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The Opus Dei Fabricates " the Age of Benedict Xvi" in Rome... Belgian Police Raid Archbishop's Palace and Catholic Headquarters in Brussels John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army June 26, 2010 The Belgian Police raid in several Catholic headquarters especially in the Episcopal Palace at Mechelen of the Archbishop of Brussels, Andre-Joseph Leonard, concerning church cover-ups of alleged children sexual abuse couldn't have come at a better timing than June 24, 2010, on the eve of the feast day of Opus Dei founder, St. Josemaria Escriva, as Opus Dei celebrates (annually) around the world – in grandiose major basilicas with Cardinals, Bishops and Monsignors presiding the (fairytale) Mass with his relic – and a series of television shows about his life, especially in EWTN (the $50 Million diamond studded chapel of Mother Angelica, see Why does Holy Mother Angelica need $50 million worth of diamonds in her chapel when millions of women in Africa have barely food to eat with their children?) Apparently, as the Belgian Conference of Bishops were about to start their weekly meeting with a Vatican envoy around 10:30h, Belgian Police entered the Archbishop's Palace (uninvited) with a search warrant because of continuing church cover-up of children sexual abuse by pedophile priests in the territory of the Malines-Bruxelles Archdiocese. No other explanations were given by the police; they did not allow any "Conversations with God" (the daily meditation series by the Opus Dei) discussions with the Bishops to intervene. Belgian Police were not there to search for God amidst the Princes of the Catholic Church but for crime evidence committed by the Catholic Cardinal and Bishops in aiding and abetting pedophile priests. Police barricaded the offices and barred the Bishops from leaving the premises or contacting outsiders including their lawyers while they searched and confiscated boxes of files and documents. Get this, no calls were allowed to their lawyers or to their "Holy Father" infallible Pope Benedict XVI (and the Prefect of the CDF or powerful whatever's) at the Vatican. The Police confiscated all of the Bishops' cell phones and computers, and even dug a hole in the tombs of Belgian Cardinals and put in a telescope to see if documents were buried in them. These Belgian Police know their 'Catholic crimes history' to have dared touch and peek into the sacred tombs of Cardinal Suenen and other Archbishops. (Well, corpses are exhumed for canonization purposes so why not for criminal purposes?) The raid lasted into the night until 19h30. At last, the Belgians are finally taking real "secular justice" in their own hands for the most heinous crimes of the "Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions" committed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army (see Benedict XVI asks for 'quickie forgiveness' from "little ones" who were battered for years by 'Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions' Those Belgian Bishops have nowhere to hide, not in their palatial Bishops Residences, not in their future sacred tombs. Just like RATzinger is lost in the Vatican sex scandal maze. With nowhere else to run...see The suspense of this first-of-a-kind in the history of the 2,000 years old Catholicism is far better than the Da Vinci Code and certainly signals the beginning of the end of the religious empire of the Almighty Vatican trillion dollars Bank who couldn't buy the souls of the Belgian Police corps. The 7-hours Belgian Police raid is quite a far cry from the 2-minutes "quickie forgiveness of sins" in the Sacrament of Confession and the few papal mea culpa of Benedict XVI who blamed the Devil for priest pedophilia a few days ago at St. Peter's Square (see our article Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope's homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ's flesh and blood Obviously, the Belgian Police were not fooled by the Zeffirelli-directed spectacle of 15,000 white robed priests celebrating the Year for Priests in Rome and their sorcery of Christ's flesh and Blood. This is the way it should be: Secular justice must not be swayed by priestly powers, theology or religious mantras and Vatican rhetoric. The Pope and the Vatican theocratic powers must now end in this dawn of the 21st century. Those thousands of speeches, encyclicals and books by John Paul II the Great must have no bearing in our justice system because as we have exposed it, Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel and all pedophile priests thrive, see There were a slew of headlines that "Benedict XVI apologized to God and victims" and the Vatican thought that was the end of it, and we would not hear of priest pedophilia again. The Vatican has orchestrated that the priest pedophilia media frenzy would go into sleep mode like the Inquisition's burning of women and witches and the Crusades. And Cardinals like our own criminal Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston would be elevated to a glorious post as Archpriest of the St. Mary Major in Rome just like a lucrative post is awaiting the most criminal of all