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Benedict Xvi's Phony Sorrow, Superficial Shame & Crocodile Tears in Malta; How Long Will He Continue His Papal Lies and Papal Parody? Paris Arrow April 23, 2010 Benedict XVI sleeps during Mass in Malta To celebrate his 83rd birthday and the 5th year of his papacy in Malta, Benedict XVI goes on and on with his Papal lies and Papal parody of "protecting the young" and "bringing the guilty cleric to justice". How long will he hold on to his Papal charade? The media and the peoples of the world are not as stupid as he thinks. He should know the idiom: 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'. Well, this time the shame in on him. Benedict promises "CHEAP JUSTICE". But costly justice means: Fire Cardinals Law, Mahony & guilty Bishops! Expose John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Unless he do these costly justice, his promises are meaningless. From Malta, Benedict XVI is preparing for his historic trip to Fatima for the anniversary of the apparition on May 13, 2010. As if he has the time of day for the "cheap gossip" and issues of pedophile priests. All he is doing now is planning his (deceptive) speech, trying on his new papal wardrobe with his special papal couturiers, fidgeting on what papal gifts to bring to the leaders of Fatima and those handpicked pilgrim. In Malta, 8 victims of pedophile priests were handpicked for a special meeting for 20 minutes with Benedict XVI and the Vatican Bank paid journalists wrote their Vatican agenda filled essays to glorify infallible Pope Benedict XVI. Here we show you the archetype victim that Benedict XVI would like the world to believe, to see and to hear. It is up to the peoples of the world on who and what to believe. The 1.1 billion Catholics are now given a chance to purify and get rid of the papacy of its despotism (of infallibility) once and for all. If they want to save their church, they must act, but with costly justice. True purification and true justice will not be achieved by a quick Hail Mary Rosary chanting or the fairy tale ceremony of the Eucharist, or by deceptive Catholic journalists (paid by the Vatican Bank) . See our earlier article on Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary's 9 months pregnancy& child birth Benedict's lies and propaganda: Vatican's archetype victim of pedophile priests
As we have predicted during the USA trip of Benedict XVI, a few handpicked victims of pedophile priests will meet with Benedict XVI, have a special papal ceremony to mark – once and for all – the end of the story of priest pedophilia. This papal ceremony attempt is beginning. In Malta, Benedict gave a "white rosary" to a victim, Joseph Magro, 38, who said to the media that he "felt at peace after emerging from a private meeting with His Holiness", that he "will be using daily to say the rosary", that "the meeting had helped him heal", and that "After so many years, today I am at peace with the Church. I am a different person." This is the archetype victim the Pope and the Vatican would like that all victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army to imitate, to do, to be and to say. But a white rosary blessed by Benedict XVI will NOT heal years of sodomy by a holy priest who, in principle, can continue to commit ES Eucharist & Sodomy in Biblical proportion because he is not in jail but in church. As we have repeatedly pointed out, those who are ready to heal with a quick Hail Mary Rosary are not real victims but actors paid by the trillion dollar Vatican Bank to save the face of the pope. Real victims tell their stories in a more agonizing way like victims of Holocaust who will not trivialize times spent in a Nazi camp - see victims personal stories in our earlier article Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions In Malta, true to its deceitful plan to fool the world, the Vatican then released its well-planned media spin statement: the Pope was "deeply moved" by the victims' stories. He expressed "shame and sorrow" for the suffering they and their families endured and assured them that "the Church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future". Then at the farewell ceremony at the airport, the President of Malta praised the pope: President George Abela thanked him for finding the time to personally address this delicate issue. "We were all moved today to learn you personally met victims who allege abuse who requested to see you and they found comfort in your words. I am sure this will relieve some of the pain they have suffered for many years." This is also the Vatican prototype for all leaders of countries in the world to say and do for Benedict XVI. |
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