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Schonborn Attacks Sodano; Calls for New Look at Gays and Remarried Catholics By James Martin, S.J America Magazine May 7, 2010 In the I Can't Believe He Really Said That Department comes this story from the London Tablet, in which Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, archbishop of Vienna, is reported to have leveled an "attack" on Cardinal Angelo Sodano, one of the most senior officials in the Curia, for Sodano's response to the sex abuse crisis. And, as if that's not enough, the Austrian archbishop has also called for the church to re-evaluate its stance on long-term gay relationships and remarried Catholics. Seems to me that the ecclesial infighting has intensified. On those last two topics (gays and remarried
Catholics) let's see how long it takes for (a) the Vatican to distance itself from Schonborn's comments; or (b) Schonborn himself to say he was misquoted. If (b) doesn't happen, don't be surprised if he starts turning up at your local Voice of the Faithful meeting. Here's the Tablet: The head of the Austrian Church has launched an attack of one of the most senior cardinals in the Vatican, saying that Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, "deeply wronged" the victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy when he dismissed media reports of the scandal. In a meeting with editors of the main Austrian daily newspapers last week, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, also said the Roman Curia was "urgently in need of reform", and that lasting gay relationships deserved respect. He reiterated his view that the Church needs to reconsider its position on re-married divorcees.Happily, the whole article is free here at the Tablet. |
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