, 2010)
- Eis Getuigenis Simonis in Misbruikzaak Kerk, in Brabants Dagblad (September 2, 2010)
- Getuigenis Kardinaal Simonis Geeist in Misbruikzaak, in HRC Handelsblad (September 2, 2010)
- Retired Priest Arrested for Indecent Exposure, on WOAI (September 2, 2010)
- Deetman Geschokt Door Meldingen Misbruik, by Ben Tramper, Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 2, 2010)
- Slachtoffer: 'Danneels Wou Niet Luisteren', in De Standaard (September 2, 2010)
- Pennsylvania Bishop Bennison Should Have the Wisdom to Resign, Bonnie Anderson Says, in Episcopal Life (September 2, 2010)
- New Tribes Mission Faces Abuse Allegations, in Wesh (September 2, 2010)
- Dublin's Archbishop Martin Has Not Discussed Resignations with Pope, in Catholic Culture (September 2, 2010)
- Bisdom Breda Zwijgt over Seksueel Misbruik Door Pater., in Breda Journal (September 2, 2010)
- The Irish Times 'Papal Talks' Story Unfounded, by Garry O'Sullivan, Irish Catholic (September 2, 2010)
September 3
- Bishop Olmsted Says 'Divisive' Attempted Ordination of Woman Harms Church, in Catholic News Agency (September 3, 2010)
- Seymour Priest Denies Sexually Abusing Boys, by Quannah Leonard, Waterbury Recpublican-American (September 3, 2010)
- 1st Suit Accusing Ex-Priest Is Settled, by Robert King, Indianapolis Star (September 3, 2010)
- Former Point Breeze Priest Charged with Sex Assault, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (September 3, 2010)
- Priest Faces Sex Abuse Count in Virginia, by Tony Larussa, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (September 3, 2010)
- Former Fairbanks Pastor Seeks Trial, by Chris Freiberg, News-Miner (September 3, 2010)
- Lawsuit: Rev. Trammell Paid for Sex, by Holly Samuels, Wdtn (September 3, 2010)
- Brooklyn Patrol Shot, in by Reuven Blau (September 3, 2010)
- " Why They Are Attacking Me." Autobiography of a Pontificate, in Chiesa (September 3, 2010)
- Cupich Faces Dwindling Diocese Fund; Churches at Risk in Spokane, by John Stucke, Rapid City Journal (September 3, 2010)
- Capacity Crowd for Protest the Pope Debate, in National Secular Society (September 3, 2010)
- Indianapolis Archdiocese Settles Sex Abuse Suit Involving Former Priest with Other Allegations, in The Republic (September 3, 2010)
- Retired Anglican Archbishop Defends 'heroic' Irish Catholic Priests, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (September 3, 2010)
- Priest Sex Abuse Extradition Hearing Delayed, by Justin Berton, San Francisco Chronicle (September 3, 2010)
- Adult Conspiracy to Silence Abused Children a Perversion of Justice, by Chris Goddard, The Australian (September 4, 2010)
- Four Questions about the Pope's Trip to the UK, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 3, 2010)
- Bishop Writes Local Parishioners about Priest, in KDKA (September 3, 2010)
- Former East Tennessee Priest Faces More Abuse Charges, in WBIR (September 3, 2010)
- Het Zwijggeld Van Vangheluwe: Ook Vanuit Westvleteren Betaalt En Bedreigt Hij Een Slachtoffer, in Humo (September 3, 2010)
- Former Priest Posts Bond after Arrest in Sullivan County, in TriCities (September 3, 2010)
- Priest Linked to Abusing Jeffersonville Man Indicted in Tennessee, in The Courier-Journal (September 3, 2010)
- SNAP Wants Probe into Amish for Hiding Child Sex Crimes, in KMOX (September 3, 2010)
- Zaak-vangheluwe: "Betaalde Een Slachtoffer Zwijggeld Vanuit Westvleteren", in Metro Times (September 3, 2010)
September 4
- LAWRENCE | Priest arrested on Texas charges, in Kansas City Star (September 4, 2010)
- Ex-coach Pleads Guilty to Molesting Boys, by Jeremy Pawloski, The Olympian (September 4, 2010)
- I'm Registered Where?, in Iceland Review (September 4, 2010)
- Amish Community in Spotlight after Punishing Accused Pedophile without Reporting Crime to Law Enforcement, by Kathleen Berger, KSDK (September 4, 2010)
- Local Businessman and Church Leader Arrested for Sex with Teens, by Marc Keinath, WHIO (September 4, 2010)
- Paedophilia Cases Which Shocked the World, in Gulf Times (September 4, 2010)
- Uk's Archbishop Vincent Nichols Welcomes "historic" Papal Visit, in Reuters (September 4, 2010)
- Priest Sues Diocesan, College Officials for Libel, by Richard Gazarik, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (September 4, 2010)
- Groenen Willen Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie Naar Pedofilieschandalen, in RKnieuws (September 4, 2010)
- Rik Deville Wil Geen Nieuwe "Commissie-adriaenssens", in De Standaard (September 4, 2010)
- An Open Letter in German to Josef Ratzinger, by Mit Gottes Segen, Shatter the Silence (September 4, 2010)
- Verdachte Pastoor Vertrekt Met Stille Trom, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 4, 2010)
- Does Jewish Law Encourage Child Sexual Abuse?, in Failed Messiah (September 4, 2010)
- St. Vincent College Priest-professor Says School Defamed Him, by Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (September 4, 2010)
- Further Inquiry Urged in Amish Sex Case, by Brent Engel, Hannibal Courier-Post (September 4, 2010)
- Marshals in Lawrence, Kan., Arrest Texas Priest, Associated Press, Dallas Morning News (September 4, 2010)
- Priest Arrested in Area Sex Case, by Abe Levy, San Antonio Express-News (September 4, 2010)
September 5
- Amputate to Heal, in Times of Malta (September 5, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Alleged at Helena Orphanage in 1940s, by Michael Moore, Helena Independent Record (September 5, 2010)
- Ex-omaha Priest Held in Kansas, by Leia Mendoza, The World-Herald (September 5, 2010)
- Government's Role in Policing Church, by Teri Finneman, Dickinson Press (September 5, 2010)
- Pope "May Meet Sex Abuse Victims", in Liverpool Echo (September 5, 2010)
- Nam Roger Vangheluwe Deel Aan Boetprocessie?, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 5, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Nam Niet Deel Aan Boeteprocessie", in Knack (September 5, 2010)
- SNAP Director Criticizes Jesuit University, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 5, 2010)
- Arrested Former Priest Served Briefly in Kansas, by Shaun Hittle, Lawrence Journal-World (September 5, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Betaalde Een Slachtoffer Zwijggeld Vanuit Abdij, in focus (September 5, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Betaalt Zwijggeld Vanuit Abdij Westvleteren", by Cedric Lagast, Het Nieuwsblad (September 5, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Scheldt Vanuit Westvleteren Slachtoffer Van Pedopriester De Huid Vol", in HLN (September 5, 2010)
- "Brugse Ex-bisschop Betaalde Vrouw Zwijggeld", in Brabants Dagblad (September 4, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Betaalde Een Slachtoffer Zwijggeld Vanuit Westvleteren, on HLN (September 5, 2010)
- Pope Likely to Meet Abuse Victims, Archbishop Indicates, on CNN (September 5, 2010)
- Archbishop Says UK Taxpayer Should Help Fund Pope Visit, on BBC News (September 5, 2010)
- Public Believes Taxpayers Should Not Fund Papal Visit, by Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Telegraph (September 5, 2010)
- Pope Bids to Defuse Clerical Abuse Row by Meeting Victims on Visit to Britain, by Jonathan Petre and Nick Pisa, Daily Mail (September 5, 2010)
- Pope Might Meet Abuse Victims during Britain Visit, in Earth Times (September 5, 2010)
- Federal Agents Arrest Fugitive, in Lawrence Journal-World (September 5, 2010)
- Naar Een Kerkelijk Tweesporenbeleid, in RKnieuws (September 5, 2010)
- I Will Not Say Sorry, in Belfast Telegraph (September 5, 2010)
- Female Catholic Priests, Again, in GetReligion (September 5, 2010)
- Pope Should Resign, Says O'connor, by Riazat Butt, The Guardian (September 5, 2010)
- U.k Archbishop Says BBC Is "Biased", in UPI (September 5, 2010)
- Catholic Church Accuses BBC of "Anti-christian" Bias, by Heidi Blake, The Telegraph (September 5, 2010)
- Will We Be Converted by the Pope's Visit?, by Cristina Odone, The Telegraph (September 5, 2010)
- Cross Purposes: Questions Remain over How the Pope Will Be Recieved in Scotland, by Dani Garavelli, The Scotsman (September 5, 2010)
- Wereldomroep Stuurt Slachtoffers Misbruik Brief, in de Volkskrant (September 5, 2010)
- Statement Outlines Aim of Priests" Association, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 5, 2010)
September 6
- Former Knox Priest Casey to Face Further Charges of Child Molestation, by Nash Armstrong, Knoxville News Sentinel (September 5, 2010)
- Healesville Priest: `there's a Long Way to Go", by Alex Munro, Lilydale and Varra Valley Leader (September 6, 2010)
- Seeking New Paths through the Abuse Maze, in CathNews (September 6, 2010)
- Fr Anthony Paganoni Cs: a Deafening Catholic Silence, in The Record (September 6, 2010)
- This Papal Visit Is Hardly in the National Interest, by Sam Leith, London Evening Standard (September 6, 2010)
- How the Church Covered up for Father Kevin O'donnell - until Broken Rites Helped the Victims, in Broken Rites (September 6, 2010)
- The Catholic Church Is in Crisis, but It Is Still Able to Influence and Inspire, by Madeleine Bunting, The Guardian (September 6, 2010)
- Judge to Decide If Priest Fit for Trial, in WA Today (September 6, 2010)
- Victims of Sex Abuse Say There's "Unfinished Business", on WVLT (September 6, 2010)
- Het Zwijggeld Van Roger Vangheluwe: Ook Vanuit Westvleteren Betaalt En Bedreigt Hij Een Slachtoffer, in The Humo (September 6, 2010)
- Dichter Bij De Waarheid, in De Standaard (September 6, 2010)
- Pope to Meet Abuse Victims but Sinead O'connor Demands He Resign, by Patrick Cooper, Irish Central (September 6, 2010)
- Security Plans for Pope Visit to Birmingham Given to Police, in Birmingham Mail (September 6, 2010)
- BBC Branded Anti-religion, by Paul Gilbride, The Express (September 6, 2010)
- Priest Forced Siblings to Abuse Each Other, by Ali Bracken, Sunday Tribune (September 6, 2010)
- Cardinal Facing Increasing Unrest in Chicago-area Parishes -- from Those in Pews and Pulpits, in Chicago Catholic News (September 6, 2010)
- Church Members Did Nothing to Stop Evangelist's Abuse, Victims Say, on 4029TV (September 6, 2010)
- Lawsuit Targets Alamo Followers, in Texarkana Gazette (September 6, 2010)
- Alamo Case to Go before Federal Appeals Court, on KATV (September 6, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Tegen Slachtoffer: "Jij Bent Behekst!", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 6, 2010)
- Parket Weet Niets Van Misbruik Door Brugs Priester, in De Morgen (September 6, 2010)
- Surviving the High Holidays: Jewish Survivors of Incest and Childhood Sexual Abuse, in Awareness Center (September 6, 2010)
- Forgiveness and the Jewish High Holy Days, by Marcia Cohn Spiegel, Awareness Center (September 6, 2010)
- Archbishop of Southwark to Meet Anti-pope Protesters, by Paul Lewis, The Guardian (September 6, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Support Group Talks about Former Chattanooga Priest Arrested on Rape Charges, on WDEF (September 6, 2010)
- Truth and Suffering, by Sam Landsberger, Pakenham Cardinia Leader (September 6, 2010)
- Investigator: Church Needs to Clean House--badly, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 6, 2010)
- Priest Arrested on Sex Abuse Charges, by James Munoz, KENS 5 (September 6, 2010)
- Boston Archdiocese Announces Last Mass at Parish, by Associated Press, carried on Boston Herlad (September 6, 2010)
- Bishop Dooher Presides at the Final Mass at Star of the Sea, Squantum, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (September 6, 2010)
September 7
- Children Moved from Johannesburg Church, in IOL (September 7, 2010)
- Vlaamse Priesters Willen Knieval Van Danneels, in Nederlands Dagblad (September 7, 2010)
- Leader of Victims of Pedophile Clergymen Meets Pope's Envoy, by Lanai Vasek, The Australian (September 7, 2010)
- "Naar De Hel Commissie Adriaenssens-2", in Wereld Morgen (September 7, 2010)
- Priesters Aan Danneels: "U Toont Nergens Empathie Met Slachtoffer", in HBVL (September 7, 2010)
- West-vlaamse Priesters Schrijven Open Brief Aan Kardinaal Danneels, in The Standaard (September 7, 2010)
- 'Opzienbarend Boek over Seksueel Misbruik Binnen De Kerk', in RKnieuws (September 7, 2010)
- New Jersey Abuse Survivors Group Asks Newark Roman Catholic Archbishop to Release Names of Church's Child Molesters, by Michaelangelo Conte, The Journa (September 7, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Is Hit Op T-shirt, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 7, 2010)
- Neemt En Eet, Dit Is Mijn Lichaam, in Moon Art Gallery (September 7, 2010)
- Commissioned Ministry for Healing and Healthy Environments, by Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (September 7, 2010)
- Mijnheer De Kardinaal, Zo Kennen Wij U Niet, in The Morgen (September 7, 2010)
- Open Vld Dringt Aan Op Samenroeping Kamercommissie Justitie, in The Politics (September 7, 2010)
- Open Brief Aan Kardinaal Danneels: "Durf Toe Te Geven", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 7, 2010)
- Church Property Sales Begin in Sex Lawsuit, in Metro News (September 7, 2010)
- Expect Papal Meeting with UK Sexual Abuse Victims — Patten, in Reuters (September 7, 2010)
- Danneels: " Vangheluwe Heeft Mij in De Val Gelokt", in HBVL (September 7, 2010)
- Kardinaal Danneels Erkent Fouten, in De Stentor (September 8, 2010)
- Danneels Erkent Dat Hij Ontslag Vangheluwe Had Moeten Eisen, in De Standaard (September 8, 2010)
- Danneels Geeft Fouten Toe, in De Morgen (September 8, 2010)
- Bisschop De Kesel Spreekt Openhartig over Moeilijkste Maanden in Zijn Carrière, in KW (September 8, 2010)
- Brugse Bisschop De Kesel Vindt Dat De Kerk Mea Culpa Moet Slaan, in The Knack (September 8, 2010)
- Grace Report Vindicates Missionary Kids, in Stop Baptist Predators (September 8, 2010)
- Redcar Vicar Denies Trying to Rape Girl, on BBC News (September 8, 2010)
- Rape Trial Is under Way for Teesside Vicar, in Evening Gazette (September 8, 2010)
- Jeffs Scheduled for Extradition Hearing, in Houston Chronicle (September 8, 2010)
- Catholic Church Misogynist and Homophobic, Says Reform Group, in The Telegraph (September 8, 2010)
- Belgian Cardinal Says He Should've Asked Bishop to Resign, in The Expatica (September 8, 2010)
- Belgian Cardinal Admits to Mistakes in Church Abuse Scandal, in Earth Times (September 8, 2010)
- Did Catholic College Wrongly Accuse Priest of Downloading Child Porn?, by Kilian Melloy, Edge Boston (September 8, 2010)
- Pope to Meet with Abuse Victims in U.k., in Wall Street Journal (September 8, 2010)
- Torfs Roept Vangheluwe Op Stap Te Zetten, in The Knack (September 8, 2010)
- De Biecht Van Danneels, in The Knack (September 8, 2010)
- Ex-Priest Tells Judge He Thought Texas Officials Had Dropped Charges Alleging Sex Crimes against Children, by George Diepenbrock, Lawrence Journal-World (September 8, 2010)
- Kardinaal Slaat Mea Culpa, in De Standaard (September 8, 2010)
- Danneels in Knack : " Ik Had Het Ontslag Van Vangheluwe Moeten Eisen", in The Focus-Wtv (September 8, 2010)
- Kardinaal Danneels: " Ik Heb Een Fout Gemaakt", in HBVL (September 8, 2010)
- Peter Adriaenssens Publiceert Eindrapport, in HBVL (September 8, 2010)
- Los Secretos Del Imperio Financiero Que Controla El Sacerdote Fernando Karadima, in The Ciper (September 8, 2010)
- " Cisma" En LA Unión Sacerdotal Controlada Por Karadima, in The Ciper (September 8, 2010)
- Vatican Accused of Being 'Rogue State' over Abuse Inaction, in Irish Times (September 8, 2010)
- 'Man of Sacristy' Walks in Shadow of John Paul II, in Irish Times (September 8, 2010)
September 8
- Priest Talks of Protecting Children, in Vernone Morning Star (September 8, 2010)
- The Pope: Witness for the Prosecution, in The Independent (September 8, 2010)
- Belgian Cardinal Admits Mistakes in Sex Abuse Case, by Philip Blenkinsop, Reuters (September 8, 2010)
- Former Ccd Teacher Accused of Molesting 15-Year-Old Student, by Mike Agogliati, Register Citizen (September 8, 2010)
- Ascension Sends Petition to Cardinal George, in Wednesday Journal (September 8, 2010)
- Ex-Head of Belgian Catholic Church: 'All Too Often' Damage Control Key in Discussing Abuse, Associated Press (September 8, 2010)
- Schoolgirl Tells Jury That Vicar Tried to Rape Her, in Northern Echo (September 8, 2010)
- Bishops Lead National Child Protection Push, by Anthony Barich, The Record (September 8, 2010)
- Danneels Buigt Het Hoofd, in Metro Times (September 8, 2010)
- Orthodox Jews Spotlight Sex Abuse, in Jewish Chronicle (September 8, 2010)
- An Open Letter to Cardinal Sean O'Malley, in Massachusetts Citizens for Children (September 8, 2010)
- Danneels: My Mistakes, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (September 8, 2010)
- Torfs: Vangheluwe Moet Zelf Laïcisering Aanvragen, in Katholiek Nederland (September 8, 2010)
- 'Reactie Danneels Was Persoonlijk', in The Knack (September 8, 2010)
- Le Cardinal Danneels: " J'Aurais Dû Demander LA Démission De Mgr Vangheluwe", by Christian Laporte, LA Libre (September 8, 2010)
- Pope Urges Abuse Repentance over Change, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 8, 2010)
- 900 Misbruikmeldingen; Slechts Enkele Vervolgingen, in The Kerknieuws (September 8, 2010)
- " Niet Aan Danneels Om Toekomst Kerk Vorm Te Geven", in De Redactie (September 8, 2010)
- Torfs Vraagt Vangheluwe Af Te Treden Als Priester En Bisschop, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 8, 2010)
- Biecht Van Danneels Overtuigt Allerminst, by Paul Geudens, Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 8, 2010)
- Almost 3,000 People Leave Iceland's State Church, in Iceland Review (September 8, 2010)
- The Vatican Is a Real State, by Austen Ivereigh, The Guardian (September 8, 2010)
- 'Lover Murdered Priest over Money', in The Sowetan (September 8, 2010)
- The Woman Leading the Fight against Clerical Abuse in Scotland, by Cate Devine, Herald Scotland (September 8, 2010)
- Paus Pleit Voor Berouw over Seksueel Misbruik Eerder Dan Voor Verandering Binnen Kerk, in HLN (September 8, 2010)
- Florida's Quran-Burning Pastor, by Lynn Waddell, Daily Beast (September 8, 2010)
- Peter Tatchell's Channel 4 Hatchet Job on the Pope Is So Crude That It Misses Its Target, by Damian Thompson, The Telegraph (September 8, 2010)
- Priest Convicted of Child Sex Abuse in McDowell Faces More Charges, in The Citizen-Times (September 8, 2010)
- Call to Treat Vatican As a Rogue State, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 8, 2010)
- Details Emerge on Case Involving San Antonio Archdiocese Priest, in Kens5 (September 8, 2010)
- De Danneelstapes En De Danneelsbiecht: Een Analyse, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 8, 2010)
- Interview Met Woordvoerder Danneels, in Katholiek Nederland (September 8, 2010)
- Vlaamse Kranten Lovend over 'Biecht' Danneels, in Atholiek Nederland (September 8, 2010)
- Why the Vatican's Diplomatic Immunity Days Are Numbered, by Eamonn McCann, Belfast Telegraph (September 7, 2010)
- If Only the Catholic Church Did Pr, by Ann Widdecombe , The Guardian (September 7, 2010)
- Canon Law Has Allowed Abuse Priests to Escape Punishment, Says Lawyer, by Afua Hirsch, The Guardian (September 7, 2010)
- Fairfield Turns Back on Perlitz's Victims, by Alexandria Hein, The Mirror (September 8, 2010)
- Bisschop De Kesel: "De Moeilijkste Maanden Van Mijn Carriere", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 8, 2010)
- Roger Vangheluwe Schreef Brief Naar Oud-klasgenoten, on The FOCUS-WTV (September 8, 2010)
- Belgian Cardinal Admits Sex Abuse "Errors", in The Telegraph (September 8, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse Needs Conversion, Not Radical Change, Pope Says, by Carol Glatz, National Catholic Reporter (September 8, 2010)
- Priest Gets 4 Years for Molesting St. Charles Boy, by Josh Stockinger, Chicago Daily Herald (September 8, 2010)
- Priest Who Tried to Commit Suicide Gets 4 Years for Sex Assault, in Chicago Breaking News (September 8, 2010)
- Terry Jones Accused of "Spiritual Abuse" at Cologne Church, by Yassin Musharbash and Dominik Peters, Der Spiegel (September 8, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Victims Urge Pope to Set up Data Base of Predator Priests, in SNAP (September 8, 2010)
- Belgian Cardinal Says He Should've Asked Bishop to Resign; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 7, 2010)
- Lawyer for Man Accused of Slaying Chatham Priest Says Medication Influenced Confession, by Jim Lockwood, The Star-Ledger (September 8, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Moet Voorstel Torfs Overwegen", in The Knack (September 8, 2010)
- Etienne Vermeersch: "Danneels Heeft Gebrek Aan Moreel Besef", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 8, 2010)
- The Case against Vatican Power, by Geoffrey Robertson, New Statesman (September 8, 2010)
- Cases Date Back to 1970s, in Times of Malta (September 8, 2010)
- Churches to Explore Preventing Child Sexual Abuse, in Willits News (September 8, 2010)
- Priest Misconduct Findings Not Made Public, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 9, 2010)
- Roman Catholic Church Should Be As Christ Intended It to Be, by Ken Hills, Guelph Mercury (September 8, 2010)
- Priest Pleas Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Boy, by Frank Vaisvilas, Geneva Republican (September 8, 2010)
- Cleared Once, Catholic Priest Faces New Sex Abuse Allegations, by Martin Finucane, Boston Globe (September 8, 2010)
- Retired El Paso Episcopal Priest Arrested in San Antonio for Indecent Exposure, in KVIA (September 8, 2010)
- Cleared Priest Faces New Abuse Allegations, in Boston Channel (September 8, 2010)
- "Na Danneels Moet Ook Vangheluwe Een Signaal Geven", in Metro Times (September 8, 2010)
- 'niet Onder Indruk Uitspraken Kardinaal', in RKnieuws (September 8, 2010)
- A Message for the Rockville Centre Diocese, by Judy Rattner, LI Herald (September 8, 2010)
- Johann Hari: Catholics, It's You This Pope Has Abused, in The Independent (September 8, 2010)
- Diopa Standing Committee Asks for Presiding Bishop's Help, in Episcopal Cafe (September 8, 2010)
- Ex-priest Dodges Probation Violation, on WIVB (September 8, 2010)
- Boston Archdiocese: New Accusations against Priest, on WBZ (September 8, 2010)
- Religious Group Kicked off Ave Maria Campus for "Immoral Conduct", in Naples Daily News (September 8, 2010)
- Ave Maria Shows Campus Religious Group the Door, in Ave Herald (September 8, 2010)
- Priesters Zijn Geen Betere Christenen, in De Standaard (September 9, 2010)
- "Tijd Dat Vangheluwe Abdij Van Westvleteren Verlaat", in HLN (September 8, 2010)
September 9
- Retired Priest Not Fit for Abuse Trial, in Herald Sun (September 9, 2010)
- Priest, Cleared of Past Sexual Abuse Claims, Faces New Accusations, by Martin Finucane, Boston Globe (September 9, 2010)
- Alleged Abuser Sues over Website, by Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 9, 2010)
- Ore. Abuse Case Lawyers Want to Question Cardinals, by Tim Fought, Associated Press (September 9, 2010)
- Catholic Priest Barred, in Boston Herald (September 9, 2010)
- Taking Stock, in Pacific Northwest Inlander (September 9, 2010)
- Priest Gets 4 Years for Assaulting Suburban Boy, in Chicago Tribune (September 9, 2010)
- Catholic Priest Sentenced for Sexual Assault of 8 Year-Old Boy, by, Spero News (September 9, 2010)
- Family Sues Church, Pastor for Allegedly Harboring a Pedophile, in Placer Herald (September 9, 2010)
- Peter Tatchell's Pope Documentary to Be Screened Next Week, by Jessica Geen, Pink News (September 9, 2010)
- Pope May Deserve His Critics, but Don't Take All of Them at Face Value, by Stephen King, Irish Examiner (September 9, 2010)
- Charity Founder's Son Says Father Should Be Given Life for Sex Abuse, by Aaron Vaughn, Fox 13 (September 9, 2010)
- The Polygamist Prophet: One Step Closer to a Texas Court, by Hilary Hylton, Time (September 9, 2010)
- Cardinals May Face Abuse Case Probe, on Wales Online (September 9, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Op De Vlucht, in Vandaag (September 9, 2010)
- Bisdom Brugge Vraagt Ontslag Vangheluwe, in De Morgen (September 9, 2010)
- Vangheluwe, Word Weer Leek, by Dajo Hermans, Het Nieuwsblad (September 9, 2010)
- Paters Westvleteren: 'Hij Is Nog Meer Aangeslagen Dan Anders', in Het Nieuwsblad (September 9, 2010)
- Priest Rips Cardinal's 'Silly' Move, in Chicago Sun-Times (September 9, 2010)
- Mechels Deel Operatie Kelk Is Nietig, in HBVL (September 9, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Carina Van Cauter Open Vld Vraagt Bijeenroeping Kamercommissie Justitie, in The Knack (September 9, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Dossiers En Materiaal Aartsbisdom Moeten Teruggegeven Worden, in The Knack (September 9, 2010)
- Inbeslaggenomen Dossiers Moeten Terug Naar Aartsbisdom, in The Knack (September 9, 2010)
- Kruis over Operatie Kelk, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 9, 2010)
- Lotgenotengroep Misbruik Eikenburg, in ED (September 9, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Moet Nadenken over Vraag Torfs, in De Redactie (September 9, 2010)
- Research Finds Repressed Memories Don't Exist, by Karen Berkman, ABC News (September 9, 2010)
- Our Efforts Are Working: Child Sexual Abuse Rates Are down, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News (September 9, 2010)
- U.S. Child Abuse Cases Falling, Despite Recession, in Business Week (September 9, 2010)
- Murder Accused Told Teacher He Was Being Abused, by Nigel Freedman, Argus (September 9, 2010)
- Bisschop Brugge: Vangheluwe Moet Laïcisering Overwegen, in Katholiek Nederland (September 9, 2010)
- Mgr. Leonard: 'Aandacht Nu Weer Helemaal Naar Slachtoffers', in The Kerknet (September 9, 2010)
- Dossiers Misbruik Kerk België Moeten Terug, in De Gelderlander (September 9, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Op De Vlucht, in The RKnieuws (September 9, 2010)
- Pope Benedict Should Shut up or Pay up, by Cary Gee, Tribune Magazine (September 9, 2010)
- Geoffrey Robertson's Case Is Based on Caricature and Ignorance, by Madeleine Teahan, Catholic Herald (September 9, 2010)
- Koran Burner: Creepier Than You Think, in Smoking Gun (September 9, 2010)
- Tiny Anti-pope Rally Draws Huge Police Response, by Maria Golovnina, Reuters (September 9, 2010)
- Belgian Court Bins Pedophile Evidence, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 9, 2010)
- Belgian Church Abuse Raids Ruled Illegal, on BBC News (September 9, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Bevestiging Dat Onderzoek "Buiten Proportie" Was, in Metro Times (September 9, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: "Na Drie Maanden Weten We Waar We Aan Toe Zijn", in The Knack (September 9, 2010)
- Aartsbisschop Leonard Tevreden Met Arrest, in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 9, 2010)
- Belgium Clerical Sex Abuse Case in Doubt, in Irish Examiner (September 9, 2010)
- Sexual Abuse Among the Amish, in About Amish (September 8, 2010)
- Facts First, Please; Hold the Speculation, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (September 9, 2010)
- Belgian Abuse Probe to Continue Despite Ruling, by Raf Casert, Associated Press (September 9, 2010)
- Convicted Rapist Files Suit Alleging Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priest, by Daniel Tepfer, CT Post (September 9, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Bishops Get to Hide Evidence; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 9, 2010)
- 2 More Victims Sue Santa Rosa Catholic Dicoese, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 9, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Blast New Spokane Bishop, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 8, 2010)
- Cardinal under Fire for New Monsignors, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (September 10, 2010)
- Kruis over Operatie Kelk, by Jan Desloover , De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Willen We Opnieuw Een Heksenverbranding?, in De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Wachten Op Een Teken Vanvangheluwe, by Jan Desloover, De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- "Dit Mag Niet Het Einde Van Het Onderzoek Zijn", by Inge Ghijs, De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Commissie Justitie "Zo Rap Mogelijk" Opstarten, in The Knack (September 9, 2010)
September 10
- Papal Visit: Clerical Sex Abuse Victims Speak out, by Michael Hirst, BBC News (September 10, 2010)
- No Indulgence for Father Bourgeois, by George Fish, These Times (September 10, 2010)
- Accused "Vicar Killer" Tells of Abuse, by Rob Alderson, Bexhill-on-Sea Observer (September 10, 2010)
- Lawyers for Abuse Victim Seek to Haul Top Vatican Cardinals before US Court, by Tim Fought, Irish Independent (September 10, 2010)
- 30 Antigonish Diocese Properties for Sale, in CBC News (September 10, 2010)
- Oakleigh Mum Speaks out on Kids" Sexual Abuse, by Emma Schmidt, Waverly Leader (September 10, 2010)
- Belgium Church Abuse Detailed by Adriaenssens Report, on BBC News (September 10, 2010)
- Judge Declares Past Case Admissible in Former Fairbanks Pastor's Sexual Assault Trial, by Chris Freiberg, The News-Miner (September 10, 2010)
- Lapd Alleges Pastor Abused Child, by Jack Noyes, NBC Los Angeles (September 10, 2010)
- Pastor's Sex-crimes Case Set for Jury Trial, by Rob Parsons, Willows Journal (September 9, 2010)
- Vicar Cleared of Raping Schoolgirl, in Sussex Express (September 10, 2010)
- Belgian Report: 100s Come Forward on Church Abuse, in Associated Press (September 10, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Church Probe Finds 475 Abuse Cases, in AFP (September 10, 2010)
- Bisschop Doornik Wil Kerkelijk Proces Tegen Vangheluwe, in HLN (September 10, 2010)
- Bisschop Doornik Wil Proces Tegen Vangheluwe, in The Knack (September 10, 2010)
- Bisschop Harpigny Wil Proces Tegen Vangheluwe, in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 10, 2010)
- Ex-bisschop Brugge Krijgt 2800 Euro Per Maand, in De Telegraaf (September 10, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Zoekt Nieuw Schuiloord, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 10, 2010)
- Roger Vangheluwe Behoudt Pensioen Van 2.800 Euro, in hbvl (September 10, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Behoudt Netto-pensioen Van 2.800 Euro, in HLN (September 10, 2010)
- Commissie Adriaenssens Publiceert Eindrapport, in RKnieuws (September 10, 2010)
- "Minstens 13 Zelfmoorden Door Misbruik Kerk", in De Tijd (September 10, 2010)
- Eindrapport Adriaenssens: "Kinderen Vanaf Amper Twee Jaar Seksueel Misbruikt", in HLN (September 10, 2010)
- Slachtoffertjes Kerkmisbruik Amper Twee Jaar Oud, in hbvl (September 10, 2010)
- Commissie Voor De Behandeling Van Klachten Wegens Seksueel, on PDFfile (September 10, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Deed Nog Geen Afstand Van Pensioen, in De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Vicar Malcolm Jackson Cleared of Child Sex Offences, on BBC News (September 10, 2010)
- Reverend Malcolm Jackson Cleared of Rape, in Evening Gazette (September 10, 2010)
- Priest Sex Abuse Investigation Going Ahead in Belgium Despite Illegal Raid, in Politics Daily (September 10, 2010)
- Bishop's College Settles Sex Abuse Suit, in CBC News (September 10, 2010)
- Priest Sex Abuse Linked to 13 Suicides in Belgium, by Raf Casert, Associated Press (September 10, 2010)
- "No Belgian Church Escaped Sex Abuse', Finds Investigation, by Bruno Waterfield, Telegraph (September 10, 2010)
- Belgian Report Lists Hundreds of Pedophilia Cases in Catholic Church, in Deutsche Welle (September 10, 2010)
- Hundreds of Children Abused by Belgian Clergy, in RFI (September 10, 2010)
- Report: Belgian Priests Raped 475 Children over 30 Years, by Igor I. Solar, Digital Journal (September 10, 2010)
- Fresh Child Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Catholic Church Ahead of Pope's UK Visit, by Nick Pisa, Daily Mail (September 10, 2010)
- Pope Expecting Large Protests during Visit, in AFP (September 10, 2010)
- Pope Benedict to Encounter Hostile Audience in U.K. Visit, by Francis X. Rocca, Huffington Post (September 10, 2010)
- Pope Urged: Open Vatican Sex Abuse Files, in Accra Daily Mail (September 10, 2010)
- UK Catholic Group Hopes Pope Meets Abuse Victims, Associated Press (September 10, 2010)
- Peter Tatchell Scraps Idea of Making Citizen's Arrest on the Pope, by Jerome Taylor, The Independent (September 10, 2010)
- Murder Accused: "I Sometimes Thought about Killing St Leonards Vicar", by Nigel Freedman, The Argus (September 10, 2010)
- Child Abuse Widespread in Belgian Church - Report, by Philip Blenkinsop and Andrew Dobbie, Reuters (September 10, 2010)
- Ps Wil Adriaenssens Uitnodigen in Parlement, in The Knack (September 10, 2010)
- Ps Wil Dat Commissie-rapport in Parlement Wordt Voorgesteld, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 10, 2010)
- In West-vlaanderen Is Het Seksueel Misbruik in De Kerk Even Erg Als Elders, on Focus-WTV (September 10, 2010)
- Het Rapport Adriaenssens in 5 Vragen En Antwoorden, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 10, 2010)
- Misbruikverhalen Lieten Commissie Adriaenssens Niet Onberoerd, in Katholiek Nieuwsblad (September 10, 2010)
- "Geen Aanwijzingen Van Afspraken Om Slachtoffers Te Negeren", in De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Adriaenssens: "We Hebben Als Lokaas Gediend", in De Morgen (September 10, 2010)
- The Case of the Pope, by John Lloyd, Financial Times (September 10, 2010)
- Former Priest Jailed in Child Porn Case, in CBC News (September 10, 2010)
- The Pope's Priestly Model: a Rabid, Self-harming Tyrant, by John Cornwell, The Guardian (September 10, 2010)
- Pope Faces Protests and Apathy on Visit to Britain, by Sam Jones, Riazat Butt, Stephen Bates and Kaamil Ahmed, The Guardian (September 10, 2010)
- Vatican Is Not Worried by Planned Anti-pope Protests in Britain, by Peter Mayer, Boston Herald (September 10, 2010)
- Belgian Child Abuse Report Exposes Catholic Clergy, by Ian Traynor, The Guardian (September 10, 2010)
- Belgian Sex Abuse Priests Scandal Linked to 13 Suicides, in The Expatica (September 10, 2010)
- Bishop Apologises to Victims of Priest, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 10, 2010)
- Nun Accused of "Immoral Conduct" with Female Student at Fla. University, by Leslie Williams Hale, The Republic (September 10, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk Eindigt Met Sisser, in Metro Time (September 10, 2010)
- Kerk Moet Structuren Aanpassen, Aldus Torfs, in De Redactie (September 10, 2010)
- "Zwijgen Is Een Probleem Van De Samenleving", in De Redactie (September 10, 2010)
- Onderzoeksrechter Moet Kelk Tot Op De Bodem Ledigen, in RKnieuws (September 10, 2010)
- Eindrapport Adriaenssens: "Kinderen Vanaf Twee Jaar Misbruikt", in De Morgen (September 10, 2010)
- Britain's Top Catholic Clergyman: I Can't Forgive the Priests Who Shamed My Church, by Andrew Pierce And Amanda Platell, Daily Mail (September 11, 2010)
- Pervasive Abuse Found in Belgian Church, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (September 10, 2010)
- Op Elk Internaat Was Er Kindermisbruik, in De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- 'Bisschoppen, Stel U Kwetsbaar Op", by Pieter Lesaffer, De Standaard (September 10, 2010)
