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The Pope Takes Action on Ireland! By Bruce Gorton Times LIVE June 10, 2010
I have been trying to think of a way of putting this for a while now, but words just fail me. This is a post about the Catholic Church, my favourite example of just how rotten and corrupt organised religion is. So, lets summarise the story thus far: After a lengthy investigation in Ireland it came to light that the Church was systematically abusing the kids that it had under its care – who were there mainly because the government was paying maintenance for them. In other words if this wasn’t Ireland’s major religion the Church would be getting charged with welfare fraud aside from anything else. The pope after many a not-pology (It sounds like he is saying sorry but when you read his actual words he is just expressing how painful it is that he got caught) decided to send a group to investigate the abuse. The group included at least three cardinals who themselves are involved in covering up for peadophile priests. So, what is it that they came out with*? Well…. Yeah, the real problem according to the Vatican isn’t peadophiles and sadists in the priesthood – the real problem for the Church is that those darn kids don’t have enough reverence for the priesthood that is raping them. The nine-member team led by two cardinals will be instructed by the Vatican to restore a traditional sense of reverence among ordinary Catholics for their priests, the Irish Independent has learned. I mean, where is the respect? So the solution the grand high penis hat came up with? A major thrust of the Vatican investigation will be to counteract materialistic and secularist attitudes, which Pope Benedict believes have led many Irish Catholics to ignore church disciplines and become lax in following devotional practices such as going on pilgrimages and doing penance. So while the rest of the world is saying the major thrust should stop being up little boys’ backsides, the Pope has decided that really what needs doing is more fire and brimstone preaching to keep the kids who get raped from telling, while making sure that the parents who actually listen to their kids feel like bad people for maybe not having utter reverence for the organisation that backs those priests. And of course Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are horrible people for saying that old pervert should be arrested. Riiight. *Clarification: As the direction their investigation will take. Thanks Jon for pointing out that I hadn’t made that clear. No related posts. |
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