Bishops, "billionaire" Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, who covered-up the most numbers of pedophile priests in the history of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Opus Dei, the mastermind of the cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army In our article of "Reasons why priest pedophilia is eternal" in the John Paul II Millstone website, we listed 7 reasons and Opus Dei is the seventh reason. Priest pedophilia is eternal because John Paul II the Great "Saint" and all his theology writings are eternal, "The Conscience" of 'the Age of Benedict XVI is eternal, and Opus Dei is the mastermind of these two Goliath Popes in the 20th and 21st century. Opus Dei treated the hundreds of thousands of children abused by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army as mere statistics, see our article "Reasons why Opus Dei covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for decades: Words of Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls The first thing to know about Opus Dei is the personal metamorphose of the name of its founder, St. Josemaria Escriva (see as we compare it to Michael Jackson's personal metamorphose of his face, see The morph of Michael Jackson's face and St. Josemaria Escriva de Opus Dei's name How many persons in the 2,000 history of Catholicism (or among mankind) have obsessively changed their personal name and went to legal lengths to acquire honorary titles? No one; only St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. And this man is supposedly to be "The Way" or the model of holiness for Catholics and mankind? A religious group is known by its founder just like the Legionaries of Christ is known by the immoral serial pedophile "Holy Father" Marcial Maciel. Or the Jesuits by St. Ignatius Loyola and St. Francis Xavier. St. Josemaria Escriva may have never committed pedophilia but his group Opus Dei certainly condoned and systemically covered-up Fr. Marcial Maciel and the thousands of pedophile priests around the world simply because they are "a small statistics" as Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls revealed recently, see our article Reasons why Opus Dei covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for decades: Words of Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls New books and DVDs on St Josemaria and Opus Dei. ... The television channel EWTN is showing a number of programs about St. Josemaria around his feastday, June 26. ... Josemaria Escriva. Founder of Opus Dei -TV Programs on Saint Josemaria The television channel EWTN is showing a number of programs about St. Josemaria around his feastday, June ... TV Programs on Saint Josemaria. June 18, 2010 ... CTND 24-Hour Schedule For The Week of June 20th – June 26th, 2010 St. Josemaria. Escriva and Opus. Dei. One In The Hearts The Choices We ... 2010 Priest. EWTN Religious. Catalogue ... EWTN Mass today 6/15 Spirituality. ... Join Date: June 15, 2010. Posts: 1. Religion: Catholic .... OPUS DEI "Work of God" By: Edd333 ... · Opus Dei - NEWS - Feast of Saint Josemaría Escrivá On June 26, bishops in different cities around the country will celebrate Masses to mark the feast day of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei. ... Opus Dei - PRESS ROOM - Feast of Saint Josemaria Escriva 17 Jun 2010 ... FEAST OF SAINT JOSEMARIA ESCRIVA Cardinal Edward Egan of New York and Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles will be among the bishops around ... Opus Dei is the main mastermind of the legacy of "John Paul II the Great" and is now concocting "The Age of Benedict XVI" at their Pontifical University in Rome (see news article below). Opus Dei, through Benedict XVI, is in a hurry to have John Paul II canonized (just like the speedy canonization of their founder in 2002) Josemaria Escriva. Opus Dei members call with utmost reverence 3 persons as their "Holy Fathers": (Saint) Josemaria Escriva, (Saint) John Paul II, (The Conscience) of the Age of Benedict XVI. All three have compendium writings of Catholic doctrines that must be absolutely quoted by all Opus Dei members and by all Catholics – if they want to be "all things Catholic" – and in good standing with the Vatican. see (The Legionaries of Christ also call three men as their "Holy Fathers": John Paul II, Benedict XVI and their founder Marcial Maciel) Opus Dei want to restore the theocratic powers of the Pope in all countries as they use to wield in the Middle Ages, but through the secrecy of their powerful political members. The capability of secrecy and political powers of Opus Dei is exemplified by their (in)famous member, Robert Hanssen, the worst spy in US history who sold top secrets to the Russians. The movie Breach tells his story Opus Dei was the main controller, producer and director of the 26+ years papacy of John Paul II and of the now papacy of Benedict XVI. They are the new Vatican Trinity. If there is a Catholic Trinity of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, now there is John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei. Actually Opus Dei is God the Father in this new Vatican Trinity because as their founder Josemaria Escriva kept saying during his lifetime: "There are many popes who come and go but there is only one founder of Opus Dei." Opus Dei have one obsession that is the WORLD DOMINATION of their founder St. Josemaria Escriva. The singular color of the map in their official website symbolizes this greed for power of Opus Dei. Today they are the sole controller of the papacy, all Cardinals and bishops and their new appointments who will unquestionably follow their Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda and the sustenance of the trillion dollars Vatican Bank. Only Opus Dei celibate members or eunuchs called numeraries live and surround the Pope at the Vatican. There are no Jesuits or other male orders; even the Swiss Guard Army are all Opus Dei members. These numeraries are the elite men from which they chose to select Opus Dei priests. They are all rich and professionals from different countries in the world - just like the former physician, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls who was the secretary of John Paul II during 26 years. "No one goes to the Holy Father except through me" was his mantra. He recently, officially, explained the small significance of victims of priest pedophiles. As a medical doctor he gave a female symbol for the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army The Opus Dei are offended if we do not address their founder as a "saint", and they always call him their "Holy Father" as they do with the Pope. (Two "Holy Fathers" make a GAY couple or a "Mystical Marriage" of a religious sort.) Josemaria Escriva saved the Vatican Bank during the Ambrosiano crisis in the 1970's and in return Pope Paul the VI (in spite of his suspicions and aversion for Opus Dei) had no choice but to give Opus Dei total control of the Vatican Bank. Josemaria Escriva was another cash-cow of the Vatican trillion dollars Bank just like pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel who brought in 30 billions dollars. And how do they get so much money from the rich? It's simple, by using the promise of Heaven and the threat of Hell and exclusive photo-ops with the Pope on earth. These two Spanish founders were the favourites of John Paul II because they inculcated the orthodoxy of Catholic doctrines, the theocracy of the papacy, and the use of Latin as the official language for the Daily Mass among their elite members. While we now know of the clandestine pedophilia of Maciel, we also now know of the clandestine criminal partnerships Escriva made with dictators such as Pinochet of Chile and Franco of Spain. Whether they were mass murderers or plunderers like Marcos, Josemaria Escriva made intimate friends with them in order to expand the political powers of the religious WORLD DOMINATION of Opus Dei. Opus Dei also establish many secret members in the justice systems in major cities and countries around the world, such as Scalia and Roberts in the Supreme Court of the USA. Every year, on the feast of Josemaria Escriva, the Opus Dei celebrate his feast with only top Cardinals and Bishops performing the Mass at major basilicas. No other saint is celebrated in this ceremonial and spectacular manner. The day after his canonization in Rome, on October 7, 2002, the Opus Dei Bishop of Rome celebrated Mass at St. Peter's Square for more than 200,000 members of Opus Dei and their financial supporters. No other Bishops and Cardinals, except the Pope, is allowed to celebrate at St. Peter's Square. And the Opus Dei use the pictures of this exclusive gathering in their annual invitation for the feast day of Escriva. The Opus Dei is most responsible for the condoning and cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, the worst crime against Catholic children in history. The Opus Dei is just like John Paul II who was heartless. They are only obsessed with theology and Vatican doctrines to control their members, but Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive Opus Dei have another obsession, that is the obliteration of the Jesuits and slowly but surely they are succeeding. They have removed all Jesuits from the Vatican Radio, and put the director of Vatican Radio (in name only) Fr. Lombardi as the (puppet) public spokesperson of the Pope so that he has no time and no say whatsoever of the Vatican Radio. Opus Dei are master deceivers and they will use anyone to achieve their WORLD DOMINATION goal. They have no mercy towards their critics and silence all theologians who criticised John Paul II and the papacy, especially the Jesuit Jon Sobrino. Their former members and critics also get mysteriously fired from their jobs. So the theocratic power of the pope will now be wielded around the globe through the powers of Opus Dei members and the trillion dollar money of the Vatican Bank which they control. They will stop at nothing, including buying the souls of politicians, the latest is Obama, to achieve their WORLD DOMINATION agenda. But Our Lady of Fatima cannot stand the sight of the hypocrites Opus Dei and soon she will vanish the Vatican and its mammoth Bank into the ground. See Benedict XVI and Bertone, liars of Fatima and From Fatima, Jacinta would throw the first stone at John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army to