Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown Gets Company Formed for His Proposed Cathedral Suspended by Franchise Tax Board

By Gustavo Arellano
Orange County Weekly
December 15, 2010

[See also other articles by Gustavo Arellano.]

Diocese of Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown must be loving his holidays. Despite getting exposed as a pedophile apologist again and again, he's still the head of the second-largest Catholic diocese west of the Mississippi. Despite the building downturn, he's still pushing forward with plans to build his vanity project: Christ Our Savior Cathedral, just up the street from South Coast Plaza. He's still desperately trying to raise funds for that, going so far as to...well, I'll save that for another post.

The purpose of this one? To remind donors to the building of the cathedral that the charity fund created for that purpose was suspended by the California Franchise Tax Board back in May.

Documents obtained by the Weekly show that on May 3 of this year, Christ Our Savior Cathedral Fund, Inc.--the corporation formed by His Excellency to assure donors that their money wouldn't go to settlements for those whiny sex-abuse victims--was suspended by the California agency in charge of collecting state taxes from individuals and corporations. Brown's company is classified as religious, meaning it's a non-profit and thus exempt from paying taxes--but they still have to turn in documents reporting who donates to them and how much.

By contrast, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange--the official business name of the Orange diocese--remains in good standing with the Franchise Tax Board. Of course, they incorporated long before Brown sullied Orange County with his presence--the fuck-up on Christ Our Savior Cathedral Fund, Inc., is all the fault of the bishop. Heckuva job, Brownie!



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