Vaticano Spa (VATICAN LTD): John Paul II Was the CEO of the Trillion Dollar Vatican Bank's Murky Financial Dealings

By Paris Arrow
John Paul II Millstone
March 6, 2010

VATICAN CITY -- Immediately after John Paul II's death, Benedict XVI, as the newly elected pope, removed the 5-year waiting period for a proper investigation of sainthood into the life of John Paul II. Last December, he elevated John Paul II as "Venerable" meaning he lived a life of heroic virtues. It was exactly the same time that the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army erupted in Ireland. See

In 2005, at the same time that Benedict XVI was hastily paving John Paul II's speedy canonization, 7 of Europe's most prominent theologians sent him a special letter proving John Paul II's disqualifications for sainthood. These theologians were silenced see first article in our weblogs

John Paul II's mishandling of the Vatican Bank was one of those reasons why he does not qualify to be a saint.

A investigative book has surfaced as a bestseller in Italy, Vatican Spa or Vatican Limited, and it cites John Paul II's role in the corrupt Vatican Bank..

We post both articles for your perusal.

Benedict XVI is in a hurry to canonize John Paul II because it is a political strategy to revive the political clout of the papacy and the Vatican. It is up to us Catholics to prevent this from happening. We can see now, in hindsight, that John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa. He never "saw Christ" in anyone of the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army which he led for over 26 years, the longest papacy (next to the martyr St. Peter). Mother Teresa "saw Christ" among the dying non-Christian Hindus of Calcutta. John Paul II traveled all over the world and he did not "see Christ", not even once, among the Catholic children who were survivors pedophile priests. See John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa

Comments from "The Vatican's Dirty Secrets: Bribery, Money Laundering and Mafia Connections"

---About the sanity of those who worship the pope dude as an infallible demigod. He parades around in a getup that's so expensive it would make Armani's best seem like something out of the Goodwill thrift store. The outrageous opulence of the churches themselves speaks of almost unlimited wealth. Then there's that palace at the Vatican. It makes the White House look like a tarpaper shack in comparison. I have to wonder how much better off the mostly dirt-poor subjects of this ongoing scam would be if the wealth of the church was evenly divided among them.

---Since the "birth" of "organized religion" it has been used to calm the masses and rip them off! These are the same people that heralded the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and hide the priests from justice!

And yet they wonder why they are loosing credibility?!?!?! HELLO!

---It wouldn't be surprising when you consider the amount of collection plates needed to generate money to properly maintain that palatial estate in Rome.


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