defend her little brothers and sisters Read our latest articles in Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope's homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ's flesh and blood Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive John Paul II the Great wrote the most number of theology books and articles but he was heartless and had neither compassion nor compunction for tens of thousands of boys sodomized within Catholic churches worldwide by his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. What good were his papal travels when he did not even bother to protect children by defrocking at least one pedophile priest? John Paul II elevated Cardinal Bernard Law as Archpriest in Rome after Law resigned in disgrace after he admitted to his cover-up of more than 100 pedophile priests in Boston. This was one of his last papal acts before he died to prove to the laity and to us Bostonians that he is Pope and he is almighty and we are at the bottom of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, that we are the worthless non-ordained laity who cannot transform the Host into the Body of Christ, and therefore we cannot dethrone any Prince of the Church. John Paul II wrote the encyclical the Eucharist is the summit and source of the Catholic Church and that priests are the most important members of the Catholic Church. So whether they are pedophile priests or not, what mattered was that priests could go on re-incarnating the flesh of Christ in 9 seconds (versus Mary's 9-months pregnancy, see History does not lie and history shows that John Paul II was obsessed with his narcissistic legacy through his theology books; he wrote the Theology of the Body, but all his doctrines and papal homilies proved that Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made pedophile priests thrive, especially the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel. See Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army John Paul II (and Opus Dei) knew personally Fr. Marcial Maciel as much as he knew Cardinal Ratzinger now Benedict XVI. Maciel was ordained at the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico in 1944 that's why the church of the Legion of Christ in Rome is named after Our lady of Guadalupe. Maciel arranged and accompanied John Paul II's historic papal trips to the Guadalupe Basilica in Mexico in 1979, 1990, and 1993. There, the poor Mexicans were used as backdrops as in the papal visit in El Salvador as the Jesuit Jon Sobrino described it which caused him to be silenced by Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei - see our related articles below John Paul II met Maciel many times at the Vatican and praised him almost as much as he did Opus Dei's St. Josemaria Escriva. John Paul II loved these two Spanish founders who were the wealthiest contributors to the Vatican Bank and founders of the fastest growing orders -- in as much as he abhorred the Jesuits thus kicking them all out of the Vatican and the Vatican Radio, and surrounding himself only with the Opus Dei with his powerful Opus Dei papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, who recently explained the reasons why John Paul II was mute on priest pedophilia - see our related articles below. These two papal favourites have a nice partnership, the Opus Dei controls the papacy, theology and doctrines, and all selections of Cardinals and Bishops, while the Legion of Christ reports in the Internet about the daily life at the Vatican in called also The World Seen from Rome (John L. Allen Jr was The Word from Rome, now it is All Things Catholic -see oure related articles below.) The Opus Dei also controls the Vatican Radio and the Vatican TV and the staffs are provided by the Opus Dei Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Together with John Paul II, the Opus Dei knew well Fr. Marcial Maciel and his past crimes; it was a complicit of the worst kind at the Vatican and it is children who paid for it this time. During the Inquisition, it was women who were tortured and burned, today it is children Catholic children at that, innocent altar boys which prove that the Eucharist, the Rosary and Theology are heartless just like John Paul II was heartless and was absorbed only with his narcissistic self-glory as John Paul II the Great. Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity Self-examination: Catholic communicators look to address scandal ROME The Catholic Spirit By John Thavis - Catholic News Service Friday, 30 April 2010 With workshops such as "Benedict XVI, sexual abuse and The New York Times" on the program, it wasn't surprising that a conference of Catholic communicators in Rome provoked more interest than usual this year. But those expecting a round of media-bashing were disappointed. Most of the April 26-28 discussion focused on how the church itself should be more transparent, more proactive in communicating and more journalist-friendly if it wants to get its message out on clerical sex abuse. Sponsored by the Opus Dei-run Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the conference over the years has become a regular networking event for hundreds of church communications