SNAP Wants Probe into Amish for Hiding Child Sex Crimes

September 3, 2010

In northern Missouri, a young Amish man faces criminal charges for sexually abusing girls — both inside and outside the Amish community in Pike County.

David Clohessy with the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests says news accounts — including one in the New York Times – headlined “A Crisis in the Amish Country” — suggest some of the man’s peers knew he was a child molestor but chose to keep it secret rather than telling police.

“That’s what we in SNAP find very alarming — that adults in the year 2010 somehow believe it is best to try to handle child sex crimes quietly, in house, among their own community,” said Clohessy, SNAP’s national director.

“We in SNAP would like to see Missouri prosecutors investigate the Amish and see if there are criminal charges that could be brought. Not just against the offender, but against people who knew of or suspected child sex crimes and kept silent about them.”

Clohessy tells KMOX it is shocking when some people put protecting alleged abusers above protecting innocent children.


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