- Het Incestueuze Zwijgen Van De Kerk, by Pieter Lesaffer, De Standaard (September 11, 2010)
- Van Het Toneel Verdwijnen Zal Niet Genoeg Zijn, in De Standaard (September 11, 2010)
- Justitie Stelt Orde Op Zaken, in De Standaard (September 11, 2010)
- Getuigenis 9, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 11, 2010)
- "Dit Is De Zaak Dutroux Van De Kerk", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 10, 2010)
- Torfs: Kerk Moet Structuren Aanpassen, in The Knack (September 10, 2010)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims Hold Conference Ahead of Pope Trip, on BBC News (September 10, 2010)
- The Case of the Pope: Vatican Accountability for Human Rights Abuses by Geoffrey Robertson, by Terry Eagleton, The Guardian (September 11, 2010)
- The Pope Is Guilty - but He Will Face No Trial, in National Secular Society (September 10, 2010)
- Abuse by Church Figures in Belgium Revealed, by Arthur Beesley, Irish Times (September 10, 2010)
September 11
- Former Priest Sent to Jail, by Rosie Gillingham, The Telegram (September 11, 2010)
- Inquiry Uncovers Widespread Sexual Abuse by Belgian Priests, by Bruno Waterfield, Vancouver Sun (September 11, 2010)
- Rev. Charles Schultz, Ousted from Job, Back in Arizona, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic. (September 11, 2010)
- Was Priest-professor Defamed by College, Diocese?, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 11, 2010)
- Belgium: Enquiry Reveals Catalogue of Abuse, by Dan Bergin, Independent Catholic News (September 11, 2010)
- Redcar Vicar Cleared of Sex Abuse Charges, by Gareth Lightfoot, Evening Gazette (September 11, 2010)
- Reverend Malcolm Jackson Cleared of Sex Charges against Girl, by Nigel Burton, Northern Echo (September 11, 2010)
- Weeping Pastor: Us-based Preacher Cries As Court Rules He Must Answer to Carnal Abuse Charges, in The Gleaner (September 11, 2010)
- Fenton Minister's Lawsuit Stalled, for Now, by Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 11, 2010)
- Ex-Bishop in Belgian Abuse Scandal Goes to Hiding, by Raf Casert, Associated Press (September 11, 2010)
- Deze Man Zal Nooit Veranderen, in Brussels Journal (September 11, 2010)
- Preacher Indicted on Sexual Abuse Charges in Hill County, by John Cuoco, KXXV (September 11, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Vertrekt Uit Westvleteren, Gaat Zich in Het " Verborgene" Bezinnen, in De Morgen (September 11, 2010)
- Van Het Toneel Verdwijnen Zal Niet Genoeg Zijn, in De Standaard (September 11, 2010)
- Waarom Spreekt Vangheluwe Niet over Slachtoffer?, in HLN (September 11, 2010)
- Excuses Van De Kerk Hebben We Nooit Gekregen, by Pieter Huyberechts, Het Nieuwsblad (September 11, 2010)
- Advocaat Slachtoffer Stoort Zich Aan Verklaring Vangheluwe, in Kathliek Nederland (September 11, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Verlaat Diocees Brugge, in Katholiek Nederland (September 11, 2010)
- Reageer: Roger Vangheluwe Weg Uit Bisdom Brugge, by Tom Le Bacq, Het Nieuwsblad (September 11, 2010)
- Protests to Greet Pope, in Montreal Gazette (September 11, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Verlaat Abdij Westvleteren, in The Rknieuws (September 11, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Verlaat Abdij Westvleteren, in The Knack (September 11, 2010)
- Should the Pope Face Charges, in Macleans (September 11, 2010)
- Pope Visit to UK Set to Spark Protests, in The Metro (September 11, 2010)
- Rapport Adriaenssens: Kardinaal Danneels Is Geschokt, in Metro Times (September 11, 2010)
- Danneels: Geschokt Door Gruwelijke Getuigenissen, in HBVL (September 11, 2010)
- Christusbeeld Beklad, by Bart Kerckhoven, Het Nieuwsblad (September 11, 2010)
- Disgraced Belgian Bishop to Retreat after Sex Abuse Cases Exposed, in Monsters and Critics (September 11, 2010)
- Belgian Sex Abuse Victims Driven to Suicides – Report, in Times of Malta (September 11, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Quitte Le Diocèse De Bruges, in Le Soir (September 11, 2010)
- Mgr Vangheluwe Doit être Jugé, Selon L'évêque De Tournai, in Catholic Church Conservation (September 11, 2010)
- Cardinal Danneels Responds in Character to Pedophilia Report, in Brussels Journal (September 11, 2010)
- Le Rapport De LA Commission Adriaenssens Sur Le Net, in Le Vif (September 11, 2010)
- LA Comisión De LA Verdad Belga Concluye Que Casi Cada Escuela Encubrió Abusos, in El Pais (September 11, 2010)
- El Capellán Me Dijo Que Mi Padre Me Haría Lo Mismo Si Lo Contaba, by Isabel Ferrer, El Pais (September 11, 2010)
- Sinead O'Connor: the Vatican Is a Nest of Devils, by Simon Hattenstone, Guardian (September 11, 2010)
- Senator Torfs: Vangheluwe Laat Beslissing over Aan Paus, in HBVL (September 11, 2010)
- Slachtoffers Niet Onder De Indruk Van Verklaring Vangheluwe, in De Standaard (September 11, 2010)
- Alle Slachtoffers Van Priesters Moet Nu De Krachten Bundelen, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 11, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Victims in Britain Speak out before Pope Visit, in AFP (September 11, 2010)
September 12
- Father Hudson's Victims Demand Meeting with Pope, by Adam Aspinall, Sunday Mercury (September 12, 2010)
- A Time for Reflection, by Linda Gracey, Altoona Mirror (September 12, 2010)
- Ah, but It's Only a Few Bad Apples, in The Pharyngula (September 12, 2010)
- Belgian Ex-Bishop Goes into Hiding, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (September 12, 2010)
- Church Leader Heads Pope Protest, on UTV (September 12, 2010)
- Different Pope, Different Times for British Trip, Associated Press (September 12, 2010)
- Victims of Paedophile Priests Aim to Confront Pope during Scottish Visit, by Chris Watt, Herald Scotland (September 12, 2010)
- Child Abuse Victims Urge Pope to Act, in The Independent (September 12, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse Survivors Demand Action Not Words, in Press Association (September 12, 2010)
- Legal Aid Society Honors Peter Isely, by Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 12, 2010)
- Ik Ga Me Bezinnen in Het Verborgene, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 12, 2010)
- Belgische Pater Meldt Zich Bij Justitie, in The Nu (September 12, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Meldt Zich Bij Parket, in The Rknieuws (September 12, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Eric Dejaeger Geeft Zich Maandag Aan, in HBVL (September 12, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Geeft Zich Maandag Aan, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 12, 2010)
- Gezochte Pater Gaat Zich Aangeven, in The Nos (September 12, 2010)
- Episcopal Bishop in Erie Announces No More Sexual Abuse Claims Received, in Erie Times-News (September 12, 2010)
- Regarding Bishop Davis, in Episcopal Diocese (September 12, 2010)
- Catholic Bishop Hides As Abuse Crisis Unfolds, by Jonathan Rugman, Channel 4 (September 12, 2010)
- Catholicism Not Valued Poll Ahead of Pope Visit, on BBC News (September 12, 2010)
- Demyttenaere about Vangheluwe, on TV Limburg (September 12, 2010)
- Catholic Crisis: Child Abuse Victim Speaks out, by Jonathan Rugman, Channel 4 (September 12, 2010)
- There's Nothing Weird about Being a Catholic and a Liberal,' Says 'Tablet, in The Independent (September 12, 2010)
- The Investigators Are Not Coming to Understand. The Conclusions Are in, in Sunday Tribune (September 12, 2010)
September 13
- Belgian Church Seeks Way out of Abuse Crisis, by Raf Casert, Associated Press (September 13, 2010)
- Episcopal Bishop in Erie Announces No More Sexual Abuse Claims Received, by Dana Massing, Erie Times-News (September 13, 2010)
- Park Ridge Pastor Denies Sex Abuse Allegations, by Alexander Macinnes, The Record (September 13, 2010)
- What Did the Pope Know about Abuse in the Church?, by Fergal Keane, BBC Panorama (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Pledges to Focus on Abuse Victims, on BBC News (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Announces Centre for Sex Abuse Victims, on Vatican Radio (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Church in Crisis, in Press Association (September 13, 2010)
- Belgium Church Vows New Start after Abuse Scandal, in AFP (September 13, 2010)
- Eu Apnewsalert, Associated Press (September 13, 2010)
- Protestors Rally Ahead of UK Papal Visit, in Digital Journal (September 13, 2010)
- Rare Pope Trip to Britain Will Pose Challenges, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (September 13, 2010)
- Abusive Priests Should Turn Themselves In, Belgian Church Says, on CNN (September 13, 2010)
- Policy Differences Not Hurting Support for Pope, in The Independent (September 13, 2010)
- Documentary Presents Portrait of Scandal, by Kevin Noonan, The Observer (September 13, 2010)
- Victims of Sex Abuse to Push for Inquiry As Pope Visits UK, by Emily Dugan, Irish Independent (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Archbishop Acknowledges Scope of Abuse Scandal, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Bishops Admit Errors, Say Child Abuse Is Societal Problem, in Monsters and Critics (September 13, 2010)
- Rome Moet Beslissen over Roger Vangheluwe, in Metro Times (September 13, 2010)
- Léonard: Rome Beslist over Vangheluwe, in The Knack (September 13, 2010)
- Spoedige Beslissing over Toekomst Vangheluwe, in Katholiek Nederland (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Priest Wanted in Canada Surfaces, in Toronto Sun (September 13, 2010)
- Katholieke Kerk België Wil Centrum Misbruik, in The Nu (September 13, 2010)
- Centrum Voor Heling Gaat Samenwerken Met Justitie, in De Morgen (September 13, 2010)
- Belgische Kerk Wil Dat Daders Misbruik Zich Melden, in Nrc Handelsblad (September 13, 2010)
- Centrum Voor Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in Nederlands Dagblad (September 13, 2010)
- Kerk Bereidt Centrum Voor Erkenning, Heling En Verzoening Voor, in De Standaard (September 13, 2010)
- Bisschoppen Willen Opvolger Voor Commissie-Adriaenssens Tegen Kerst, in The Knack (September 13, 2010)
- Rk-Kerk België Wil Verzoeningscentrum, in NOS (September 13, 2010)
- Vatican Inquiry into Irish Paedophile Priests to Meet Victim Groups, in The Guardian (September 13, 2010)
- De Heilige, Gruwelijke Feiten Van Het Rapport-adriaenssens, in De Morgen (September 13, 2010)
- Stilte En Woede Bij Priesters over Misbruikschandaal, in De Morgen (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Archbishop Vows Clean Slate, by Philippe Siuberski, Sydney Morning Herald (September 13, 2010)
- Belgium's Catholic Church Offers "Maximum Availability" to Sex Abuse Victims, in RFI (September 13, 2010)
- Abuse Group Blasts Popular Statewide Non-profit Group, in SNAP (September 13, 2010)
- SNAP Statement about Belgian Bishops' Plans, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (September 13, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Eric Dejaeger Weer Op Vrije Voeten, in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 13, 2010)
- Belgische Pater Meldt Zich Bij Justitie, in de Stentor (September 13, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Verhoord Door Lokale Politie, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 13, 2010)
- Monastery Accused of Taking Man's $1.6 Million, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Abuse Increases Pressure on Pope, in London Evening Standard (September 13, 2010)
- Head of Belgian Catholics Speaks out after Damning Sex Abuse Report, by Darren Mara, Deutsche Welle (September 13, 2010)
- The Trouble with the Pope: a Journey into My Own Preconceptions, in The Guardian (September 13, 2010)
- Indian Day School Students Join Abuse Lawsuit, in CBC News (September 13, 2010)
- Preliminary Hearing Date to Be Set in Indecent Assault Case, in Chatham Daily News (September 13, 2010)
- USCCB Announces New Book about Pope Benedict XVI to Be Released September 19, in Market Watch (September 13, 2010)
- Welzijnscentra Ontvingen 30 Nieuwe Klachten Seksueel Misbruik, in Market Watch (September 13, 2010)
- Kamercommissie Justitie Vervroegd Bijeen over Seksueel Misbruik Kerk, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 13, 2010)
- Fraternity of the Disgraced Keeps Growing, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 13, 2010)
- Bishop: Child Abuse Is Societal, by Alvise Armellini, News 24 (September 13, 2010)
- How the New Atheists Are Abusing the Truth, by Brendan O'Neill, Spiked (September 13, 2010)
- Question: Who Said: "Not All Sex Involving Children Is Unwanted and Abusive'? Answer: the Pope's Biggest British Critic, by Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail (September 13, 2010)
- Police Question Belgian Priest Wanted in Canada Abuse Probe, in Vancouver Sun (September 13, 2010)
- Rapport Seksueel Misbruik Geeft Belgen Stomp in De Maag, in NRC Handelsblad (September 13, 2010)
- Plymouth Pupils Used Facebook to Accuse "Abuse" Priest, on BBC News (September 13, 2010)
- Victims Angry As Belgium Responds to Church Abuse, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Bishops Pledge Measures to Prevent Further Clergy Sex Abuse, in U.S. Catholic (September 13, 2010)
- Verdict Still out on Church's Abuse Stance, by Jonty Bloom, BBC News (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Vows Clean Slate with Abuse Victims, by Philippe Siuberski, AFP (September 13, 2010)
- Pope Feels "Pain" over Belgium Paedophilia Scandal: Vatican, in Expatica (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Vows to Help Abuse Victims, in Channel 4 (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Church Needs More Time to Deal with Child Abuse, by Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Bishops Create a Help Centre for Sex Abuse Victims, in Rome Reports (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Moves on Abuse but Victims Still Unhappy, by Philip Blenkinsop, Reuters (September 13, 2010)
- Belgian Church Acknowledges Abuse, in Al Jazeera (September 13, 2010)
- Catholics Seek New Start after Abuse Revelations, in France 24 (September 13, 2010)
- Pope Feels "Pain" over Belgian Revelations, in RTE News (September 13, 2010)
- The Problem Is Not the Structure of the Hierarchy; It's the People in the Hierarchy, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (September 13, 2010)
- Northwestern Pennsylvania: Bishop Reports on More Victims of Abusive Predecessor, by Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal Life (September 13, 2010)
- Lawsuit of the Day: Space Alien Followers V. Pope Benedict (no, Seriously), in Elie Mystal (September 13, 2010)
- Paisley to Protest at Pope's British Visit, in RTE News (September 13, 2010)
- Cardinal Says Pope Did All He Could after Child Abuse Scandal, by Christine Lavelle, Deadline Scotland (September 13, 2010)
- "Abuse" Victims to Sue, on ITV (September 13, 2010)
- How Can Decent Catholics Back the Pope - a Man Who Hid Child Abuse and Calls Gays Evil?, by Johann Hari, Daily Mail (September 13, 2010)
- Humanists Blast "Secular Witch-hunt" over Pope's Visit, in Independent Catholic News (September 13, 2010)
- Paisley to Be "Champion" for Child Sex Abuse Victims, by Dan Keenan, Irish Times (September 13, 2010)
- The Trouble with the Pope, Channel 4, by David Nice, Arts Desk (September 14, 2010)
- Ian Paisley Coming to Edinburgh in Protest over Pope's Visit, by Claire Smith, Scotsman (September 13, 2010)
- Pope Breaks Silence over Belgian Abuse, by David Charter, The Australian (September 14, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Prioriteit Voor Paus, in De Standaard (September 13, 2010)
- Hoe Dapper Zijn Onze Bisschoppen?, in De Standaard (September 13, 2010)
- Bisschoppen Zijn Kritisch Voor Kardinaal Danneel, in De Standaard (September 14, 2010)
- Vangheluwe Vertrok Onder Druk Uit Abdij, in De Standaard (September 13, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Beseft Ernst Situatie Niet", in The Knack (September 13, 2010)
- Leonard: "Vangheluwe Verdoezelt Zijn Daden", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 13, 2010)
- "Vangheluwe Is Al Gestraft Want Hij Nam Ontslag", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 13, 2010)
- Vaticaan Besliste Nog Niet over Andere Sanctie Vangheluwe, in De Morgen (September 13, 2010)
- "Uit Ellende Kan Iets Goeds Komen", in De Standaard (September 13, 2010)
- De Sprong Is Veel Te Groot, by Bart Sturtewagen, De Standaard (September 14, 2010)
- Kerk Belooft Slachtoffers "Heling", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 13, 2010)
- Fr. Bernard Dabbene, in San Francisco Chronicle (September 13, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (September 13, 2010)
- Belgium's Victims of Clerical Abuse Believe Church Won't Change, by Ann Cahill, Irish Examiner (September 13, 2010)
- Priest Body Told to Shun the Clerical Mindset, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 14, 2010)
- Anger As Church Fails to Punish Belgian Abusers, by Jerome Taylor, The Independent (September 14, 2010)
September 14
- Bishop Speaks out against Sex Abuse, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 14, 2010)
- Editor Takes International Media to Task for Skewing Clergy Sex Abuse Stats, in Catholic News Agency (September 14, 2010)
- Teacher Assaulted Children in His Class, in This Is Plymouth (September 14, 2010)
- Priest Found Not Guilty of Sex Offences, on 9 News (September 14, 2010)
- Belgium: Amid Sex Scandals, De-Baptism Gains Favor, by Paul Ames, Global Post (September 14, 2010)
- Pacelli High School Abuse Lawsuit Settled out of Court, by Cara Spoto, Wausau Daily Herald (September 14, 2010)
- Church Vows Openness to Victims, by Philippe Siuberski, Edmonton Journal (September 14, 2010)
- Papal State Visit Comes As Storms Engulf the Vatican, by Ron Ferguson, Press and Journal (September 14, 2010)
- European Raelian Movement Sues Pope Benedict XVI, in The Prnewswire (September 14, 2010)
- Catholic Church Will Not Ordain Women, Says Scotland's Senior Cardinal, in The Guardian (September 14, 2010)
- Arcata Pastor Dino Cardelli Faces Molestation Charges, in The Times-Standard (September 14, 2010)
- Uk: Amnesty Raises Concerns Ahead of Pope's Visit, on Amnesty.org (September 14, 2010)
- Text: Mark Dowd's Icn Lecture on Pope Benedict and the Media, in Independent Catholic News (September 14, 2010)
- Bha: Protest the Pope Announce Protest March to Downing Street, in The Politics (September 14, 2010)
- The Catholic Church Will " Learn Lessons" from Sexual Abuse of Children and Infants, by Bob Johnson, The Opednews (September 14, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Divides Belgium, Too, by John W. Miller, Wall Street Journal (September 14, 2010)
- Protest the Pope Itinerary to Be Unveiled, by Sophie Hudson, Third Sector (September 14, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Report a Major Step, Belgian Archbishop Says While Announcing Church Response, in Catholic News Agency (September 14, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 14, 2010)
- Pope Will Not Discipline Belgian Bishop for Now, on Radio Netherlands (September 14, 2010)
- Five Women File Suit against Anglican Church, Priest, by Linda Richardson, Sudbury Star (September 14, 2010)
- National Survivor Advocates Coalition Takes Scottish Cardinal to Task, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 14, 2010)
- Le Vatican Commente Le Scandale Pédophile Belge, in The L'Express (September 14, 2010)
- Eglise: Torfs Plaide Pour Une Commission D'Enquête Parlementaire Large, in RTL (September 14, 2010)
- Abus Sexuels Dans L'Eglise: Un Silence Organisé, in RTBF (September 14, 2010)
- Abus Sexuels Dans L'Eglise: Peu évoqués Lors Des Messes Dimanche En Flandre, in Le Vif (September 14, 2010)
- Reflexions Ethiques Sur LA Crise Pédophile, in LA Croix (September 14, 2010)
- Eglise: Les Dossiers De Pédophilie Doivent Sortir Du Giron De L'église, in RTL (September 14, 2010)
- Pedophilie Et Prescription: Qu'en Pensent Les Experts?, in RTL (September 14, 2010)
- Eglise: Le Projet De Centre Ne Satisfait Pas Le Collectif Droits De L'Homme Dans L'E, in Le Vif (September 14, 2010)
- Un Pretre Belge Pedophile Auditionne, in Le Figaro (September 13, 2010)
- Pedophilie - "L'eglise Belge a Rencontre Son Affaire Dutroux", in Le Point (September 14, 2010)
- 30 Nouvelles Plaintes Pour Abus Sexuels Au Sein De L'eglise, in 7Sur7 (September 13, 2010)
- Eglise: Le Sociologue ET Victime Hertogen Favorable a Une Nouvelle Commission, in Le Vif (September 13, 2010)
- Gabriel Ringlet : "IL Est Normal Que L'eglise Soit Giflee", in RTL (September 13, 2010)
- Rapport Accablant De L'eglise Belge, on Radio Canada (September 13, 2010)
- Pedophilie: Guy Harpigny "Demande Pardon", in rtbf (September 13, 2010)
- L'eglise Catholique Belge Reconnait Que Des Abus Sexuels Ont Ete Commis Par Son Clerge, in Obs (September 13, 2010)
- Le Pape Doit Tenir Bon, Malgre Le Scandale Des Abus, in La Croix (September 14, 2010)
- 'Paus Beslist over Vangheluwe Voor Kerst', in Katholiek Nederland (September 13, 2010)
- Pauli's Pen: Een Aartsbisschop Kan Niet Biechten, in De Morgen (September 14, 2010)
- De Lauwe Preek Van Leonard, in De Morgen (September 14, 2010)
- "An Intriguing, Meaningful Read for Anyone Imprisoned by His/her Past," - Olga Cossi, Author and Freelance Editor., in Cell Out (September 14, 2010)
- A Psychiatrist Said St Leonards Murder Accused Was "Classic Account" of Abuse, by Nigel Freedman, The Argus (September 14, 2010)
- Priest Convicted of Sexual Abuse to Be Paroled, in CBC News (September 14, 2010)
- Belgian Church Fears Apologising for Abuse - Bishop, by Philip Blenkinsop, Reuters (September 14, 2010)
- Church Pleads for Breathing Space, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 14, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Church Sex Abuse: We Feared Compensation Claims, by Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph (September 14, 2010)
- Southern California Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Mercury News (September 14, 2010)
- Guy Harpigny: Kerk Bang Om Mea Culpa Te Slaan, in The Knack (September 14, 2010)
- Bisschop Harpigny: "Ik Vraag Vergiffenis Aan De Slachtoffers", in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 14, 2010)
- Care Home Survivors Hit out at "Delaying Tactics", by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (September 14, 2010)
- Purple Hearts for Survivors, by Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (September 14, 2010)
- Preble Co. Man Indicted on 10 Counts of Illegal Sexual Conduct, by Bill Engle, The Pal-Item (September 14, 2010)
- Former Priest to Be Extradited to Texas to Face Sex-abuse Charges, by George Diepenbrock, KTKA (September 14, 2010)
- Former Chattanooga Catholic Priest Remains on Home Electronic Monitoring, in WDEF (September 14, 2010)
- Catholic Church Acknowledges Pain Caused by Clerical Abuse in Belgium, in ABC (September 14, 2010)
- Holy Father Appoints Bishop for St. Catharines in Canada, in Catholic News Agency (September 14, 2010)
- Reasons behind Boston's Catholic Decline, in Oregon Faith Report (September 14, 2010)
- Abuse Victim Returns to Church after 82 Years, in Catholic Culture (September 14, 2010)
- Confusion Reigns As Belgium Struggles with Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (September 14, 2010)
- San Bernardino County Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing 2 Boys, in KTLA (September 14, 2010)
- Pater Eric Dejaeger Is Geen Belg, in Gazet van Antwerpen (September 14, 2010)
- 'Pater Bracht Wel Eens Kindje Mee", in De Standaard (September 14, 2010)
- Gerecht Laat Pedofiele Pater Gaan, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 14, 2010)
- John L. Allen, Jr. Slaps Some Wrists, in The GetReligion (September 14, 2010)
- This Is No Way to End Religious Illiteracy, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 14, 2010)
- Paedophile Priests Still Play Active Church Role, by Riazat Butt, The Guardian (September 15, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Victims Want Pope to Discipline Cardinal, in SNAP (September 14, 2010)
- Belgian Bishops Admit Worry Re $$; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in SNAP (September 14, 2010)
- Accused Predator Priest Put Back in Parish, in SNAP (September 14, 2010)
- Ex-priest Sex Offender Released on Parole, in Ottawa Citizen (September 14, 2010)
- Priest Cleared of All Abuse Charges, in The CathNews (September 14, 2010)
- Belgian Church Explains Lack of Clear Apology, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (September 14, 2010)
- Pennsylvania: Bishop Objects to House of Deputies President's Letter, in Episcopal Life (September 14, 2010)
- Catholic Abuse in England and Wales Revealed, in Channel 4 News (September 14, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Two Boys, by Tony Barboza, Los Angeles Times (September 14, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Accused of Sexuallly Abusing Two Boys, by Liset Marquez, The Sun (September 14, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Scandals Cast Shadows over Pope's UK Tour, by David Sapsted, The National (September 14, 2010)
- Pedofiele Pater Kan Mogelijk Niet Uitgeleverd Worden, in De Standaard (September 15, 2010)
- Parket Opent Onderzoek Naar Vlaamse Pater, in The Knack (September 14, 2010)
- "Kerktop Moet Op Eigen Borst Slaan", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 14, 2010)
- "Mea Culpa" Splijt Belgische Bisschoppen, in De Standaard (September 15, 2010)
- "Grote Gebaren Zijn Nu Zeker Niet Nodig", in De Standaard (September 15, 2010)
- Dutroux En Vangheluwe Slaan Twee Keer Toe, in De Standaard (September 14, 2010)
- 'Je Vous Ai Compris", in De Standaard (September 14, 2010)
- Priests Asked for _1k Towards Abuse Bill, by Tom Mooney and Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (September 15, 2010)
September 15
- Paedophile Priests Remain in Catholic Church, on Channel 4 News (September 15, 2010)
- A Cool Welcome for Benedict in Britain, in Der Spiegel (September 15, 2010)
- Defrocked Priest Convicted of Sex Assaults Paroled, by Jennifer Green, Ottawa Citizen (September 15, 2010)
- Brothers Say Ontario Priest Abused Them, in Contra Costa Times (September 15, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Accused of Boys' Sexual Abuse, by Rob McMillan, KABC (September 15, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Removed Amid Sexual Abuse Investigation, by Tony Barboza, Los Angeles Times (September 15, 2010)
- Belgian Church 'Fears' Us-Style Pedophile Lawsuit Bill, by Philippe Siuberski, Inquirer (September 15, 2010)
- Catholic Church Counts Cost of Sex Abuse Payouts, on Channel 4 News (September 15, 2010)
- Call for Pope to Apologise for the Sexual and Physical Abuse at East Yorkshire Children's Home, by Mike Laycock, Press (September 15, 2010)
- Pastor to Remain Jailed in Sex Case, by Tresa Baldas, Kansas City Star (September 15, 2010)
- Tony Blair Praises Pope's Courage As Backlash Grows over Visit, in London Evening Standard (September 15, 2010)
- Pope's Visit: Pontiff Should Not Be 'Honoured' with State Visit, by Ter Walker, Guardian (September 15, 2010)
- Harsh Judgments on the Pope and Religion, in The Guardian (September 15, 2010)
- Do the Liberals Hate Benedict? Er ... Is the Pope a Catholic?, by Gail Walker, Belfast Telegraph (September 15, 2010)
- Man Denies Groping after Sunday School, by Jaime Cone, Brattleboro Reformer (September 15, 2010)
- The Pope Deserves Better from Britain, in The Telegraph (September 15, 2010)
- Fr Anthony Paganoni Cs: Make No Mistake, Abuse Scandal Is a Spiritual Crisis, in The Record (September 15, 2010)
- One in Four Sees Doubling of Abuse-Survivor Calls, in Breaking News (September 15, 2010)
- More Abuse Victims Seeking Help, in Irish Times (September 15, 2010)
- Visit Will Be a Show-Stopper across the World, Says Patten, by Kate Devlin, Herald Scotland (September 15, 2010)
- Huge Hike in Numbers Contacting Abuse Group, by Grainne Cunningham, Irish Independent (September 15, 2010)
- Belgian Bishop Hits Vatican for Not Laicizing Prelate, in CathNews (September 15, 2010)
- Catholic Britain Rejoices, but Abuse Overshadows Pope's First State Visit, in The Independent (September 15, 2010)
- Nsac Media Statement, by Mike Coode, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 15, 2010)
- Tweede Slachtoffer Vangheluwe Gehoord?, in KW (September 15, 2010)
- Dutch Ex-bishop Accused of Child Sex Abuse, in Radio Netherlands (September 15, 2010)
- Pope's Visit: Catholic Abuse Survivors Demand Justice, by Sam Jones , The Guardian (September 15, 2010)
- Pope Visit: Abuse Survivors Call on Church to Make Amends, Not Apologise, in The Telegraph (September 15, 2010)
- Cardinal's Comments Hit Papal Visit, in Press Association (September 15, 2010)
- Bisdom Bekend Met Meldingen Jegens Emeritus-bisschop Gijsen, in The RKnieuws (September 15, 2010)
- Oud-bisschop Gijsen Van Misbruik Beschuldigd, by Joep Dohmen, NRC Handelsblad (September 15, 2010)
- Oud-bisschop Jo Gijsen Beschuldigd Van Misbruik, in de Volkskrant (September 15, 2010)
- Spokane Diocese Faces Sale of Parishes, in KHQ (September 15, 2010)
- Reactie Rome Laat Op Zich Wachten, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 15, 2010)
- Ruling Puts Parishes at Risk of Foreclosure, by John Stucke, The Spokesman-Review (September 15, 2010)
- Day Schools Focusing on Combating Abuse, by Gary Rosenblatt, Jewish Week (September 15, 2010)
- Kilburn: Sex Abuse Film Shows during Pope's Visit, in Wembley and Kingsbury Times (September 15, 2010)
- Cassation Rejected All the Resources of Father Grassi and Confirmed His Conviction, in Momento 24 (September 15, 2010)
- Priest Controversy Adds to Doubts on Pope's British Visit, by Paola Totaro, Sydney Morning Herald (September 16, 2010)
- Bishop Asks Priests for _1k Towards Compensation, in Build (September 15, 2010)
- Benedict to Step into Buzz Saw of Dissent during Upcoming UK Visit, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 15, 2010)
- The Chances of Getting the Pope Arrested Are Quite Slim, by Marco Evers, Der Spiegel (September 15, 2010)
- Verklaring Van Federico Lombardi over Zaak Roger Vangheluwe, in KerkNet (September 15, 2010)
- How Do You Welcome an Unpopular Pope?, by Heather Horn, Atlantic Wire (September 15, 2010)
- Noted Brits Lecture Pope, in Catholic League (September 15, 2010)
- Pope's UK Visit Stirs Animosities Old and New, by Lauren Frayer, AOL News (September 15, 2010)
- Abuse Victim Asks for Papal Apology for Priests" Crimes, by Peter Wilson, BBC News (September 15, 2010)
- Zus Gijsen Ontkent Beschuldigingen, in RTL (September 15, 2010)
- Oud-bisschop Roermond Beschuldigd Van "Begluren" 13-jarige, in hbvl (September 16, 2010)
- Jo Gijsen: Conservatief En Eigenzinnig, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 15, 2010)
- De R.k. Kerk Als Massale Kindermisbruiker, in The Standaard (September 15, 2010)
- Gijsen Beschuldigd Van Misbruik, in NOS (September 15, 2010)
- Police Investigate Alleged Hunter Sex Priest Cover-up, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 16, 2010)
- Om Kan Vooralsnog Niets Met Misbruikmeldingen, in NU (September 15, 2010)
- "Hoge Status in Kerk Geen Obstakel Goed Onderzoek", in Trouw (September 15, 2010)
- Geen Aangifte Tegen Gijsen, in Katholiek Nederland (September 15, 2010)
- Voormalig Nederlands Bisschop Beschuldigd Van Misbruik, in The Knack (September 15, 2010)
- Thank You, Bishop Harpigny!!, in Catholic Culture (September 15, 2010)
- Belgium's Catholic Church Repents - Too Little, Too Late?, by Leo Cendrowicz, TIME (September 16, 2010)
- Archbishop of Liverpool Aims to Deflect Child Abuse Row, on BBC News (September 15, 2010)
- Former Dutch Bishop Accused of Sexual Abuse, Associated Press (September 15, 2010)
- Belgian Bishop Wants More Vatican Action against Abusive Prelate, in Catholic Culture (September 15, 2010)
- Hundreds Turnout for Priests" Meeting, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (September 15, 2010)
- Clerics Call for Fresh Start at Laois Meeting, in RTE News (September 15, 2010)
- Rape Charge Dropped against Chandler Rabbi, by Mike Sakal, The Tribune (September 15, 2010)
- Rape Charges against Gilbert Rabbi Dropped by New York Prosecutor, by James King, Phoenix New Times (September 15, 2010)
- Sex Charges against Rabbi Dismissed Reported by Rabbi's Counsel Alan Lewis and Michael Shapiro, in Business Wire (September 15, 2010)
- Arcata Pastor Pleads Not Guilty to Sex Abuse, in Mercury News (September 15, 2010)
- Arcata Pastor Pleads Not Guilty, Resigns; Judge Grants Protective Order, by Thadeus Greenson, Contra Costa Times (September 16, 2010)
- Bisschop Vangheluwe Maakte Twee Slachtoffers, by Mark Eeckhaut, De Standaard (September 15, 2010)
- "Ook Tweede Slachtoffer Van Vangheluwe Zal Worden Gehoord", in hbvl (September 15, 2010)
- Gelovigen Vragen Massaal Uitschrijving, by Nikolas Vanhecke, De Standaard (September 16, 2010)
- A Priest with a Past Dies, to Little Attention, in Bay Area Observer (September 15, 2010)
- Catholic Church Abuse Victims Come to Britain for Pope Visit, in Voice of America (September 13, 2010)
- Fugitive Canadian Priest Living in Belgium, on CBC News (September 15, 2010)
- Robertson's Book Makes False Claims: Bishop Porteous, in CathNews (September 15, 2010)
- Immigration Letter by Ontario Priest Sparks Questions, by Liset Marquez, Daily Bulletin (September 15, 2010)
September 16
- Tuesday, September 14, 2010 New Stats: 10% of Catholic Priests Were Pedophiles and Still Counting, 20 to 200 Times More Than General Population, in City of Angels (September 14, 2010)
- Controversies Abound As Pope Makes Historic Visit to Britain, by Ron Synovitz, Radio Free Europe (September 16, 2010)
- The Need for Closure: When a Parish Shuts Its Doors, by J.d. Long-Garcia, U.S. Catholic (September 16, 2010)
- Sex Beast Still a Priest, in Wigan Today (September 16, 2010)
- Church Abuse Survivors Demand Justice, on CNN (September 16, 2010)
- TV Review: Benedict: Trials of a Pope and Vatican: the Hidden World, by Tim Dowling, The Guardian (September 16, 2010)
- Cardinal Pulls out of Pope's Trip to Third World Britain, in Press and Journal (September 16, 2010)
- Csun's Smith Lecture to Explore History of Catholic Church and Abuse, in The Sun (September 16, 2010)
- Harlem Monsignor Accused of Abusing Students Resigns, by Paul Vitello, New York Times (September 16, 2010)
- One Man's Wrathful Vengeance, by Charles Isherwood, New York Times (September 16, 2010)
- Former Pastor Denied Release; Prosecutor Says Dino Cardelli Made Admissions to Law Enforcement, by Thadeus Greenson, The Times-Standard (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Warns against 'Aggressive' Secularism in Britain, in Gulf News (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Admits Church Lacked Vigilance, in Al Jazeera (September 16, 2010)
- Queen Greets Pope Benedict XVI at Holyrood As State Visit Gets Underway, in Daily Record (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Starts U.k. Visit, in National Post (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Speaks of Sadness over Abuse Scandals, in The Independent (September 16, 2010)