personnel, including diocesan spokespersons. [PDF] The Church Up Close: Covering Catholicism in the Age of Benedict XVIFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View The Church Up Close: Covering Catholicism in the Age of Benedict XVI. A Professional Seminar for Journalists – PROGRAM (as of May 26, 2010). Monday 6 ... Rome celebrations of Benedict XVI and 15,000 priests who are wizards worse than Harry Potter Catholic headquarters in Belgium focus of police raids in sex abuse cases Belgian police sources say church has been withholding information from its independent inquiry into sex abuse scandal Monsignor Giacinto Berloco, papal nuncio to Belgium and Luxembourg, speaks to police during a raid on the offices of the country's most senior Catholic prelate. Photograph: Matthew Busch/AP Ian Traynor in Brussels, Thursday 24 June 2010 The Roman Catholic church was once again at the centre of a child abuse scandal today when police raided the headquarters of the church hierarchy in Belgium. They carried away computers and hundreds of files, amid rumours that church leaders were continuing to cover up abuse cases despite a public plea for forgiveness last month. Belgian officers today sealed off and searched the headquarters of the church at Mechelen, north of Brussels, where the Belgian bishops' conference was in session, with the papal nuncio taking part. They also searched the home of Cardinal Godfried Danneels, until last year Belgium's most senior prelate, who enjoys a reputation for being a liberal.
In nearby Leuven, east of Brussels, police also searched the premises of the independent church commission investigating hundreds of cases of alleged molestation by clergymen. They took all 475 files belonging to the commission, prompting bewilderment and panic among investigators and victims of sexual abuse. "The police have a number of accusations connected with the sexual abuse of children within the church," said Jean-Marc Meilleur, a Brussels police spokesman. "The searches are the result of the investigation we started recently. We are collecting evidence material." The raids centred on the palace of Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, head of the Catholic church in Belgium, on the ancient town's St Rombout's cathedral, and on the residence of the former head of the church in Belgium, Cardinal Danneels. The long-running but moribund commission in Leuven was resurrected this year to investigate the torrent of allegations that have surfaced, especially since April when one of the most senior clergymen in Belgium, Archbishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, resigned after admitting he had been abusing a boy for years. Police declined to say whether any of the individuals at the centre of today's raids were direct suspects or whether the searches concerned evidence affecting other cases. The commission of inquiry is well-respected and is led by Peter Adriaenssens, one of Belgium's top child abuse experts, whose office has received hundreds of complaints this year and who has threatened to resign should his work be impeded by the church hierarchy. He emerged as a national figure following the notorious Marc Dutroux paedophilia and murder case in 1996 and runs one of the country's most respected child abuse centres. He voiced outrage and shock at the police actions, saying he had been given no warning, and would now struggle to deliver a report on clerical sexual abuse he was preparing for October. Adriaenssens was in Amsterdam in the Netherlands on Wednesday when his offices were raided. He said that all files in his investigation, concerning 475 cases, had been taken away by the police. "All day we've been getting mails and calls from victims in panic," he said. "They agreed that we do a report, but they did not want others to see the material … No one asked us a single question. We have no idea why this happened now." Adriaenssens suggested that a wave of "paranoia" had developed around the flood of allegations coming to light in recent months in Belgium. "There were rumours that the commission was having secret talks with the bishops. Perhaps the investigating magistrate let himself be led by this paranoia." He added that the raids had thrown into question whether his commission would be able to continue its work. It was set up years ago but had vegetated until this year when the sexual abuse allegations and revelations spread rapidly across the world. The commission's previous head had complained of a lack of co-operation from the church authorities. Police sources told the Flemish newspaper De Standaard that the raids were carried out because of suspicions that church leaders were failing to hand over all the necessary materials to the commission of inquiry. That was not confirmed by Adriaenssens. Last month the Belgian bishops' conference issued a pastoral letter pleading for forgiveness both for the sexual abuse by many clergy and for the cover-ups and "silence" that then followed. "Through the silence priority was given to the reputation of the church institution or the clergyman over the dignity of the child as victim," said the letter. |
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