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Bishop Spells out Options in Letter Wexford People March 10, 2010
THE BISHOP of Ferns, Dr. Denis Brennan issued a letter last weekend to the priests and people of the diocese, following his controversial request for financial help from parishes to pay clerical abuse compensation bills. In the letter, he said the diocese pursues an open policy approach in all aspects of its dealings with the issue of abuse involving some of its priests. 'At our 10th annual AGM at Enniscorthy, as full as picture as can be given of the current financial situation in the Diocese of Ferns, was presented, and how abuse by some priests – which has brought shame to us all – has affected the overall financial wellbeing of this diocese'. 'We have not shied away from ensuring that every victim who presents themselves are helped and cared for in a just manner. To ensure that this continues we are examining a number of ways to pay for this and we are asking for your advice in a process of consultation'. Bishop Brennan outlined five options: 1, the sale of one or more of the five diocesan properties to meet all of the costs of outstanding claims and legal bills; 2, the non-involvement of parishes in the outstanding claims at all; 3, the discernment as to whether parishes might be willing to fund the development of current and future child protection infrastructure and staffing; 4, the desire – as may exist in parishes – that diocesan assets not be sold at all, or only in part, and a consideration as to how this might be achieved and whether it would then necessitate the involvement of the parishes themselves; 5, suggestions from parish finance committees and parishioners that may not yet have have been either proposed or considered'. The Bishop said he wanted to make it clear that those who abused children needed to accept responsibility and their guilt was theirs alone. 'Many of us priests are shamed by their actions and by the often inaction of church management to deal with this'. 'We can never change the past. Let me be also clear, no monies from parish collections have been used to date to fund the payment of compensation claims as have been agreed and no plans are either in place – or envisaged – where future claims would be funded from these sources. 'However, we have the chance to make a difference for the future. ' I want to listen to the response of the people from all the parishes as to how best we shape our diocese into the future. The twelve months ahead are a time when we might engage more fully in this process'. Bishop Brennan said he remained available to whatever response people wished to make either directly or through finance or parish committees. |
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