- Mass Rape by Paedophile Catholic Priests Is a Myth, Says Secular Humanist Magazine, by Damian Thompson, Telegraph (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Visits Uk, Admits Failures in Abuse Scandal, by Nicole Winfield, Aol News (September 16, 2010)
- Meerderheid Belgen Vindt Celibaat Achterhaald, in De Standaard (September 16, 2010)
- Het Celibaat Produceert Pedofielen, in De Wereld Morgen (September 16, 2010)
- Misstap Omdat Ik Seksualiteit Onderdrukte, in De Standaard (September 16, 2010)
- Roger Vangheluwe Misbruikte Ook Ander Neefje, in HBVL (September 16, 2010)
- Maakte Vangheluwe Nog Tweede Slachtoffer?, in HLN (September 16, 2010)
- Nieuwe Schok: Vangheluwe Misbruikte Tweede Neef, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 16, 2010)
- Rape Charge Dropped against Chandler Rabbi, on Fox 10 (September 16, 2010)
- On Plane to Britain, Pope Addresses Sadness of Sex Abuse Cases, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (September 16, 2010)
- Dutch Bishop Accused of Abuse, Denies Allegations, in Catholic Culture (September 16, 2010)
- In This Week's New Statesman: Catholicism in Crisis, by George Eaton, New Statesman (September 16, 2010)
- Police Investigate Claims Church Covered up Abuse, by Dennis Malone, ABC News (September 16, 2010)
- Father John Shannon on Child Porn Charges, by Gavin Engelbrecht, Northern Echo (September 16, 2010)
- More Than Half of Paedophile Priests Still Listed As Clergy, in Press and Journal (September 16, 2010)
- I Never Had Sex with Father Sham, by Dudu Dube, The Sowetan (September 16, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 16, 2010)
- Benedict Criticises Hierarchy over Child Abuse Response, in Irish Times (September 16, 2010)
- Victim's Message to Pope: Our Souls Were Murdered, by Ian Johnston, MSNBC (September 16, 2010)
- Irish Archbishop: Cover-Ups Made Child Abuse Worse, by Shawn Pogatchnik, Associated Press (September 16, 2010)
- Harlem Pastor Accused of Sex Abuse Resigns, in NBC New York (September 16, 2010)
- Archdiocese to Introduce New Archbishop, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle (September 16, 2010)
- As Pope Arrives in Scotland, Clergy Sex Victims Speak up, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 16, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Victims Respond to Catholic Legal Moves, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 16, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Victims Blast NY Archbishop over Harlem Pastor, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 16, 2010)
- September 16, 2010: Pope's UK Visit : a News Selection of Articles Published during Last Days before the Pope's Arrival, in The Startpagina (September 16, 2010)
- Belgium Clerical Sex Abuse Case: Raids, Report and Investigation: a Selection of News Articles outside Belgium, in The Startpagina (September 16, 2010)
- Irish Priests Asked for $1,300 Each Towards Mounting Clerical Abuse Bill, by Molly Muldoon, Irish Central (September 16, 2010)
- Harlem Pastor Resigns, Accused of Sexual Abuse, in New York Post (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Criticizes Church's Sex-abuse Response at Start of First U.K. Visit, by Jeffrey Donovan, The Bloombrg (September 16, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Group Blasts Pope's "Disingenuous" Remarks, in AFP (September 16, 2010)
- Pope on Crisis: "We Weren't Fast Enough", by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 16, 2010)
- Pope on UK Visit Admits Failures in Abuse Scandal, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (September 16, 2010)
- 14 Convicted Abusers Remain Priests in U.K., by Robert Mackey, New York Times (September 16, 2010)
- Child Abuse Scandal Divides Catholics, Church, by Jennifer Glasse, Voice of America (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Addresses Abuse Scandal, by Alyssa Braithwaite, Sydney Morning Herald (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Visit: Benedict XVI Says Abusive Clergy Suffering from 'illness', by Jonathan Wynne-Jones and Martin Beckford, The Telegraph (September 16, 2010)
- Nsac to Pope Benedict: What's Holding You Back Now?, by Mike Coode, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Addresses Sex Abuse Scandal As He Starts Visit to Britain, on CNN (September 16, 2010)
- Corrections and Clarifications, in The Guardian (September 16, 2010)
- New Seattle Church Head Ordained Troubled Priest Last Year, in SNAP (September 16, 2010)
- New Seattle Bishop Announced; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in SNAP (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Addresses Sex Abuse Scandal As He Starts Visit to Britain; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (September 16, 2010)
- Prominent Harlem Pastor Accused of Molesting Children Has Resigned, "Will Never Again" Be a Priest, by Corky Siemaszko, New York Daily News (September 16, 2010)
- Hunter Paedophile Network Warning to Police, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 17, 2010)
- Press Conference on Papal Plane Full Text, on Vatican Radio (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Comments on Abuse Scandals, by Shannon Halligan, WWLP (September 16, 2010)
- Factbox - Planned Protests during Pope's Visit to Britain, in Reuters (September 16, 2010)
- Bramly Case Dismissed, in Jewish News of Greater Phoenix (September 16, 2010)
- Pastor Accused of Sexual Abuse Tried to Contact Alleged Victim; Bond Increased, by Karen Heinselman, The Courier (September 16, 2010)
- Thousands of Fans Turn out in Scotland to See the Pope, on BBC News (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Admits Church Failures in Sex Abuse Scandal, by Nicole Winfield and Victor L. Simpson, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 16, 2010)
- Church Heads Not Vigilant over Sex Abuse, Says Pope, in Daily Times (September 16, 2010)
- "If You Tell, You Go to Hell", by Nick Martin, Channel 4 News (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Benedict, in Scottish Sermon, Mute on Priest Sex Scandal, by Frank James, NPR (September 16, 2010)
- How Not to Report the Pope's Visit, by Mollie, GetReligion (September 17, 2010)
- Pope Confronts Criticism on Sex Abuse Scandal, by Philip Reeves, NPR (September 16, 2010)
- Joliet, Ill., Bishop Appointed New Leader for Western Washington Catholics, by Steve Maynard, News Tribune (September 16, 2010)
- Fugitive Priest May Be Extradited to Canada, in CBC News (September 16, 2010)
- Entschadigung: Suhne Muss Weh Tun, by Matthias Drobinski, The Sueddeutsche (September 16, 2010)
- Pope Concedes Church Mishandled Problem of Clerical Child Sex Abuse, in Irish Times (September 17, 2010)
- Making Amends for Bethany Home, in Irish Times (September 14, 2010)
- "Wir Wissen, Dass Wir Bluten Mussen", by Matthias Drobinski, The Sueddeutche (September 16, 2010)
September 17
- Vatican Names Sartain New Catholic Archbishop for Western Washington, by Steve Maynard, News Tribune (September 17, 2010)
- Theologian to Speak on Political Divisiveness, by Karen Lincoln Michel, Green Bay Press-Gazette (September 17, 2010)
- Two More Allege Abuse at St. Bernard's in 1980s; Four Have Now Sued Santa Rosa Diocese over Alleged Conduct of Former Priest, by Thadeus Greenson, The Times-Standard (September 17, 2010)
- The Dark Side of a Bright Trip, by Raymond J. de Souza, National Post (September 17, 2010)
- You've Got the Wrong Man! in Defence of Pope Benedict XVI, by Scott Stephens, ABC News (September 17, 2010)
- In Britain, Pope Criticizes Church over Abuse, by Rachel Donadio and Alan Cowell, Minneapolis Star-Tribune (September 17, 2010)
- Archdiocese to Cut off Funds to 9 Priests Accused of Abuse, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 17, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Request Sklba's Records, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 16, 2010)
- Joliet Diocese Bishop Headed to West Coast, by Bob Okon, Bolingbroke Sun (September 17, 2010)
- Listecki: Accused Pedophile Priest No Longer Getting Benefits, by Charles Benson , Today's TMJ4 (September 17, 2010)
- A Historic Day, a Stirring Appeal, but Can the Pope Escape the Abuse Scandal?, by Jerome Taylor, The Independent (September 17, 2010)
- Anti-celibacy Lobby Rout Traditionalists in Cinema Debate, by Simon Parke, Church Times (September 17, 2010)
- Court: Sex Started at 16, Claim, in Lynn News (September 17, 2010)
- Prominent Harlem Pastor Resigns Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations, in NY1 (September 17, 2010)
- Group Blasts Timothy Dolan's Handling of a Harlem Priest Accused of Molestation, by Jeff Mays, DNAinfo (September 17, 2010)
- Lawyers to Present Pretrial Motions Nov. 22 in Bishop's Child Porn Case, in The Telegram (September 17, 2010)
- Mixed Reactions after Pope Benedict Says Pedophilia "Illness", in The Australian (September 17, 2010)
- Protesters Accuse Pope of Hypocrisy over Sex Abuse, by Philip Pullella and Maria Golovnina, Toronto Sun (September 17, 2010)
- Scandal-hit Catholic School Suspends Yet Another Teacher, by Michael Russell, Ealing Gazette (September 16, 2010)
- Justice for Magdalenes Welcomes New Home for Statue, in Galway Bay FM (September 17, 2010)
- Sex Offenders in the Pew, by Marian V. Liautaud, Christianity Today (September 17, 2010)
- Ex-altar Boy Cleared of Murdering Vicar, 81, by Tom Pugh, The Independent (September 17, 2010)
- Pope Words during Flight to UK on Sex Abuse Crisis, in Rome Reports (September 17, 2010)
- Priest Is Excommunicated over Ordination of Woman, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic (September 17, 2010)
- The Case of the Pope by Geoffrey Robertson Qc: Review, by Catherine Pepinster, The Telegraph (September 17, 2010)
- Pope's UK Visit: Child Abuse Survivors Campaign for Justice, in The Guardian (September 17, 2010)
- After 20 Years, Former Priest Abuser Peter Chalk Is Revealed, in The Australian (September 17, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Allegations Investigated, by Jenny Simpson, Lancashire Evening Post (September 17, 2010)
- Benedict in Britain: We Get It, We've Got It, Let's Share It, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 17, 2010)
- Hecklers Accuse Pope of Covering up Abuse, Demand His Resignation, by Jonathan Luxmoore, U.S. Catholic (September 17, 2010)
September 18
- Papal Visit: Big Protest Planned for Central London, on BBC News (September 18, 2010)
- Slain Priest Underpaid for "Sexual Favours", by Kashiefa Ajam, IOL (September 18, 2010)
- 6 Arrested during Pope's Visit in Britain, by John F. Burns and Rachel Donadio, New York Times (September 18, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Still Hope for Private Audience with Benedict, by Helen Pidd, The Guardian (September 17, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Victims Blast NY Archbishop, in SNAP (September 18, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Victims to Make Signs for Anti-pope March, in SNAP (September 18, 2010)
- Rev. Ronnie Koch Accused of Delivering Letters for Jailed Colleague, by Dennis Magee, The Courier (September 18, 2010)
- Judge Increases Bond of Pastor Accused in Sexual Abuse Case, in Daily Register (September 17, 2010)
- Dominican Pastor Suspected of Abusing 30 Children, in Seattle Post-Intelligencer (September 18, 2010)
- Pope to Uk: Deeply Sorry, Ashamed of Sex Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Apologizes for "unspeakable Crimes" of Sexual Abuse, in Reuters (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets with Clergy Abuse Victims As Thousands Protest, on CNN (September 18, 2010)
- Pope, at London Mass, Says "Deeply Ashamed" of Sex Abuse by Priests, in Radio Free Europe (September 18, 2010)
- Victims Faced "Immense Suffering': Pope, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Expresses Sorrow for "Unspeakable Crimes", in RTE News (September 18, 2010)
- All Change - How Ireland Turned Its Back on Dogma, in Irish Times (September 18, 2010)
- Bishops Pledge Response to Sexual Abuse by Clergy, in America Magazine (September 18, 2010)
- When Sex Abuse Isn't Taken Seriously, by Mary DeMuth , Washington Post (September 18, 2010)
- Former Altar Boy Cleared of Murdering East Sussex Vicar, on BBC News (September 17, 2010)
- Full Text of Pope's Sermon, in The Independent (September 18, 2010)
- Protesters Prepare to Demonstrate against Pope's Visit, in RFI (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Expresses Sorrow to Clerical Child Abuse Victims, by John Hooper, The Guardian (September 18, 2010)
- Deep Sorrow for Innocent Victims of Child Abuse, in Vatican Information Service (September 18, 2010)
- Bisschop Brugge Stelt Celibaat Ter Discussie, in NU (September 18, 2010)
- Bisschop Brugge Pleit Voor Niet-celibataire Priesters, in hbvl (September 18, 2010)
- Pedofilieschandaal Centraal in Eerste Herderlijke Brief Brugse Bisschop, in HLN (September 17, 2010)
- Pensioner Gets Hate Mail over Mass Boycott, by Ralph Riegel, Irish Independent (September 18, 2010)
- Bijeenkomst Misbruikslachtoffers Rome, in The parool (September 17, 2010)
- Fijn Dat U Belangstelling Hebt Voor Refdag.nl, De Nieuwssite Van Het Reformatorisch Dagblad., in Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 18, 2010)
- Bisschop Op Zoek Naar De Ruimte, in de Stentor (September 18, 2010)
- Dutch Bishop Accused of Abuse, Denies Allegations, in Catholic Culture (September 16, 2010)
- Justitie: Misbruik Gijsen Verjaard, in de Stem (September 18, 2010)
- Gluren, by Bert Wagendorp, de Volkskrant (September 16, 2010)
- In 2009 Al Melding Tegen Gijsen, in NRC Handelsblad (September 18, 2010)
- Hulp & Recht: Uiteindelijk Beslist Bisschop, in The Parool (September 15, 2010)
- Open Vld Wil Bijzondere Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 17, 2010)
- N-va Wil "Expertencommissie" over Seksueel Misbruik, in vandaag (September 18, 2010)
- Justitie Wil Niet Samenwerken Met De Kerk, in HLN (September 18, 2010)
- "Pedofielen in Cel, Niet in Bisschoppelijk Paleis", in De Redactie (September 18, 2010)
- Nieuwe Schok: Vangheluwe Misbruikte Tweede Neef, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 18, 2010)
- "De Clerck Trekt Onafhankelijkheid Brussels Gerecht in Twijfel", in vandaag (September 16, 2010)
- Belgische Bisschoppen Rollend over Straat, in NOS (September 18, 2010)
- Misbruik Door Katholieke Priesters Gebeurt Nog Steeds Overal, by Peter Schouten, Joop (September 16, 2010)
- Dossiers Misbruik Blijven Komen, in HBVL (September 18, 2010)
- De Vlaamse Kerk Na Pedofilie-Gate, in De Wereld Morgen (September 18, 2010)
- Protest Bij Bezoek Paus, in De Volkskrant (September 18, 2010)
- Gelovigen Vragen Massaal Uitschrijving, by Nikolas Vanhecke, De Standaard (September 18, 2010)
- Paus: Kinderen Moeten in Kerk Veilig Zijn, in The Kerknieuws (September 18, 2010)
- De Pope En De Queen, Niet Ieders Cup of Tea, by Petra Janbroers, De Pers (September 18, 2010)
- Pedofilie Is Ziekte. De Vrije Wil Wordt Uitgeschakeld, in De Redactie (September 18, 2010)
- Paus: Pedofilie Is Ziekte Waarbij De Vrije Wil Is Uitgeschakeld, in HLN (September 18, 2010)
- Paus Erkent Fouten Bij Seksueel Misbruik, by Titia Ketelaar, Nrc Handelsblad (September 18, 2010)
- September 16-17, 2010: Pope's UK Visit : Press Conference on Plane and UK Visit : a News Selection, in The Startpagina (September 18, 2010)
- Belgium Clerical Sex Abuse Case: after Pedophilia Report: News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Start Pagina (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Visit UK 2010: Live, in The Telegraph (September 18, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Call Pope's Apology Pr, Not Penitence, in USA Today (September 18, 2010)
- In Britain, Pope Criticizes Response to Abuse Crisis, in New York Times (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Concedes Church Mishandled Problem of Clerical Child Sex Abuse, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Addresses Sex Abuse Scandal As He Starts Visit to Britain, on CNN (September 18, 2010)
- Benedict's in a Box in Talking about the Crisis, in National Catholic Reporter (September 18, 2010)
- Protest the Pope Rally Sees 10,000 March through London's Streets, by Tracy McVeigh, The Guardian (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Says He's Sorry about 'Unspeakable' Sex Abuse of Children by Priests during Homily in London, by Sean Alfano, New York Daily News (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets with Victims in Uk, Says He's Ashamed As Thousands March against Visit in London, by Nicole Winfield, Canadian Press (September 18, 2010)
- In the Crucifix of Westminster, the Pope Sees the Suffering of Those Children, in The Chiesa (September 18, 2010)
- Pope to Uk: Deeply Sorry, Ashamed of Sex Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (September 18, 2010)
- Missionary Group Admits Senegal Abuse, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets Sex Abuse Victims, in Irish Times (September 18, 2010)
- Church Abuse Survivors Demand Justice, in Daily Monitor (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets Clerical Abuse Victims in UK, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Benedict XVI Needs to 'Listen Not Lecture,' Says British Think-Tank during Pope's Visit to London, by Dan Wooding, Christian News Today (September 18, 2010)
- Protests As Pope Apologizes for Sex Abuse Crimes, in Monsters and Critics (September 18, 2010)
- Ashamed Pope Benedict Apologises for Unspeakable Child Abuse Crimes As He Meets Victims, in Daily Mail (September 18, 2010)
- Abuse Victim Responds to Pope's Apology, on BBC News (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets Victims of Sex Abuse in London, in Rome Reports (September 18, 2010)
- Nsac: Apologies and Meetings with Survivors Are Only As Good As What Follows Them, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 18, 2010)
- Hyde Park Sees Protest and Praise Expressed for Pope, by Dhruti Shah, BBC News (September 18, 2010)
- London Marchers Confront Pope in Biggest Protest, by Avril Ormsby, Vancouver Sun (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets Victims of Child Abuse and Expresses 'Deep Sorrow and Shame', in The Guardian (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets Pedophile Priest Victims; Apologizes for 'Unspeakable' Abuse, in Voice of America (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Visit Uk: Thousands Turn out to Protest against Pontiff, by Patrick Sawer, The Telegraph (September 18, 2010)
- Pope Meets with Clergy Abuse Victims As Thousands Protest, on CNN (September 18, 2010)
- Pope's Sorrow for Child Abuse Crimes, on BBC News (September 18, 2010)
- Facebook Maakt Jacht Op Roger Vangheluwe, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 18, 2010)
- Zoektocht Naar Vangheluwe Op Facebook, in De Standaard (September 18, 2010)
- Opus Dei Vs De Loge, by Jan Haerinck, De Groene Amsterdammer (September 18, 2010)
September 19
- Catholics Seeking Changes Within Church to Meet at Long Hill, N.j., Shrine, by Rob Jennings, Daily Record (September 19, 2010)
- Six Held over 'Pope Threat' Freed, in Al Jazeera (September 19, 2010)
- Victims of Abuse by Priests Speak Out: 'There's This Wall of Silence', in The Independent (September 19, 2010)
- Pope Expresses Sorrow for Priest Abuses, by Henry Chu, Kansas City Star (September 19, 2010)
- Joan Smith: I'Ll Take No Lectures on Ethics from Ratzinger, in The Independent (September 19, 2010)
- My Shame and Humiliation: Pope's Emotional Apology over 'Unspeakable' Child Abuse As He Meets Five British Victims, in Daily Mail (September 19, 2010)
- Pope Ends UK Visit with Beatification of Convert, by Nicole Winfield, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 19, 2010)
- Going against the Flow, on Vatican Radio (September 19, 2010)
- Church Leaders Learn to Set Physical Limits, by Pat Gee, Star-Advertiser (September 19, 2010)
- Bullying to Be Included on National Register of Clergy Misconduct, by Jane Still, Anglican Media Melbourne (September 19, 2010)
- Is Sorrow Enough?, by Sophie Elmhirst, New Statesman (September 19, 2010)
- Holy Father Moved by Sex Abuse Victims' Accounts, in Vatican Information Service (September 19, 2010)
- Meeting with People Responsible for Child Protection, in Vatican Information Service (September 19, 2010)
- Dedecker Wil Vangheluwe Castreren " Met Twee Bakstenen", in The Vandaag (September 19, 2010)
- Politicus Wil Misbruikende Bisschop Castreren, in Bnr Nieuwsradio (September 19, 2010)
- Bisschoppen: Debat over Celibaat Pas in Een Tweede Fase Voeren, in The Vandaag (September 19, 2010)
- Misbruik Binnen R.-K. Instellingen, in Nrc Handelsblad (September 19, 2010)
- Paus Biedt Excuses Aan in Londen, in Nrc Handelsblad (September 19, 2010)
- Sex En Vrouwen in De Kerk, in The Spits (September 19, 2010)
- Paus Schaamt Zich Voor Gedrag Priesters, in The Trouw (September 19, 2010)
- Trial Begins for Truro Priest Acused of Sexual Abuse of Children: the Church of England, in The Conger (September 19, 2010)
- Bisschop Brugge Stelt Celibaat Ter Discussie, in AD-NL (September 19, 2010)
- Bisschop Brugge Pleit Voor Niet-Celibataire Priesters, in The Vandaag (September 19, 2010)
- Bisschop De Kesel: Ook Niet-Celibataire Priesters, in De Redactie (September 19, 2010)
- Het Was Een Ontlading, by Lieven Sioen, De Standaard (September 19, 2010)
- Benedictus XVI Zou Er Goed Aan Doen De Kerk Te Vernieuwen., in De Volkskrant (September 19, 2010)
- De Machtsstructuren in De Kerk Moeten Transparanter Worden, in The Rknieuws (September 19, 2010)
- Pedoseksueel Misbruik, in The Trouw (September 19, 2010)
- Daders Melden Zich Bij Deetman, in The Trouw (September 19, 2010)
- Ze Zien Het Als Doktertje Spelen, in The Trouw (September 19, 2010)
- De Clerck: Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie Niet Nodig, in The Vandaag (September 19, 2010)
- Internationale Wake Voor Misbruikslachtoffers in Rome, in De Volkskrant (September 19, 2010)
- De Clerck Roept Slachtoffers Op Zich Tot Justitie Te Wenden, in De Morgen (September 19, 2010)
- De Clerck Wil Liever Geen Onderzoekscommissie, in De Redactie (September 19, 2010)
- Pope Impressed with British Child Protection Policies, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (September 19, 2010)
- Church Payout, but Cops Unaware, in The Australian (September 19, 2010)
- Vatican Shows Systemic Lack of Accountability, in The Australian (September 19, 2010)
- Benedict the Media Darling?, in Times of Malta (September 19, 2010)
- Expressing Remorse Is Not Enough, in Gulf News (September 19, 2010)
- Reform Group Protests over Bbc Report, in Independent Catholic News (September 19, 2010)
- Bishop Lennon on Church Closings, in WTAM (September 19, 2010)
- Priesters Lezen Schuldbrief Nieuwe Bisschop Voor, in The Focus-Wtv (September 19, 2010)
- Springfield Church Receives Respite from Diocese, by Emma Stickgold, Boston Globe (September 19, 2010)
- Pope Praises National Catholic Safeguarding Commission for Work in Stamping out Abuse of Children, in The Mirror (September 19, 2010)
- Belgian Church Fears Us-Style Paedophile Lawsuit Bill, in The Expatica (September 19, 2010)
- Verdriet En Spijt over Misbruik Is Niet Genoeg; De Paus Moet Handelen, in The Trouw (September 19, 2010)
- September 16-18, 2010: Pope's UK Visit: Semon, Protest and Meeting with Victims, in The Startpagina (September 19, 2010)
- Bishop's Return Puts Church in a Quandary, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 19, 2010)
- Beelden Die Misleiden, in De Standaard (September 19, 2010)
- Pope's London Mass Expresses Deep Sorrow for Child Sex Abuse, by John F. Burns, New York Times (September 19, 2010)
September 20
- Cincinnati Ins. Co. V. Oblates of St. Francis De Sales, Inc., in The Leagle (September 20, 2010)
- The Case of the Pope: Vatican Accountability for Human Rights Abuse, by John Cornwell, New Statesman (September 20, 2010)
- An Abuse Survivor's Message for the Vatican: Apologies and Accountability Are Due, by Kim Michele Richardson, Huffington Post (September 20, 2010)
- Belgian Catholics Remain Anguished by Abuse, by Steven Erlanger, New York Times (September 20, 2010)
- More Priests to Face Sex Abuse Charges, in Belfast Telegraph (September 20, 2010)
- Corrections and Clarifications, in The Guardian (September 20, 2010)
- Catherine Pepinster: Could the Pontiff's Values Have a Lasting Impact on Society?, in The Independent (September 20, 2010)
- Pope's Concern at Child Abuse, in Yorkshire Evening Post (September 20, 2010)
- The Pope and the Crowds, by Ross Douthat, New York Times (September 20, 2010)
- Passages over Vangheluwe Geschrapt Uit Boek, in The Parool (September 20, 2010)
- Vangheluwes School Schrapt Hem Uit Haar Geschiedenisboek, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 20, 2010)
- Ex-School Roger Vangheluwe Schrapt Gewezen Bisschop Uit Eigen Geschiedenisboek, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 20, 2010)
- Roger Vangheluwe: Hoe Het Misbruik Zolang Kon Blijven Duren, in The Humo (September 20, 2010)
- Afschaffing Celibaat Kan Misbruik Oplossen, in De Standaard (September 20, 2010)
- Belgische Bisschoppen Tegen Celibaat, in Nrc Handelsblad (September 20, 2010)
- The Catholic Church Helped Father Peter Chalk to Get Away from Australia to Japan, in Broken Rites (September 20, 2010)
- Catholic Church Child Abuse Scandal Outweighs the Good, in Shropshire Star (September 20, 2010)
- Turnout Still Falling at Masses, by Dan Horn, Cincinnati Enquirer (September 20, 2010)
- Meeting with Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland, in Vatican Information Service (September 20, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 20, 2010)
- Priest Cleared of Allegation, Returns to Pembroke Parish, in Bryan County News (September 20, 2010)
- Catholic Church Is "Systemically Paedophile" Says Tory Mep, by Damian Thompson, The Telegraph (September 20, 2010)
- Come on Guys: Give the Pope a Break!, in Roger Helmer MEP (September 19, 2010)
- Pope Bashers Are Throwback to 1605, by George Galloway, Daily Record (September 20, 2010)
- Wrap up of the Pope's UK Trip, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 20, 2010)
- 2 Belgian Bishops Question Priest Celibacy, Rekindling Debate in Scandal-hit Catholic Church, by Raf Casert, The Canadian Press (September 20, 2010)
- Archbishop Zollitsch Says Catholic Church "Failed" in Abuse Scandal, in The Local (September 20, 2010)
- Reflections on the Pope's Visit, by Max Clifford, BBC News (September 20, 2010)
- Pope Sees Police Role in Sex Abuse Inquiries, by Jonathan Guthrie, Financial Times (September 20, 2010)
- Two OK Catholic Groups Lose in Child Sex Case, in SNAP (September 20, 2010)
- J. Peter Sartain, New Seattle Archbishop, Gets Caught up in Priest Abuse Scandal, by Nina Shapiro, Seattle Weekly (September 20, 2010)
- Outcry over Dummy in Brady Painting, on UTV (September 20, 2010)
- "Abuser" in Contact with Kids, Says Fellow Priest, by Rick Wallace and Rory Callinan, The Australian (September 19, 2010)
- Pedophile Priest Peter Chalk Admits "Addiction", by Rory Callinan, The Australian (September 20, 2010)
- Former Priest Must Register As Md. Sex Offender, by Shawn J. Soper, The Dispatch (September 17, 2010)
- Empty Pews Might Make the Powers That Be Think Again, by Jennifer Sleeman, Irish Times (September 20, 2010)
- Nevada Supreme Court Keeps Catholic Sex Abuse Case, Associated Press, carried in Las Vegas Sun (September 20, 2010)
September 21
- Abuse Cases Prompt Belgian Bishops Celibacy Review, by Laurent Thomet, AFP (September 21, 2010)
- Celibacy Debate Suggests Clergy Fail to Understand Relationships, in Inspire Magazine (September 21, 2010)
- New Child Abuse Claims at Catholic Home: Police Investigating St William's Allegations, in This Is Hull and East Riding (September 21, 2010)
- Pastor Tells of Sexual Encounter with Girl, 16, in Lynn News (September 21, 2010)
- Former Revelstokian Faces Charges of Sex Offences against Minor, by Aaron Orlando, Revelstoke Times Review (September 21, 2010)
- Former Seminary Principal Gets Prison for Sexually Abusing Teen, by Janice Peterson, Daily Herald (September 21, 2010)
- Catholic Humiliation in UK, by Mathew N. Schmalz, Washington Post (September 21, 2010)
- Judge Sentences Former Lds Seminary Teacher to 5 Years to Life, in KSL (September 21, 2010)
- Teacher Knows No Reason for Pupil Abuse Allegations, on BBC News (September 21, 2010)
- Church Leader Admits Failure, Urges Reflection, in Abuse Scandal, in Deutsche Welle (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Head in Money Laundering Probe: Sources, in New York Times (September 21, 2010)
- Belgian Bishops Question Whether Priests Need Be Celibate, by Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph (September 21, 2010)
- The Pope Goes to Great Britain, by Tim Fischer, It's about Me (September 21, 2010)
- Boston Priest Had 'Very Positive Meeting' with Cardinal, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 21, 2010)
- The Upside of Religious Authority Sexual Abuse, by Dr. Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Money Laundering Probe Nets Ettore Gotti Tedeschi's ˆ23 Million, in Wiki Peers (September 21, 2010)
- Report: Vatican Bank Chief Investigated in Italy, in Monsters and Critics (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Chief Investigated over Money Laundering Claims, by John Hooper, The Guardian (September 21, 2010)
- Italian Finance Police Seize Vatican Bank Cash As Chief Probed, Ansa Says, by Lorenzo Totaro, Jeffrey Donovan, The Bloomberg (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank in Money Laundering Probe, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Investigated over Money-Laundering, on BBC News (September 21, 2010)
- Ior, LA Banca Vaticana Degli Scandali Anni '80, in AGI (September 21, 2010)
- Ior, Indagato Presidente Su Norme Anti-Riciclaggio, in Reuters (September 21, 2010)
- Archbishop Zollitsch Says Catholic Church Failed in Abuse Scandal, in The Local (September 21, 2010)
- Duizenden Telefoontjes Naar Misbruiklijn, in The Kerknieuws (September 21, 2010)
- Theaterstuk Seksueel Misbruik Kerk in Reprise, in The Kerknieuws (September 21, 2010)
- "Twee Generaties Lang Zwijgen in Goirle", in Brabants Dagblad (September 21, 2010)
- Bisschop Eist Bezinning Priesters, in NOS (September 21, 2010)
- Bisschop Wiertz Start Pastorale Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in The RKnieuws (September 21, 2010)
- Sp.a Wil Pedofielen in Gevangenis Tot Ze Genezen Zijn, in The vandaag (September 21, 2010)
- 'Koppen Xl' Onderzoekt Wat De Paus Wist, in The RKnieuws (September 20, 2010)
- "Misbruik Staat Los Van Celibaat", by Jan Desloover, De Standaard (September 21, 2010)
- Vlaamse Bisschoppen Willen Af Van Celibaat, Waalse Helemaal Niet, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 21, 2010)
- US Clergy Abuse Survivors Respond to Pope Benedict's Statement, in The PRNewswire (September 21, 2010)
- Versagen Beim Thema Missbrauch Und Fragen Zum Zolibat, in The Tageblatt (September 21, 2010)
- Italian Police Probe Vatican Bank Officials, Associated Press (September 21, 2010)
- Pope's Top Banker in Money Laundering Probe, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (September 21, 2010)
- Prosecutors Probe Vatican Bank, in RFI (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican "Astonished" by Inquiry into Its Bank, in AFP (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Claims Transparency Amid Laundering Probe, Associated Press (September 21, 2010)
- Ior. Gotti Tedeschi Indagato Per Riciclaggio, in The Euronews (September 21, 2010)
- Vaticano, Indagato Presidente Ior. Gotti Tedeschi: Mi Sento Umiliato, in The Adnkronos (September 21, 2010)
- 70-year-old Former Teacher Arrested for Sexual Assault (video), by Michael P. Rellahan, Daily Local News (September 21, 2010)
- "Claim Roman Catholic," Says Woman Priest, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (September 21, 2010)
- New Vatican Bank Scandal Threatens to Erupt, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 21, 2010)
- Comunicato Della Segreteria Di Stato, in Vatican City (September 21, 2010)
- Nevada High Court Won't Drop Suit against Catholic Church in Feeney Case, on WHBL (September 21, 2010)
- Italian Police Seize $30 Mln from Vatican in Probe, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Investigated for Alleged Money Laundering, in NPR (September 21, 2010)
- Ior IL Complicato Rapporto Tra Vaticano E Autorita Giudiziaria, in The Virgilio (September 21, 2010)
- Quella Banca Vaticana Che Opera in Tutto IL Mondo, in il Giornale (September 21, 2010)
- Money-Laundering Inquiry Touches Vatican Bank, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican "Perplexed and Amazed" As ?19million Money-laundering Scandal Is Uncovered at Its Bank, by Nick Pisa, Daily Mail (September 21, 2010)
- Italian Police Seize Millions in Vatican Bank Cash Laundering Probe, by Richard Connor, Deutsche Welle (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank in Money-laundering Probe, in ANSA (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Chairman under Investigation for Money Laundering, by Joe Palazzolo, Wall Street Journal (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican `surprised" by Probe of Money Laundering, Pledges Transparency, by Jeffrey Donovan and Lorenzo Totaro, The Bloomberg (September 21, 2010)
- Officials React with Surprise to Investigation of Vatican Bank's Chairman, in Catholic News Agency (September 21, 2010)
- Spanish Priest Suspected of Abuse: Church, in IOL (September 21, 2010)
- Iglesia Espanola Retira Cura Sospechoso De Abuso a Menores, in The Terra (September 21, 2010)
- Confirman Detencion De Sacerdote Por Abuso a Menores En Espana, in SDP (September 21, 2010)
- NY Archdiocese Examines Schools to Close or Merge, in New York Post (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Officials under Investigation in Laundering Case, by Henry Chu and Maria De Cristofaro, Los Angeles Times (September 21, 2010)
- Ante LA Denuncia a Un Clerigo Por Presuntos Abusos a Adolescentes, in Archidiocesis de Valencia (September 21, 2010)
- Lawsuits Accuse Bishop Eddie Long of Sexual Coercion; Long "Adamantly Denies", by Shelia M. Poole and Katie Leslie, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 21, 2010)
- Sex Allegations Made against Bishop Long, by Dale Russell, My Fox Atlanta (September 21, 2010)
- Men Allege Sexual Coercion by Prominent Atlanta Pastor, on CNN (September 21, 2010)
- Former Iglulik Priest Turns Himself in, by Jeanne Gagnon, Northern News Services (September 20, 2010)
- Lawsuit Claims Bishop Long Coerced Males into Sex, Associated Press (September 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank in the Spotlight over Money Laundering Claim, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 22, 2010)
- Rupert Cornwell: the Vatican's Appeal As an Offshore Haven Is Still Evident, in The Independent (September 22, 2010)
- Pope's Banker Faces Inquiry over "Money Laundering", by Michael Day, The Independent (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Pretty Good at Money Laundering, in Macedonian International News Agency (September 21, 2010)
September 22
