Abuse in England and Wales Revealed
By Antony Barnett
Channel 4 News
September 14, 2010
[Note: has transcribed the diocese-by-diocese
database of convicted clergy that in the original version of this article
was linked to a map of England and Wales. We have done this to make it
possible to view the entire database at once, and to make it easier to
find it on the web. Click here to view the database, or
click on a name from the list below to view the information on that priest's
conviction and sentence.
| Fr Noel Barrett | Fr
Peter Carr | Br James Carragher | Fr Gregory Carroll | Fr
James Chaning-Pearce | Fr Christopher
Clonan | Fr John Coghlan | Fr
John Corrigan | Fr Edmund Cotter | Fr Paul Couch | Fr
David Crowley | Fr Thomas Doherty | Fr Michael Dunn | Fr
Patrick Fitzpatrick | Fr John Gerald
Flahive | Fr Neil Gallanagh | Fr Peter Grant | Fr
Piers Grant-Ferris | Fr William Green | Fr Michael Hill | Fr
Michael Hobbs | Fr William Hofton | Fr Joseph Jordan | Fr
William Jacks | Fr John Michael Kinsey | Fr Michael John Lloyd | Fr
Anthony McKay | Fr Adrian McLeish | Fr Malcolm McLennan | Fr
James Murphy | Fr Thady Francis O'Malley | Fr David Pearce | Fr
John James Pearson | Fr Samual Penney | Fr Brian Rutledge | Fr
David Taylor | Fr Eric Taylor |
See also Paedophile Priests Remain in Catholic Church,
by Antony Barnett, Channel 4 News, September 15, 2010.]
Channel 4 News has compiled the first map of Catholic abuse detailing
some 38 cases across England and Wales where Catholic priests have committed
sexual offences against children.
Over the last few months more evidence has emerged of systematic child
abuse within the Catholic church from around the world, writes reporter
Antony Barnett.
So what about the Catholic Church in England and Wales? What is the true
scope and scale of the child sexual abuse scandals involving Catholic
priests in England and Wales?
Channel 4 News has trawled through public records and double checked with
court documents to put together a map of Catholic clerical abuse.
It lists some 38 cases of priests who have committed sexual crimes against
children. The map is broken down by region, as defined by the Roman Catholic
Dioceses of England & Wales. It contains details of convictions for sexual
abuse and the sentences handed down. [See the lists below.]
But even this is likely to fall short of the real numbers. In some cases
claims have never come to court because the priest has died, is believed
to have been too old to come to court or has simply absconded.
Ten years ago the Catholic Church in England and Wales was battling against
claims that senior members of the clergy had covered up cases of child
abuse and moved paedophile priests to parishes despite knowing they were
The then-Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy O'Connor, was himself
facing allegations he personally allowed Father Michael Hill to work as
a chaplain at Gatwick Airport even though Hill was known to have abused
in the passed. Hill went on to abuse again and was jailed after pleading
guilty to nine counts of indecent assault and one of gross indecency.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor later said he regretted what had happened
- and that at the time he was acting on advice from professionals, when
the behaviour of child abusers was not as well understood as it is now.
As a result of the growing unease, in 2001 Cardinal O'Connor announced
that the senior judge Lord Nolan would carry out a review of child protection
While this was almost universally welcomed, Nolan's review was not designed
to be an independent investigation into what had happened in Britain.
Its primary objective was to suggest new procedures to deal with abuse
allegations in the future and ensure mistakes were learnt from past behaviour.
Nolan's recommendations were fully adopted by the Catholic Church and
widely greeted as an important step forward.
A Channel 4 News investigation has, however, raised questions over one
of Nolan's key recommendations: that priests who were jailed for serious
sexual offences against children should normally be dismissed from the
church, or 'laicised'.
It is often described as "historic abuse" yet anybody hearing
the testimony of some of the hundreds of victims still living with the
trauma of what happened to them, the abuse is very much a contemporary
Many have had to fight for years for justice and compensation, claiming
their lives have been ruined by sexual assaults carried out by members
of the Catholic clergy.
It is true, new much-improved child protection procedures have been brought
in since Lord Nolan and the Pope and senior church leaders have made public
apologies and offered contrition.
Yet until a complete picture of what happened in Britain emerges, then
new abuse scandals will continue to dog the Catholic Church. Campaigners
in this country want a full inquiry and demand that church files are handed
over to an independent committee.
