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A Decade of More Whispers in the Loggia October 29, 2010
As we enter this final weekend of the campaign hustings, a particularly relevant confluence is worth noting.... After petitions from public officials and others across the globe, Sunday sees the tenth anniversary of John Paul II's motu proprio letter declaring St Thomas More as patron of statesmen and politicians. With the martyred Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII cited even more widely as a de facto patron of Faithful Citizenship, the bishops of Pennsylvania have issued a commemorative statement on the document's milestone... and here below, lest anyone finds it useful, a re-run of a house favorite -- the Litany to More composed in 2004 by one of the greats: the late, lamented "Mickey" Saltarelli -- eighth bishop of Wilmington, beloved pastor and "people's priest"... and 'round these parts, a faithful, cherished, much-missed friend. * * * V. Lord, have mercy R. Lord have mercy V. Christ, have mercy R. Christ have mercy V. Lord, have mercy R. Lord have mercy V. Christ hear us R. Christ, graciously hear us V. St. Thomas More, Saint and Martyr, R. Pray for us (Repeat after each invocation) St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians and Lawyers St. Thomas More, Patron of Justices, Judges and Magistrates St. Thomas More, Model of Integrity and Virtue in Public and Private Life St. Thomas More, Servant of the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ St. Thomas More, Model of Holiness in the Sacrament of Marriage St. Thomas More, Teacher of his Children in the Catholic Faith St. Thomas More, Defender of the Weak and the Poor St. Thomas More, Promoter of Human Life and Dignity V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world R. Spare us O Lord V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world R. Graciously hear us O Lord V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world R. Have mercy on us Let us pray: O Glorious St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, your life of prayer and penance and your zeal for justice, integrity and firm principle in public and family life led you to the path of martyrdom and sainthood. Intercede for our Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, that they may be courageous and effective in their defense and promotion of the sanctity of human life - the foundation of all other human rights. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
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