- Pennsylvania: House of Bishops Calls on Bennison to Resign, by Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal Life (September 22, 2010)
- Spanish Priest Suspected of Abuse Removed San Vicente Martir Catholic University of Valencia Spain, in Barcelona Reporter (September 22, 2010)
- Shrill Polemics Can't Excuse Qc Fudging the Facts to Prosecute Benedict Xvi: Porteous, in The Record (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican, Bank of Italy Didn't Communicate before Probe, Repubblica Reports, by Lorenzo Totaro, The Bloomberg (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Head Blames Error for Probe, in Reuters (September 22, 2010)
- Official: Vatican Bank Investigation Centred on Mistake, in Irish Examiner (September 22, 2010)
- LA Banca Del Papa Tra Scandali E Profitti, by Marco Tosatti, LA Stampa (September 22, 2010)
- Ior, Maxisequestro DA 23 Milioni Vaticano Perplesso Su Inchiesta, in LA Repubblica (September 22, 2010)
- Quel Banchiere Voluto Dal Papa Per Scacciare Le Ombre Dello Ior, in LA Repubblica (September 22, 2010)
- Solicitor Passed on Fresh Child Abuse Claims to Police out of a Sense of Duty, in This Is Hull and East Riding (September 22, 2010)
- Trial for Former Arcata Pastor Set; Cardelli's Bail Reduced by Court, by Matt Drange, The Times-Standard (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Probe Threatens New Scandal for Beleaguered Pope, by David Gibson, Politics Daily (September 22, 2010)
- Fr Anthony Paganoni Cs: Pesky Facts Get in Way of a Ripping Yarn on Abuse, in The Record (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Accused of Sexual Abuse and Coercion of Minors, by William Browning, Associated Content (September 22, 2010)
- Good Grief, Bishops When Will You Act Consistently?, in Anglican Curmudgeon (September 22, 2010)
- Catholic Celibacy to Blame for Child Sex Cases, Says Euro Mp, by Joseph Watts, This Is Derbyshire (September 22, 2010)
- Abuse Cases Prompt Belgian Bishops Celibacy Review, in Raw Story (September 22, 2010)
- Catholic Bishops Revolt over Celibacy of Priests, in Belfast Telegraph (September 22, 2010)
- $121,000 Stolen from Brookfield Church, by Heather Shannon, Today's TMJ (September 22, 2010)
- Priest and Pueblo District Attorney Interpret Plea Agreement in Different Ways, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (September 22, 2010)
- Spanish Priest Suspended over Abuse Allegations, in Barcelona News (September 22, 2010)
- Heilige Vader, Stop Uitsluiting Van De Vrouw, in De Volkskrant (September 22, 2010)
- Secretariat of State Communique on Ior Investigation, in Vatican Information Service (September 22, 2010)
- Lawsuits Accuse Megachurch Leader of Sexual Misconduct, by Robbie Brown, New York Times (September 22, 2010)
- Father Peter Chalk, the Priest Who Got Away and How the Church Helped Him, in Broken Rites (September 22, 2010)
- Attorney: Atlanta Pastor Groomed Young Men for Sex, on CNN (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Denies Sexual Abuse As Plaintiffs" Lawyer Promises More Evidence, by Steve Osunsami and Sarah Netter, ABC News (September 22, 2010)
- Catholic Sex Abuse Prompts Reform Calls in Belgium, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (September 22, 2010)
- The Roman Catholic Church Waffles Again: Belgium's Story, by Catherine McCall, Psychology Today (September 22, 2010)
- Nothing Hypothetical about Papal Persecution, by Julian Porteous, The Australian (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Probe Marks First Time Its Accounts Blocked, on CNN (September 22, 2010)
- Catholics Urged to Boycott Mass This Sunday, on TV3 (September 22, 2010)
- SNAP Statement Regarding Bishop Long of Atlanta, in SNAP (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Claims Transparency Amid Laundering Probe; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Again in the Eye of the Storm after Probe, by Catherine Jouault, AFP (September 22, 2010)
- Voodoo Dolls Used in Sex Curse, Court Hears, by Erik Jensen, Sydney Morning Herald (September 22, 2010)
- Peter Chalk Victims May Reopen Compensation Case, by Rory Callinan, Rick Wallace, The Australian (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Richard Lennon, Breakaway St. Peter Church in Cleveland at Standoff, by Michael O'Malley, The Plain Dealer (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | B.j. Bernstein a Media-savvy Courtroom Competitor, by Jeremy Redmon, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop at U.S. "Megachurch" Accused of Sexual Assault by Two Former Congregation Members, in Daily Mail (September 22, 2010)
- Atlanta Megachurch Head Denies Sex with Young Men, by Errin Haines, Associated Press (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Denies Sex Abuse Allegations, in Christian Broadcasting Network (September 22, 2010)
- Homophobic Atlanta Minister Accused of Sexual Impropriety by Two Men, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Lawsuits Are Talk of Atlanta, by Larry Hartstein and Mike Morris, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 22, 2010)
- Black As Sin: Vatican Bank Accused of Money-laundering, in The Justmeans (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican: Bank Probe Due to Misunderstanding, Says Matter Should Be Clarified Soon, Associated Press (September 22, 2010)
- Episcopal Church Asks Pa. Bishop to Step down, by Patrick Walters, Associated Press (September 22, 2010)
- Catholic Priest Charged in 57-year Old Sexual Assault, by Ryan Cripps, Global Saskatoon (September 22, 2010)
- Fifty-year-old Sex Abuse Scandal Hits St. Mike's, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (September 22, 2010)
- BBC Panorama - What the Pope Knew (part 1 of 2), on YouTube (September 22, 2010)
- Misbruik Werpt Smet Op Alle Katholieken, in de Volkskrant (September 22, 2010)
- 3rd Lawsuit Filed against Bishop Long in Sex Scandal, in Sex Offender Issues (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Hit with Third Sex Lawsuit, Ga. Church Has Not Made Statement, by Naimah Jabali-Nash, CBS News (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Jamal Parris and Gay Sex Scandal, by Amy Judd, Now Public (September 22, 2010)
- Atlanta Pastor to Respond to Lawsuits, on CNN (September 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Probe Revives Catholic Church's Past Financial Scandals, by Nick Squires, Christian Science Monitor (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long: New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Leader Denies Allegations, by Elizabeth Tenety, Washington Post (September 22, 2010)
- Belgium Clerical Sex Abuse Case (6): after Pedophilia Report: News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, StartPagina (September 22, 2010)
- September 16-19: Pope's UK Visit (4) : News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, The Startpagina (September 22, 2010)
- Charles Bennison Must Resign, Episcopal Bishops Say, by Adelle M. Banks, Huffington Post (September 22, 2010)
- Ontario Help Plan Flawed, Survivors Say, by Randy Richmond, London Free Press (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Charges Could Be Difficult to Prove, by Craig Schneider, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 22, 2010)
September 23
- Clergy Abuse in Delaware: Diocese's Bankruptcy Plan Could Be Filed Soon, in News Journal (September 23, 2010)
- Ontario. Catholic Priest Charged in 57-Year-Old Sexual Assault, in Ottawa Citizen (September 23, 2010)
- Former St. Mike's Teacher Charged with Sexual Abuse, by Adrian Morrow, Globe and Mail (September 23, 2010)
- Suits against Santa Rosa Diocese Sidestep Statute of Limitations, by Paul Payne, Press Democrat (September 23, 2010)
- Fifty-Year-Old Sex Abuse Scandal Hits St. Mike's, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (September 23, 2010)
- Atlanta Pastor Cancels Interview, News Conference about Sex Scandal, on CNN (September 23, 2010)
- Ga. Megachurch Pastor Accused of Coercing Young Men into Sex; Outspoken against Gay Marriage, by Errin Haines, Greg Bluestein, Los Angeles Times (September 23, 2010)
- Eddie Long Case Should Mark the End of Black Church Homophobia, by Anthea Butler, Religion Dispatches (September 23, 2010)
- Male Parishioners Allege Atlanta Minister Coerced Sex, by Larry Copeland, USA Today (September 23, 2010)
- Barnes Cancels Fundraiser Hosted by Accused Pastor, in WMAZ (September 23, 2010)
- Father Raymond J. De Souza: Measuring Benedict's Success in Britain, by Raymond J. De Souza, National Post (September 23, 2010)
- Over 100 Reports of Sexual Abuse in Children's Homes, on Radio Netherlands (September 23, 2010)
- Over 100 Abuse Complaints Made against Youth Services, in Dutch News (September 23, 2010)
- Rutherglen Man Tells the World about Abuse at Hands of Nuns, by Kenny Smith, Rutherglen Reformer (September 23, 2010)
- Ruim 100 Meldingen Misbruik Jeugdzorg, in Brabants Dagblad (September 23, 2010)
- Reforminitiative Sammelt 12.000 Unterschriften Gegen Den Zölibat, in The PR-Inside (September 23, 2010)
- Schaamte Na Misbruik in Jeugdzorg, in Nederlands Dagblad (September 23, 2010)
- Letter from Holy See Press Office Director Concerning Ior, in Vatican Information Service (September 23, 2010)
- Is Ms Jennifer Sleeman a Bit of a Crackpot?, by Ronnie O'Gorman, Galway Advertiser (September 23, 2010)
- Italy May Unfreeze Vatican Bank's Funds Amid Investigation, Corriere Says, by Lorenzo Totaro, The Bloomberg (September 23, 2010)
- Jury Considers Verdict in Priest Abuse Trial in Devon, on BBC News (September 23, 2010)
- Summing up in Trial of Vicar Accused of Molesting Children, in This Is Plymouth (September 23, 2010)
- Former Windsor Priest William Hodgson Marshall Faces More Sex Charges, in Windsor Star (September 23, 2010)
- Problems at Vatican Bank Bring out Strange Theories of Masons, Mafia, and Rothschilds, in Spirit Daily (September 23, 2010)
- Ior, LA Cassaforte Vaticana I Segreti Della Banca Di Dio, by Alberto Statera, La Repubblica (September 23, 2010)
- Cosa Nasconde IL Braccio Di Ferro in Seno Al Cda Dello Ior?, in The Panorama (September 23, 2010)
- I Movimenti Sospetti Sui Conti Dello Ior, in Corriere Della Sera (September 23, 2010)
- Why Anti-catholic League? (part 1), by David Fortwengler, Anti-Catholic League (September 23, 2010)
- The Vatican Speaks to Cnn about "What the Pope Knew" Regarding Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church, by John W. Kennedy, The Beliefnet (September 22, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Sexual Assault Files Appeal, by Bob Vaillancourt, Sudbury Star (September 23, 2010)
- Deaf Victim of Sex Abuse Is Suing Pope, and Going Public with His Story for the First Time, on CNN (September 23, 2010)
- Lawyer for Embattled Seymour Priest Tries to Block Release of Deposition Transcripts, in Waterbury Republican-American (September 23, 2010)
- Plaintiff Links Bishop Long to Memphis, by Lauren Johnson, My Fox Memphis (September 23, 2010)
- Ga. Pastor Asks for Patience As He Fights "Ugly Charges", in MSNBC (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Radio Interview, Press Conference Canceled in Wake of 3rd Lawsuit, by Megan Matteucci and Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 23, 2010)
- Lawyer: Other Young Men Went on Trips with Pastor, by Errin Haines and Greg Bluestein, Associated Press (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long, Attorney Issue First Statements on Scandal, by Shelia M. Poole, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 23, 2010)
- Megachurch Head Will Talk Sunday about Sex Claims, by Errin Haines and Greg Bluestein, Associated Press (September 23, 2010)
- Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Releases Bankruptcy Plan, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Malooly Issues Statement on the Filing of the Plan of Reorganization, in RCDW (September 23, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Probe Targets "Numerous Individuals" over Millions of Euros, in The Guardian (September 23, 2010)
- Vatican Stands by Its Ior Execs, by From Fr Federico Lombardi, Financial Times (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long and the Black Community's Silence on Sexual Abuse, in Atlanta Post (September 23, 2010)
- Scheitern Auf Gro?er Buhne, in The Sueddeutsche (September 23, 2010)
- Tamaki Link to US Sex-case Bishop, by Vaimoana Tapaleao, New Zealand Herald (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Plans to Address Congregation in Wake of Sex Abuse Claims, in ABC News (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long: Victim, Hypocrite or Both in Sex Scandal?, by Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Huffington Post (September 23, 2010)
- The Black Church, Homophobia, and Pastor Eddie Long, by Joshua Alston, The Newsweek (September 23, 2010)
- German Bishops to Make Sex-abuse Compensation Offer Next Week, in Monsters and Critics (September 22, 2010)
- German Bishops Set out Rules to Stop Sexual Abuse, on CNN (September 23, 2010)
- Germany's Roman Catholic Bishops: No Compensation Yet for Sex Abuse Victims, Associated Press (September 23, 2010)
- German Catholics Plan Payout for Abuse Victims: Archbishop, in The Expatica (September 23, 2010)
- Bischofskonferenz: Neues Konzept Gegen Missbrauch, in The Fuldainfo (September 23, 2010)
- Bischofe Vertagen Entschadigungsentscheidung, in Der Spiegel (September 23, 2010)
- Pope Named in Lawsuit by Clergy Sex Abuse Victim, by Tom Kavanagh, Politics Daily (September 23, 2010)
- Runaway Nunavut Priest Left Few Good Memories, by Jim Bell, Nunatsiaq Online (September 23, 2010)
- Victims Beg Accused Minister's Backers for "sensitivity", in SNAP (September 23, 2010)
- What to Do When Your Minister Is Accused of Abuse, in SNAP (September 23, 2010)
- Episcopal Church Asks Pennsylvania Bishop to Step Down; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (September 22, 2010)
- Wilm. Diocese Files Bankruptcy Plan; Victims Blast Plan, by Amy Cherry, WDEL (September 23, 2010)
- Retired Pastor Guilty of Child Sex Offences, by Emma Knights, EDP (September 23, 2010)
- King's Lynn Ex-pastor Guilty of Child Sex Offences, on BBC News (September 23, 2010)
- Latino Catholics Must Make Children's Safety a Priority, by Martha Escutia, EGP News (September 23, 2010)
- Vatican Defends Seizure of $30 Million from Bank, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (September 23, 2010)
- N.J. Pastor Moises Cotto Gulity of Making Teens Videotape Sex Sessions, in New Jersey Newsroom (September 23, 2010)
- Newark Pastor Pleads Guilty to Forcing Teens to Videotape Him, Lover, in The Star-Ledger (September 23, 2010)
- Delaware Diocese to Pay Victims under Bankruptcy Plan, in San Francisco Chronicle (September 23, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Survivors Not Happy with Diocese of Wilmington's Reorganization Plan, in WGMD (September 23, 2010)
- Former Priest Sent to Jail after Sexual Abuse Allegations Released, in WKYT (September 23, 2010)
- Gemeenschapsonderwijs Start Meldpunt Voor Seksueel Misbruik, in The Knack (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Teen Sex Abuse Scandal: Cellphone Pictures Leaked (photos), in HipHopRX (September 23, 2010)
- Des Eveques Belges Militent En Faveur Du Mariage Des Pretres, in The L'Express (September 23, 2010)
- L'eglise Belge Promet D'agir, Les Victimes D'abus Veulent Plus, by Philip Blenkinsop, Obs (September 23, 2010)
- Le Tabou Du Celibat Des Pretres Remis En Question En Belgique, by Philippe Siuberski, AFP (September 23, 2010)
- L'eglise Belge Promet De Tirer Les Lecons Du Scandale, Sans Convaincre, in Nord eclair (September 23, 2010)
- Ouvrir Le Debat Sur Le Celibat Des Pretres ET Le Role Des Femmes, in 7 Sur 7 (September 22, 2010)
- Allemagne: L'eglise Catholique Prete a Indemniser Les Victimes De Pedophilie, in AFP (September 23, 2010)
- "Le Celibat Alimente Une Grande Frustration Sexuelle Chez Certains Pretres", in Le Vif (September 23, 2010)
- Meurtrie ET Divisee, L'eglise Belge Cherche Des Reponses a LA Crise, in La Croix (September 23, 2010)
- Pedophilie : LA Presse Britannique Epingle Le Pape, in France2 (September 23, 2010)
- Pedophilie: De Clerck Veut Une Commission Interparlementaire, in 7 Sur 7 (September 23, 2010)
- Ipb Wil Debat over Getrouwde Priesters, in The KerkNet (September 23, 2010)
- Bisdom Hasselt Nuanceert Standpunt over Celibaat, in Katholiek Nederland (September 23, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Charges Dismissed against Priest Who Once Served in New Orleans, by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune (September 23, 2010)
September 24
- Priest Acquitted of Child Abuse in Devon, on BBC News (September 24, 2010)
- Church Sex Scandal Takes Toll on Victims" Lawyers, by Denise Lavoie, Associated Press (September 24, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse in Delaware: Wilmington Diocese Outlines Cash-out Strategy, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (September 24, 2010)
- Windsor Man Shattered by Alleged Assaults of Rev. William Hodgson Marshall, by Frances Willick, Windsor Star (September 24, 2010)
- Megachurch Pastor Keeps Mum on Sex Allegations, by Errin Haines, The Forbes (September 24, 2010)
- Megachurch Head Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Courthouse News Service (September 24, 2010)
- Opinion: Bishop Long and What's Long Overdue for Christians, by Michael Arceneaux, AOL News (September 24, 2010)
- Apology from the Pope Not Enough Says Richhill Man Abused in Institutions, in Portadown Times (September 24, 2010)
- German Catholics to Pay up, in The Province (September 24, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Scandal: Money Laundering -- or Manufactured Charges?, by David Gibson, Politics Daily (September 24, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Scandal Amid Italian Money-laundering Probe, by Stephan Faris, TIME/Yahoo News (September 24, 2010)
- Inquiry into Vatican Finances Widesn, by Rachel Donadio, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 24, 2010)
- 'misbruik Jeugdzorg Was Lang Geen Item', in The Trouw (September 24, 2010)
- Church Rules Are under Scrutiny like Never before, by Derek Lord, Press and Journal (September 24, 2010)
- A Permanent Scandal to the World, by Chene Richard Heady, New Oxford Review (September 24, 2010)
- Bank of Italy Warned Lenders on Vatican Bank Transactions, Corriere Says, by Jeffrey Donovan, Bloomberg (September 24, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Unaware Italian Account Was Frozen, Corriere Says, by Jeffrey Donovan, Business Week (September 24, 2010)
- I Movimenti Sospetti Sui Conti Dello Ior, in Corriere Della Sera (September 24, 2010)
- PM Disposti a Sbloccare I 23 Milioni Dello Ior: , in Corriere Della Sera (September 24, 2010)
- L'era Dei Segreti Sotto IL Regno Di Marcinkus, , in Corriere Della Sera (September 24, 2010)
- The Pope's Banker Weathers the Storm, in The Chiesa (September 24, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Victim Lawyers Reject Delaware Church Bankruptcy Payout Plan, by Steven Church, The Bloomberg (September 24, 2010)
- Nsac Announces Support of Irish Sunday Mass Boycott September 26, in NSAC (September 24, 2010)
- Becker Will Mit Papst Uber Verhutung Reden, in The Focus (September 24, 2010)
- Cardinal Roger Mahony Vilified for Cleansing "Predator Priests" List of Names from His L.A. Archdiocese Web Site, by Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly (September 24, 2010)
- Former Md. Priest Agrees to Plea, in Washington Post (September 24, 2010)
- Gay Sex, Fraud and a Bishop 'dripping with Diamonds', by James Fenton, London Evening Standard (September 24, 2010)
- Poll Shows: Yeshivas More Aware of Sex Abuse, in Need of Better Detection Skills, by Jerry DeMarco, Cliffview Pilot (September 24, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Victim Learns of Pope's Role, by Brian Rokus, CNN (September 24, 2010)
- Mackillop Banished after Uncovering Sex Abuse, in ABC News (September 24, 2010)
- Mackillop Exposed Paedophile Priest, by Jacqueline Maley, Brisbane Times (September 25, 2010)
- Catholic School's Ex-principal Faces More Charges, in CBC News (September 24, 2010)
- Pope Named As Defendant in Catholic Sex Abuse Probe, by Daniel Bates, Daily Mail (September 24, 2010)
- Cnn Rehashes Old Charges in Attack on Pope Benedict, in Christian News Wire (September 24, 2010)
- In the News: Victims Beg Accused Minister's Backers for "sensitivity", in Seth H. Langson (September 24, 2010)
- Pope's Visit, Week's Stories Show Divisions, Rays of Hope, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 24, 2010)
- Our Mother of Mercy, by John Nova Lomax, Houston Press (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Declines Request to Resign; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 24, 2010)
- Pennsylvania: Bishop Declines Request to Resign, by Mary Frances Schjonberg, Virtue Online (September 22, 2010)
- Statement Regarding Joliet, Illinois Bishop, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (September 24, 2010)
- Priest Arrested for Sexual Abuse in Valencia, in The Leader (September 24, 2010)
- Retired Priest Receives 10-year Suspended Sentence in Sex Abuse Case, by Kate Leckie, The News-Post (September 24, 2010)
- Judge Extends Time for Father William Casey to Enter Plea in Sexual Abuse Case, in WDEF (September 24, 2010)
- Former Knox Priest Asks for More Time before Arraignment, in Knoxville News Sentinel (September 24, 2010)
- Diocese Asks Judge to Dismiss Lawsuit Involving Former Central Catholic Priest, by Holly Herman, Reading Eagle (September 24, 2010)
- Ga. Pastor's Youth Academy Preached Sexual Control, by Greg Bluestein, Associated Press (September 24, 2010)
- Sex Claim against Mate Stuns Bishop Tamaki, by James Ihaka, New Zealand Herald (September 22, 2010)
- Bishop Long Will Talk Sunday about Sex Claims, in First Coast News (September 24, 2010)
- A Statement from Bishop Eddie Long, in New Birth Missionary Baptist Church (September 23, 2010)
- Bishop Long Deserves a Fair Hearing but, by James Causey, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 24, 2010)
- Sex and the Church: Accountability in the Pulpit, in Christian Broadcasting Network (September 24, 2010)
- Pastors Meet to Pray for Bishop Long, in My Fox Atlanta (September 24, 2010)
- Exclusive: Bishop Long Speaks for First Time, in CBS Atlanta (September 24, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long (pictures): Pastor Speaks out for First Time, by Edecio Martinez, CBS News (September 24, 2010)
- Vatican Bank President "Incredulous" at Probe, on CNN (September 24, 2010)
- The Vatican: a Murky See, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (September 24, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Chief Laments Damaged Image, Associated Press (September 24, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | 4th Lawsuit Filed; Long Tells Followers 'we Will Arise", by Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 24, 2010)
- Apnewsbreak: 4th Man Sues Ga. Megachurch Pastor, by Greg Bluestein, Associated Press (September 24, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Bishop Will Address Church Members Twice on Sunday, by Ernie Suggs, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 24, 2010)
- Cnn's Appalling Attack on the Pope, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (September 24, 2010)
- Fourth Man Files Lawsuit against Anti-gay Church Leader Eddie Long, by Dyana Bagby, Georgia Voice (September 24, 2010)
- Rape Case Dropped, Rabbi Still Feels Tainted, by Josh Nathan-Kazis, The Forward (September 24, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Plaintiff's Father Speaks out, by Craig Schneider, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 24, 2010)
- Fourth Lawsuit Filed against Georgia Pastor, on CNN (September 24, 2010)
- New: Plaintiff's Video Surfaces, by Condace Pressley, WSB Radio (September 24, 2010)
- Charlotte Man Files Sexual Misconduct Suit against Megachurch Pastor, on WBTV (September 24, 2010)
- Group Urges Worldwide Support for Mass Boycott, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 25, 2010)
- Italian Clerical Sex Abuse Victims Gather for First Time, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 25, 2010)
- Pensioner Urges Mass-goers to Wear Armbands, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (September 24, 2010)
- "We've Had Enough': Portland Catholic Women to Skip Sunday Morning Mass over Treatment of Women, by Nancy Haught, The Oregonian (September 24, 2010)
- Oregon Archbishop John G. Vlazny: Catholic Church Won't Change Position on Women's Ordination, by Nancy Haught, The Oregonian (September 24, 2010)
September 25
- Pope's Role in Abuse Crisis Studied, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (September 25, 2010)
- Saintly Australian Was Punished for Exposing Sex Abuse, in Monsters and Critics (September 25, 2010)
- Australia's First Saint "Exposed Paedophile Priest", in AFP (September 25, 2010)
- St. Vincent De Paul Names New Director; Court Won't Dismiss Priest Sex Abuse Case, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 24, 2010)
- Priest Sentenced to Home Detention for Sexual Abuse, in Baltimore Sun (September 25, 2010)
- That Gap between 1985 and 2002, in Get Religion (September 25, 2010)
- Documentary Reveals the Excommunication of Mary Mackillop, in Radio Australia News (September 25, 2010)
- New Child Abuse Investigation at Home Where the Catholic Church Is Trying to Avoid Payment of Compensation to Victims, in National Secular Society (September 25, 2010)
- German Catholic Bishops Say Church Must Discuss Taboos, Compensate Abuse Victims, in Deutsche Welle (September 25, 2010)
- Delaware Diocese's Payment Plan Rejected by Victims, by Steven Church, Business Week (September 25, 2010)
- Eddie Long to Address Congregation on Sex Allegations, by Charlie Boyd, Christian Today (September 25, 2010)
- Court Documents Physical Abuse in Cardelli Case; Two Children under Pastor's Care Allege He Hit Kids with Stick, by John Driscoll, Contra Costa Times (September 25, 2010)
- Ga. Pastor's Academy Had "Sex Self-check Card", by Greg Bluestein, The Forbes (September 25, 2010)
- Catholic Church Wants to Pay Abuse Victims on Case-by-case Basis, in The Local (September 25, 2010)
- Cnn's "What the Pope Knew" Offers Solid Reporting on the Catholic Church's Sex Abuse Scandal, by John W. Kennedy, Beliefnet (September 25, 2010)
- Cnn Asks "What the Pope Knew", by Kevin McDonough, South Coast Today (September 25, 2010)
- Vatican Probes Group Tied to Scandal, by Nicole Winfield, 10 News (September 25, 2010)
- Review: the Case of the Pope by Geoffrey Robertson Qc, in Irish Independent (September 25, 2010)
- Stay on Delaware Clergy Abuse Suits Extended to End of Year, in News Journal (September 25, 2010)
- Stortvloed Van Nieuwe Klachten Seksueel Misbruik, in HBVL (September 25, 2010)
- Vangheluwe: Van Westvleteren over Westmalle Naar Onbekend Adres, in Metro Time (September 25, 2010)
- Roger Vangheluwe Via Westmalle Naar Nieuw Onderduikadres, in HBVL (September 25, 2010)
- Update: Bishop in Alleged Gay Sex Scandal to Step down, in Raw Story (September 25, 2010)
- Vicar Cleared of Molesting Children over 30 Years Ago, in This Is Cornwall (September 25, 2010)
- Pedophile Mess Demands Tough, Cleansing Action, by Marvin Read, Pueblo Chieftain (September 25, 2010)
- Retired Priest Gets Home Detention in Sex Case, by Kate Leckie, The News-Post (September 25, 2010)
- Is the Vatican Bank Morally Bankrupt?, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 25, 2010)
- Faith, Blessed Newman, Prayers, Christ-Crucifix Never Protected Children and Can Never Bring Justice to Victims of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, on Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (September 25, 2010)
- Italian Church Abuse Victims Want Clerical Abuse Declared a Crime against Humanity, in Winnipeg Free Press (September 25, 2010)
- A Verona IL Primo Incontro Italiano Delle Vittime Dei Preti Pedofili, on CNR Media (September 25, 2010)
- Io, Abusata DA Un Prete a 11 Anni Vi Racconto Una Vita Di Vergogna, in LA Repubblica (September 25, 2010)
- Vittime Dei Preti Pedofili Al Raduno Di Verona, in The Leggilo (September 25, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Must Step down, by Roland S. Martin, CNN (September 25, 2010)
- Belgische Prinsen Op Misbruikschool, in The Spits (September 25, 2010)
- Kindermisbruik in Prinsenschool, by Steven De Bock, De Standaard (September 25, 2010)
- Ook Misbruik Op Belgische Prinsenschool, in NOS (September 25, 2010)
- 52 Nieuwe Gevallen Seksueel Misbruik Kerk België, in De Volkskrant (September 25, 2010)
- Some Churches like Ga. Pastor's Thin on Safeguards, by Tom Breen, WRAL (September 25, 2010)
- Sex Scandal Threatens a Georgia Pastor's Empire, by James C. McKinley, Robbie Brown, New York Times (September 25, 2010)
- Eddie Long, Baptist Megachurch Bishop, Used Academy to Learn Intimate Details of Teen Boys: Lawy, by Sean Alfano, New York Daily News (September 25, 2010)
- Priest, Son Held for Harassing Inmates, in IBN (September 25, 2010)
- Italian Victims of Pedophilic Clerics Gather, by Colleen Barry, Associated Press (September 25, 2010)
- Two Pastors Calling on the Vatican to Stop Cleveland Church Closings, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (September 25, 2010)
- Civil Rights Leader Julian Bond Speaks out on Eddie Long Same-Sex Scandal, by Dyana Bagby, Georgia Voice (September 25, 2010)
- Klein Seminarie Waarschuwt Voor Mogelijk Seksueel Misbruik, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 25, 2010)
- School Deelt Mogelijk Seksueel Misbruik Mee, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 25, 2010)
- School Deelt Mogelijk Seksueel Misbruik Mee, in De Standaard (September 25, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Statement to Congregation to Stream Live, in The Examiner (September 25, 2010)
September 26
- Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Spokesperson for Georgia Pastor Says He Will Not Step down, in Prime Writer News Network (September 26, 2010)
- Pa. Diocese Seeks to Block Suit by Teenage Girl's Parents, in Philadelphia Inquirer (September 26, 2010)
- Cnn Anchor Don Lemon's On-Air Revelation, by Chris Ariens, TV Newser (September 26, 2010)
- Victims of Paedophile Clerics Gather, in IOL (September 26, 2010)
- Archbishop Chaput Whacks Media in Speech, Defends His Nyt Boycott, by Michael Triplett, The Mediaite (September 26, 2010)
- DNA Paternity Test Clears Paraguay Leader Fernando Lugo, on BBC News (September 26, 2010)
- Vatican Finances Aboveboard, Affirms Aide, in The Zenit (September 26, 2010)
- Sex Allegations Roil Black Church Community, by Nia-Malika Henderson, Krissah Thompson, Washington Post (September 26, 2010)
- Bishops Appeal against Boycott, on 98 Fm (September 26, 2010)
- Priest Accuser Sues Catholic Church As Lawyers Blame Abuse for Ruined Life, in Daily Record (September 26, 2010)
- Italian Priest Abuse Victims Hold First Public Meeting, on BBC News (September 26, 2010)
- Report That Atlanta Mega Church Minister under Fire in Sex Scandal Case Was Mentored by Another Preacher with Sordid Past, in Sky Valley Chronicle (September 26, 2010)
- Pope for Hire Row As Rich Pay Millions and Then Get to Meet Him, by Jonathan Petre, The Mail (September 26, 2010)
- U.S. Group Lines up in Support of Church Mass Boycott, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Teen Sex Abuse Scandal : a News Selection [united States], in The Startpagina (September 26, 2010)
- Paus Hoorde Welke Impact Seksueel Misbruik Had Op Leven Van Slachtoffers, in The Kerknet (September 26, 2010)
- Ga. Megachurch Pastor: I'Ll Be Here Next Week, by Errin Haines, Washington Post (September 26, 2010)
- Long: I'Ve Been Accused. I'M under Attack, in WSB (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Denies False Allegations, Plans to Address Church, by Adelle M. Banks, Huffington Post (September 26, 2010)
- Georgia Pastor Willl Fight Allegations, in Los Angeles Times (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long: This Thing I'M Going to Fight, by Craig Schneider, Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26, 2010)
- Megachurch Pastor Eddie Long to Fight Accusations, by Kevin Dolak, ABC News (September 26, 2010)
- Georgia Pastor Vows to Fight Sex Allegations, on CNN (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Scandal Sermon: This Thing, I'M Gonna Fight., in Orlando Sentinel (September 26, 2010)
- Pedophile Issues Known 19 Years Ago, by Rory Callinan, The Australian (September 27, 2010)
- Opinion: French Catholic Church Relatively Untouched by Pedophile Scandal, by Michael Cosgrove, Digital Journal (September 26, 2010)
- Boycott Fails to Dent Mass Numbers, by Kitty Holland, Irish Times (September 27, 2010)
- The Pope's Visit to Britain, by Louis Cilia, Times of Malta (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Invokes Scripture in Remarks on Lawsuits, by Gracie Bonds Staples, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Launches Fightback against Sex Claims, by Andrew Clark, The Guardian (September 26, 2010)
- Ga. Megachurch Pastor Pledges to Fight Accusations, by Errin Haines, Associated Press (September 26, 2010)
- Strong Reaction to Bishop Long's Sermon, on 11 Alive (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Transcript of 8 A.m. Sermon, in Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26, 2010)
- Allentown Diocese Removes Two Priests on Sex Abuse Allegations, by Scott Kraus, Morning Call (September 26, 2010)
- Pope Meets with Head of Under-Fire Vatican Bank: Report, in AFP (September 26, 2010)
- US Pastor to Fight Sex Allegations, on BBC News (September 26, 2010)
- Ior, DA Pietro Ai Suoi Successori, by Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Le Repubblica (September 26, 2010)
- IL Papa Riceve IL Presidente Dello Ior Attestazione Di Stima E Di Fiducia, in LA Repubblica (September 26, 2010)
- Lives of Former Dubuquers Intertwined in Book, by Mary Nevans-Pederson, Telegraph Herald (September 26, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Aggressive Tone in Dealing with Scandalous Allegations, by Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26, 2010)
- The Boycott Itself Is Irrelevant Because the Message Is out, by Barry Roche and Louise Roseingrave, Irish Times (September 27, 2010)
- Women's Voices Dublin's Pro-Cathedral Mass-Goers Give Their Views, in Irish Times (September 27, 2010)
- Women to the Fore As Priest Urges Inclusion, by Elaine Keogh and Anne Lucey, Irish Times (September 27, 2010)
- Allentown Diocese Removes 2 Priests Amid Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors, by Amanda Leigh Brozana, Republican Herald (September 27, 2010)
- Two Priests Removed from Duties, in WNEP (September 26, 2010)
- Priests Removed from Two Allentown Diocese Churches, by Katie Shank, WFMZ (September 26, 2010)
- Attendance at Mass Strong Despite Call, Says Church, by Kitty Holland, Irish Times (September 27, 2010)
- Pedofilia: Vittime Di Preti Riunite a Verona, Ora Basta, by Antonella Barina, ANSA (September 25, 2010)
- Pastor Kayanja Accuser Alive, by Francis Emorut, New Vision (September 26, 2010)
