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Bishop Bennison's Return Greeted with Outrage by Philadelphia Episcopalians By David W. Virtue Virtue Online August 8 2010
Some 300 Pennsylvania Episcopalians including clergy and laity met at the Philadelphia Cathedral on Sunday and expressed their outrage that disgraced Bishop Charles E. Bennison was returning to his episcopacy following his acquittal by an ecclesiastical Court of Appeal made up solely of his fellow bishops. Impassioned Episcopalians spoke about the travesty of the situation. An attorney recommended that the Standing Committee as well as the Diocesan Council resign and all money coming into the diocese be stopped. One priest suggested shunning Bennison. One parishioner in touch with the victims and witnesses against Bennison asked two key legal questions that were promised to be answered fully and forthrightly: "Since leading canon attorneys throughout the United States agree that the statute of limitations issue was more than obvious from the very beginning, why was an indictment even issued against Bennison in the first place? Why were the victims of Bennison and his brother's despicable actions and failures to act subjected to an emotionally wrenching and debilitating three and one half year experience if the end result was more than predictable? Whose interests have REALLY been served by this outrageous travesty?" "Secondly, if getting around the statute of limitations required that the presentment needed to charge sexual abuse or exploitation, why wasn't Bennison charged directly with sexual exploitation of the minor, by failing to inquire or come to her assistance? And if it was felt that couldn't be done, because that failure did not amount to sexual exploitation, then what was the theory for getting around the statute of limitations?" A written question asked if the Standing Committee would monitor spending to see if designated funds are used by Bennison for undesignated purposes? How will they stop him? If he does, would they bring another indictment against him for misuse of diocesan funds?" The Treasurer of the diocese insisted that since the time Bennison had been inhibited, new procedures and transparency in financial matters had become the norm and would remain so. Period. The law concerning the various trusts is being followed meticulously and all financial dealings are being monitored closely. A female priest who had been professionally and personally abused by Bishop Bennison stood and suggested that there were many more cases like her own that need to be investigated. Just two persons rose to save "forgive and forget." Pennsylvania Interim Assisting Bishop Rodney Michel who had stepped in to mind the diocese while Bennison was under ecclesiastical indictment, said he was personally aware of a large number of these victims, and encouraged anyone with a grievance to report the same to the Presiding Bishop. Speaker after speaker called for Bennison's resignation. It was obvious that serious groups of steadfast and intelligent people are forming to safeguard the Diocese of Pennsylvania from Charles Bennison. Never again would he be permitted to do what he had previously done, the speakers contended. Said a source who asked not to be identified,q "Charles Bennison will return to a much different place than he left a few years ago." "No Nonsense" and "No More" is now the name of the game. There are those determined he will never inflict pain upon anyone ever again. Another presentment for conduct unbecoming a clergy person could even be in the works. |
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