Parishioners Concerned, Dioceses Tight Lipped about Removal of Popular Priest from Bonita Catholic Church

By Kelly Farrell
Naples Daily News
July 27, 2010

BONITA SPRINGS — Multiple accusations caused the removal of Rev. Stan Strycharz from St. Leo Catholic Church in Bonita Springs over the weekend, officials said.

Bishop Frank Dewane announced Strycharz was on administrative leave pending the result of an investigation. Many parishioners want to know why.

"Whatever the reasons for Father Stan's departure, all parishioners are entitled, no demand, a fair and equitable explanation," said parishioner Camran Parente.

Whether perceived as a sinner or a saint, overall, Strycharz is popular.

He opened the church to hundreds of people made temporarily homeless when trailer parks flooded following Tropical Storm Fay in August 2008. He waded through flood waters to speak with those families. Many parishioners describe him as if he walked on that water.

Other parishioners' concerns about Strycharz over the past two months made an investigation necessary, said Bob Reddy, spokesman for the Diocese of Venice.

"If you worked at the bank or Naples Daily News and these accusations, these concerns, were brought up against you, your bosses would take action," Reddy said.

Canon laws prohibit church employees from activities such as drinking alcohol and having sex outside of marriage, among others.

Area priests helped to celebrate the Bishop∙s Mass and Blessing of the new St. John Neumann statue at St. John Neumann High School. L to R: Rev. Dennis Harten, Parish Administrator of St. Elizabeth Seton Church, Rev. Dr. Stan Strycharz, Pastor, St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, Rev. Thomas Zalewski, Chaplin of St. John Neumann High School and Parochial Vicar of St. Agnes Church, Rev. Stephen Shott, OSFS, Parocial Vicar of St. Ann∙s Church and Rev. Gregg M. Caggianelli, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Venice. Photographed on September 1, 2009.
Photo by Kelli Stanko

"The only one we're thinking of releasing later this week is canon-law specific," Reddy said of the accusations.

"We don't want to hurt Father Stan's reputation if some of these things don't pan out," he said.

Dewane stressed that the allegations do not involve child abuse or sexual activity with a minor.

The announcement wasn't easy for Dewane, Reddy said.

About 20 people stood up and started yelling during the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass, Reddy said. "Then people were yelling at the people who were yelling at the bishop," he recalled. "I was shaking at that point."

Parente is skeptical of Dewane's lack of details.

"The bishop shepherd may have betrayed his flock," he said.

Others applaud Dewane for not making slanderous accusations.

Changing of the locks and auditing all records is protocol, Reddy said.

"We'll know a lot in the next day or two if the end balance is different," he said.

Strycharz led St. Leo through a recent $21 million expansion and the ongoing construction of a $12 million activities center for the church. He grew membership by nearly 50 percent in five years, Reddy said.

"Many, many people are concerned and want to know what has happened and what they can do to help him," said Estero resident Maria Norton.

Reddy recommended prayer. "The church is the church. It's not one person."

Strycharz cannot celebrate Mass during the investigation. The priest will receive his full salary while residing off the church campus in one of three rectories at an undisclosed address, Reddy said.

Strycharz also has a personal address in North Naples.

Music director Bill Clark was terminated by Dewane on Friday. Strycharz declined to fire Clark upon the bishop's request. Clark was fired from St. Ann Catholic Church in Naples and should not have been hired, Reddy said.

Fr. Stan Strycharz, center, speaks during a special memorial mass held at St. Leo The Great Catholic Church in Bonita Springs on April 19, 2010, to remember the Polish dignitaries killed in the April 10 plane crash in Russia. Hundreds in the polish community gathered at the church carrying flags, many wearing their country\'s colors. Fr. Strycharz is originally from Poland.
Photo by Greg Kahn

"That is defying an order, but you don't put a person on leave for that. That's not rising to this level," he said.

Stephen McNamara of Fort Myers is the church's temporary administrator.

Strycharz, born in Poland, worked previously at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, Fla. and San Marco Catholic Church on Marco Island.

He was well-liked in Marco, recalled Islanders Cheryl Ferrara and her husband Tony.

They recalled when the pilot priest would fly in and visit the Holy Family Church in Everglades City.

"I remember him in a very good, warm way," she said.

It's not unusual for Catholic priests to move around, but it is unusual for them to go on administrative leave, Ferrara said.

"The only time I can think of that happening is if someone is messing with the funds or messing with a person."


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