- Bankitalia-Ior: Un Faro Per 16 Mesi, Poi LA Stretta, by Donatella Stasio, IL Sole (September 26, 2010)
September 27
- Priest Accused of Raping Pregnant Woman Pays out, in Belfast Telegraph (September 27, 2010)
- Retired Priest Arrested over Child Sex Claims, on ABC News (September 27, 2010)
- Retired Australian Catholic Priest Charged with Sex Abuse of Two Boys, in Island Crisis (September 27, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Sex Offences, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 27, 2010)
- Retired Catholic Priest Faces Charges over Alleged Historical Sexual Assaults – Lake Macquarie Area, in New South Wales Police Force (September 27, 2010)
- Diocese Selling Share of Casket Newspaper, in The Chronicle-Herald (September 27, 2010)
- Allentown Diocese Removes 2 Priests over Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Brett Hambright, Reading Eagle (September 27, 2010)
- Diocese Selling Stake in Newspaper, by Nancy King, Cape Breton Post (September 27, 2010)
- Crisis in the Diocese: a Call for Action, in Port Hawkesbury Reporter (September 27, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long: Did He Do Enough to Defend Himself against Sex Abuse Claims?, by Steve Osunsami and Sarah Netter, ABC News (September 27, 2010)
- Megachurch Flock Stands by Besieged Eddie Long, on CBS News (September 27, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Why Hasn't Eddie Long Proclaimed His Innocence?, by Amanda Collins, Prime Writer News Network (September 27, 2010)
- Eddie Long's Crimes against the Gospel, in Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 27, 2010)
- Can the Principles of Restorative Justice Be Applied to the Catholic Church Child, by John W. Kennedy, The Beliefnet (September 27, 2010)
- Lawsuit Text: Anthony Flagg Vs. Bishop Eddie Long, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 27, 2010)
- Pa. Priests Removed over Sex Abuse Allegations, in Lebanon Daily News (September 27, 2010)
- Voormalig Bisschop Vangheluwe Maakte Derde Slachtoffer, in Metro Time (September 27, 2010)
- Het Nichtje Van De Bisschop: Het Derde Slachtoffer Van Roger Vangheluwe, in The Humo (September 27, 2010)
- Bisschop Vangheluwe Maakte Drie Slachtoffers, in The Kerknieuws (September 27, 2010)
- Spoedige Beslissing over Toekomst Vangheluwe, in Katholiek Nederland (September 27, 2010)
- Stortvloed Van Nieuwe Klachten Seksueel Misbruik, in HBVL (September 27, 2010)
- De Politiek over Seksueel Misbruik in De Kerk, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 27, 2010)
- Priest in Tuam Archdiocese Settles Rape Claim, in Galway Bay (September 27, 2010)
- Pope Voices Trust in Vatican Bank Head after Probe, on CNN (September 27, 2010)
- Vangheluwe: Parket Brugge Heeft Geen Weet Van Derde Slachtoffer, in Metro Time (September 27, 2010)
- Mass Boycott Was Foolish, but It Did Show Action Is Needed, by Garry O'Sullivan, Herald (September 27, 2010)
- Accuse Di Riciclaggio: Quel Pasticciaccio Dei Bonifici Dello Ior, in Panorama (September 27, 2010)
- Ior, IL Vaticano Vuole Chiudere I Conti Correnti Laici, in Sky (September 27, 2010)
- The Case for Crafting a New Religion for Black America, in Atlanta Post (September 27, 2010)
- Another Sex Scandal Dominates Godbeat, by Brad A. Greenberg, The GetReligion (September 27, 2010)
- Can Women Change the Church?, by Gardne of Roses, Virginia Jones (September 27, 2010)
- 'Commissie Adriaenssens Kwam Geen Doofpotoperatie Op Het Spoor', in The RKnieuws (September 27, 2010)
- Pope Appoints Ricardo Blazquez to Investigate the Regnum Christi, in Rome Reports (September 27, 2010)
- The Root: the Meaning of Eddie Long's Demise, by Craig Washington, NPR (September 27, 2010)
- Benedict Xvi: Will He Ever Lead?, by John Phillips, Word on Employment Law (September 27, 2010)
- Probably Just a Coincidence, in Catholic Culture (September 27, 2010)
- Deaf Sex Abuse Victim Suing the Pope, in Perez Hilton (September 27, 2010)
- Another Hunter Priest on Child Sex Charges, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 28, 2010)
- Questions Have Long Surrounded Accused Minister, by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, NPR (September 27, 2010)
- Sexual Taboo Has Left the Black Church Aloof, by Malik Washington, NPR (September 27, 2010)
- Dc Area Pastors React to Eddie Long Sex Abuse Allegations, by Hamil R. Harris, Washington Post (September 27, 2010)
- Milford Priest Accused of Sexual Relationship, by Helen Bennett Harvey, New Haven Register (September 27, 2010)
- Suspended Harlem Pastor Formally Resigns, by Mary Ann Poust, Catholic New York (September 27, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Photos: New Photos Show Eddie Long with Young Teens (pictures, Photos), in Prime Writer News Network (September 27, 2010)
- Community Reacts to Alleged Priest Sex Assault, on WNEP (September 27, 2010)
September 28
- Priest Videotaped Having Sex with Teen, Lawsuit Says, by Tracy Jordan, Morning Call (September 28, 2010)
- Irish Church to Loosen Grip on School Education, by Audrey Carville, BBC News (September 28, 2010)
- Support Offered for Accused Priest, by Liset Marquez, Contra Costa Times (September 28, 2010)
- Cary Clack: Men of God Stand Accused, but So Do Accusers, in San Antonio Express-News (September 28, 2010)
- Former Lynn Pastor Guilty of Five Charges, in Lynn News (September 28, 2010)
- Three Testify Pastor Sexually Abused Them, by Rob Parsons, Willows Journal (September 27, 2010)
- Anglican Archbishop of Adelaide Resigns, in Big Pond News (September 27, 2010)
- Irondequoit Church Closes after 100 Years Due to Finances, in WHEC (September 26, 2010)
- Another Hunter Priest on Child Sex Charges, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (September 28, 2010)
- Eddie Long Isn't Practicing What He Preaches, by Eugene Robinson, Washington Post (September 28, 2010)
- Who Is Really Responsible?, by Dr. Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (September 27, 2010)
- Oak Park Pastor, Parish Send Message on Women's Ordination, in Chicago Catholic News (September 27, 2010)
- Incestueus Stilzwijgen Van Kerk Bij Seksueel Misbruik Is Geen Crimineel Gedrag, in HLN (September 28, 2010)
- Priests' Group Says Boycott Well Supported, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (September 28, 2010)
- Oregon Catholics Rally against Women Exclusions, in Oregon Faith Report (September 28, 2010)
- Media Ordains Female Priests, by Mollie, The Getreligion (September 28, 2010)
- Seminarians Deal with Scandal's Fallout, in Catholic Culture (September 28, 2010)
- Vatican Keeps Oecd Waiting on Transparency As Italy Magistrates Probe Bank, by Jeffrey Donovan and Sonia Sirletti, The Bloomberg (September 28, 2010)
- New Lawsuit Filed Vs. Notorious Pedophile Priest, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 28, 2010)
- Eddie Long: the Real Scandal Is Even Bigger, by Christa Brown, Religion Dispatches (September 28, 2010)
- Former Altar Boy Files Sexual Abuse Lawsuit against Bridgeport Diocese, by Daniel Tepfer, CT Post (September 28, 2010)
- Priest Stands down Amid Abuse Claim, in Belfast Telegraph (September 28, 2010)
- Priest Steps down after Complaint, on UTV (September 28, 2010)
- Better Laws Sought to Help Victims of Abuse by Priests, by Karin Mallett, WFMZ (September 28, 2010)
- Cardinal Brady Summoned to Vatican, on UTV (September 28, 2010)
- Catholic Bishop Challenges Journalists to Work with Fairness and Integrity, by Charles J. Chaput, Spero News (September 28, 2010)
- Chaput Takes on the Media, by Mark Silk, The Beliefnet (September 28, 2010)
- Archdiocese to Seek Laicization of Two Priests Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse from 1970s and 1980s, in Catholic Review (September 28, 2010)
- Bishop Long's "Anointed" Path to Power at New Birth, by John Blake, CNN (September 28, 2010)
- Abuse Survivor / Bestselling Author Makes Statement about Bishop Eddie Long and Pope Benedict XVI, by Twila Belk, Earned Media (September 28, 2010)
- Archdiocese Sued Again over Sex Offender Priest, by Lisa Donovan, Chicago Sun-Times (September 28, 2010)
- Germantown Priest Indicted on Sex Offense Not Receiving Counseling, by Alex Ruoff, The Gazette (September 28, 2010)
- Watertown Priest Charged with Theft and Fraud, on WITI (September 28, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Theft, in NBC 15 (September 28, 2010)
- Former Boonville Priest Gerald Howard's Court Hearing Rescheduled, by Eric Berger, Boonville Daily News (September 28, 2010)
- What Happens When a Catholic Priest Falls in Love with a Woman, by Colleen Smith, Christian News Wire (September 28, 2010)
- Claim against County down Priest Investigated, on BBC News (September 28, 2010)
- Update: Allegation of Rape on Second Day of Trial, in Orland Press Register (September 28, 2010)
- Irish Prelates Headed to Rome to Prepare for Visit, in The Zenit (September 28, 2010)
- Archbishops Visit Rome Ahead of Apostolic Inquiry, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 29, 2010)
- DAS Gemeinsame Arbeitspapier Der Ehemaligen Heimkinder, in Jetzt reden wir (September 28, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Lags on Transparency, European Official Says, in Catholic Culture (September 28, 2010)
- Update 2: Rape Allegation Stuns Prosecutor, Defense, by Rob Parsons, Orland Press Register (September 28, 2010)
- Diocese Hit with Sex Abuse Suit, by Greg Canuel, Daily Fairfield (September 28, 2010)
- Former Priest Charged with Stealing Church Funds and Deceiving Parishioners, by Doug Erickson, Wisconsin State Journal (September 28, 2010)
- Sexual Abuse Accuser Calls Ga. Pastor "Predator", Associated Press (September 28, 2010)
- Accuser Calls Bishop Eddie Long a Liar, on My Fox Memphis (September 28, 2010)
- Georgia Pastor Went from "Daddy" to "Monster," Alleged Sex Abuse Victim Says, on Fox News (September 28, 2010)
- No New Bishop Long Suits, No Criminal Investigation, by Megan Matteucci, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 28, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Young Accuser Says He Loved Pastor, Now Considers Him 'monster", by Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 28, 2010)
- Famed Private Investigator Hired by Bishop Eddie Long, in 11 Alive (September 28, 2010)
- Bishop Long Asked DA to Drop Burglary Charge, on WMAZ (September 28, 2010)
September 29
- Retired Miami Priest Walter Coleman Sued for Allegedly Molesting an Altar Boy in Connecticut, by Michael Miller, Miami New Times (September 29, 2010)
- Anglican Tribunal Rules against Bishop Who Worships at Catholic Parish, in Catholic Culture (September 29, 2010)
- Feingold Opponent Defends Wisconin Catholic Diocese over Pedophile Priests, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (September 28, 2010)
- Bishop Joe N. Flowers Jr. Denies Sexual Contact with Boy, by Jon Hand, Democrat and Chronicle (September 29, 2010)
- Local Pastor Charged with Sexual Conduct with a Child, by Christine Vantimmeren, WHEC (September 28, 2010)
- Archbishop Says Mass Media Today Seems More Hostile to Christian Values, by Anna Maria Basquez, The Pilot (September 29, 2010)
- Under-Fire Vatican Bank Says It Has Nothing to Hide, in AFP (September 29, 2010)
- Sainthood for Australian Nun Who Exposed Pedophile Priest, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (September 29, 2010)
- Priests Urged to Behave Prudently Amid Scandals, in The Cathnews (September 29, 2010)
- Wisconsin Diocese Sued in Nevada, in Milwaukee News Buzz (September 29, 2010)
- Lawsuit Alleges Abuse by Convicted Ex-Priest McCormack, in Chicago Breaking News (September 28, 2010)
- Man Sues Chicago Archdiocese over Alleged Sex Abuse Lawsuit Says He Was a Victim of Former Priest Daniel McCormack, in Chicago Tribune (September 28, 2010)
- Als Katholieke Jongen Had Ik Mijn Ogen En Oren Niet in Mijn Zak Zitten, in The Liwwadders (September 29, 2010)
- Rapport Adriaenssens Geen Moedig En Evenmin Een Historisch Document, in The Rknieuws (September 29, 2010)
- Ior, Manca Impegno Formale, in LA Stampa (September 29, 2010)
- Abt Nathanael Van Westmalle Ontkent Dat Hij Ex-Bisschop Onderdak Bood, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 28, 2010)
- Irish Archbishops for Church Abuse Inquiry, on BBC News (September 29, 2010)
- Gerry O'Sullivan: Can a Gentle Nudge from Vatican Rescue Irish Church?, by Gerry O'Sullivan, The Herald (September 29, 2010)
- Bishops Summoned to Rome for Abuse Crisis Talks, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (September 29, 2010)
- Irish Archbishops Travel to Rome Ahead of Apostolic Visitation, in Independent Catholic News (September 28, 2010)
- Expert on Homosexuality and the Black Church Available to Media, by Expert Available, Newswise (September 29, 2010)
- Local Priest Pleads Guilty to Sexual Battery, on WTOV (September 29, 2010)
- New Sex Abuse Lawsuit Names Pastor, Church, in KCCI (September 29, 2010)
- Youth Pastor Sex Case Delayed, in Odessa American (September 29, 2010)
- Commissie-deetman Ontmoet Slachtoffers, in parool (September 29, 2010)
- "Goed Dat Stilzwijgen Slachtoffers Wordt Doorbroken", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 29, 2010)
- Vergoeding Slachtoffers Misbruik, in NOS (September 29, 2010)
- Ron Johnson Wants Transparency Concerning Church Victims, on WTAQ (September 29, 2010)
- Johnson Calls for Transparency Concerning Church Victims, by Mark Leland, WLUK (September 29, 2010)
- Wis. Senate Candidate Urges Openness from Diocese, in Chicago Tribune (September 29, 2010)
- Wi Goper Ron Johnson Was on Finance Council of Diocese Being Sued over Child Sex Abuse, by Joe Sudbay, AMERICAblog (September 29, 2010)
- Oakland Diocese Faces 5th Lawsuit on Priest Abuse, in KTVU (September 29, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Attorney Blasts Accusers for Trying Case in Media, by Larry Hartstein and Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 29, 2010)
- Jamal Parris, Bishop Eddie Long's Alleged Victim, Speaks (video), in Huffington Post (September 29, 2010)
- Bishop Long: Did You or Didn't You?, by Jonathan L. Walton, CNN (September 28, 2010)
- Former Priest Faces Further Molestation Charges, in San Francisco Chronicle (September 29, 2010)
- Victims Push Ron Johnson to Urge Diocese to Release Priests" Names, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 29, 2010)
- Fugitive Brazil Priest Convicted of Abuse Arrested, by Stan Lehman, Associated Press (September 29, 2010)
- Padre Condenado Por Abusar De Coroinhas E Preso No Rio Grande Do Sul, in O Globo (September 29, 2010)
- Padre E Preso Por Abuso Sexual No Rs, in Diario Do Grande ABC (September 29, 2010)
- Ohio Valley Priest Enters Guilty Plea, on WTRF (September 29, 2010)
- Former Orphanage Residents Decry Sd Lawsuit Law, on KTIV (September 29, 2010)
- SNAP Asks Ron Johnson to Help Obtain Names of Clergy Sex Offenders, by Emily Matesic, WBAY (September 29, 2010)
- Ron Johnson, Wi Senate Candidate, Opposed Wisconsin Child Victims Act, by Jason Linkins, Huffington Post (September 29, 2010)
- Vatican Taps Investigator for Group Tied to Legion, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (September 28, 2010)
- Relative of Alleged Victim Details Abuse, by Rachel Barnhart, WHAM (September 29, 2010)
- Are You a Member of the Walk of Life Christian Center?, on WHEC (September 29, 2010)
- Rochester Pastor Accused of Sexual Conduct with a Child, on MPNnow (September 29, 2010)
- Priest from St. Bede Parish in Point Breeze Pleads Guilty to Virginia Molestation Charge, in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (September 29, 2010)
- Fla. Priest Gets Equal Time and Custody of Child, in Miami Herald (September 29, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Ex-wife Accused Him in Divorce Papers of Abuse, by Christian Boone and Ty Tagami, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 29, 2010)
- Pastor Accuser: Sex Encounters on Church Grounds, Associated Press (September 29, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Fourth Accuser Speaks out, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 29, 2010)
- Chasing Jamal Parris: Did TV Station Cross the Line?, by Lee Hill, NPR (September 29, 2010)
- Sylvestre Victim Lawsuit Settled Prior to First Witness, by Jane Sims, Chatham Daily News (September 29, 2010)
- Mary Mackillop: Patron Saint of Sexual Abuse Victims?, by Jim Keane, America Magazine (September 29, 2010)
- Weymouth Priest Cleared of Sex Abuse Allegation, in Boston Herald (September 29, 2010)
- Archdiocese of Boston Announces Claim against Rev. Charles J. Murphy Is Unsubstantiated, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (September 29, 2010)
- With Bank Inquiry, Vatican Confronts Modern Life, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (September 29, 2010)
- British Qc Takes on Bishop Porteous, by Anthony Barich, The Record (September 29, 2010)
- Priest Accused of Scamming Friends, Family, Church Members, by Michael George, WTMJ (September 29, 2010)
September 30
- Weymouth Priest Cleared of Sexual Abuse Allegation, in Dedham Transcript (September 30, 2010)
- Church Reinstates Priest, in Boston Herald (September 30, 2010)
- Church Clears Priest of Abuse, by John M. Guilfoil, Boston Globe (September 30, 2010)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Charge, by Jennifer Compston-Strough, Wheeling News-Register (September 30, 2010)
- A Saint for Our Times: Nun Denounced Abuse a Century Ago, in USA Today (September 30, 2010)
- Benedict's Involvement Portrayed Inaccurately, by Caleb Palmquist, Daily Evergreen (September 30, 2010)
- Brazilian Sex Abuse Priest Arrested, by Stan Lehman, 9 News (September 30, 2010)
- Another Sexual Abuse Suit Filed against McCormack, in WLS (September 30, 2010)
- Wisconsin Senate Candidate Ron Johnson's Plea to Green Bay Catholic Diocese Disappoints Activists, by Steve Contorno, Green Bay Press-Gazette (September 30, 2010)
- Protesters Decry Sex Abuse Law, by Beth Wischmeyer, Argus Leader (September 30, 2010)
- Former Orphanage Residents Decry Sd Abuse Law, in Rapid City Journal (September 29, 2010)
- Jury: Former Pastor Guilty of Sexual Abuse, by Rob Parsons, Willows Journal (September 29, 2010)
- The Eddie Long Scandal: Betraying the Memory of Mlk, by David A. Love, Huffington Post (September 29, 2010)
- Former Orphanage Residents Decry Sd Abuse Law, by Dirk Lammers, Daily Republic (September 29, 2010)
- Denver Archbishop Laments Media Not Treating Them Nicely, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (September 29, 2010)
- Attorney in Bishop Eddie Long Case Fires Back, by Ben Mayer, 11 Alive (September 29, 2010)
- Victims of Franciscan Order to Be Compensated, on Radio Netherlands (September 29, 2010)
- Peoria Bishop Closes All Catholic Churches in Streator, in Peoria Journal Star (September 29, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long's Long Reach, by Anthea Butler, The Guardian (September 30, 2010)
- Priest Guilty of Touching Girl, 11, by Ben Leubsdorf, Concord Monitor (September 30, 2010)
- Weymouth: Priest Cleared of Sex Abuse Allegation, in WATD (September 30, 2010)
- Nun Who Was Excommunicated for Denouncing Sex Abuse to Become Patron Saint of Whistleblowers, by David Gibson, Politics Daily (September 30, 2010)
- Catholic Order Knew of Alleged Abuse: Document, in CBC News (September 30, 2010)
- Ex-teacher Sentenced for Child Porn, in Press Association (September 30, 2010)
- St Albans Teacher's Child Porn Shame after Computer Slip, by Alex Lewis, St. Albans and Harpenden Review (September 30, 2010)
- Prosecutor Questions Vatican Bank Officials in Money-laundering Probe, Associated Press (September 30, 2010)
- Dershowitz Set to Defend the Pope, in ABC - Lateline (September 30, 2010)
- Irish Archbishops Called to Rome to Prepare Vatican Probe into Abuse, by Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service (September 30, 2010)
- An Interview with "voice of the Desert" Blogger, Frank Douglas, in Healing and Spirituality (September 30, 2010)
- Spanish Archbishop Will Lead Visitation of Legionaries" Lay Movement, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (September 30, 2010)
- Weymouth Priest Cleared of Sexual Abuse Allegation, in Patriot Ledger (September 30, 2010)
- Representative Steve Austria Went to Bat for Pedophile Protecting Church Officials, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (September 30, 2010)
- The Vatican Shows Bishop Eddie Long How It's Done, in Tri-State Defender (September 30, 2010)
- Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, in Freeport News (September 30, 2010)
- Boston Archdiocese: Accused Weymouth Priest Can Return to His Post, by Jesse Logan, WBUR (September 30, 2010)
- Knights, Minnesota Archbishop Endanger Church Neutrality, by Nicole Sotelo, National Catholic Reporter (September 30, 2010)
- Italian Prosecutors Quiz Vatican Bank Chief, in Catholic Culture (September 30, 2010)
- Vatican Bankers Quizzed over Laundering, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (September 30, 2010)
- Court: Make Records Public in Friars" Sex Cases, by Gillian Flaccus, San Francisco Examiner (September 30, 2010)
- New Sex Abuse Lawsuit Names Former Pastor, Church, in KCCI (September 30, 2010)
- 'Vuil Van Een Ander Maakt Onze Straat Niet Schoner', in RKnieuws (September 30, 2010)
- "Vergoeding Voor Slachtoffers Misbruik", in de Volkskrant (September 30, 2010)
- Advocaat Mea Culpa: Paus Moet Nu Betalen, in Limburgs Dagblad (September 30, 2010)
- Nieuwe Regels in De Maak Voor Bestrijding Seksueel Misbruik En Kinderpornografie, in Europees Parlement (September 30, 2010)
- Het Kruis Van De Kerk, in RKnieuws (September 30, 2010)
- Paus Voor Miljarden Aangeklaagd, in Nieuws (September 30, 2010)
- Visitor to Regnum Christi, Counselors to the Legion Announced, in Catholic News Agency (September 30, 2010)
- Church Eyes $100m Sale As Sex Abuse Payouts Rise, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 1, 2010)
- Bishop Bling and the Gay Fling, by Wayne Besen, San Francisco Bay Times (September 30, 2010)
October 2010
October 1
- Priest Cleared of Abuse Allegation, in The Pilot (October 1, 2010)
- Priests Can Be Victims of Injustice, Too, by Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald (October 1, 2010)
- Weymouth Church Welcomes Back Priest Cleared of Abuse Allegations for a Second Time, by Christian Schiavone, Patriot Ledger (October 1, 2010)
- Johnson Asks Green Bay Diocese to Name Priests Accused of Abuse, by Joe Doolen, Badger Herald (September 30, 2010)
- Wi-sen Goper Johnson Opposed Bill to Crack down on Catholic Church Abuse Scandals, by Eric Kleefeld, TPM (September 30, 2010)
- Senate Candidate Johnson Defends Position on Child Sex Crimes, by Patty Murray, Fox 21 (October 1, 2010)
- Opinion in John Doe 1 ET Al. V. Franciscan Friars of California, Inc., in Court of Appeal of the State of California (September 30, 2010)
- Catholics Deceived Re Pedophile Priests, Church Has Cash Advantage over Plaintiffs, Read Emails to City of Angels, in City of Angels (September 27, 2010)
- Dark Side of the "Chaste" Life, by Sue Montgomery, Montreal Gazette (October 1, 2010)
- Berlin Holds Roundtable on Child Abuse, on Press TV (October 1, 2010)
- Why No Prayers for Bishop Long's Accusers?, by LZ Granderson, CNN (October 1, 2010)
- Psychologist: Pope Must Quit, in News 24 (October 1, 2010)
- Saint Vincent College Defends Firing Priest, by Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 1, 2010)
- Sex-case Court Orders Friars" Psych Files Bared, by Rob Quinn, Newser (October 1, 2010)
- Court: Make Records Public in Friars" Sex Cases, by Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press (September 30, 2010)
- Peter Adriaenssens: "Paus Zelf Zou Ontslag Moeten Nemen", in De Morgen (October 1, 2010)
- Paus Moet Ontslag Nemen', in RKnieuws (October 1, 2010)
- "De Paus Moet Opstappen", in Kerknieuws (October 1, 2010)
- Kinderpsychiater Peter Adriaenssens over De Moeilijkste Maanden Uit Zijn Carriere, in Katholieke Universiteit (October 1, 2010)
- Kinderpsychiater Peter Adriaenssens over De Moeilijkste Maanden Uit Zijn Carriere, in RKnieuws (October 1, 2010)
- 'Unspeakable Crimes' by Catholic Priests, by Louise Vella, Times of Malta (October 1, 2010)
- Lawsuit: Rabbi Sexually Abuses Student; Affair Hushed by College, on YNet (October 1, 2010)
- Not All Sexual Abuse Is Equal, in Catholic League (October 1, 2010)
- Exposing the Wrong in Deeds Long Past, by Martin Flanagan, The Age (October 2, 2010)
- Police Appeal to Potential Sex Assault Victims, on CTV (October 1, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal - Preacher Bureau of Investigations (pbi) New Website Will Hold Preachers Accountable, in I-Newswire (October 1, 2010)
- Police Seeking Victims of Abuse from College Notre-dame, in Montreal Gazette (October 1, 2010)
- US Judge Asks Vatican to Serve Legal Docs to Pope, by Dinesh Ramde, Associated Press (October 1, 2010)
- Tucson, Az-based Send the Bishops a Message to Catholics: Eliminate or Substantially Reduce Donations at Sunday Masses in October to Register a Vote of "No Confidence" in the Pope and His Bishops. Why? Because They Put Children at Risk of Abuse and Turn a, in Sys.Con Media (October 1, 2010)
- Former Priest Sent to Jail after Sexual Abuse Allegations Released, on WKYT (October 1, 2010)
- Another Priest Child Sex-abuse Case Filed against St. Elizabeth, by Peter Rugg, The Pitch (October 1, 2010)
- Friars" Files in Sex Case Going Public, by Greg Hardesty, Orange County Register (October 1, 2010)
- Court Orders Release of Therapy Reports Franciscan Friars Kept on Alleged Molesters, by Kate Moser, Law.com (October 1, 2010)
- Court of Appeal Upholds Order Releasing Priests' Records, in Metropolitan News-Enterprise (October 2, 2010)
- US Judge Asks Vatican to Serve Court Paper to Pope, by Dinesh Ramde, Associated Press (October 1, 2010)
- Federal Judge Asks Vatican to Help in Wi Lawsuit, in WTAQ (October 1, 2010)
- We Need Victim-centered Reform, by Michael J. Sanem, U.S. Catholic (October 1, 2010)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse "Pervasive," Co-author of Study Says, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (October 1, 2010)
- Pennsylvania: Letter from Standing Committee Continues Debate with Bennison, by Mary Frances, Episcopal Life (October 1, 2010)
- Atlanta Pastor Posts Youtube Video on Long, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 1, 2010)
- Court Rules on Friars" Records Public in Sex Cases; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (October 1, 2010)
- Pedophile Priest Case Vs. Pope Takes Big Step Forward, in SNAP (October 1, 2010)
- Prior Suit May Signal Fate of Cases against Ga. Megachurch Pastor, by Andy Peters, Law.com (October 1, 2010)
- 150 Slachtoffers Kerk in Eindhoven, in RKnieuws (October 1, 2010)
- Salesiaan Veroordeeld Wegens Pedofilie, in RKnieuws (October 1, 2010)
October 2
- Missouri Man Sues Kc Priest and Diocese for Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (October 1, 2010)
- The History and Culture of the Black Church: Lessons from the Eddie Long Scandal, by Wallace Best, Huffington Post (October 2, 2010)
- Be Inspired with Raquel: Church Leaders Are Fallible, but God Isn't, by Raquel Eatmon, Mansfield News Journal (October 2, 2010)
- Two Charlotte Men Speak out in Accused Pastor's Defense, by Dion Lim, WCNC (October 1, 2010)
- Lawsuit Accuses Newton Falls, Hubbard Pastor of Sexual Abuse, in Youngstown Vindicator (October 2, 2010)
- Oswalt Kolle, German Sex Education Pioneer, Dead at 81, in The Local (October 2, 2010)
- Italian Church Welcomes Legal Action in Sex Abuse Cases, in The Sify (October 2, 2010)
- Musical Tackles Church Sex Abuse, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 1, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Readies Court Action over Funds, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (October 2, 2010)
- Jesus Won't Have Any Part of It, by Bob Ripley, London Free Press (October 1, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Five Rocks That Can Help Him Beat Goliath, in I-Newswire (October 2, 2010)
- Franciscan Sex Abuse Case May Be Headed to CA Supreme Court, in SBNN (October 2, 2010)
- Pastoor Weer Aan De Slag Ondanks Aanranding Misdienaar, by Pieter Lesaffer, Het Nieuwsblad (October 2, 2010)
- Onderpastoor Op Non-actief Na Klacht, by Ulrich Herremans , Het Nieuwsblad (October 2, 2010)
- Miljardenclaim Voor Vaticaan Na Misbruik, in Nederlands Dagblad (October 2, 2010)
- Mahony Dodging Deposition Re Current Pedophile Priest Cases before Retiring February 2011, Plaintiffs Request Trial Dates, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 29, 2010)
- Priest Cleared of Sex Abuse Allegations in Boston, in Zalkin Law Firm (October 1, 2010)
- Man Claims Repressed Memories of Abuse Have Emerged, by Brent Martin, The Missourinet (October 2, 2010)
- Metalsmith Don Asbee's Functional Art Adorns Local Settings, by Kris Hilgedick, Columbia Daily Tribune (October 2, 2010)
- "Patriarchal Conspiracy" Debunked by University of Calgary Scholar, by Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald (October 2, 2010)
- Franciscans "Tried to Expand Policy of Secrecy," Per Lawyer Who Won 4-year Battle Thursday Re Pedophile Clergy, in City of Angels (October 2, 2010)
October 3
- Viewpoint: Christian Social Worker Reflects on Church and Child Abuse, by Robert Mackay, Independent Catholic News (October 3, 2010)
- Defying the Vatican, Catholic Women Claim Their Priesthood, by Tim Padgett, The TIME (October 3, 2010)
- Fifteen-year Search for Pedophile Canadian Priest Ends - with Him Going Free, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (October 3, 2010)
- Your View: St. John's and the Catholic Hierarchy, by Carol Markey, South Coast Today (October 3, 2010)
- Sex Scandals Among Clergy Are Not New, Unfortunately, in Philadelphia Inquirer (October 3, 2010)
- Tater Sollen Zahlen, Kirche Nur Im Notfall, in The Taz (October 3, 2010)
- Entschadigungszahlungen Nicht Aus Kirchensteuer, in The Tagesschau (October 3, 2010)
- Veertig Nieuwe Klachten over Misbruik Bij Mensenrechten in De Kerk, in De Standaard (October 3, 2010)
- Thomas Biedt Wegwijzers Voor Kerk in Crisis, in The RKnieuws (October 3, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Faces "Monster" Accusations. Can His Church Survive?, by Patrik Jonsson, Christian Science Monitor (September 29, 2010)
- Belgian Police Release Canadian Pedophile, in 680 News (October 3, 2010)
- Former Midland Priest Extradited from US Charged with Sex Offences against Young Boys, by Nick McCarthy, Sunday Mercury (October 3, 2010)
- Investigation Opened into Decades-old Sex Scandal, by Jessica Murphy, Toronto Sun (October 3, 2010)
- Pastor Says He Won't Be Pulled into "Street Fight", by Greg Bluestein, Washington Post (October 3, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal the Best Legal Team Tithes Can Buy, in I-Newswire (October 3, 2010)
- Sexual Abuse Case against Rabbi Dropped, but Not over, by Brad Hirschfield, The Beliefnet (October 1, 2010)
- A Disturbing Statistic: Santa Barbara's Franciscan Friars' Sex Abuse Case 'trumped' La, Boston, in Santa Barbara News Network (October 3, 2010)
- "De Paus Treedt Niet Af", in The Kerknieuws (October 3, 2010)
- Woordvoerder Lombardi: 'paus Moet Niet Aftreden', in The RKnieuws (October 3, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | Opposing Lawyers Differ in Style, by Bill Torpy, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 3, 2010)
October 4
- New Patron Saint of Sex Abuse Victims Revives Hope, by Saint Mary MacKillop, Oregon Faith Report (October 4, 2010)
- Ex-priest Stands Trial on Sex Abuse Charges, by Rosa Silverman, The Independent (October 4, 2010)
- Priest Faces Criminal Charges in Theft of Church Money, by Mike LaBella, The Eagle-Tribune (October 4, 2010)
- Priest Seeks Release in Extradition Fight over Sexual Assault Charges, by Fergus Black, Irish Independent (October 4, 2010)
- Child Molesting Teacher Cops 10 Years, by Courtney Trenwith, Brisbane Times (October 4, 2010 )
- There Is No One to Watch Vatican Watchmen, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (October 4, 2010)
- Priest Fired for Porn May Have Protected Confession, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 4, 2010)
- Reform Priests Want Meeting with Vatican Inquiry Team, in Belfast Telegraph (October 4, 2010)
- Bisschop Komt Luisteren, Maar 15 Slachtoffers Misbruik Lopen Weg, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 4, 2010)
- Verzwegen Wonden, in The RKnieuws (October 4, 2010)
- "Ik Denk Dat Ik Vannacht Niet Goed Ga Slapen", by Dirk Musschoot, Het Nieuwsblad (October 3, 2010)
- Ex-haverhill Priest Charged in Theft of Money, in Boston Herald (October 4, 2010)
- Irish Priests Group Wants to Meet Vatican Inspectors of Dioceses Including Tuam, in Galway Bay FM (October 4, 2010)
- Parents Angry As Abusing Teacher Gets Only 10 Years for Sexual Abuse, by Amanda Gearing and Jamie Walker, The Australian (October 5, 2010)
- Teacher Jailed for Molesting Students, by Christine Flatley, Sydney Morning Herald (October 4, 2010)
- Vatican Bank May Challenge Impounding of Funds, in Catholic Culture (October 4, 2010)
- From Nunavut to Lourdes, in The Pharyngula (October 4, 2010)
- Is "I'm Sorry" Enough?, by Taylore Carr and Rachel MeteaIssue, The DePaulia (October 4, 2010)
- Former West Midlands Priest Had "Dreadful Weakness" for Boys, Court Told, in Sunday Mercury (October 4, 2010)
- Southeast Texas Man Says Two Catholic Priests Molested Him, in Beaumont Enterprise (October 4, 2010)
- Man Alleging Sexual Abuse and Fraud against Roman Catholic Diocese of Beaumont, Area Church and Local Priest, According to Sloan Firm Filing, in PRNewswire (October 4, 2010)
- Man Sues Diocese, Claims Sexual Abuse by Priests, by Scott Lawrence, KFDM (October 4, 2010)
- Ex-priest "Had Dreadful Weakness for Young Boys", on BBC News (October 4, 2010)
- Italian Priest Was Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Pedophilia, in News KF (October 4, 2010)
- Padre Italiano E Condenado a Dois Anos E Meio De Prisao Por Pedofilia, in AFP (October 4, 2010)
- Priest Accused of Porn May Have Been Protecting Confessional Seal, in Catholic Culture (October 4, 2010)
- Recipient of Hartford's Trinity College Moses Berkman Award, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (October 4, 2010)
- Jason Berry to Receive Moses Berkman Memorial Journalism Award, in Trinity College (October 4, 2010)
- Statement of the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph Regarding Civil Lawsuit, by Sarah Clark, Fox 4 (October 4, 2010)
- Grecco, Wingle Named in Victim Lawsuit, by John Vessoyan, The Tribune (October 4, 2010)
- Succession, Yes; Legitimacy, No, in Catholic Culture (October 1, 2010)
- Woman Comes Forward Claiming Area Priests Molested Her, on Fox 4 (October 4, 2010)
- 2 Priests with Kc Ties Named in Lawsuit, on KCTV (October 4, 2010)
October 5
- Convicted Priest Poses No Threat to Parish, Archbishop Says, by Steve Bartlett, The Telegram (October 5, 2010)
- Our Sunday Visitor President Sees Challenges and Hopes for US Catholic Press, in Catholic News Agency (October 5, 2010)
- Geoffrey Robertson Vs Pope Benedict XVI, by Gabrielle Rumble and Melanie Tait, ABC Canberra (October 5, 2010)