The only people that know the full story are the bishops and religious
orders themselves. They have released some information. After Nolan, the
Catholic authorities in England and Wales created a body called the Church
Office for Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (COPCA) headed
by the now Archbishop of Westminster Vince Nichols.
Each year it – and its successor body – has produced an annual report
revealing statistics about the number of allegations of abuse and giving
some indication of the subsequent action taken against members of the
To date it has detailed 302 sex abuse allegations made to the church since
2003 but – as our map of abuse shows – it only tells the partial story.
Unless the Church authorities open their files to full independent scrutiny
we will never know the full extent of the scandal.
• Fr Michael Hill
Conviction: 6 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 5 yrs (2002)
• Fr John Gerald Flahive
Conviction: 4 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 9 mths (2002)
• Fr Thady Francis
Conviction: 12 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 3 years (1999)
• Fr Eric
Conviction: 16 counts indecent assault, 2 counts
Sentence: 7 yrs (1998)
• Fr Samuel Penney
Conviction: 10 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 7 1/2 yrs (1993)
• Fr Christopher
High court ruled in 2010 that Clonan abused.
No conviction as he fled the country. Church
has paid out in excess of £1m to his victims to date.
• Fr Joseph Jordan
Conviction: 10 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 8 yrs (2000)
• Fr Michael John
Conviction: Buggery, rape and 12 counts indecent
Sentence: 11 yrs (1998)
• Fr Peter Carr
Conviction: 14 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 12 mths (2007/8)
• Fr Adrian McLeish
Conviction: 12 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 6 yrs (1996)
• Fr William Jacks
Conviction: Gross indecency with a child, 4 counts
indecent assault
Sentence: 5 yrs (2001)
• Fr David
Conviction: 5 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 30 mths (2009)
• Fr Patrick
Conviction: 7 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 30 mths (2004)
• Fr John Corrigan
Conviction: 9 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 4 yrs (2007)
• Fr Edmund Cotter
Conviction: 15 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 5 yrs 2 mths (2007)
• Fr
James Chaning-Pearce
Conviction: 7 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 3 yrs (1997)
• Fr Anthony McKay
Conviction: 3 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 18 mths (2002)
• Fr Neil Gallanagh
Conviction: 2 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 6 mths (2005), suspended for 2 years
• Fr John Michael Kinsey
Conviction: 5 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 3 yrs (2005)
• Fr Noel Barrett
Conviction: 15 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 3 yrs 9 mths (2004)
• Fr Michael Dunn
Conviction: Indecent assault, 2 counts gross indecency
Sentence: 18 mths (2005)
• Br James
Conviction: 2 counts buggery, indecent assault
Sentence: 14 years (2004)
• Fr David Crowley
Conviction: 13 counts indecent assault, 3 counts
gross indecency with a child
Sentence: 9 yrs (1998)
• Fr Gregory
Conviction: 3 counts gross indecency with a child,
11 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 4 yrs (2005)
• Fr Piers
Conviction: 21 counts of indecent assault
Sentence: 2 yrs (2005)
• Fr Paul Couch
Conviction: 2 counts buggery, 15 counts indecent
Sentence: 10 yrs 9 mths
• Fr Brian Rutledge
Conviction: Attempted buggery, 2 counts indecent
Sentence: 4 yrs (2008)
• Fr William Green
Conviction: 26 counts of indecent assault
Sentence: 6 yrs (2008)
• Fr Thomas
Conviction: 5 counts indecency
Sentence: 6 yrs (1998)
• Fr John James
Conviction: 15 counts indecent assault, 11 counts
gross indecency with a child
Sentence: 2 yrs (2000)
• Fr Malcolm McLennan
Conviction: 3 counts indecent assault
Sentence: 18 mths (2009)
• Fr James Murphy
Conviction: Indecent assault
Sentence: 30 mths (2000)
• Fr David Pearce
Conviction: 10 counts indecent assault, 2 counts
sexual assault
Sentence: 8 yrs (2009)
• Fr John Coghlan
Conviction: 5 counts of indecency
Sentence: 15 mths (2005)
• Fr William
Conviction: 7 counts gross indecency, 9 counts indecent
Sentence: 4 yrs (2004)
• Fr Peter Grant
Conviction: 4 counts sexual activity with a child
Sentence: 4 yrs 3 mths (2007)
• Fr Michael Hobbs
Conviction: Indecent assault
Sentence: 3 yrs (2000)
Antony Barnett is an investigative reporter, working with Channel
4 News. His full report will be shown at 7pm on Channel 4 News, Wednesday
15 September and will be available online at afterwards. |