Melbourne Archdiocese to Adjust Letters Sent to Abuse Victims

July 15, 2010

The Melbourne Archdiocese says it will adjust future letters sent to sexual abuse victims about legal settlements after being informed that the original contained mistakes.

The standard letter sent by the Church in Melbourne with legal offers of compensation stated that signing the offer would release the Archbishop from further claims of abuse, according to a report in The Age.

The letter states that signing it "releases the Archbishop from all further claims arising out of the sexual abuse or any other sexual abuse by a priest, religious or lay person under the control of the Archbishop of Melbourne".

A church spokesman said the covering letter sent with legal settlements "overstated" the position and was "obviously incorrect", and promised the letter would be adjusted to remove the ambiguity in future.

The spokesman said a deed of release (compensation) for a claim of abuse did not prevent a victim making further complaints about separate abuse, and several victims had done so.

Victims welcomed the church's response, saying many had been confused by the letter.

The Church spokesman thanked the Age for drawing the problem with the letter to the church's attention.

The Age quoted solicitor Paul Holdway, who represents many victims, saying the clause was fairly standard in letters offering compensation.

"They try to get the release as broad as possible, that's standard legal practice. But it's inconsistent with the church's public statements ... If someone doesn't have legal representation it has the potential to confuse and even intimidate."


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