- Sydney Diocesan Centre Sold, by Sherri Borden Colley, The Chronicle-Herald (October 5, 2010)
- Two Ex-priests Accused of Sexual Abuse, by James Hart, Kansas City Star (October 5, 2010)
- Critics Feel Justified in Bashing Fallen Pastor, by Jeff Brumley, Florida Times-Union (October 5, 2010)
- Vatican Asked to Serve Pope in Milwaukee Lawsuit, by Matt Hrodey, Milwaukee News Buzz (October 5, 2010)
- Catholic Acolyte Convicted of Sexual Abuse, Associated Press (October 5, 2010)
- Residents in Claim over Church Abuse, in This is Lancashire (October 5, 2010)
- Judge Overturns Contempt Finding of Catholic Diocese, by John Stucke, The Spokesman-Review (October 5, 2010)
- Registered Sex Offender Pastor of Church, in Albany Herald (September 1, 2010)
- Does Wi Goper Ron Johnson Know the Names of the Green Bay Area Priests Who Raped Kids?, by Joe Sudbay, The AMERICAblog (October 4, 2010)
- Padres Loss Reflects Church Scandal, by Dr. Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (October 5, 2010)
- Dunnville Man Launching Lawsuit against Former Priest, by Ashley DeGroote, CD 98.9 (October 5, 2010)
- Attorneys Admit Father Sam Stole from Foundation, by Rick Armon, Beacon Journal (October 5, 2010)
- Ex-priest Denies Abusing Six Boys, in Belfast Telegraph (October 5, 2010)
- John Geoghan Killer Joe Druce Poised to Marry, by Dave Wedge, Boston Herald (October 5, 2010)
- Pennsylvania: Diocese Could Bring New Charges against Bishop Charles Bennison, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (October 4, 2010)
- Man Sues Former Priest, Ex-bishop in Abuse Case, by Adrian Morrow, Globe and Mail (October 5, 2010)
- New Clergy Sex Abuse & Cover up Lawsuit Filed against Archdiocese of Miami, in Herman, Mermelstein & Horowitz (October 5, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Priest to Fight Extradition over Abuse of Children in Ireland, by Barry J Whyte, Irish Central (October 5, 2010)
- Man Tells Court He Was 11 Years Old When Abused by West Midlands Priest, in Birmingham Post (October 5, 2010)
- Rapist Teacher Will Get Justice, Bligh Declares, by Daniel Hurst, Brisbane Times (October 5, 2010)
- The Scandal Is about More Than Bishop Eddie Long, by Josef Sorett, The Root (October 5, 2010)
- Penitent's Precedence over Priest's Predicament, in GetReligion (October 5, 2010)
- Optocht Voor Meer Openheid in De Kerk, in The RKnieuws (October 5, 2010)
- Vier Jaar Voor Misbruik Door Duitse Misdienaar, in Kerknieuws (October 5, 2010)
- Irish Abuse Victims Seek Extension of Redress Fund, by Mark Hennessy, Irish Times (October 4, 2010)
- Vatican Spokesman Says Church Must Be Credible, Transparent, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (October 5, 2010)
- Victim Suing Grecco, Wingle, Diocese for $3m, by John Vessoyan, The Tribune (October 5, 2010)
- Man Victimized by Local Priest Looks for Answers, by Siobhan Morris, CKTB (October 5, 2010)
- Man: Priest Sexually Assaulted Me 40 Years Ago, in CBS 4 (October 5, 2010)
- Statement Regarding Deceased Priest Father Thomas Dennehy, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami (October 5, 2010)
- Pastor Accused of Sex Attack, by John Coles, The Sun (October 5, 2010)
- Adriaenssens Oppert Tijdelijke Opheffing Verjaringstermijn Seksueel Misbruik, in De Morgen (October 5, 2010)
- Man Comes Forward Claiming Abuse from Priest, in WSVN (October 5, 2010)
- Willard Trent Sues Archdiocese of Miami for $5 Million over Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Michael Miller, Miami New Times (October 5, 2010)
- Lauderdale Man Says Priest Abused Him in 1960s, by Jaweed Kaleem, The Sun-Sentinel (October 5, 2010)
- Archbishop Seraphim of Ottawa on Leave of Absence, in Orthodox Church in America (October 3, 2010)
- Archbishop Steps down Amid Abuse Claims, in CBC News (October 5, 2010)
- Archbishop Takes Leave of Absence As Winnipeg Police Investigate Sex Abuse Claims, by Gabrielle Giroday, Winnipeg Free Press (October 5, 2010)
- Head of Canadian Church Steps down Because of Police Investigation, on CTV (October 5, 2010)
- Top Canadian Orthodox Bishop Steps Aside, in Pokrov (October 5, 2010)
- Archbishop Seraphim Takes Leave of Absence Amid Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, by Mark Stokoe, Pokrov (October 3, 2010)
- Archbishop Seraphim on Leave of Absence, in Pokrov (October 2, 2010)
- Catholic Priest "Abuse" Boy "like Lamb to the Slaughter", on BBC News (October 5, 2010)
- In Short, in Irish Times (October 6, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Victim Sues St. Catharines Diocese, by Jim Rankin, Toronto Star (October 5, 2010)
- How to Prevent Sexual Abuse by Clergy, by Catherine McCall, Psychology Today (October 5, 2010)
October 6
- Ottawa Archbishop Investigated for Abuse Allegations, on CTV (October 6, 2010)
- New Age of Spirituality Is Emerging around the World, by Carmel Higgins, Times & Transcript (October 6, 2010)
- Man Tells Court of Seven Years of Sex Abuse by Coventry Priest, by Emma Stone, Coventry Telegraph (October 6, 2010)
- Orthodox Archbishop Takes Leave over Probe, in Montreal Gazette (October 6, 2010)
- Archdiocese of Miami Sued in Sex Abuse Claims, by Jaweed Kaleem, Miami Herald (October 6, 2010)
- Canadian Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Adrian Morrow, Globe and Mail (October 6, 2010)
- Archbishop Steps down Amid Abuse Claims, in The Kelowna (October 5, 2010)
- Brady in Rome Ahead of Vatican Investigation, on UTV (October 6, 2010)
- National. Archbishop Takes Leave over Abuse Accusations, in Ottawa Citizen (October 6, 2010)
- Church Leader Steps down Amid Abuse Probe, by Liem Vu, Toronto Star (October 6, 2010)
- Archbishop Steps down Amid Abuse Claims, in CBC News (October 5, 2010)
- Slachtoffers Mogen Kelk-dossiers Inkijken, in De Redactie (October 6, 2010)
- Archbishops Told to Target Vatican over Abuse, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (October 6, 2010)
- What about the Other Victims of Abuse?, by Michael J. Matt, The Remnant (October 6, 2010)
- Congregants Embrace Long at Empowerment Service, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 5, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (October 6, 2010)
- Priest Denies Making Claims about Mackillop's Excommunication, in The Australian (October 6, 2010)
- Catholic School Appeals for Help to Stop Further Abuse, by Martin Bentham, London Evening Standar (October 6, 2010)
- Archbishop Accused of Abuse, by Gabrielle Giroday, Winnipeg Free Press (October 6, 2010)
- Adriaenssens: "Concept Meldpunt Moet Van Parlement Komen", in De Morgen (October 6, 2010)
- South Carolina Woman Looks to Marry a Convicted Killer She's Never Met, in Fox News (October 6, 2010)
- Church Abuse Victim Unsure about Lawsuit, in The Tribune (October 6, 2010)
- Keep Emotion out of Pedophiles" Sentencing: Mp, by Daniel Hurst, Brisbane Times (October 6, 2010)
- Opposition Motion to Launch Immediate Paedophile Appeal Defeated, by Chris O'Brien, ABC News (October 6, 2010)
- Attorney-general Seeks Legal Advice on Paedophile Appeal, by Melinda Howells, ABC News (October 6, 2010)
- Opposition Grills Minister over Paedophile Teacher Sentence, by Melinda Howells, ABC News (October 5, 2010)
- "Het Godsvolk Heeft Recht Op Zijn Priesters", in The RKnieuws (October 6, 2010)
- Convicted Priest to Stop Attending Church Services: Archbishop, in VOCM (October 6, 2010)
- Prosecutors Want Ohio Priest in Jail for Tax Fraud, by Thomas J. Sheeran, Dayton Daily News (October 6, 2010)
- Report Reveals Sex Abuse by Pastor, by Dick Broom, The Fenceviewer (October 6, 2010)
- Misbruikaffaire in De Doofpot Gestopt, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 6, 2010)
- Slachtoffers Mogen "Verboden" Dossiers Operatie Kelk Inkijken, in De Standaard (October 6, 2010)
- 'Nu Word Ik Pas Echt Gehoord', in The Trouw (October 6, 2010)
- 80 Per Cent of Britons Say Catholic Church Has Done Too Little for Victims of Sexual Abuse, in The ekklesia (October 6, 2010)
- Johnson Testified to Protect Catholic Church from Sex Abuse Lawsuits, by Brian Beutler and Johanna Barr, TPM (October 6, 2010)
- Edmonton-born Archbishop Takes Leave Amid Sex Abuse Allegations, by Mariam Ibrahim, Edmonton Sun (October 6, 2010)
- "Gijsen Verzweeg Misbruik", by Wim Doesborgh, The DeStem (October 6, 2010)
- Misbruik in De Kerk: Kapelaan Ging 30 Jaar Zijn Gang, in The DeStem (October 6, 2010)
- Australian Priest Denies Bl. Mary Mackillop Was Excommunicated for Reporting Abuse, in Catholic Culture (October 6, 2010)
- Vatican Prepares for Irish Church Abuse Inquiry, by Philip Pullella, The Swissinfo (October 6, 2010)
- Vatican Abuse Probe to Meet Victims, in Press Association (October 6, 2010)
- Vatican Investigators to Meet Abuse Victims, in RTE News (October 6, 2010)
- Vatican Spokesman Urges Credibility, Transparency in Response to Controversy, in Catholic News Agency (October 6, 2010)
- Clerical Sex Abuse: Rome Takes Charge, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (October 6, 2010)
- Garry O'sullivan: Irish Bishops Being Carpeted at Meeting with Top Vatican Brass, by Garry O'Sullivan, The Herald (October 6, 2010)
- Fenton Pastor Drops Suit against Web Accuser, by Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 6, 2010)
- Former Local Priest Arrested, by Siobhan Morris, CKTB News (October 6, 2010)
- Judge Dismisses Harassment Lawsuit against Priest, in Democrat and Chronicle (October 6, 2010)
- Today in Sex: Bill Donohue Once Agains Proves He's the Worst Person on the Planet, by Judy McGuire, Seattke Weekly (October 6, 2010)
- Former Priest Arrested While Awaiting Sentencing, in Toronto Sun (October 6, 2010)
- Canadian Archbishop under Investigation Will Be Cleared, Sister Says, by Mariam Ibrahim, Vancouver Sun (October 6, 2010)
- Archbishop Seraphim, Top Canadian Orthodox Bishop, on Leave for "Misconduct", by Ron Csillag, Huffington Post (October 6, 2010)
- Australian Priest Denies Mackillop's Personal Involvement in Abuse Case, by James Martin, America Magazine (October 6, 2010)
- Accusations of Church Cover-up Surface after Investigation Launched into Conduct of Archbishop, on CTV (October 6, 2010)
- Misbruik Canisius College Veel Omvangrijker, in de Gelderlander (October 6, 2010)
- Notorious Hasidic Pederast Returns to B'klyn Court, by Samuel Newhouse, Brooklyn Daily Eagle (October 6, 2010)
- Molestation Charges against Archbishop Unfathomable: Family, by Andrew Hanon, Edmonton Sun (October 6, 2010)
- Convicted Sex Abuser Grecco Arrested, by John Vessoyan, The Standard (October 6, 2010)
- Wi-sen: Despite Denials, Johnson Worked to Protect Catholic Church from Child Sex Abuse Suits, by Joan McCarter, Daily Kos (October 6, 2010)
October 7
- Vatican Is Accountable for Sexual Abuse Says Priest, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (October 7, 2010)
- Former Catholic Priest in Court over Abuse Claims, by John Newton, This is Walsall (October 7, 2010)
- Sister Stands by Accused Cleric, by Mariam Ibrahim, National Post (October 7, 2010)
- Accused Man's Role at Church Limited, by Ed Runyan, Youngstown Vindicator (October 7, 2010)
- Tale of Church Sex Abuse Nears Top of Local Retailer's Chart, in Londonderry Sentinel (October 7, 2010)
- Church Leader Jailed for Rape, in AllAfrica (October 7, 2010)
- Irish Archbishops Meet Vatican Officials Ahead of Visitation, on Vatican Radio (October 7, 2010)
- Press Release on the Preparatory Meetings for the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (October 7, 2010)
- Vatican Officials to Meet with Victims of Abuse, in Irish Examiner (October 7, 2010)
- District Attorney Spota Appoints New Chief Assistant, in Hamptons.com (October 7, 2010)
- Breakthrough As Papal Team to Meet Clerical Sex Abuse Victims, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (October 7, 2010)
- Vatican: Ireland Abuse Probe to Meet with Victims, Associated Press (October 7, 2010)
- Womenpriest Trend Pieces Past Expiration Date?, in The GetReligion (October 7, 2010)
- Senior Churchmen to "Give Particular Attention to Victims of Abuse", by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (October 7, 2010)
- Heads of Irish Archdioceses, Apostolic Visitors Hopeful for Successful Visitation, in Catholic News Agency (October 7, 2010)
- Reappraising the Spiritual and Human Heritage of Chile, in Vatican Information Service (October 7, 2010)
- "Overheid Pakte Pedo-priesters Met Fluwelen Handschoenen Aan", in Katholiek Nederland (October 7, 2010)
- Liefdevol, in De Morgen (October 7, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Probeert Advocaten Te Beletten Dossiers "Operatie Kelk" in Te Zien, in De Morgen (October 7, 2010)
- Honderden Gevallen Van Misbruik Bij Nederlandse Kerk, in De Morgen (October 7, 2010)
- "Aantal Bisschoppen Wist Van Misbruik in Kerk", in The DeStem (October 6, 2010)
- Abuse Claims Ignored?, by Chris Kitching, Winnipeg Sun (October 7, 2010)
- Archbishop Accused of Abuse, in Discover Moose Jaw (October 7, 2010)
- Group Says Priest Abuse Claims Ignored, by Chris Kitching, Canoe (October 7, 2010)
- "Slecht Gemotiveerde Religieuzen Eerder De Fout in", in Katholiek Nederland (October 6, 2010)
- Former Niagara Area Priest Grecco Arrested, by John Vessoyan, The Standard (October 7, 2010)
- Brady Welcomes Abuse Victim's Stance, in RTE News (October 7, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Goes to Court over Frozen Funds, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (October 7, 2010)
- Beaumont Diocese Addresses Sexual Abuse Claims, in KYTX (October 7, 2010)
- Bishop's Special Statement Regarding Lawsuit, by Curtis J. Guillory, Roman Catholic Diocese of Beaumont (October 6, 2010)
- Abuse Charge Ex-priest Asked to Meet Alleged Victim, in Retford Today (October 7, 2010)
- Bisschoppen Reageren Niet Op Nieuwe Beschuldigingen, in The Kerknieuws (October 7, 2010)
- Jan Hertogen Dient Klacht in Tegen Onderzoeksrechter De Troy En Advocaten, in De Morgen (October 7, 2010)
- Honderden Gevallen Van Misbruik Bij Nederlandse Kerk, in HLN (October 7, 2010)
- Orthodoxe Aartsbisschop in Canada Verdacht Van Pedofilie, in HLN (October 7, 2010)
- Misbruikzaken in Doofpot Door Rkk En Justitie, in The Nu (October 7, 2010)
- "Aantal Bisschoppen Wist Van Misbruik", in De Pers (October 7, 2010)
- Om Seponeerde Ten Onrechte Misbruikzaken, in The Trouw (October 7, 2010)
- Bisschoppen Verwijzen Naar Commissie-deetman, in The Parool (October 6, 2010)
- Omtzigt: Lessen Trekken Uit Misbruik Kerk, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 7, 2010)
- Eindhoven Vraagt Vervolging Broeders Van Liefde, in The Trouw (October 7, 2010)
- 'kerk Heeft Moreel Recht Om Vingertje Op Te Steken Verspeeld', in The RKnieuws (October 7, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: S.C. Pastor Calls for Resignation, Plans Rally, by Naimah Jabali-Nash, CBS News (October 7, 2010)
- Billboard Featuring Bishop Eddie Long Raises Eyebrows, on WTVM (October 7, 2010)
- Law & Order, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 7, 2010)
- Former Catholic Priest in Court over Abuse Claims, by John Newton, This is Walsall (October 7, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Accused Priest in "Surprise" Pub Meeting, on BBC News (October 7, 2010)
- Heilig Zwijgen, in The Geschiedenis (October 7, 2010)
- The Skeleton in Ron Johnson's Closet: the Catholic Church, by Joseph Lawler, First Things (October 7, 2010)
- Irish Bishops Working to Limit Scope of Apostolic Visitation?, in Catholic Culture (October 7, 2010)
- Bishops Seek to Limit Vatican Visitation, by Garry O'Sullivan, Irish Catholic (October 7, 2010)
- Ior Chiede Al Tribunale Di Sbloccare Fondi Sequestrati, Reuters (October 6, 2010)
- Priest Who Confessed to Child Abuse Re-arrested, by Adrian Morrow, Globe and Mail (October 7, 2010)
- Ex-wyckoff Priest's Sex Record Must Remain Public, Judge Rules, in The Record (October 7, 2010)
- Visitation Genuine Attempt to Renew Trust, Says Brady, by Alison Healy, Irish Times (October 8, 2010)
October 8
- Catholic Priest Leads Rally against Child Abuse, in The Ekklesia (October 8, 2010)
- Archbishop Currie Heads to St. Brendan's, in VOCM (October 8, 2010)
- Ex-priest Met with Alleged Abuse Victim, Court Hears, in Coventry Telegraph (October 8, 2010)
- Detroiter Set for Vatican Post 'gets Things Moving', by Oralandar Brand-Williams, Detroit News (October 8, 2010)
- Power Imbalance Can Facilitate Clerical Abuse, in NPR (October 8, 2010)
- Waiting to Know What's in the Next Pope Interview Book, by Josie Cox, Reuters (October 8, 2010)
- Springfield-cape Girardeau Diocese Using New System for Background Checks, by Matt Kittle, Southeast Missourian (October 8, 2010)
- John Fidler: Secrecy Surrounds Removal of 2 Priests, in Reading Eagle (October 8, 2010)
- Pastor Found Not Guilty in Sexual Abuse Trial, by Joe Swickard, Detroit Free Press (October 8, 2010)
- Victim Speaks out to Help Others, in Lynn News (October 8, 2010)
- Former Coach, Pastor Sentenced, by Jeremy Pawloski, News Tribune (October 8, 2010)
- School Minister on Leave after Ex-student's Sexual Allegations, by Brian Fraga, The Standard-Times (October 8, 2010)
- Bishop Stang High School Teacher Placed on Leave, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River (October 7, 2010)
- Stang Faculty Member Placed on Leave during Sexual Misconduct Investigation, in SouthCoast Today (October 7, 2010)
- Bishop Stang Staffer Put on Leave after Former Student Makes Sex Allegations, in Herald News (October 7, 2010)
- Causes of the Unfathomable Clerical Silence on Clergy Sex Abuse, by Vinnie Nauheimer, MN SNAP (October 8, 2010)
- Ex-priest Grecco's Case Adjourned, in The Standard (October 8, 2010)
- Postulator Sees 'ill Will' in Media Coverage of Mary Mackillop's Excommunication, in Catholic News Agency (October 8, 2010)
- Daughter Details Abuse at Father's NJ Incest Trial, by Samantha Henry, TBO.com (October 6, 2010)
- Call for Magdalene Survivors Redress, by Elaine Edwards, Irish Times (October 8, 2010)
- Order: Nuns Report of Sex Abuse Led to Pressure on Blessed Mackillop, by Anthony Barich, Catholic News Service (October 8, 2010)
- A Saint for Our Time, in America Magazine (October 8, 2010)
- Josephites Weigh in on Mackillop's Excommunication, by James Martin, S.J., America Magazine (October 8, 2010)
- Dutch Clerical Abuse Victims to Join Rome Rally, on Radio Netherlands (October 8, 2010)
- Displaced St. Emeric Parishioners Find New Home at St. Colman in Cleveland, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (October 8, 2010)
- Misbruik in Kerk Niet Alleen Vlaams Probleem, in HLN (October 8, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Ardense Priester Wil Stilzwijgen in Franstalige Kerk Doorbreken, in De Standaard (October 7, 2010)
- Vervolging Dreigt Voor Broeders Op Eikenburg, in Nrc Handelsblad (October 7, 2010)
- Al 120 Mails En Telefoons over Seksueel Misbruik Voor Caw's, in The Vandaag (October 7, 2010)
- Groot Deel Nederlandse Priesters Wil Discussie over Celibaat, in Dit Is De Dag Nieuws (October 7, 2010)
- Eo Houdt Enquête Onder Rk-Priesters, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 7, 2010)
- Kwart Priesters Geremder in Omgang Met Kinderen, in The Trouw (October 7, 2010)
- Celibaat Geen Taboe Voor Priesters, in NOS (October 7, 2010)
October 9
- Mary Mackillop the Battlers' Saint, by Bryan Patterson, Herald Sun (October 9, 2010)
- Pastor Arrested on 11 Sexual Abuse Charges, by Brain Haynes, Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 8, 2010)
- Archbishop Piacenza: Formation for Priests Is a Key Priority, in Catholic.net (October 7, 2010)
- Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Apologizes for Abuse during Mission Work, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (October 8, 2010)
- Bishop Long: a Question of Power, Not Sex, in Bakersfield Californian (October 8, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Misbruik Wil Excuus Bisschoppen, in The Depers (October 9, 2010)
- Steun Voor Celibaat Onder Priesters Gegroeid, in Katholiek Nederland (October 8, 2010)
- Open Vld : Vlaamse Aanpak Seksueel Misbruik Roept Meer Vragen Op Dan Antwoorden, The Politics (October 8, 2010)
- Le Pape evoque Les Scandales Pedophiles Dans Un Livre, in The L'Express (October 7, 2010)
- Entschadigungsfrage Pragt Den Runden Tisch Zu Missbrauch, in The Evangelisch (September 30, 2010)
- Belgique: Une Victime De Pretre Pedophile Denonce Le Silence De L'Eglise Francophone, in 20 Minutes (October 9, 2010)
- Church Pastor Arrested on Sexual Assault Counts, by Rich Coleman, Las Vegas Sun (October 8, 2010)
- Bishop Stang Campus Minister Accused of Inappropriate Sexual Conduct with Student, by Brian Fraga, Southcoast Today (October 8, 2010)
- Abus Sexuels Dans L'Eglise : Une Delegation D'Eveques Irlandais a Rome, on Radio Vatican (October 7, 2010)
- Un Archeveque Orthodoxe Canadien Soupconne De Pedophilie, in LA Croix (October 6, 2010)
- Stanford Professor Says Woman Destroyed Copy of His Controversial Artwork, by Monte Whaley, Mercury News (October 10, 2010)
- Priest Facing Sex Abuse Charges Claims He's Too Sick for Court, in Waterbury Republican-American (October 9, 2010)
- Devil's Advocate Targets Pope, by Anthony Hubbard, Sunday Star Times (October 10, 2010)
- Saturday, October 09, 2010, in Outpatient Clinic (October 09, 2010)
- Woman Is Ordained As Catholic Priest in Canada, in AFP (October 10, 2010)
- Details Emerging in +seraphim Story, by Mark Stokoe, The Pokrov (October 8, 2010)
- Irish Bishop Is Said to Favor Women Priests, by Patrick O'Brien, Irish Central (October 9, 2010)
- Bishop Lee Not Opposed to Women Priests, in Munster Express (October 8, 2010)
- The Case of the Pope, by Juliette Hughes, Sydney Morning Herald (October 9, 2010)
October 10
- Gardai Failed to Follow up 'Tip-Off' on Abuse Priest, by Maeve Sheehan, Irish Independent (October 10, 2010)
- Our Selective Curiosity on Sex Scandals, by Vincent Carroll, Denver Post (October 10, 2010)
- Mackillop Should Be Saint for Abused, by Melissa Jenkins, Sydney Morning Herald (October 10, 2010)
- More Background Checks for Churches, Groups, by Rose French, The Pantagraph (October 9, 2010)
- Friends, Colleagues Shocked by Judge's Suspension, by Mary Garrigan, Rapid City Journal (October 9, 2010)
- Deal to Sell Presbyterian Camps Called off, by Jim Hayden, Holland Sentinel (October 9, 2010)
- Bishop's Empire Faces an Uncertain Future, by Richard Fausset, Los Angeles Times (October 9, 2010)
- The Unbreakable Child, Memoir Details Abuse, by Jennifer Baileys, WDRB (October 10, 2010)
- Mackillop Punished by Malicious Priests, in 9 News (October 11, 2010)
- Why the Sins of the Catholic Church Have a Silver Lining, by Charles Onyango-Obbo, East African (October 11, 2010)
- Geoffrey Robertson's Catholicism for Dummies, by Paul Collins, Eureka Street (October 11, 2010)
- Australia's Feminist Saint, by Michael Mullins, Eureka Street (October 11, 2010)
October 11
- Time to Speak Up, Time to Be Counted, by Ramon J. Farolan, The Inquirer (October 11, 2010)
- Convicted Priest Was Never Returned to Lay State, in Todmorden News (October 9, 2010)
- Lamentations: Clergy Sex Scandals Not New, in Shreveport Times (October 10, 2010)
- Man Who Took Kids to Ala. Churches Charged, in WTVM (October 11, 2010)
- More Than 250 Chicago Parishes Had Accused Priests, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 11, 2010)
- North Plainfield Priest Removed from Parish Amid Sexual-Misconduct Allegations, by Mark Spivey, Home News Tribune (October 11, 2010)
- Reverend Lewis Returns to Court Today, in The Go-Jamaica (October 11, 2010)
- Betoging Voor Moderne Kerk Afgelast Door Gebrek Aan Belangstelling, in HLN (October 10, 2010)
- Seksueel Misbruik Door Geestelijken, in Seksueel Misbruik Door Geestelijken (October 11, 2010)
- Crisis Hits Home for Orphans after Director Is Jailed, by Otieno Owida, Daily Nation (October 11, 2010)
- Study: 60 Percent of Parishes Had Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, in Chicago Breaking News (October 11, 2010)
- Suit Alleges Bishop Long Defaulted on Property, by Megan Matteucci, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 11, 2010)
- Background Checks Show 600 Felony Offenses in 900 Churches, by Christa Brown, Stop Baptist Predators (October 7, 2010)
- More Than Half of Chicago Parishes Have Had a Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, Report Says, by Becky Schlikerman, Chicago Tribune (October 11, 2010)
October 12
- Curaçao Bishop Apologised to Abuse Victim, by Robert Chesal, Radio Netherlands (October 12, 2010)
- Study: Dozens of Southland Churches Have Had Priests Accused of Sex Abuse, by Elisabeth Martin, Southtown Star (October 12, 2010)
- The Had It Catholics, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (October 11, 2010)
- Hof Van Cassatie Buigt Zich Dinsdag over Operatie Kelk, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 11, 2010)
- Arresten in Operatie Kelk Worden Vernietigd, in The Vandaag (October 12, 2010)
- Hertogen Wil Tuchtstraf Voor Onderzoeksrechter De Troy, in The Vandaag (October 11, 2010)
- Nieuwe Wending Belgisch Misbruikschandaal, in The Parool (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Abusing Boy, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Gross Indecency of Teen, on RTE News (October 12, 2010)
- New Study of Chicago Clergy Raises Troubling Questions about Assignment of Credibly Accused Pedophiles, in Voice of the Faithful (October 11, 2010)
- Irish Ex-Priest McCabe Will Fight Extradition Attempt, by Toni Earls, Irish Emigrant (October 12, 2010)
- 16-Jarige Vangheluwe: Laat Je Piemel Zien, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (October 12, 2010)
- Statement Regarding Voice of the Faithful Work History Project, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 11, 2010)
- Study Finds Accused Pedophile Priests Clustered in Chicago Parishes, in Orlando Sentinel (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Abuse, on TV3 (October 12, 2010)
- Report: Accused Priests Served in More Than Half of Chicago's Parishes, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (October 12, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Sued: Accused of Defaulting on Property Loan, by Naimah Jabali-Nash, CBS News (October 12, 2010)
- Eddie Long Sued for Defaulting on Property Loan, on CNN (October 12, 2010)
- Embattled Bishop Eddie Long Hit with $1.9 Million Lawsuit, on Fox News (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Widespread in Chicago: Report, on Fox Chicago News (October 12, 2010)
- New Twist in Belgian Catholic Abuse Legal Row, on Times of India (October 12, 2010)
- Ex-Priest Remains behind Bars, in The Tribune (October 13, 2010)
- Priest Abuse in Chicago: Study Shows Nearly 60% of Chicago Parishes Had Pedophile Priests, in Huffington Post (October 12, 2010)
- Latin Is Not a Mother Tongue and Therefore Cannot Be the " Official Language" of the Vatican. Why Must the Vatican Bank Be above All Banks?, by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (October 2, 2010)
- Accused Priests Served in Most Chicago Parishes, Critics' Study Shows, in Catholic Culture (October 12, 2010)
- Quebec Woman Takes Sex-Abuse Case against Church to Canada's Top Court, by Marianne White, Vancouver Sun (October 12, 2010)
- Wie Ziet Door De Bomen Het Bos Nog?, in De Standaard (October 13, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Cassatie Verbreekt Twee Arresten Van Brusselse Ki, in The Knack (October 12, 2010)
- Belgium's Top Court Orders New Hearings on Evidence Seized in Raid on Bishops' Headquarters, in Catholic Culture (October 12, 2010)
- Tiruchirapalli: Nun Says College Principal Raped Her, in NDTV (October 12, 2010)
- North Plainfield Priest Removed Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations, by Brent Johnson, The Star-Ledger (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Who Once Taught at Notre Dame to Be Sentenced Next Month in Child Porn Case, in Pocono Record (October 12, 2010)
- Patron Saint of Abuse Victims, by James Martin, Eureka Street (October 13, 2010)
- Alleging Rape, Nun Complains against Tiruchi College Head, on Times of India (October 13, 2010)
- Right of Place – Taxpayer Is the Latest Abuse Victim, by Irish Examiner, God Squad (October 11, 2010)
- 60 Percent of Chicago's Parishes Had Pedophile Priests: Study, in NBC Chicago (October 12, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Sex Assaults on Teenage Boy, in Irish Times (October 13, 2010)
- Former Easton Priest Gregory Uhrig Removed from Service in New Jersey for Alleged Sexual Misconduct, by Stephen J. Novak, Express-Times (October 12, 2010)
- Indian Nun Accuses Priest over Rape, Abortion, in The Cathnews (October 13, 2010)
October 13
- A Constant Reminder, by Eric Mungenast, Trivalley Central (October 13, 2010)
- Ont. Attorney General to Meet with Sex Abuse Victims, by Randy Richmond, Toronto Sun (October 13, 2010)
- Coventry Priest Abuse Victim Tells of Flashbacks and Stress Disorder, by Emma Stone, Coventry Telegraph (October 13, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse in Delaware: Child Victims Act Case Postponed until Dec. 15, in News Journal (October 13, 2010)
- Abuse Case Could Change Compensation Law in Quebec, by Marianne White, National Post (October 13, 2010)
- Australian Nuns Cool on Saint of Abused, in AFP (October 13, 2010)
- Diocese of Metuchen Places the Rev. Gregory Uhrig on Leave, by Stephen J. Novak, The Express-Times (October 13, 2010)
- Unicef Calls for an End to Child Pornography in Thailand, by Martin Barillas, Spero News (October 11, 2010)
- 2 Sex Abuse Charges against Moon Pastor Dismissed, in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 12, 2010)
- 2 Sex Abuse Charges against Pa. Pastor Dismissed, in Lebanon Daily News (October 12, 2010)
- Two Books Look at Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis, by Brian T. Olszewski, Catholic San Francisco (October 13, 2010)
- Archdiocese of Detroit: Stay Away from Liberal Catholic Conference, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (October 13, 2010)
- Lawyer Waives Days Set Aside for Lahey's Charter Rights Case, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (October 13, 2010)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Seeks to Settle Abuse Lawsuits, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 12, 2010)
- Molesting Priest Remains behind Bars, in Hamilton Spectator (October 13, 2010)
- Priest 'Stunned' by Gross Indecency Charges, by David Forsythe, Irish Independent (October 13, 2010)
- Bisdom Curacao Dekte Misbruik Toe, in The Kerknieuws (October 12, 2010)
- Arresten Operatie Kelk Verbroken, in HBVL (October 12, 2010)
- Dohmen: Misbruikzaak Groot Door Homokwestie, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 13, 2010)
- Update: North Plainfield Priest Removed from Parish Amid Sexual-Misconduct Allegations, by Mark Spivey, Home New Tribune (October 11, 2010)
- Pastor Removed Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Len Righi, WFMZ (October 13, 2010)
- Police Issue Arrest Warrant for Elderly Priest, by Sudbury Northern, Northern Life (October 13, 2010)
- What the Chilean Mine Story Can Teach the Catholic Church, by Virginia Jones, Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing (October 13, 2010)
- Priest Convicted of Sexual Assaulting Seven Altar Boys Kills Himself, by Kristy Nease and Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (October 14, 2010)
- Windsor Court to Hear Charges against Rev. William Hodgson Marshall, by Sarah Sacheli, Windsor Star (October 13, 2010)
- Mass. Indictment Accuses Famed NYC Youth Basketball Coach of Sex Abuse during 1970s Team Trip, by Jay Lindsay, Los Angeles Times (October 13, 2010)
- Supreme Court Ponders Church Abuse Case, by Dominique La Haye, Toronto Sun (October 13, 2010)
- Former Allentown Priest Removed after Sexual Assault Accusation, by Devon Lash, Morning Call (October 13, 2010)
- Scepticism over Mackillop's Canonisation, in SBS (October 13, 2010)
- The Rev. Gregory Uhrig's Accuser Reported Abuse Allegations to Another Priest, Diocese Says, by Jim Deegan, The Express-Times (October 13, 2010)
- Priest Accused in Sexual Assaults Takes Own Life, in CFRA (October 13, 2010)
- Pastor Accused in Sex Crime Sees a Judge, in 8 News Now (October 14, 2010)
- Church Pastor Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Abuse of Teens, by Francis McCabe, Vegas Review-Journal (October 13, 2010)
- Tax Investigation Could Land Pope with ˆ8bn Bill, by Michael Day, The Independent (October 14, 2010)
- Michael Day: Dwindling Faith Spells Greatest Trouble for the Church's Coffers, in The Independent (October 14, 2010)
- Summary Box: Eu Probes Church Tax Breaks in Italy, in Bloomberg Businessweek (October 12, 2010)
- Italy's Tax Breaks for Vatican May Be Illegal, Eu Warns, in Monsters and Critics (October 12, 2010)
- Italy's Tax Breaks for Catholic Church Are Subject of Eu Regulatory Probe, by Aoife White, The Bloomberg (October 12, 2010)
- Ottawa Priest Convicted of Sexual Assaulting 7 Altar Boys Kills Himself, by Kristy Nease and Meghan Hurley, Vancouver Sun (October 13, 2010)
October 14
- Former Coventry Altar Boy Tells of Abuse by City Priest Richard Robinson, by Emma Stone, Coventry Telegraph (October 14, 2010)
- City Priest Convicted of Sexual Assaults Kills Himself, by Kristy Nease and Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (October 14, 2010)
- Aged Priest to Face Abuse Trial in Windsor, by Sarah Sacheli, Windsor Star (October 14, 2010)
- Priest's Child Sex Abuse Scandal Spreads to Third Ontario City, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (October 14, 2010)
- Former Arcata Pastor Faces Three New Sex Charges, by John Driscoll, The Times-Standard (October 14, 2010)
- Suspended Minister Won't Face Charges, by Dick Broom, The Fenceviewer (October 13, 2010)
- Program Founder Faces Sex Charge, by Fred Contrada, The Republican (October 14, 2010)
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee to Settle with Victims of Sex Abuse, by Caleb Saunders, Badger Herald (October 14, 2010)
- Une Victime D'Abus En Cour Supreme, in LCN (October 13, 2010)
- Pedophilie/belgique: L'Enquete Relancee, in Le Figaro (October 12, 2010)
- Abus Sexuel Dans L'Eglise: L'Eveque De Bruges Ecrit Aux Profs De Religion, in Le Vif (October 14, 2010)
- Pedophilie En Belgique : L'Enquete Relancee, by Benjamin Legendre, LA Vie (October 13, 2010)
- LA Double Morale, by Nicole Muchnik, Le Monde (September 23, 2010)
- Plainte Pour Abus Sexuel Contre Un Prêtre Ardennais Aupres Du Juge De Troy, in Le Vif (October 7, 2010)
- Mgr. De Kesel Schrijft Brief Aan Godsdienstleerkrachten En Verantwoordelijken Voor Schoolpastoraal, in The Rknieuws (October 14, 2010)
- Chicago Priest to Lead San Antonio Archdiocese, in The Oklahoman (October 14, 2010)
- Pedophile Priest Leaps to Death, by Justin Sadler, Toronto Sun (October 14, 2010)
- In a Clash over Faith, Catholics Urged to Stay Clear of '11 Meeting, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (October 14, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (October 14, 2010)
- Vatican Gala out of Place, Says Abuse Victim, by Paola Totaro, Sydney Morning Herald (October 15, 2010)
- Priest Being Investigated for Criminal Activity, in The Telegram (October 14, 2010)
