Cardinal Brady Homily Statement
BBC News
March 17, 2010
IRELAND -- An abridged version of Cardinal Sean Brady's homily at St Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh on Wednesday. He was speaking following allegations that he was involved in a cover-up of paedophile priest Fr Brendan Smyth.
"My sisters and brothers in Christ. Today, Irish people across the world are remembering St Patrick and the land of their birth. Most will do so with joy and pride.
They will celebrate the enormous contribution of this nation to the Christian faith and heritage across the world.
They will celebrate a people renowned for generosity to others in need.
Ireland and its people have much to be proud of. Yet every land and its people have moments of shame.
Dealing with the failures of our past, as a country, as a church, or as an individual is never easy. Our struggle to heal the wounds of decades of violence, injury and painful memory in Northern Ireland are more than ample evidence of this.
There is always tension between the possibilities we aspire to and our wounded memories and past mistakes.
This week a painful episode from my own past has come before me. I have listened to reaction from people to my role in events 35 years ago. I want to say to anyone who has been hurt by any failure on my part that I apologise to you with all my heart.
I also apologise to all those who feel I have let them down. Looking back I am ashamed that I have not always upheld the values that I profess and believe in.
I deeply believe that God is calling us to a new beginning, to a time of Patrician energy, reform and renewal. I look forward to the Pastoral Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to the Faithful of Ireland as one important source for this renewal.
We must humbly continue to deal with the enormity of the hurt caused by abuse of children by some clergy and religious and the hopelessly inadequate response to that abuse in the past.
The integrity of our witness to the Gospel challenges us to own up to and take responsibility for any mismanagement or cover-up of child abuse.
For the sake of survivors, for the sake of all the Catholic faithful as well as the religious and priests of this country, we have to stop the drip, drip, drip of revelations of failure.
The Lord is calling us to a new beginning. None of us knows where that new beginning will lead. Does it allow for wounded healers, those who have made mistakes in their past to have a part in shaping the future?
This is a time for deep prayer and much reflection. Be certain that I will be reflecting carefully as we enter into Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost. I will use this time to pray, to reflect on the Word of God and to discern the will of the Holy Spirit.
I will reflect on what I have heard from those who have been hurt by abuse. I will also talk to people, priests, religious and to those I know and love.
Pray for those who have been hurt. Pray for the church. Pray for me."