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Jerbal Infallibility Orange Juice March 30, 2010
Within Roman Catholic theology there is a dogma of Papal infallibility under which the faithful believe that the Pope is protected from the possibility of error when “making a statement on faith or morals”. Well appearently if we are to believe the ever increasingly pious Matt Cunningham he has “Jerbal infallibility”. Cunningham who is best know for his outing the names of Catholic Church sexual abuse victims in order to intimidate them and scare other victims from coming forward continues to tell anyone that will listen it was just a simple mistake on his part. In “Jerbal’s” sick mind it was “no harm, no foul”. Unfortunately the victims feel much differently about his actions. “Jerbal’s” official response at the time of the outing was, “There was no intention to harm anyone. It simply didn’t occur to redact the names.” Since that time “Jerbal” and his pals like the LiberalOC’s Dan Chmielewski have done all they can to spin this and cover the little yelping rodents rear end. Recently “Jerbal” has been making his rounds and defending his despicable and disgusting actions. On the Total Buzz website he claimed that his explanation for the outing, “is the absolute truth — and what you or anyone else choose to believe doesn’t alter that, Sean.” However his comments today on the LiberalOC take the cake. When a commenter by the name of “GG Voter” made reference to “Jerbal’s” attack on the sexual abuse victims he responded by saying, “What rules have I broken?”. |
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