- Investigation into Sexual Abuse Allegations against Priest Ongoing: Rcmp, in VOCM (October 14, 2010)
- Child Sex Victims Want Catholic Woman Ousted from Governor's Panel, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 14, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal - Preacher Bureau of Investigations Has Just Launched New Forum for Exploited Church Members, in The I-Newswire (October 14, 2010)
- Is Pope Benedict Guilty of Accessory to Rape after the Fact? the Preacher Bureau of Investigation Would like to Know, in The I-Newswire (October 14, 2010)
- Ont. Priest's Sex Charges All Moved to Windsor, on CBC News (October 14, 2010)
- Fields: the Real Victimizers in Sex Abuse, by Sam Fields, Broward Beat (October 14, 2010)
- College Principal Removed from Post Following Rape Charges, in Indian Express (October 14, 2010)
- Un Crimes against Humanity Decree Re Pedophile Priests One Goal of Vatican Reformation Day Project Oct. 31, in City of Angels (October 13, 2010)
- The New Wave of Extreme State Religious Freedom Restoration Act Rfra Legislation: Why It's Dangerous, by Marci A. Hamilton, The Findlaw (October 14, 2010)
- Ontario: Group Defending Priest to Protest Diocese, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (October 14, 2010)
- Alleged Sex Abuse Victim of Ex-Priest Relieved Authorities Acting on His Complaints, in I News 880 (October 14, 2010)
- Danish Prosecutors End Abuse Inquiries: No Charges Filed, in Catholic Culture (October 14, 2010)
- Group Calls for More Transparency on Handling of Priest Sex Abuse Cases, by Annysa Johnson, Milwauke Journal Sentinel (October 14, 2010)
- Priest's Bail Hearing Continues Monday, in The Tribune (October 15, 2010)
- Former Catholic Priest Facing New Sex Charges, on CTV (October 14, 2010)
- Book Accused Bishop Long of Sex Abuse in 2007, in WSBTV (October 14, 2010)
- Another Lawsuit Filed against New Birth, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 14, 2010)
- Lawsuit Filed against New Birth Missionary Church, by Dale Russell, My Fox Atlanta (October 14, 2010)
- Milwaukee Archbishop Listecki & Abuse Victims to Begin Mediation Process, by Angelica Duria, Fox 6 (October 14, 2010)
October 15
- Milwaukee Archbishop Wants to Settle Lawsuits, by Jay Olstad, Today's Tmj (October 14, 2010)
- New Report Shows Extent of Priest Abuse in Chicago, by Ed Brayton, Dispatches from the Culture Wars (October 14, 2010)
- Megachurch Subject of Sexual Harassment Suit, on CNN (October 15, 2010)
- Ex-Pastor Faces More Child Abuse Charges in Calif, in Mercury News (October 14, 2010)
- Pro Juventute Hit by Abuse Accusations, in Austrian Independent (October 15, 2010)
- Misbruikte Neef Vangheluwe Dient Klacht in Bij De Troy, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (October 15, 2010)
- Neef Vangheluwe Dient Klacht in Voor Verkrachting, in HLN (October 15, 2010)
- Neef Dient Aanklacht in Tegen Ex-Bisschop, in The Parool (October 15, 2010)
- Reacties. Tijd Rijp Voor Debat over Kerkbelasting, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 14, 2010)
- Grecco to Spend the Weekend behind Bars, by Tim Parent, CKTB (October 15, 2010)
- Mary Mackillop : Setting the Record Straight, on Vatican Radio (October 15, 2010)
- Australia's First Saint Overcame Excommunication, by Tanalee Smith, Washington Post (October 15, 2010)
- My Perp Left off Chicago Archdiocese Report on Pedophile Priests, in City of Angels (October 13, 2010)
- Former Coventry Priest Wrote to Altar Boy He Is Accused of Abusing, Court Hears, by Emma Stone, Coventry Telegraph (October 15, 2010)
- Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie over Operatie Kelk in De Maak, in The Rknieuws (October 14, 2010)
- AIDS Is Een Vorm Van Gerechtigheid, in De Standaard (October 14, 2010)
- Woman Sues New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Sexual Harrassment Complaint, by Jon Shirek, 11 Alive (October 15, 2010)
- Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Mpls. Announce Changes This Weekend, by Sasha Aslanian, Minnesota Public Radio (October 15, 2010)
- Mackillop a True-Blue Mover and Shaper, by Martin Flanagan, The Age (October 16, 2010)
- Tangled Web They Wove Transferring Pedophile Priest to San Diego, Santa Barbara, L.a., Fox Point, Woodland, Milwaukee... Sept 2010 Lawsuit, in City of Angels (October 11, 2010)
- Hay Nuevo Arzobispo En San Antonio, in Univision 41 (October 14, 2010)
- Victim Saw Sex Abuser Priest on Television, on BBC News (October 15, 2010)
- N.s. Parish Can't Afford Diocese Land, on CBC News (October 15, 2010)
- Archdiocese Offers Mediation to Settle Lawsuit, in WISN (October 15, 2010)
- More Than 20 Churches to Close under Plan to Restructure Twin Cities Archdiocese, by John Brewer, Pioneer Press (October 15, 2010)
- Former Priest Accused of Sex Assaults Still Recognised by Alleged Victim, in Sunday Mercury (October 15, 2010)
October 16
- Supreme Court Ponders Sex Abuse Case, by Dominique La Haye, Peterborough Examiner (October 16, 2010)
- Justice Denied, by Janet Bagnall, Montreal Gazette (October 16, 2010)
- Ex-School Official in Sussex County Sentenced for Online Sex Chats with a Minor, by Kibret Markos, The Record (October 15, 2010)
- Judge Won't Send Former Pastor Back to Jail, by John Driscoll, The Times-Standard (October 16, 2010)
- AIDS Is a Kind of Justice for Promiscuous Sex, Belgian Catholic Leader Claims, by David Gibson, Politics Daily (October 16, 2010)
- Belgian Church Head Criticized for Aids Remarks, by Philip Blenkinsop, Reuters (October 15, 2010)
- Aartsbisschop Verduidelijkt: Aids Is Gevolg Van Overspel, in The Elsevier (October 15, 2010)
- Arme Wereldvreemde Leonard, in De Wereld Morgen (October 15, 2010)
- Mgr. Leonard Heeft Gelijk, in The Rknieuws (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard: Ik Wou Alleen Bepaalde Praktijken Viseren, in De Morgen (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard Voelt Zich Verkeerd Begrepen, in De Standaard (October 15, 2010)
- Woede in Belgie Na Aids-Opmerking Aartsbisschop, in Nrc Handelsblad (October 15, 2010)
- Letterlijk: De Passage over Aids Uit Boek Leonard, in The Vandaag (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard Schoffeert Aidspatienten, in Metro Time (October 16, 2010)
- Decente, Eerbare Woorden, in De Standaard (October 16, 2010)
- Uitspraken Van Aartsbisschop over Hiv Besmetten, in The Bijbelonderzoekers (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard Oogst Zware Kritiek, in De Standaard (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard Hielp Slachtoffer Niet, in De Standaard (October 15, 2010)
- Leonard Opent Debat over Kerkbelasting, in De Standaard (October 15, 2010)
- Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen Vzw, in Nieuws Bank (October 15, 2010)
- Deetman Roept Daders Op Zich Te Melden, in The Parool (October 15, 2010)
- Melden Seksueel Misbruik Kan Tot 1 December, in Gay.com (October 17, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long | New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Timeline, in Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 25, 2010)
- Archdiocese to Close 20 Churches, Merge Others, by Rose French, Star Tribune (October 16, 2010)
- Plan at a Glance, by Rose Franch, Star Tribune (October 16, 2010)
- The Archdiocese Consolidation Plan: Fox 9 Has the Details, by Mary Costello, Fox 9 (October 17, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Misbruik Geeft Nederland Advies, in The Nieuwsuur (October 15, 2010)
- Mgr. Leonard Maakt Het Nog Erger, in The Rknieuws (October 16, 2010)
- Een Kloof Tussen Kerk En Gelovigen, in The Rknieuws (October 16, 2010)
- Leonard En Damiaan, in The Rknieuws (October 16, 2010)
- Archdiocese behind Anti-Marriage Equality Dvd's Shuttering Churches Due to Lack of Funds, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (October 16, 2010)
- Catholic Church Reorganization Draws Anger, Plenty of Sorrow, by Rose French, Star Tribune (October 16, 2010)
- Belgian Archbishop Calls Aids Nature's Revenge, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (October 16, 2010)
- Archdiocese Announces Strategic Plan, by Dennis McGrath, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (October 16, 2010)
- Strategic Planning in the Archdiocese, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (October 17, 2010)
- Twin Cities Catholics to Close 21 Churches, by Patrick Condon, West Central Tribune (October 17, 2010)
October 17
- Factbox: Mary Mackillop, Australia's First Saint, by James Grubel and Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 17, 2010)
- Tulsa Diocese Works to Prevent Abuse, by Bill Sherman, Tulsa World (October 17, 2010)
- 220 Rally for Priest, by Wes Woods II, The Sun (October 16, 2010)
- Blog Focuses on Church's Alleged Sexual Abuses, by Rich Howells, Go Lackawanna (October 17, 2010)
- Outdated Views on Women Stunt Catholic Church, by James A. Roemer, South Bend Tribune (October 16, 2010)
- Nun Whose Order Fought Abuse Becomes Saint, by Richard Allen Greene, CNN (October 17, 2010)
- Neef Dient Aanklacht in Tegen Ex-Bisschop, in The Parool (October 15, 2010)
- Australie Viert Heiligverklaring Van Non, on NOS (October 17, 2010)
- Belgische Aartsbisschop Vindt Aids-Uitspraak Verkeerd Begrepen, in The Trouw (October 16, 2010)
- Le Pape VA Canoniser Une Australienne Revoltee Par LA Pedophilie Du Clerge, by Catherine Jouaul, AFP (October 17, 2010)
- Le Primat De Belgique : Le Sida Est Une Sorte De Justice Immanente, in The Lepoint (October 15, 2010)
- Pope Makes Saint of Nun Who Exposed Sexual Abuse, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 17, 2010)
- Australia's First Saint: Nun Who Exposed Abuse, on MSNBC (October 17, 2010)
- Catholics & Victims to Leaflet outside Church, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 17, 2010)
- Pennsylvania: Merion Deanery Calls for Bishop Bennison to Resign, in Virtue Online (October 17, 2010)
- Call to Make Mary Patron Saint of the Abused, by Paolo Totaro, The Age (October 18, 2010)
- Sex Tugs at Persons of the Cloth, in The Gleaner (October 17, 2010)
- 21 Churches to Close, 33 to Cluster, by Mary Costello, Fox 9 (October 18, 2010)
- Twin Cities Archdiocese to Reorganize, on Fox 9 (October 18, 2010)
- Changes to Twin Cities Catholic Churches, on Fox 9 (October 18, 2010)
- Feature - Belgian Archbishop's Aids Controversry, in The Cathnews (October 18, 2010)
- St Mary Mackillop for the Abused, by Alyssa Braithwaite, Herald Sun (October 18, 2010)
October 18
- Pope Regrets Priestly Child Abuse, in Sydney Morning Herald (October 18, 2010)
- Abuse Scandal Must Not Deter Would-Be Priests: Pope, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 18, 2010)
- Lettera Del Santo Padre Ai Seminaristi a Conclusione Dell'anno Sacerdotale , 18.10.2010, in Vatican Information Service (October 18, 2010)
- Australian Fm Kevin Rudd Defends Catholic Abuse Response, in Politically Illustrated (October 17, 2010)
- Diocese May Use Other Cases As Benchmarks As Talks Begin, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 17, 2010)
- Canonisation Part of Healing Process for Church, by Denis Shanahan, The Australian (October 18, 2010)
- Pope Says Abusive Priests Caused Great Damage but Can't Discredit Priestly Mission, Associated Press (October 18, 2010)
- Like Everyone Else 30 Years Ago, the Church Failed to Understand Paedophilia, by William Oddie, Catholic Herald (October 18, 2010)
- Torfs Ziet Heil in Kerkbelasting Naar Zwitsers Model, in De Morgen (October 17, 2010)
- Uitspraak Leonard: Open Vld Wil Debat over Kerkbelasting, in De Morgen (October 14, 2010)
- Bisschoppenconferentie Weigert Groepsgesprek Met Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in De Morgen (October 17, 2010)
- Eerste Australische Heilige Een Feit, in The Depers (October 18, 2010)
- Vaticaan: Misbruikbestrijdster Is Heilig, in Spits Nieuws (October 18, 2010)
- Murmur She Wrote 1, or the City of Angels Is Everywhere, in City of Angels (October 16, 2010)
- Mary Mackillop Is Eerste Heilige Australië, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (October 17, 2010)
- Australische Mackillop Heilig Verklaard, in The Trouw (October 17, 2010)
- Vatican 31 Oct 2010 Catholic Clergy Abuse Victims Plan Gathering in St. Peter's Square, in News Ahead (October 31, 2010)
- Pope: Church Feels 'Shame and Regret' for Abuse, 0n CNN (October 18, 2010)
- Archbishop to Meet with Sex Abuse Victims, in WISN (October 18, 2010)
- Listecki Talks to Abuse Victims in Settlement Efforts, by Gene Mueller, Today's Tmj (October 18, 2010)
- 'Truly Scary' That Franciscans Want to Continue Secrecy Re Sex Offending Friars, Says Tim Hale, in City of Angels (October 7, 2010)
- A Group of Sex Abuse Victims Give the Archbishop a Deadline, on WITI (October 18, 2010)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (October 18, 2010)
- Letter to Seminarians of Benedict XVI, in Vatican Information Service (October 18, 2010)
- Pope Tells Seminarians Abuse Crisis Cannot Discredit Priestly Mission, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (October 18, 2010)
- Pope Sends Personal Letter to Seminarians, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (October 18, 2010)
- Pope Writes to Seminarians: You Have Done a Good Thing, on Vatican Radio (October 18, 2010)
- Colum Kenny: What Difference Will Pope's Men Make?, in Irish Independent (October 17, 2010)
- Pope to Visit Ireland in June 2012, in The Joe (October 17, 2010)
- Review: Why the Catholic Church Needs Vatican III by Tp O'Mahony, in Irish Independent (October 16, 2010)
- Australia's New Saint Also Dealt with Sex Abuse Scandal, in NPR (October 17, 2010)
- Alleged Abuse Victim Haunted by Face of Coventry Priest for 50 Years, in Coventry Telegraph (October 18, 2010)
- Priest Accused in Scam Goes to Court, in Today's Tmj (October 18, 2010)
- Wealthy Akron Priest to Face Judgment Day in Court on Tax Charges, by Peter Krouse, Plain Dealer (October 18, 2010)
- Michael Jackson Auditorium Unveiling "Disappointing," Abuse Survivors" Group Says, in Los Angeles Times (October 18, 2010)
- Former Priest Denies Sexual Contact, in Southern Reporter (October 18, 2010)
- Suspect in NJ Priest Murder Given November Deadline to File for Insanity Defense, by Peggy Wright, Home News Tribune (October 18, 2010)
- Dispatching the Magdalene Laundries and Bethany Home "under the Sod.", by James M. Smith, God Squad (October 16, 2010)
- Madera Pastor Suspected of Molestation, in KMPH (October 18, 2010)
October 19
- Victims of Anglican Paedophile Priest Urged to Come Forward, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 19, 2010)
- Dimanno: "outback Nun" Patron Saint to Sexually Abused, by Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star (October 19, 2010)
- "Whistleblower" Label for St. Mary Mackillop Called Innaccurate and Wrong, in Catholic News Agency (October 18, 2010)
- Pope, in Letter, Takes on Celibacy Debate, by Stacy Meichtry, Wall Street Journal (October 18, 2010)
- Update: Former Pastor Accused of Molesting Children, on CBS 47 (October 19, 2010)
- Steinfels Urges Bishops to Stem the Catholic Church's "Crisis of Attrition", in PRWeb (October 19, 2010)
- Further Adrift, by Peter Steinfels, The Commonweal (October 19, 2010)
- Claims Catholic Priest Used Cash and Lollies to Lure Boys, in ABC Newcastle (October 19, 2010)
- Diocese Seeking Legal Mediation, in The Spokesman-Review (October 19, 2010)
- Historic Week for Jewish Advocates for Children in Fight against Abuse, in Cliffview Pilot (October 19, 2010)
- Imaginal Justice, by Dr. Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (October 6, 2010)
- Losing Our Religion, by Kate Rothwell, University Observer (October 7, 2010)
- Church Fires Blast at Illinois Law Firm, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (October 19, 2010)
- Korten Op Katholieken, in The Trouw (October 19, 2010)
- Pope Defends Priestly Celibacy; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (October 18, 2010)
- Navajo Nation Supreme Court to Hear Clergy Abuse Legal Arguments-via Yale, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, The MN-SNAP (October 19, 2010)
- Parishioners of Closed Churches Try Last-ditch Appeal to the Pope, by Martin Finucane, Boston Globe (October 19, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Stalking, by Kelly Campbell, Northport Patch (October 19, 2010)
- 'I Lied about Priest', by Joseph Zulu, Times of Swaziland (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Expected to Name New Cardinals Tomorrow, in Catholic Culture (October 19, 2010)
- Jesuit Priest Seeks Bail after Rape Allegation, in The CathNews (October 19, 2010)
October 20
- Annuncio Di Concistoro Per LA Creazione Di Nuovi Cardinali, in Citta' Del Vaticano (October 20, 2010)
- Toronto's Archbishop Collins Passed over for Cardinal This Time around, by Charles Lewis, National Post (October 20, 2010)
- Closed Churches Deliver Last-ditch Appeal to Pope Benedict, by Jennifer Mann, The Patriot Ledger (October 20, 2010)
- Project Aims to Ease Suffering from Priest Abuse, by Mary Beth Smetzer, Fairbanks News-Miner (October 20, 2010)
- Milwaukee Auxiliary Bishop Sklba Retires, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 20, 2010)
- Hunter Priest's Evil Child Sex Secrets, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 20, 2010)
- Pastor Did Not Have Sex with Me, Says 15-y-o, by Sheena Gayle, Jamaica Gleaner (October 20, 2010)
- Despite Sex Crimes Madera Man Licensed for Child Care, by Sontaya Rose, ABC 30 (October 20, 2010)
- Gang Rape Allegations Orchestrated by Church Leader, Lawyer Says, by Tamara Cherry, Toronto Sun (October 20, 2010)
- Archbishop Announces Plan to Pay Sexual Abuse Victims, in L'Anglophone (October 20, 2010)
- Amish Elders Plead Guilty for Failure to Report Abuse, in The News-Leader (October 20, 2010)
- Italian Court Keeps Block on Vatican Bank Funds, in Reuters (October 20, 2010)
- Wuerl and Burke Among 24 New Cardinals, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (October 20, 2010)
- Archbishops Burke, Wuerl to Become Cardinals, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (October 20, 2010)
- Area Catholics Appeal Directly to Pope about Church Closings, by Stephen Flynn, The Daily Item (October 20, 2010)
- Framingham, Wellesley Parishes Seek Pope's Intervention, by Julia Spitz, The MetroWest Daily News (October 20, 2010)
- Gelovigen Staan Op Tegen Leonard, in De Morgen (October 20, 2010)
- Slachtoffers Vragen Kerk 120 Euro Per Maand, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 20, 2010)
- Eddie Long Says Church Is Still Standing Faithful, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 20, 2010)
- Statement by Cardinal-designate Raymond L. Burke on Being Elevated to Cardinal, in St. Louis Review (October 20, 2010)
- Former Birmingham Catholic Priest Denies Sex Charges against Young Boys, by Fionnuala Bourke, Birmingham Mail (October 20, 2010)
- First Study of Chicago Catholics Reveals Unwavering Faith, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (October 20, 2010)
- Cleared St. Vincent Priest Sues, Alleges Defamation, by Richard Gazarik, The Tribune-review (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Names New Cardinals, Giving a Boost to Italian Hopes to Regain Papacy, by Victor L. Simpson, Lethbridge Herald (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Names 24 New Cardinals, Including Two from United States, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (October 20, 2010)
- Archbishop Wuerl Named Cardinal, in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Announces 24 New Cardinals, Including Two Americans, in New York Post (October 20, 2010)
- Raymond Burke to Become a Cardinal, by Patricia Rice, St. Louis Beacon (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Names New Cardinals, Putting Stamp on Church, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 20, 2010)
- D.c.'s Wuerl Among 24 New Cardinals Named by Pope Benedict, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (October 20, 2010)
- Burke Will Be One of the Youngest Cardinals after Elevation, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 20, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Victims Pass out Fliers in Hyde Park, in SNAP (October 20, 2010)
- A Third Catholic Principal Is Alleged Abuser, in SNAP (October 20, 2010)
- Benedict XVI Names Twenty-four New Cardinals, in Vatican Information Service (October 20, 2010)
- Pope Names 24 New Cardinals, in Catholic Culture (October 20, 2010)
- Burn It Down: Sinead O'connor on the Vatican, by Karl Quinn, The Age (October 21, 2010)
- Former Coventry Priest Admits Trying to Get Abuse Allegations Dropped, by Emma Stone, Coventry Telegraph (October 20, 2010)
- Hope for Int'l Pastor on Sex Charges in Jamaica, in The Go-Jamaica (October 20, 2010)
- Lieve Halsberghe Roept Slachtoffers 'eskimopater' Erik Dejaeger Op Zich Te Melden, in KW (October 20, 2010)
- Perlitz Victims Receive Aid with Alum Visit, in The Mirror (October 20, 2010)
- Court Rejects Vatican Bid to Unfreeze Funds, by Guy Dinmore, Financial Times (October 20, 2010)
- Rome Court Upholds Seizure from Vatican Bank Account; Holy See Questions the Ruling, in Associated Press (October 20, 2010)
- Update 1-italian Court Keeps Block on Vatican Bank Funds, in Reuters (October 20, 2010)
- Dichiarazione Del Direttore Della Sala Stampa Della Santa Sede, Rev.do P. Federico Lombardi, S.i., in Citta' Del Vaticano (October 20, 2010)
- Franse Kerk Legt Cijfers Pedofiele Priesters Op Tafel, in De Morgen (October 20, 2010)
- Kerk Wil Slachtoffers Misbruik Financieel Steunen, in The Vandaag (October 20, 2010)
- Kerk Wil Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Financieel Steunen, in De Morgen (October 20, 2010)
- Aanklacht Tegen Zwijgende Kerk, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 20, 2010)
- Aartsbisschop Leonard Niet Naar Boekenbeurs, in HLN (October 20, 2010)
- Belgische Kerk: Therapiekosten Slachtoffers Misbruik Betalen, in vk.nl (October 20, 2010)
- 'Christus Heeft Het Gebouw Verlaten', in The Trouw (October 20, 2010)
- Bishop Eddie Long Fall out Is It Time for Cogic Bishop Charles E. Blake to Clean House, in The I-Newswire (October 20, 2010)
- Rabbi Accused of Sexual Abuse: Man's Strength Is in His Silence, in The Haaretz (October 20, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse in Delaware: Child Victims Act Case Postponed until Dec. 15, in News Journal (October 13, 2010)
- Defrocked Priest Deluca Ailing, May Not Be in Court, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (October 20, 2010)
- Lawsuit: Archdiocese Used Dirty Tricks, in United Press International (October 20, 2010)
- Court Rejects Vatican Bank Appeal against Seizure of Funds, on CNN (October 20, 2010)
- Judge Keeps Hold on Vatican Funds, by Stacy Meichtry, Wall Street Journal (October 20, 2010)
- Vatican "Astonished" at Bank Inquiry, in Sydney Morning Herald (October 20, 2010)
- Kerk Belgie Wil Misbruikslachtoffers Betalen, in Nederland Dagblad (October 20, 2010)
- Wjnh Roept Kerken Op Verdraagzaamheid Zichtbaar Te Uiten, in COC Nederland (October 20, 2010)
- Paus Verdedigt Celibaat in Brief Aan Seminaristen, in RKnieuws (October 20, 2010)
- Belgische Bisschoppen: Geen Ontmoeting Met Slachtoffers, in The Kerknieuws (October 20, 2010)
- Paus Veroordeelt Seksueel Misbruik Door Geestelijken, in The KerkNet (October 20, 2010)
- Belgische Aartsbisschop: AIDS Is Gerechtigheid, in The Standard (October 20, 2010)
- Priest Sentenced to Pay More Than $3.8 Million, in WEWS (October 20, 2010)
- Words of Praise Ring from across US on Appointment of New Cardinals, in Catholic News Service (October 20, 2010)
- Akron Priest Ordered to Pay Almost $4 Million in Fines and Restitution, by Peter Krouse, Plain Dealer (October 20, 2010)
- Father Sam to Serve 1 Day in Jail, by Rick Armon, Beacon Journal (October 20, 2010)
- Kerk Gaat Niet in Op Vergoeding Voor Slachtoffers, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 20, 2010)
- Altre Operazioni Sospette Allo Ior IL Vaticano: Stupiti, Ma Si Chiarira, in La Stampa (October 20, 2010)
- Ior: Confermato IL Sequestro E Si Indaga Su Altre Operazioni, in AGI (October 20, 2010)
- Ior, Nuove Verifiche Dei Magistrati Accertamenti Su 2 Operazioni Sospette, in La Repubblica (October 20, 2010)
- Ior Nuove Indagini, Presidente Gotti Tedeschi: Sono Depresso..., in The Apcom (October 20, 2010)
- Belgische Bisschoppen Zien Af Van Oprichting Nieuw Centrum, in The RKnieuws (October 20, 2010)
- Katholieke Weekbladen Pikken Uitlatingen Mgr. Leonard Niet, in The RKnieuws (October 20, 2010)
- Steun Voor Slachtoffers, in HBVL (October 20, 2010)
- Opvolger Commissie-adriaenssens Komt Er Niet, in De Standaard (October 20, 2010)
- Slachtoffer Misbruik Geeft Nederland Advies, in Nieuwsuur (October 20, 2010)
- Advocaat De Witte Mag De Vragen Stellen Bij Nieuwsuur, in The Advocatie (October 20, 2010)
October 21
- Clergy Abuse in Delaware: Ex-Priest's Attorney Withdraws from Cases, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (October 21, 2010)
- Former LA Crosse Bishop Was Destined for Higher Calling, Local Catholics Say, by Geri Parlin, Lacrossee Tribune (October 21, 2010)
- Retiring Bishop Speaks on History of Sexual Abuse in Church, by Stephanie Jones, Journal Times (October 21, 2010)
- Wuerl Tackled Priest Sex-Abuse Crisis, Church Closings, by Bill Zlatos, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (October 21, 2010)
- Despite Speculation, Dolan Is Not Named a Cardinal, by Paul Vitello, New York Times (October 21, 2010)
- Bucks Man, Allegedly Molested by Priests, Admits Stealing from Archdiocese, by Larry King, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 21, 2010)
- Milwaukee Auxiliary Bishop Retires, in The Leader-Telegram (October 20, 2010)
- Healing and Reconciliation Mass Celebrated at Sacred Heart Cathedral, by Mary Beth Smetzer, Fairbanks News-Miner (October 21, 2010)
- Spokane Diocese Agrees to Mediation over Pending Abuse Cases, in Georgia Bulletin (October 21, 2010)
- Man Faces 103 Child Sex Charges in Newcastle Court, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 21, 2010)
- More Abuse Cases Hit Norwegian Catholic Church, in The Foreigner (October 21, 2010)
- Why the Pope Refused to Name Archbishop Martin As a Cardinal, by Father Tim, Irish Central (October 21, 2010)
- Fr Dennis John Corrigan in Court in Newcastle, in Broken Rites (October 21, 2010)
- Richard John McPhillamy Convicted Re St Stanislaus College, Bathurst Nsw, in Broken Rites (October 21, 2010)
- Broken Rites Australia — What's New, in Broken Rites (October 21, 2010)
- Opnieuw 103 Klachten Van Misbruik in Kerk, in The Rknieuws (October 21, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Probe Extended to Suspect Clergymen Accounts, Corriere, by Lorenzo Totaro, The Bloomberg (October 21, 2010)
- Soldi Dello Ior: IL Tribunale Del Riesame Conferma IL Sequestro Dei 23 Milioni, in Corrirere Della Sera (October 21, 2010)
- Homeless Shunned While Pedophiles Sheltered Due to 'Concern for Well-Being of Choirboys' at Santa Barbara Mission, by Ignacio Aceves, City of Angels (October 19, 2010)
- An Interview with Svava Brooks, Program Director for Talk about Abuse to Liberate Kids, in Healing and Spirituality (October 20, 2010)
- Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence, in Colm O'Gorman (October 20, 2010)
- Archbishop Raymond Burke to Become Cardinal, in KSDK (October 21, 2010)
- Former St. Louis Archbishop to Be Elevated to Cardinal, by Bill Raack, St. Louis Public Radio (October 21, 2010)
- Catholic Women Need to Challenge Hierarchy for Good of the Church, by Laura Beth Bugg, Sydney Morning Herald (October 22, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Case Jury Sent Home, on BBC News (October 21, 2010)
- Sint-leocollege Laat Vangheluwe Van Gevel Verdwijnen, in KW (October 21, 2010)
- Jury Retires in Trial of Ex-priest Accused of Sex Offences, in Birmingham Mail (October 21, 2010)
- Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse of Two Boys, in RTE News (October 21, 2010)
- Raymond Burke's Greatest Fits: Recalling the Lowlights of the Vatican's Newest Cardinal, by Chad Garrison, Riverfront Times (October 21, 2010)
- East Sussex Sex Abuse Fear Vicars Allowed to Work, by Colin Campbell, BBC News (October 21, 2010)
- Retired Priest Faces More Sex Abuse Charges, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (October 21, 2010)
- "A Day of Healing" - Abuse Victims Journey to Vatican, by Tom Weber, The Post-Bulletin (October 20, 2010)
- Priest Charged with Sexually Abusing Boys, on BBC News (October 21, 2010)
- "Rites" for Women, "Rights" for Gays: Cardinal George's Double Standards, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (October 21, 2010)
- Fairfield University Abandons Its Sexually Abused Homeless Street Children, by Paul Kendrick, MN SNAP (October 21, 2010)
- Cardinals V. Reform, by Mark Silk, The Beliefnet (October 21, 2010)
- Pope Places His Mark on College of Cardinals, by Thomas J. Reese, Washington Post (October 21, 2010)
- Diocese Warned of Paedophile Priests, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 22, 2010)
- Court Attaches $10 Million in Assets of Seymour Priest in Sex Abuse Case (document), by Lauren Garrison, New Haven Register (October 21, 2010)
- Archbishop Wuerl Is Promoted by Pope; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in SNAP (October 20, 2010)
- Burke Is Promoted by Pope; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in SNAP (October 20, 2010)
- On Cardinals, Consistories and "Caritas in Veritate", by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (October 21, 2010)
- Advocaat Danneels Wraakt Onderzoeksrechter, in De Morgen (October 21, 2010)
- Church Probing Claims over Priests, in Belfast Telegraph (October 21, 2010)
- Website Claims Ed Martin Hid Priest Sexual Abuse, by Charles Jaco, Fox 2 (October 21, 2010)
- Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Students Facing Nine New Charges, by Adrian Morrow, Globe and Mail (October 21, 2010)
- Former Priest Grecco Waives Bail Hearing, in Welland Tribune (October 22, 2010)
- "Walk of Tears" Begins Series of Events to Remember Abuse Victims, by Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service (October 21, 2010)
- Conn. Judge: Allegations against Priest Credible, in NECN (October 20, 2010)
- Vatican Official Outlines Next Steps in Legion of Christ Reform, in Catholic News Agency (October 21, 2010)
- Accusations Fly in the 3rd District over Anti-martin Web Site, by Jo Mannies, St. Louis Beacon (October 21, 2010)
- Priest Faces Additional Charges, in The Windsor Star (October 21, 2010)
- Ed Martin: Site Suggests He Knew about Pedophile Priests but Did Nothing, by Nicholas Phillips, Riverfront Times (October 21, 2010)
October 22
- $10m Lien Approved in Sex Case; Judge Allows Action against Priest's Assets, by Quannah Leonard, Waterbury Republican-American (October 22, 2010)
- Kansas City Lawsuit Accuses Reno-area Priest of Sexual Assault, by Martha Bellisle, The Register-Journal (October 21, 2010)
- Sex Scandal Shadow over Anglican Gathering, by Alison Branley, Newcastle Herald (October 22, 2010)
- Former Priest Jailed for Abusing Boys after US Extradition, on BBC News (October 22, 2010)
- Former Coventry Priest James Robinson Guilty of Child Sex Abuse, in Coventry Telegraph (October 22, 2010)
- How Wisconsin Goper Ron Johnson Worked with Catholic Bishops to Kill Child Sex Abuse Bill, by Joe Sudbay, The AMERICAblog (October 21, 2010)
- Father James Robinson's Abuse Victim "Thought It Was Love", on BBC News (October 22, 2010)
- Church Launches Probe into Sex Abuse Scandal, in Berwick Advertiser (October 22, 2010)
- Protestanten Belgie Nemen Afstand Van Leonard, in Nederland Dagblad (October 22, 2010)
- Vatican Pitbulls Make Cardinal, by Mary E. Hunt, Religion Dispatches (October 22, 2010)
- Former Dateline Producer, Working with Democratic Campaign, Accuses GOP Candidate of Protecting Pedophile Priests, by Amanda Carey, Daily Caller (October 22, 2010)
- UK Jury Convicts Ex-priest of Sexual Abuse of Boys, in Washington Post (October 22, 2010)
- Bejaardenseks, by Jos Lutz, Het Gezinsblad (October 21, 2010)
- Kerk Stuurt Slachtoffers Door Naar Gerecht, in Metro Time (October 22, 2010)
- 103 Nieuwe Klachten over Seksueel Misbruik in Kerk, in hbvl (October 22, 2010)
- Former Priest Jailed for Abusing Boys, in Reuters (October 22, 2010)
- Ex-priest Jailed for Abusing Boys, in Press Association (October 22, 2010)
- Ex-priest Found Guilty of Abuse, in Herald Sun (October 23, 2010)
- More Victims of Abuse Priest Come Forward, in The Independent (October 22, 2010)
- Journalist Kenyon on Confronting a Paedophile Priest, on BBC News (October 22, 2010)
- Father James Robinson Conviction Hailed As "Victory", by Peter Wilson, BBC News (October 22, 2010)
- Judge Attaches $10 Million in Priest's Assets, in NBC Connecticut (October 22, 2010)
- Ten Years Not Enough for Rapist Teacher: Attorney General, by Courtney Trenwith, Brisbane Times (October 22, 2010)
- Appeal Lodged against Teacher's Sexual Assault Sentence, by Melinda Howells, ABC News (October 22, 2010)
- Queensland to Appeal Child Sex Sentence, in Sydney Morning Herald (October 22, 2010)
- AG Appeals Byrnes Sentence, in The Chronicle (October 22, 2010)
- Attorney-general Appeals Sentence Given to Catholic Teacher Who Raped Girl Students at His Desk, by James O'Loan, The Courier-Mail (October 22, 2010)
- Bishop Not to Face Charges, Rules the DPP, by Clodagh Sheehy, The Herald (October 22, 2010)
- Brugge Worstelt Met Roger Vangheluwe, in De Standaard (October 22, 2010)
- Former Priest Faces Assault Charges A 75-year-old Former Priest Has Appeared before Kells District Court on 71 Charges of Indecent Assault., in RTE News (October 22, 2010)
- Paedophile Priest Wilfred Dennis Found Guilty of More Offences, by Sean Fewster, Adelaide Now (October 22, 2010)
- Priest Charged, in Meath Chronicle (October 22, 2010)
- Twenty-four New Cardinals, Tailor Made for the Pope Koch, Ravasi, Burke, Amato, Ranjith... All Very Much in Line with Benedict Xvi. Who, for the Honor of Great Sacred Music, Is Also Giving the Purple to Maestro Bartolucci. with a Secret Thought, Perhaps, for His Brother Georg, by Sandro Magister, Chiesa (October 22, 2010)
- Brugge Schrapt Naam Roger Vangheluwe Uit Programmaboekje, in Gazet van Antwerpen (October 22, 2010)
- Evil Paedo Priest Jailed for 21 Years, in The Sun (October 22, 2010)
- US Congress Candidate Jeff Perry and Cardinal Law, in outpatient clinic (October 22, 2010)
- Testimony Contradicts House Candidate Witnesses, Officials Differ with Perry on Handling of ’90s Strip-search Cases, by Donovan Slack, Boston.com (October 22, 2010)
- On Sex Abuse, Pope Needs to Address Root Causes, by National Catholic Reporter, David Clohessy (October 22, 2010)
- Prosecutors: Vatican Bank Defying Laundering Laws, by Alessandra Rizzo and Victor l. Simpson, ABC News (October 22, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Lurks behind Catholic Election, by Chip Mitchell, WBEZ (October 22, 2010)
- Advocaat Danneels Wraakt Onderzoeksrechter De Troy, in De Standaard (October 22, 2010)
- Procureurs Hebben Grote Vragen BIJ Operatie Kelk, in RKnieuws (October 22, 2010)
- Vatican Bank Commits to Transparency Prosecutors Consider Institute a Foreign Bank, in Zenit (October 22, 2010)
