Kilkenny Priest Released Early from Florida Jail

By Naoise Coogan
Kilkenny Advertiser
April 30, 2010

A priest who originally hails from Johnstown in County Kilkenny was released from prison early yesterday in Florida USA.

Fr John Skehan was greeted with joyous celebrations by supporters and was whisked away from the Martin Correctional Institution in Florida before dawn, two hours ahead of the scheduled 8am release time to avoid media attention.

The 82-year-old had served one year of a 14-month sentence for stealing $100,000 (ˆ77,000) from a Florida church.

It had initially been believed that the sickly priest may die behind bars as it was recently discovered that he is suffering from cancer.

He began serving a 14-month sentence after pleading guilty to stealing from the parish in Florida that he ran for forty years.

His lawyer said he was concerned the 82-year-old priest would not survive prison because he was suffering from an unnamed cancer.

A second priest, Fr Francis Guinan, was convicted of stealing more than $20,000 (ˆ15,000) from the same parish, St Vincent Ferrer in Delray Beach. He was sentenced to four years in prison.


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