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Ex-Orphanage Resident Heckles Bishop during Mass By Anne Lucey Irish Independent March 22, 2010 IRELAND -- A MAN who was escorted from St Mary's Cathedral in Killarney, Co Kerry, after he interrupted Mass called for the bishop to "acknowledge" that abuse had taken place in a local orphanage. Raymond Foley (48) from Moyderwell, Tralee, strode up to the pulpit just before the reading of the Pope's letter. Mr Foley is a former resident of St Joseph's Orphanage in Killarney, which had been run by the Mercy Order. As people stood for the reading of the gospel at the packed morning Mass, he approached Bishop of Kerry Dr Bill Murphy, shouting at him "to acknowledge" that alleged abuse had taken place at the boys' home. Around six mass-goers moved to escort Mr Foley from the cathedral. According to one, he was not physically aggressive but was "determined to make his point." Outside the church, Mr Foley told people he had been abused, and gardai were called. Last night he said he deliberately walked into the middle of the 10.30am Mass and stood in front of the pulpit to address the bishop directly. "I didn't threaten him. I repeated my request." Mr Foley said he was a resident in St Joseph's between 1967 and 1977 and there had been "sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse". Last night Bishop Murphy, said it was not surprising that anger had surfaced. "Child sexual abuse by priests and religious has caused great hurt and pain. The way in which the church authorities in Ireland has dealt with these issues contributes in no small measure to that anger," he said. |
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