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Decades of Untapped Authority New York Times July 1, 2010 Even before he became pope, Benedict XVI held a critical decision-making position in the Vatican that had authority over cases involving priests who sexually molested children, but did not assert it for many years. March 1977 Elevated to Cardinal. Joseph Ratzinger is named Archibishop of Munich and Freising, and elevated to cardinal three month later. 1980 Sends German Priest to Therapy Cardinal Ratzinger send a priest who was accused of molesting boys to therapy. But the priest, Peter Hullerman, is soon reassigned to another parish, and is later convicted of sexual abuse. November 1981 Named as Head Church Doctine Enforcer Cardinal Ratzinger is named prefect of the Congregation for the Doctine of the Faith. April 1983 Investigates Liberation Theologian Cardinal Ratzinger orders an investigation into the rev. Gustavo Gutierrez, a liberation theologian in Peru. October 1984 Sex Scandal in the U.S. Pedopfilia scandal first erupts in the United States as the Rev. Gilbert Gauthé is indicted on multiple counts of molestation in Lousisana. Sex Charges against Priest Embroil Louisiana Parents Ex-Pastor Given 20-Year Sentence (abstact) 1985 American Bishops Warned of Abuse Fallout Confidential repotr warns American bishops that abuse cases could cost the church $1 billion over next decade August 1986 American Theologian Loses Job After Rebuff from Ratzinger Rev. Charles Curran, who advocated a moral right to dissent from church teaching on homosexuality and birth control, is ordered to leave hia Catholic University post after Ratzinger's criticizm. Vatican Curbs U.S. Theologian over Liberal Views on Sex Issues 1989 Reports of Abuse in Canada Reports of abuse at a Christian Brothers orphanage in Newfoundland outrage Catholics across Canada. Canadian Prelate Quits in Clerics' Sex Scandal October 1990 Canadian Bishop Speaks Out on Abuse Problem At a synod in Rome, a canadian bishops mentions his country's sexual abuse problem. Cardinal Ratzinger focuses on crisis of dwindling numbers of priests. June 1993 U.S. Bishops Ask for Greater Disciplinary Power American bishops press Vatican for power to discipline and dismiss abusive priests without risk of overturning or footdragging by Rome. Pope Endorses Bishops' Attempts to Rid Clergy of Child Molesters November 1994 Irish Pedophile Priest Brings Government Down A coalition government in Ireland collapses after botching extradition of a notorious pedophile priest, Brendan Smyth. Government Coalition Collapses in Ireland March 1995 Scandal in Austria Austia erupts in scandal over Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër, who is said to have abused as many as 30 boys. Cardinal Ratzinger sayd he wanted to investigate but was thwarted by others in the Vatican. A National Church Faces a Challenge From Within April 2000 U.S. Bishops Travel to Rome English-speaking bishops attend a secret meeting with Vatican officials to press for more agressive policies on abuse. May 2001 Ratzinger Takes Charge of Prosecution of Abuse John Paul II gives Cardinal Ratzinger's office jurisdiction over cases involving sex abuse of minors, but the cardinal notes that his office had actually held that authority going as far back as 1922. January 2002 Boston Case Creates Crisis for American Catholics The Boston Globe publishes a blockbuster on John J. Geoghan, a serial molester, setting off a crisis for the Catholic church in the United States June 2002 American Bishops Set Strict New Abuse Rules In Dallas, U.S. bishops enact new canonical norms, including zero tolerance for abuse and a requirement that bishops report all criminals allerations to secular authorities. Bishops Set Policy to Remove Priests in Sex Abuse Cases December 2002 Ratzinger Lashes Out at Journalists With the American scandal mushrooming, Cardinal Ratzinger accuses the news media of having "a desire to discredit the church". January 2004 Ratzinger Briefed on Scandal American lay leaders brief Cardinal Ratzinger on how extensive the scandal has become. April 2005 Ratzinger becomes Benedict XVI Cardinal Ratzinger is elected pope and takes name of Benedict XVI. April 2008 Meets with Abuse Victims in Boston On his first visit to the United States as pope, Benedict meets privately with vistims from Boston. He say he is "deeply ashamed" of sexual abuse by priests. Benedict Meets With the Victims of Sexual Abuse May 2010 Scandal Spreads With the scandal spreading across the several continents, Benedict says it shows in a "really terrifying" way how the church's biggest problems are of its onw making, and owns up to the need for justice, not only forgiveness.
Pope Issues His Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse |
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