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Former New Orleans Cleric Indicted on Sex Abuse By Val Bracy Fox 8 March 10, 2010
New Orleans - The New Orleans Archdiocese is preparing to alert parishioners about a cleric indicted on charges of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy. The priest hasn't worked in New Orleans for decades but some say he could still have victims here. Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests held a press conference about the case Wednesday morning. "To alert the general public and to alert the Archbishop of New Orleans, Gregory Aymond to the fact that a cleric who once served, a priest who once served in New Orleans, Louisiana is under indictment in West Virginia for the sexual abuse of a 10 year-old boy in 1991," said SNAP's Michael Kuczynski. Father Robert Poandl pleaded not guilty and is out on bond. A website for the catholic society Poandl belongs to says the allegations were made last June while he was serving in Georgia. Since then, Poandl's been moved to Glenmary Home Missioners headquarters in Cincinnati. "It's a sin. There's no way we can justify this. It's just very, very sad," said Archbishop Aymond. Poandl worked in New Orleans at the Glenmary House, which no longer exists, from 1973 to 1975. Aymond says he will print the information about Pondal in all of the church's publications. Aymond first heard of the allegations last June when the Cincinnati's office sent him a letter asking if Poandl had any allegations here. "We checked the file. There are no allegations of anything that took place during those years," says Aymond. SNAP wants the Archbishop to release the names of accused abusers involved in last year's $5 million settlement with victims. Aymond says that's against church policy, but he did confirm that one church employee implicated in the case once worked at St. Louis Cathedral. "They've identified this individual as Roland Boisvert, known to children at the time he was conducting his abuse at the cathedral at the school simply as "Doctor Bob." Roland Boisvert is deceased but he led boys’ choirs across America and therefore if he is in fact, or was a sex abuser he may have had many other victims," said Kuczynski. "There are many allegations of pedophilia in all religious denominations including the catholic church but the studies that have been done by the professionals indicate very clearly that they are no higher in the church than they are in families or they are in organizations for young boys and girls or in other dimensions of society," said Aymond. Aymond admits the Catholic Church hasn't always responded appropriately to abuse allegations. "In the past, when we knew a lot less about pedophilia and the behavior, the church as well as society in general, made a lot of mistakes. For the church's part these priests were sent away for treatment and then if the treatment center said they re ready to go back to ministry they were placed back in ministry," said Aymond. Aymond says the church has changed its ways and that he is ready to listen to anyone who may have been a victim. SNAP has a confidential hotline set up for anyone who wants to report abuse. The number is 881-3226. Contact: |
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