- Church Attacked after Paedophile Priest Jailed for Sexual Abuse, by Nick Collins, The Telegraph (October 22, 2010)
- Beyond the Church's Reach Fleeing West from Poland's Restrictive Abortion Laws, by Jan Puhl, Spiegel (October 22, 2010)
- The Time for Apologies Is Over!, by A.W. Richard Sipe, Catholica (October 22, 2010)
- Bishop Responds to Allegations of Abuse by Priest, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Gazette-Journal (October 22, 2010)
- Former Torrance Priest Convicted of Sexual Molestation in England, by Melissa Evans, Daily Breeze (October 22, 2010)
- Uk: Catholic Priest Sentenced for Sexual Abuse of Boys, by Martin Barillas, Spero News (October 22, 2010)
- Retired Priest Accused of Indecent Assaults, in Irish Times (October 22, 2010)
- Paedophile Priest from West Midlands to Spend Rest of Life in Prison, in Birmingham Post (October 22, 2010)
October 23
- Marshall Faces More Charges, by Carol Mulligan, North Bay Nugget (October 23, 2010)
- Professor to Lead Weekend Workshop on How Laity Can Help Catholicism, by Mary Ellen MacIntyre, The Chronicle-Herald (October 23, 2010)
- How Many More Victims of Paedophile Priest?, in This is Staffordshire (October 22, 2010)
- Pedophile Faces Extended Sentence, by Peter Hardwick, The Chronicle (October 23, 2010)
- Local Sunday School Teacher Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Terry Carlson, WIFR (October 22, 2010)
- Child Abuse — More Than Stranger Danger, by Tara A. Trower, The Statesman (October 22, 2010)
- Local Sunday School Teacher Accused of Sexual Abuse, in WIFR (October 23, 2010)
- Call It Anything but Love! - an Up-close Look at Clergy Sexual Abuse, by Samantha Nelson, Christian News Wire (October 23, 2010)
- Rockford Church Teacher, 2nd Man, Face Sex Charges, in Rockford Register Star (October 23, 2010)
- Church Trustee Charged with Sexual Assault, in My Stateline (October 23, 2010)
- Woordvoerder Van God in Belgie, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 23, 2010)
- Robinson Defrocked As Archbishop Reflects on "Difficult Time for Everyone" in Harrowing Investigation, in This is Staffordshire (October 23, 2010)
- De Kerk Moet Open Zijn over Seksualiteit, in Friesch Dagblad (October 23, 2010)
- Fijn Dat U Belangstelling Hebt Voor Refdag.nl, De Nieuwssite Van Het Reformatorisch Dagblad., in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 22, 2010)
- Defense Asks Court to Delay Utah Polygamist's Extradition to Texas, by Ashley Hayes, CNN (October 23, 2010)
- Four in 10 Have Negative View of Pope, by Josh Gordon, The Age (October 24, 2010)
- Celibaat, Pedofilie En Noodsex: 13 Stellingen, in Aquarius Age (October 23, 2010)
- Augsburg Gains New Bishop - Replaces Mixa Who Left in Scandal, in Monsters and Critics (October 23, 2010)
- S. Florida Priest Named Bishop of Orlando Diocese, in CBS 4 (October 23, 2010)
- Nomina Del Vescovo Di Orlando (u.s.a.), in Citta Del Vaticano (October 23, 2010)
- Miami Priest Named Bishop of Orlando, by Jaweed Kaleem, Miami Herald (October 23, 2010)
- Leonard Spreekt Evangelie Tegen, in The RKnieuws (October 23, 2010)
- Vatican Banker Says Church under Attack in Money Probe, Sex-abuse Cases, by Lorenzo Totaro, The Bloomberg (October 23, 2010)
October 24
- Woman Abused by Priest Hopes Other Victims Come Forward, on BBC News (October 24, 2010)
- Survival Theme Affects US All, by Bishop Edward J. Burns, Juneau Empire (October 24, 2010)
- In Wake of Scandals, Irish Bishops Call for Year of Renewal, in Catholic News Agency (October 23, 2010)
- Church Abuse Scandel Raised in Mo. Congressional Race, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (October 22, 2010)
- Mo-03: GOP Hopeful Involved W/coverup for Pedophile Priests, by St Louis Woman, Daily Kos (October 23, 2010)
- Post Recognized As Newspaper of the Year by Group, in Connecticut Post (October 23, 2010)
- Forschen Im Dunkelfeld, in The Nibelungen-Kurier (October 23, 2010)
- Reformbewegung Wir Sind Kirche Fordert Dialog Ohne Denkverbote, in EPD (October 24, 2010)
- Bishop Says He Waited for Panel's Review before Suspending Priest, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Register-Journal (October 23, 2010)
- Church Could Face New Police Probe over Birmingham Paedophile Priest, by Adam Aspinall, Sunday Mercury (October 24, 2010)
- Catholics Say Bishop Has Taken Dallas Diocese Past Scandal to a Better Place, by Sam Hodges, Dallas Morning News (October 24, 2010)
- Irish Bishop Won't Face Charges; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, by Clodagh Sheehy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 24, 2010)
- Ex LA Area Priest Guilty of Abuse; Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 24, 2010)
- SNAP Blasts Ed Martin for Demagoguery and Dodging, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 24, 2010)
- Cong. Russ Carnahan Campaigner Plays Anti-Catholic Race Card According to the Washington Examiner, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (October 22, 2010)
- No Money Coming from Fairfield U. For Haiti Sex Abuse Victims, by Michael P. Mayko, Connecticut Post (October 23, 2010)
- San Diego Diocese Documents, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 25, 2010)
- Records of Sexual Abuse by San Diego Priests to Be Released Sunday, by Tony Perry and Carla Hall, Los Angeles Times (October 24, 2010)
- San Diego Judge Unseals Personnel Files of Roman Catholic Priests Accused of Molestation, by Gillian Flaccus, Canadian Press (October 25, 2010)
- Local Priest Abuse Files Unsealed, in NBC San Diego (October 24, 2010)
- Legionaries. The Past That Doesn't Want to Go Away, in The Chiesa (October 25, 2010)
- Christenen Moeten Zich Hoeden Voor Zondebok - Mechanisme, in The Rknieuws (October 25, 2010)
- Unsealed Calif. Church Docs Show Abuse Allegations, by Gillian Flaccus, Washington Post (October 24, 2010)
- Allegations against Reno-Area Priests, in Reno Gazette-Journal (October 22, 2010)
- Catholic Diocese Releases 10,000 Pages of Documents in Abuse Case, by Dean Calbreath, San Diego Union-Tribune (October 24, 2010)
October 25
- Files Reveal How Church Shielded Sex Abusers, by Mary Papenfuss, The Newser (October 25, 2010)
- John Fidler: Secrecy of Diocese's Investigation Raising More Questions, in Reading Eagle (October 25, 2010)
- San Diego Diocese Releases Priests' Records in Sex Abuse Cases, by Tony Perry and Paloma Esquivel, Los Angeles Times (October 25, 2010)
- Documents Show Sexual Abuse in Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, in Southwest Riverside News Network (October 25, 2010)
- 10,000 Pages of Documents Released by Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, by Mike Bryant, Injury Board (October 24, 2010)
- Is Pimppreacher.com the Next Facebook?, in The I-Newswire (October 25, 2010)
- Jury to Be Chosen for Priest's Sexual Assault Trial, in The Ghanaweb (October 25, 2010)
- Victim of Irish Gulag Who Spent Most of His Life in State Custody, in Irish Times (October 23, 2010)
- Victims to San Diego Bishop: Stop Delaying More Disclosure, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 25, 2010)
- Priest Accused of Molestation Writes His Side of the Story, in Orlando Sentinel (October 25, 2010)
- Jury Selection Begins in Trial against Deluca, Parish, by Sean O'sullivan, News Journal (October 25, 2010)
- Ed Martin Hits Back at Claims He Hid Priest Sex Abuse, in Ozarks First (October 25, 2010)
- Former Poway Priest Included in Sexual Abuse Records, by Hoa Quach, Poway Patch (October 23, 2010)
- Victims Call on Church to Release More Docs, by Paul Krueger, NBC San Diego (October 25, 2010)
- Seventh Abuse Claim against Priest, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (October 25, 2010)
- Former Priest Heads to Court This Week, Bishop Releases Statement, in WDEF (October 23, 2010)
- Protestmars Tegen Kerk, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 25, 2010)
- Association for Priests Holds Series of Meetings, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (October 26, 2010)
October 26
- Shelved Abuse Case Goes Forward, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (October 26, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Want Convicted Priest Relieved of Duties, in 10 News (October 25, 2010)
- Protests Follow the Release of San Diego Diocese Documents, in KUSI (October 26, 2010)
- Documents from the San Diego Settlement, in Bishopaccountability.org (October 22, 2010)
- Court Setback for Catholic Child Welfare Society, by Stephen Howard, The Independent (October 26, 2010)
- Former Choirboy Tells Court of Sex Assault by Verger, in Western Mail (October 26, 2010)
- Middlesbrough Diocese Loses St William's School Appeal, on BBC News (October 26, 2010)
- 1 in 4 Americans Can't Think of Recent Positive Contribution by Christians, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (October 26, 2010)
- Colombian Priest Involved in Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, in Colombia Reports (October 25, 2010)
- Survivors of Priest Abuse Demand All Documents Be Released, by Heather Myers, San Diego 6 (October 25, 2010)
- Get out of Denial!, by Dr. Jaime Romo, Healing and Spirituality (October 25, 2010)
- Priest Alleged of Rape Arrested in Dumka, in Samay Live (October 26, 2010)
- Priest Arrested on Rape Charge, in Sify News (October 26, 2010)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victim Speaks Publicly for First Time, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2010)
- SNAP Statement, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2010)
- Kids Swimming with Pedophile Priests: Interview with a Former Servant of the Paraclete, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 21, 2010)
- Salesian Obituary. Soul Ripping Statistics. Perpetrator Nuns, Plus Jokes, Emails to City of Angels Blog, by Kay Ebeling with Joey Piscitelli, City of Angels (October 26, 2010)
- Criminalize Clergy Sexual Misconduct?, by Darryl Stephens, General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church (October 26, 2010)
- Sex Abuse Victims Want Public to Read San Diego Diocese Files, by Amita Sharma, KPBS (October 26, 2010)
- Seventh Cloyne Abuse Allegation Emerges, in Irish Examiner (October 26, 2010)
- Priest Arrested for Alleged Sexual Abuse of 12-year-old Boy, in Los Angeles Times (October 26, 2010)
- S. Calif. Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Molestation, in Mercury News (October 26, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Accused of Molesting 12-year-old Boy, in KTLA (October 26, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Arrested for Alleged Sex Abuse, in KABC (October 26, 2010)
- Ontario: Priest Jailed on Sex Charges, by Richard Brooks, The Press-Enterprise (October 26, 2010)
- "Pedophile" Priest Arrested, at Least Four Victims, in Inland News Today (October 26, 2010)
- Ontario Priest Charged with Child Molestation, by Melissa Pinion-Whitt, The Sun (October 26, 2010)
- Nazi Victims Ask Eu to Probe Vatican on Looted Assets, by Jeffrey Donovan and Lorenzo Totaro, Bloomberg Businessweek (October 26, 2010)
- From Chicago Public Radio: USCCB Ready to Elect Former Chicagoan Kicanas, Soft on Priestly Pedophilia., in Tom Roeser (October 22, 2010)
- Testimony Begins in Donkor-baine Trial, by Anne Jungen, LaCrosse Tribune (October 26, 2010)
- Call for Clerical Abuse "Distinction", in RTE News (October 26, 2010)
- Release of Files Called Landmark in Abuse Case, by Greg Moran, The Union-Tribune (October 26, 2010)
- Report Recommends Closing Two Catholic Churches in Rochester, by Jeffrey Blackwell, Democrat and Chronicle (October 26, 2010)
- Cardinal Simonis Witness in Abuse Case, in The Expatica (October 26, 2010)
- Mars Tegen Seksueel Misbruik Kerk, in The Kerknieuws (October 26, 2010)
- Simonis Moet Bij Proces Getuigen, in NRC Handelsblad (October 26, 2010)
- Documenten over Misbruik Priesters Vs Openbaar, in The Nieuws (October 25, 2010)
- Duenweg Pastor Charged with Receiving Child Porn, in KOAM (October 26, 2010)
- Kudos to the Diocese of San Bernardino Another Pedophile Priest Arrested!, in The I-Newswire (October 26, 2010)
- Grecco Back in Court Wednesday, in CKTB (October 26, 2010)
- Testimony to Begin in First Deluca Priest Sex Abuse Trial, by Amy Cherry, WDEL (October 26, 2010)
- 2 Catholic Parishes Hope to Save Their Congregations, by Rose French, Star Tribune (October 26, 2010)
October 27
- Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Molestation Counts, in The Press-Enterprise (October 26, 2010)
- N.b. Clergy Sex Assault Report Due Soon, on CBC News (October 27, 2010)
- Documents Detail Abuse Probes of Area Priests, by Nicole C. Brambila, Desert Sun (October 27, 2010)
- Woman Sues Priest for Alleged Abuse, Also Sues Diocese, by Molly Montag, Sioux City Journal (October 27, 2010)
- Priests Challenge Policy on Child Abuse Allegations, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (October 27, 2010)
- Woman Sues Retired Priest, Sioux City Diocese over Alleged Abuse, in KTIV (October 27, 2010)
- Former Sioux City Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, in KCAU (October 27, 2010)
- Middlesbrough Catholic Diocese Appeal Bid Fails, by Andy Passant, Evening Gazette (October 27, 2010)
- Church Faces £8m Sex Abuse Pay-Out, by Dani Webb, Northern Echo (October 27, 2010)
- Diocese Faces £8m Bill over Abuse after Court Defeat, by Rob Waugh, Yorkshire Post (October 26, 2010)
- Roman Catholic Church Faces £8m Abuse Payout, by Riazat Butt, The Guardian (October 26, 2010)
- Televangelist's Trial to Get under Way Today, in The Gleaner (October 27, 2010)
- Ex-Youth Pastor Gets 30 Years for Molesting Girls, by Ashley Meeks, Las Cruces Sun-News (October 27, 2010)
- Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Sioux City Diocese, Clergy Member, in KPTH (October 27, 2010)
- Catholic Church Abuse Cases at St William's in Market Weighton Go to Court of Appeal, by Jennifer Bell, The Press (October 27, 2010)
- Victims of Priests Want Share of Proceeds from Mass for Brother Andre, by Sidhartha Banerjee, Globe and Mail (October 27, 2010)
- Seven to Attend Sex Abuse Survivor Events, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (October 27, 2010)
- Webster County Amish Elders Plead Guilty, by Nicholas W. Inman, South County Mail (October 27, 2010)
- Jury Selection Begins in Flds Member Trial, by Matthew Waller, The Standard-Times (October 26, 2010)
- Pope's Legion Delegate Warns of Shipwreck, by Nicole Winfield, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (October 27, 2010)
- Webster County Amish Elders Plead Guilty, by Nicholas W. Inman, South County Mail (October 27, 2010)
- Imponen $1 Millon a Cura Acusado De Abuso Sexual, by Claudia Nunez, La Opinion (October 27, 2010)
- Sacerdote Colombiano Involucrado En Caso De Abuso a Menores En Eeuu, in Caracol Radio (October 27, 2010)
- Les Eveques Actualisent Leurs Reperes Pour , in La Croix (October 27, 2010)
- Consensus over Oprichting Bijzondere Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in De Morgen (October 27, 2010)
- Parlementaire Commissie Buigt Zich over Seksueel Misbruik, in Knack (October 26, 2010)
- Les Parlementaires Se Penchent Sur Les Abus Dans L'eglise, in RTBF (October 26, 2010)
- Pedophilie : Une Centaine De Pretres Mis En Cause, by Agnes Leclair, Le Figaro (October 20, 2010)
- Filmmaker Wenders Puts Priest Abuse Scandal through Lens, in The Expatica (October 27, 2010)
- Priest in Court to Face Child Porn Charges, in Northern Echo (October 27, 2010)
- Both Sides Agree Defrocked Priest Was "Evil", by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (October 27, 2010)
- Priest Found Not Guilty of Assault, by Anne Jungen, LaCrosse Tribune (October 27, 2010)
- Jury Finds LA Crosse Diocese Priest Not Guilty of Sexual Assault, on WKBT (October 27, 2010)
- Lesson from Lacrosse Priest Case: There Can Be No Delays in Reporting Sex Assault to Law Enforcement, in MN SNAP (October 27, 2010)
- University Gives No Funds to Kendrick, by Alexandria Hein, The Mirror (October 27, 2010)
- Priest Acquitted of Assaulting Woman, in Chicago Tribune (October 27, 2010)
- Pedophile Priest Fled to Mexico, by Bob Moffitt, KFBK (October 26, 2010)
- Ohio Judge Tells Prosecutors to Give Missing Police Files to Priest Convicted of Killing Nun, in The Republic (October 27, 2010)
- Judge Rules in Priest's Favor, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (October 27, 2010)
- As Part of a Multi-million Dollar Settlement, by Skip Shea, Outpatient Clinic (October 27, 2010)
- How John Urell, Pedo-priest Protector Extraordinaire, Allowed a Pedo-priest to Teach Kiddies in Laguna Niguel, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 27, 2010)
- Ghanaian Catholic Priest Acquitted of Sexual Assault in US, in Ghana Business News (October 27, 2010)
- Sex Assault Trial of Former Dublin Priest Begins, in Irish Examiner (October 27, 2010)
- Oldcastle Priest Is Charged, in The Anglo-Celt (October 27, 2010)
- Parlementaire Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in De Redactie (October 27, 2010)
- Bijzondere Commissie Onderzoekt Seksueel Misbruik, in The Vandaag (October 27, 2010)
- Wellicht Oprichting Bijzondere Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in The RKnieuws (October 27, 2010)
- In Verspreide Slagorde, in The RKnieuws (October 27, 2010)
- Ook Van Den Hende En Ernst Moeten Getuigen, by Gerlach Hochstenbach, BN DeStem (October 27, 2010)
- Misbruikslachtoffers Betogen in Kerkrade, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 27, 2010)
- Benedict XVI Appoints 24 Cardinals Who Will Perpetuate Injustice in the Sacrament of Penance, in Paris Arrow (October 27, 2010)
- Carnahan Campaign Blames Anti-martin Website on Rogue Researchers, by Jake Wagman, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 27, 2010)
- Support Candidates Who Support Protecting Children, in NSAC (October 27, 2010)
- LA Crosse Priest Found Not Guilty, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 27, 2010)
- Former Priest Accused of Abusing Child As an Altar Boy, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (October 28, 2010)
- Witnesses Wanted for Former Catholic Priest Charles Barnett, in Whyalla News (October 27, 2010)
- Man Files Lawsuit against Molester Priest, in Mercury News (October 27, 2010)
- Handling of Abuse in Chilean Church Questioned, by Alexei Barrionuevo and Pascale Bonnefoy, New York Times (October 27, 2010)
- Personnel File Material Released in Long-settled California Abuse Cases, in U.S.Catholic (October 27, 2010)
- A Journey for Justice, in NECN (October 27, 2010)
- Compensation Report for N.b. Clergy Abuse Victims Expected Monday, by Bradley Bouzane, Global Winnipeg (October 27, 2010)
October 28
- Trial Begins in Del. Parish Sex Abuse Case, in WJZ (October 28, 2010)
- Pervert Priest Enjoyed Picking out His Victims, in Walsall Advertiser (October 28, 2010)
- Victim Reveals Horror of Being Abused by Priest, by John Newton, Walsall Advertiser (October 28, 2010)
- Priests Debate Irish Policies on Child Abuse, by Molly Muldoon, Irish Central (October 28, 2010)
- Deluca Recalls Simulated Sex, by Sean O'Sullivan, News Journal (October 28, 2010)
- Pharisees in Manila, by Luis H. Francia, The Inquirer (October 28, 2010)
- O.C. Chaplain Cited in Pedophile Documents, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 28, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Want Profits from Saint Andre Mass, on CBC News (October 28, 2010)
- Paid to Play, by Sheena Gayle, The Gleaner (October 28, 2010)
- Former Church Youth Group Leader Sent to State Prison for Molesting Boy, by Joe McDonald, The Times-Tribune (October 28, 2010)
- Mother Sues School after Alleged Abuse, in WSVN (October 28, 2010)
- Catholic School Sued over Molestation of Preschooler, by Todd Wright, NBC Miami (October 28, 2010)
- Nazi Victims Want Eu to Put Pressure on Vatican Bank over Looted Assets, in World Jewish Congress (October 27, 2010)
- Notorious Pedophile Ex-Priest Sued, in The Record (October 28, 2010)
- Harlem Pastor Reaches out to Victims of Sexual Abuse, by Jasmin K. Williams, Amsterdam News (October 28, 2010)
- Former Priest to Face Arraignment in Blountville, in NECN (October 28, 2010)
- Three Priests Accused of Sexual Violations, in Iceland Review (October 28, 2010)
- Former Priest Grecco Still in Custody, in Welland Tribune (October 28, 2010)
- Olbermann Bashes Catholic Church, in Catholic League (October 28, 2010)
- Vestal: Dad Essential in Making Church Address Abuse, by Shawn Vestal, The Spokesman-Review (October 28, 2010)
- Appeal Court Verdict Could Open the Door for Vicarious Liability Claimants, in The Guardian (October 27, 2010)
- Coral Springs Parent Sues Archdiocese of Miami in Alleged Molestation Case, by Jaweed Kaleem, Orlando Sentinel (October 28, 2010)
- Trial Continues of Dublin Priest on Abuse Charges, in Irish Examiner (October 29, 2010)
- Ex-knoxville Priest Pleads Not Guilty in Molestation Case, in Knoxville News Sentinel (October 28, 2010)
- LA Crosse Diocese Releases Statement on Priest's Acquittal, in WKBT (October 28, 2010)
- Former Altar Boy Tells Trial He Was Raped, by Nicola Donnelly, The Herald (October 28, 2010)
- Belgian Catholic Leader under Fire for Paedophile Remarks, in The Expatica (October 28, 2010)
- Juror: 'A Ton of Reasonable Doubt" LED to Verdict, by Anne Jungen, La Crosse Tribune (October 28, 2010)
- The Methodist Church Provides a Rare Example of a Religious Institution That Takes Clergy Sexual Abuse Seriously: Its Recently-announced Position, by Marci A. Hamilton, The FindLaw (October 28, 2010)
- From a Newly Commissioned Minister for Healing and Healthy Environments, by Dr.Jaime Romo, Connecting Voices (October 28, 2010)
- Advocaat Mussche: "Zorg Voor Dader Primeert Nog Voor Kerk", in Gazet van Antwerpen (October 28, 2010)
- Wat Bezielt Andre-joseph Leonard?, by Tom Cochez, The Joop (October 29, 2010)
- "Leonard Zet Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Onder Druk", in The Vandaag (October 28, 2010)
- De Kardinaal Wacht Een Treurige Klus, in The Trouw (October 28, 2010)
- Voice of the Faithful to Stage Dramatic Presentation of Court Documents from Clergy Abuse in the Diocese of Bridgeport, in Norwalk Plus (October 28, 2010)
- Catholic Bishops to Elect Enabler of Child Molester As National Leader, by Mary Ann Kreitzer, Spero News (October 28, 2010)
- Did Catholic Church Deliberately Withold Priest Sexual Abuse Data?, by Claudia Strasbaugh, News Blaze (October 28, 2010)
- Former Local Priest to Be Sentenced Friday, in CKTB (October 28, 2010)
- Pre-trial Hearing for Suspended Blessed Sacrament Priest Pushed to December, by Keith Ferguson, Walpole Times (October 28, 2010)
- Victim Not Surprised by Former Priest's Not Guilty Plea, in WBIR (October 28, 2010)
- Court Told of Discrepancies in Dates of Alleged Sexual Assaults, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (October 29, 2010)
- Bishop Steinbock Testimony March 2009 (read Transcript Here) What Melissa Huckaby Heard Part One, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 28, 2010)
- Letter from Rome, by Robert Mickens, The Tablet (October 30, 2010)
October 29
- Defrocked Priest Speaks in Del. Deposition Video, in WJZ (October 29, 2010)
- "It's Been Traumatic, I Can't Put It into Words - He Was a Devious, Clever Man", in Sutton and Coldfield Observer (October 29, 2010)
- Jamaica-born Televangelist Remanded Shortly after Being Bailed, by Sheena Gayle, The Go-Jamaica (October 29, 2010)
- Jail Abusive Priest: Victim, in Hamilton Spectator (October 29, 2010)
- Pope to Bind Vatican to Money-laundering Law, Eu Says, by Jeffrey Donovan and Lorenzo Totaro, TheBloomberg (October 29, 2010)
- Bishop Long Talks Sex from the Pulpit, by John Blake, CNN (October 29, 2010)
- Quebecer Can Sue Church for Abuse, in CBC News (October 29, 2010)
- A Decade of More, in Whispers in the Loggia (October 29, 2010)
- Enough!, in NSAC (October 29, 2010)
- Blockbuster, Oriental Trading, Movie Gallery, Lehman, Barzel: Bankruptcy, in The Bloomberg (October 29, 2010)
- Top Court Rules against Priest in Sex-abuse Suit, by Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun (October 29, 2010)
- Scc Rules in Sex-abuse Suit against Priest, Archbishop, on CTV (October 29, 2010)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims to Gather near Vatican, Demand Crime against Humanity Designation, Associated Press (October 29, 2010)
- Victims of Priest Sex Abuse to March on Vatican, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 29, 2010)
- Supreme Court Says Quebec Woman Can Sue Church for Alleged Childhood Abuse, by Mike De Souza, Vancouver Sun (October 29, 2010)
- About Oprah & Tyler, by Tim Fischer, It's About Me (October 29, 2010)
- Top Belgian Catholic Vows Silence after Uproar, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (October 29, 2010)
- Why Choose I-newswire for Your Press Release Distribution?, in The I-Newswire (October 29, 2010)
- Ed Martin Filing Fed Complaint against Russ Carnahan, in Berger's Beat (October 29, 2010)
- Dublin Priest Found Not Guilty of Two Counts of Sex Abuse As Trial Continues, in Breaking News (October 29, 2010)
- Vatican Denies Squelching Coverage of Victims' Rally, in National Catholic Reporter (October 29, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Call for Un to Define Childhood Sexual Abuse As "crimes against Humanity", in Survivors Voice (October 29, 2010)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims to Gather near Vatican, Demand Crime against Humanity Designation, by Nicole Winfield, Canadian Press (October 29, 2010)
- Parket Zal Vrouw Die Geld Kreeg Van Vangheluwe Ondervragen, in HLN (October 29, 2010)
- I Was Abused by a Priest, Cairns Man Claims, by Gavin King, Cairns Post (October 29, 2010)
- A Victory for Victims, in Seth H. Langson (October 29, 2010)
- Alleged Calif Clergy Abuse Victim Arrested in Revenge Beating of Priest, by Gillian Flaccus, Terry Chea, Fox 59 (October 29, 2010)
- Grecco Sentencing Adjourned until November 30, by Siobhan Morris, 610 CKTB News (October 29, 2010)
- Martin Files Fec Complaint over Attack Website, by Jo Mannies, St. Louis Beacon (October 29, 2010)
- Sex Allegations Lead to Internal Church Investigation of Canadian Archbishop, in Vancouver Sun (October 29, 2010)
- Grecco "Author of His Own Misfortune", in Welland Tribune (October 29, 2010)
- Martin Files Complaint over Website Done by Researchers Who Worked for Carnahan, by Jake Wagman, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 29, 2010)
- Barstow Priest Convicted of Molestation in '80s Still Active, by Aaron Dome, Desert Dispatch (October 29, 2010)
- Court Ruling Makes It Easier to Sue Clergy in Quebec, by Andrew Chung, Toronto Star (October 29, 2010)
- Arrest in Revenge Beating of Priest at Los Gatos Retirement Home, by Sean Webby, Mercury News (October 29, 2010)
- Judge Rules Ex-priest Not Guilty on Two Charges in Abuse Trial, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (October 30, 2010)
- Victims of Abuse to Hold Vigil in Rome, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (October 29, 2010)
- Elderly Priest Facing Fraud Charge Goes Missing, by Kevin Martin, Calgary Sun (October 29, 2010)
October 30
- "The Author of His Own Misfortune", by John Vessoyan, The Standard (October 30, 2010)
- Abuse Survivors Hurt by Words, by Erica Bajer, Daily News (October 30, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Look Forward to Closure - Want Priests behind Bars, in Times of Malta (October 30, 2010)
- Protest March on Vatican Planned Tomorrow, by Philip Pullella, Montreal Gazette (October 30, 2010)
- Top Court Opens Door for Sexual Assault Cases, by Mike De Souza, Montreal Gazette (October 30, 2010)
- Victims Uplifted by Ruling, by Sue Montgomery, Montreal Gazette (October 30, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Victim Doesn't Blame Lindner's Attacker, by Lisa Amin Gulezian, ABC 7 (October 30, 2010)
- Arrest in Alleged Revenge Beating of Priest at Los Gatos Retirement Home, by Sean Webby, Mercury News (October 30, 2010)
- Former Pastor Gets 18 Years for Sex Crimes, by Barb Owens, Daily Record (October 30, 2010)
- Bishop Long Keeps Accuser out of Jail, in 11 Alive (October 30, 2010)
- A Victim's Voice Is Heard, by Richelle Bailey, McDowell News (October 29, 2010)
- Local Man to Lead Rally outside Vatican, by Tom Dalton, Salem News (October 30, 2010)
- Allegations Founded, Church Tells Sexual Abuse Victims, by Scott Grech, Malta Independent (October 30, 2010)
- Give Portion of Ticket Sales to Abuse Victims, Groups Urge, in Montreal Gazette (October 30, 2010)
- Ernest Lorch's Absence from Arraignment on Sex Abuse Charges Due to Flawed Indictment, Lawyer Says, by Michael O'Keeffe, New York Daily News (October 30, 2010)
- A Saint, and an Inquiry into the Sins of His Brothers, by Ian Austen, New York Times (October 29, 2010)
- Prosecutors Doubt Vatican Money-Laundering Pledges, by Nicole Winfield, Monterey Herald (October 30, 2010)
- Hij Kwetst Veel Mensen, in De Standaard (October 29, 2010)
- Ook Pastoraal Beraad Neemt Afstand Van Leonard, in HLN (October 31, 2010)
- Amid Baptism by Fire, Muscle in Brussels Enters Radio Silence, in Whispers in the Loggia (October 29, 2010)
- Laat Pedopriesters Deel Van Pensioen Afstaan, in HBVL (October 29, 2010)
- Operatie Kelk: Slachtoffers Kunnen Niet Meer Terecht Bij Onderzoeksrechter, in HLN (October 31, 2010)
- Kamer Keurt Oprichting Commissie Seksueel Misbruik Goed, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 28, 2010)
- Child Pornography Case of Former Bishop Resumes in December, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (October 29, 2010)
- Former Diocese of Reno Employee Claims Fraud in Virginia City Church Renovation, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Register-Journal (October 30, 2010)
- Church Will Investigate Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Catherine Lawson, Ottawa Citizen (October 30, 2010)
- Childhood Sex Abuse Victims to March on Vatican, by Sabina Castelfranco, Voice of America (October 30, 2010)
- Former Altar Boy in Australia Claims Abuse by Maltese Priest, in Times of Malta (October 29, 2010)
- Disgraced Vicar Has His Court Order Cut, in Worcester News (October 30, 2010)
- Vatican Refuses Permission for Filming of Victims of Clergy Abuse to Gather at St. Peters Square, in Globe Newswire (October 31, 2010)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Call for Un to Define Childhood Sexual Abuse As Crimes against Humanity, in Stock Markets Review (October 19, 2010)
- Letter Not Enough – Victims Want Paedophile Priests behind Bars, by Scott Grech, Malta Independent (October 31, 2010)
- Diocese Investigating Whether Maltese Priest Alleged to Have Abused Children in Australia Is in Gozo, by Scott Grech, Malta Independent (October 31, 2010)
- LA Marcia Degli Abusati, by Marco Tosatti, LA Stampa (October 30, 2010)
- Pedofilia:domenica Vittime Davanti Vaticano.ma Non Siamo Contro Chiesa, in ASCA (October 29, 2010)
- Pedofilia, Vittime Abusi Vogliono Sfilare in Corteo in Vaticano, in Reuters (October 29, 2010)
- Church's Response Team Took Seven Years to Believe Abuse Victims' Allegations, by Miriam Dalli, Malta Today (October 30, 2010)
- Sex Abuse and Midterm Elections -- Part II, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (October 29, 2010)
- John Paul II Is the Pope of Injustice of the 20th & 21st Century and Fr. Marcial Maciel Should Be Excommunicated Posthumously, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (October 30, 2010)
- Diocese May Soon Pay for Closed Churches, by Dick Lindsay, Berkshire Eagle (October 29, 2010)
- Menasha Priest Suspended in Wake of Abuse Allegation, in Green Bay Post-Crescent (October 30, 2010)
October 31
- Court Moves Smoothly in Judge's Absence, by Andrea J. Cook, Rapid City Journal (October 30, 2010)
- Summit Man Faces Five Years for Molestation, by Kerri Jordan, Go Lackawanna (October 31, 2010)
- Alleged Victims of Clerical Abuse in Malta Demand Quick Action on Cases So Healing Can Start, by George Cini, Canadian Press (October 31, 2010)
- Maltese Kerk Erkent Gegrondheid Klachten Misbruikslachtoffers, in The Rknieuws (October 30, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Bring Protest to Vatican, in Bangkok Post (October 31, 2010)
- Police Block Sex Abuse Survivors near Vatican, in NPR (October 31, 2010)
- Abuse Victims Protest in Rome, Demand More Action from Vatican, in Monsters and Critics (October 31, 2010)
- Victims of Sexual Abuse by Priests Stage Protest March at Vatican, in The Guardian (October 31, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Source of Endless Years of Pain, by Gavin King, Cairns Post (November 1, 2010)
- Menasha Priest Accused of Abuse, in WBAY (October 31, 2010)
- Child Abuse Victims Bring Protest to Vatican, by Ella Ide, The Inquirer (November 1, 2010)
- Pedofilia/ Manifestazione Vittime a Roma, Appello a Chiesa ...- 2, in The Virgilio (October 31, 2010)
- Pedofilia, Sit-In Vittime Abusi DA Preti: Contestato Padre Lombardi, in The L'Unita (October 31, 2010)
- Preti Pedofili, Sit-In Contro IL Vaticano, in Corriere Della Sera (October 31, 2010)
- Pedofilia, Le Vittime in Piazza Basta Abusi, LA Chiesa Faccia Di Più, in LA Repubblica (October 31, 2010)
- South Carolina Minister Leads Rally against Eddie Long, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 31, 2010)
- Cairns Bishop Responds to Abuse Claims, by James Foley, Cairns Post (November 1, 2010)
- Victims of Priest Sex Abuse Protest near Vatican, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (October 31, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Victims Protest at Vatican, by Ella Ide, AFP (November 1, 2010)
- Green Bay Diocese Removes Priest after Complaint, in Chicago Tribune (October 31, 2010)
- Police Block Sex Abuse Survivors near Vatican, Associated Press (October 31, 2010)
- Police Block Sex-Abuse Victims at Vatican, in Wall Street Journal (November 1, 2010)
- Group Raises Awareness about Priest Who Fathered 3 Children, in 10 News (October 31, 2010)
- The Rev. Paul J. Radetski, a Menasha Priest, Suspended in Wake of Child Abuse Allegation, in The Post-Crescent (October 31, 2010)
- Rik Deville Is Leonard Dankbaar Voor De Klare Taal, in HLN (November 1, 2010)
- Leonard Haast Zich in Alle Stilte Door Allerheiligenweekend, in Het Nieuwsblad (October 31, 2010)
- Misbruikslachtoffers Manifesteren Aan Vaticaan, in The Rknieuws (November 1, 2010)
- Priest Abuse Victims Protest at Vatican, in The Lex18 (October 31, 2010)
- Cleric Sexual Abuse Victims Gather at Vatican, on CNN (October 31, 2010)
- Demonstrators Call on Vatican to Do More to End Child Sexual Abuse by Priests, in Voice of America (October 31, 2010)
- Bishop May Have to Testify in Court, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (November 1, 2010)
- Man in California, William Lynch, Arrested in Beating of Priest Who Sexually Abused Him 35 Years Ago, by Philip Caulfield, New York Daily News (October 31, 2010)
- Victims of Clerical Sex Abuse End Protest with Symbolic Vatican March, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (November 1, 2010)
- Boston Victims Lead Reformation Day in Rome, in NECN (October 31, 2010)
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