Pastor Charged with Indecent Exposure

By Darius Radzius
April 7, 2010

A Tri- Cities area pastor faces charges of indecent exposure. Police say the man was masturbating in the boys and men's underwear aisle.

"You'd think that preachers are for everyone in the community to look up to," said Brittany Poole of Big Stone Gap and a mother of three.

A community's faith in one of their pastors is shaken.

"What if I went to his church and he would have been preaching to me about living right and he's doing that in public?" said Poole.

Police arrested Millard Clifton Tolbert, 58, for indecent exposure in Appalachia. Tolbert is the pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church of Big Stone Gap.

Police say it happened the Dollar General at two in the afternoon last Tuesday. Police say no one saw him, but the manager.

"There are numerous people in the store on the video. If someone else saw him, we'd certainly like to know that," said Ron Elkins, Wise County commonwealth's attorney.

Police responded to the manager's 911 call and reviewed the surveillance video.

"Thankfully the Dollar General store in Appalachia has a security system that rivals a lot of larger stores, so we have very high quality video," said Elkins.

Tolbert would not speak with NewsChannel 11, but he did talk to police.

"He told the Appalachia officer that he knew he should not have been doing this and was concerned if he was going to go to jail or get in the newspaper," said Elkins.

Two days later, a judge issued a warrant for his arrest.

"We've had incidents like this in the past, but this one seems to have stirred a little more talk than most of the other ones," said Elkins.

Poole knows how she would feel if her kids happened to witness the incident.

"I know I would have been pretty angry. That isn't something you do in public or around kids. That's something you should do at home," said Poole.

But the faithful also learn to forgive.

"We're not to judge. Everybody should get a second chance. Maybe he'll learn from it," said Poole.

Tolbert is expected to be arraigned Tuesday.

The church suspended Tolbert from Trinity United Methodist Church in Big Stone Gap and released a statement that included this quote, "This is a painful and difficult matter. It is our prayer that all concerned will withhold judgement and allow due process to take place."



Commonwealth of Virginia

Wise County General District Court

Under penalty of perjury, I, the undersigned Complainant swear or affirm that I have reason to believe that the Accused committed a criminal offense, on or about

02-10-2009 in the Town

of Appalachia VA Wise County

I base my belief on the following facts:

On February 10th 2009 I received a call from the Dollar General Store Located in the Town of Appalachia 730 West Main ST, From a member of Management ([omission]) of a white male masturbating in the clothing section. After arriving on scene the suspect was Identified to me by [omission]. I observed the video surveillance and witnessed the suspect later known to be Millard Clifton Tolbert with his penis in his hand in the mens and children underwear section masturbating. I approached MR Tolbert and Identified myself as law enforcement. (MR. Tolbert uttered the statement I new I shouldn't of been doing this) The store was open and occupied by customers. The video surveillance footage was obtained for evidence.

The statements above are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

In making this compaint, I have read and fully understand the following:

- By swearing to these facts, I agree to appear in court and testify if a warrant or summons is issued.

- The charge in this warrant cannot be dismissed except by the court, even at my request.

[Signed] D. L. Williams APD 301



COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Va. Code § 19.2-71, -72

Wise General District Court Criminal


You are hereby commanded in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia forthwith to arrest and bring the Accused before this Court to answer the charge that the Accused, within this city or county, on or about 02/10/2009 did unlawfully in violation of Section 18.2-387, Code of Virginia: intentionally make an obscene display of the accused's person or private parts in a public place or in a place where others were present.

I, the undersigned, have found probably cause to believe that the Accused committed the offense charged, based on the sworn statements of

Williams, D.L./APD, Complainant, Execution by summons not permitted

DATE AND TIME ISSUED: 02/12/2009 06:01 PM

[Signed] Christie D. Robinson, MAGISTRATE



Holston Conference, The United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church takes with utmost seriousness all allegations of misconduct against any of our clergy. We hold our clergy to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior. The Reverend Ronald H. Matthews, acting on behalf of Bishop James Swanson, upon being informed of the allegations of inappropriate conduct against M. C. Tolbert took immediate action to suspend Reverend Tolbert from all ministerial functions and responsibilities effective 13 February 2009, pending the outcome of the investigation of the charges against him. This action is in keeping with the law of the church.

Pastorial duties at Trinity United Methodist Church in Big Stone Gap, Virginia will be handled in a manner to be determined by the Reverend Archer Coppedge, Big Stone Gap District Superintendent, and services of worship will continue on their regular schedule.

This is a painful and difficult matter. It is our prayer that all concerned will withhold judgement and allow due process to take place. Everyone is invited to join us in praying for all parties who will suffer in the aftermath of these allegations.


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