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No, Benedict XVI, You Are Not Forgiven. No, Archbishop Hart of Australia, Your Apology Is Rejected By Paris Arrow Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler July 5, 2010 Benedict XVI's few words of crocodile tears are hollow and meaningless. He asked for forgiveness from God and the victims at the closing Mass for the Year for Priests. See our article - Benedict XVI asks for ‘quickie forgiveness’ from “little ones” who were battered for years by ‘Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions’ Maybe God will forgive him but the victims cannot because there is no “justice” in forgiveness. "Forgiveness" is a Catholic concept of a quickie Hail Mary and an anonymous Act of contrition. Catholic forgiveness knows no jail time, investigation by the state police and justice before the secular courts. Forgiveness is a farce and is completely useless for the safety of children, women and people in our society. Forgiveness protects no one and defends no one, except the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and pedophile priests. History has proven that the Pope cannot protect children, women, and men anywhere and everywhere. The Popes have murdered men in the Crusade and burnt women in the Inquisition. Today these most famous popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have condoned aided and abetted thousands of pedophile priests in the sodomy of children of Biblical Proportions. In the USA, there are 6,000 pedophile priests,how many are in jail? There are more than 600 pedophile priests roaming free in Los Angeles whom Cardinal Roger Mahony is protecting with strict confidentiality. The John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army continue to prowl and sodomize freely for more innocent children in the USA and worldwide - as they have done for decades. All that Benedict XVI does is protect them so that they can continue to perform the Mass or sorcery of Christ's flesh and blood. All that Benedict does is to prosletyze from his trillion dollars seat at the Vatican - so that he can attract more millions of blood money for the Vatican Bank. See our analysis of Benedict's homily at the Year for Priests "Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood " "Forgiveness" only serves the Vatican and Popes to make the world forget their crimes against humanity for 2,000 years. And now Benedict wants the world to forgive-and-forget the "Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions" committed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. It is time for the theocratic papacy to end in our generation because it is totally useless for the good of society. It is time for the end of the “diplomatic immunity” of the Popes and Cardinals, and the end of the Vatican as an independent political state. Popes and Cardinals should be prosecuted for their secular crimes. |
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