Failure of Church Leaders to Deal with Abuse a "Source of Deep Shame"

Donegal Democrat
August 19 2010

The serious sins and crimes of some priests as well as the failure of Church leaders to deal adequately with these cases represented a source of "deep shame and sorrow", Bishop of Raphoe, Dr. Philip Boyce, maintained this week.

Speaking at the launch in Dublin of a D.V.D., which includes interviews with a cross-section of Irish lay people expressing admiration for a particular priest in their own lives, he said the revelations of recent years should not obscure the outstand ing and exemplary ministry lived by priests here and abroad.

Bishop Boyce, the chairman of the Council for Clergy, launched the D.V.D., ‘In Praise of Priests’, along with Bishop Donal McKeown, Auxiliary Bishop of Down and Connor, at the All Hallows college on Monday as part of the celebrations for the Year for Priests 2009-2010.

“The Church in Ireland has marked the Year for Priests in different ways with dioceses organising various events and organisations like Saint Joseph’s Young Priests Society playing an important role in this regard. The brief visit of the relics of St John Vianney at the end of April offered us an opportunity to pray for priests as well as venerate the relics of this inspirational French priest. During May and June Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York and Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor spoke at different gatherings in Ireland for the Year for Priests.

“The production of this DVD is another form of marking this important year,” said the Raphoe prelate who went on:

“The past year too also saw the serious sins and crimes of some priests highlighted as well as the failure of Church leaders to deal adequately with these cases. This is a source of deep shame and sorrow.

“These revelations must not obscure the outstanding and exemplary ministry lived by priests throughout this land and beyond, whether in parishes, hospitals, schools, offices, prisons, chaplaincies, or foreign countries, often being courageous and gentle voices bringing healing, comfort, inspiration, and truth to the people of our time.”

Quoting Pope Benedict, he said: “We insistently beg forgiveness from God and from the persons involved, whole promising to do everything possible to ensure that such abuse will never occur again.” The revelations were, the Pope had pointed out, a summons to purification.

“This purification is an ongoing task for all in the Church to be converted to build an environment where all Christ’s people are cared for and cherished. Today the Church works closely with civil authorities and the independent National Office for Safeguarding Children to achieve this aim,” said the Raphoe Bishop.

Acknowledging those involved in the production of the DVD, he described it as a “snapshot of the immense good work done by priests at home and abroad. “It is right that we mark this dedication and generosity.”

Among the contributors to the D.V.D. are Tyrone G.A.A. manager, Mickey Harte, and television rugby pundit and radio presenter, George Hook.


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