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Is the Smoke of Satan in the Vatican? By Colleen Hammond Metro Catholic June 24, 2010 Fr. Gabriel Amorth has served as the Vatican's chief exorcist for the past quarter century. During those twenty-five years, the quietly outspoken priest has raised eyebrows with his sober accounts of brushes with the Devil — a routine occupational hazard for someone who has dealt with over 70,000 cases of demonic possession. But his recent declaration that Satan is alive and well in the heart of the Vatican itself has to rank as his most provocative revelation to date. According to a book of his memoirs recently released in Italy, Fr. Amorth claims to know of the existence of "Satanic sects" in the Vatican where participation reaches all the way to the College of Cardinals. "There are priests, monsignors and also cardinals!" he explained to Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti, who compiled Memoirs of an Exorcist from interviews with the priest. Asked by Tosatti how he knows Vatican clergy are involved, the exorcist answered, "I know from those who have been able to relate it to me because they had a way of knowing directly. And it's something 'confessed' most times by the very demon under obedience during the exorcisms." As one might expect, the secular media has had a laugh-a-thon over the seemingly histrionic comments from the 85-year-old priest. Admitting the existence of the Devil is still cause for ridicule and derision by nonbelievers, but at least one other Rome-based exorcist has taken issue with the charges. Fr. José Fortea, a Spaniard and former student of Fr. Amorth's, came publicly to the Vatican's defense, arguing that Fr. Amorth had gone well beyond the evidence in making his charges. Demons themselves, he pointed out, are not exactly impeccable sources — after all, the Devil operates by deception and deceit. Fr. Fortea also explained that those seeking help for demonic possession include "innumerable persons" alleging to be the recipients of divine revelation, including "revelations about the infiltration of Satan and the Masons within the dome of the Church."
Nevertheless, a curious coincidence seemed to want to vindicate Fr. Amorth. Within a month of the release of his shocking charges, one of Pope Benedict XVI's elite ushers (formally known as a "Papal Gentleman") was dismissed from his Vatican post for his involvement in a gay-prostitution ring, while an elite Vatican chorister, who allegedly acted as a pimp, was also sacked over the sex scandal. No, this isn't direct evidence of Satanism in the bosom of Holy Mother Church, but it certainly makes even the most ardent believer scratch his head. A gay-prostitution ring run out of the Vatican? Really? Well, if we can believe what we read in La Repubblica, it seems so. The Italian newspaper published excerpts of police wiretaps of Angelo Balducci's phone, and the evidence seems pretty clear. Balducci, the subject of a corruption probe by Italian police when the evidence came to light, served Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI on special occasions, such as when heads of state visited the Vatican. Balducci appears to have a whole heap of evidence piled up against him. Ghinedu Ehiem of Nigeria, who sang with the Giulia Choir of St. Peter's Basilica for nearly two decades, was the chorister who was dismissed after his name appeared in the wiretap transcripts. He stands accused of procuring male prostitutes for Balducci and others as part of an "organized network" that included students from several unnamed Roman seminaries. Yes, you read that right: A layman in the Vatican was pimping out seminarians to local perverts — and reportedly for large sums of money. So, are certain cardinals practicing Satanism at the Vatican? Do some high-ranking Vatican prelates, as Fr. Amorth charges, not believe in Jesus Christ? Fr. Amorth believes that the Church's sex-abuse scandals are evidence enough of Satan's influence among the hierarchy. As clergy abuse scandals continue to explode across Europe — revelations first erupted in Ireland and more recently spread to Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain — more and more testimony reveals the blatant complicity of bishops in covering up sexual abuse, paying off victims to keep them silent, and sheltering abusive priests on the prowl for new victims. The first episcopal casualty of the unfolding sex-abuse cover-up scandal in Ireland was Bishop John Magee, former personal secretary to Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II. For his part, Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Bishop Magee after he was found to have endangered children by mishandling allegations of clerical sexual abuse in his home diocese. The Irish bishop had come under fire late in 2008 when a report by the independent National Safeguarding Board for Children said that the Diocese of Cloyne had put children at risk by failing to confront clerical abusers. Fr. Amorth specifically cited as evidence of Satanic behavior the Vatican "cover-up" of the deaths in 1998 of Alois Estermann, then commander of the Swiss Guard, his wife, and Corporal Cedric Tornay, a fellow Swiss Guard, who were all found shot dead. A remarkably swift Vatican investigation concluded that Tornay had shot the commander and his wife and then turned his gun on himself after being passed over for a medal. However, there have been reports of a homosexual background to the tragedy. "They covered up everything immediately," Fr. Amorth said. "Here one sees the rot." Though clergy involvement in pederasty, homosexual prostitution, and institutional corruption does not prove that Vatican personnel are worshipping the Beast and partaking in Black Masses, is it really much of a stretch to consider the distinct possibility that certain Vatican cardinals, bishops, or priests are involved in the dark arts à la Doctor Faustus? One wonders what kind of bargain has been struck in exchange for their ascendancy.
A former On-Camera-Meteorologist for The Weather Channel, model, actress and Miss Michigan National Teen-Ager, Colleen lived the American Dream and found it to be a nightmare.
While working in television, she reverted to the Catholic Faith. The moment their first baby was born, Colleen "saw the light" and abandoned her highly successful career in television to become a stay-at-home-mother. Currently heard as a host of "St. Joseph Radio Presents"—available to 85 million people worldwide on WEWN—Colleen has also been asked to host a television talk show in Dallas, which may soon be syndicated. Colleen is an award-winning writer, radio and television talk show host, educator, comedienne, and mother—all rolled into one! Acclaimed for her versatility, she delivers an enduring message filled with down-to-earth wisdom, inspiration, and humor. Colleen brings a fresh and creative approach to living joyfully, and has helped thousands of people every year to make positive and virtuous changes in their lives. A frequent speaker at conferences, retreats, and parish events, Colleen addresses such timely issues as marriage, children, family, and values and virtues. Groups appreciate her real-life solutions to tough problems—presented with compassion, warmth, and a lively interactive style. Author of the much acclaimed book, "Dressing with Dignity", Colleen is working on more follow-up books, CDs and DVDs. In addition, she is producing DVDs of her presentations, a charm course teaching social graces, and a book about teaching virtues to your children. Colleen, her husband and their four children now live in North Texas. |
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