Center for Public Integrity Finishes Campus Sexual Assault Reports
Series Illustrates the Growing Issue of Schools Mishandling Cases of Sexual Assault on College Campuses

By Joe Anello
College News
March 1, 2010

In disturbing news, The Center of Public Integrity wrapped up a three-part Sexual Assault on Campus series last week. The reports illustrate the growing issue of schools mishandling cases of sexual assault, with a year-long investigation of college assault cases providing the evidence for their findings.

One of the more unsettling items in the report focused on the rash of repeat offenders discovered by the Center's investigation which centered on Elton Yarbrough, an economics major at Texas A&M who was alleged to have assaulted five women.

Of the five women Yarbrough reportedly assaulted, four were fellow students. He was tried on a single assault charge. Unfortunately, Yarbrough is only one of six alleged serial sexual offenders discovered during the Center's investigation.

Another article examined how universities deal with sexual assault cases and found that offenders are often "modestly" disciplined, even when they are found responsible for their actions. In this video taken from the Center's web page, Margaux J., formerly of Indiana University describes her anger after officials merely suspended her attacker for a semester after deeming her allegations accurate.

According to their Web site, The Center for Public Integrity put together a group of reporters and researchers in February 2009 to "lift the curtain" on sexual assaults at colleges and universities. Their comprehensive investigation involved surveys of crisis service clinics and programs near schools across the nation and interviewing current and former students who allege they were victims of sexual assault or rape as well as school officials, lawyers and related individuals.

You can read more about the project here.

Our Take:

There's no denying this sort of problem is wholly unacceptable and needs national attention in order to bring about massive and quick change. I cannot laud enough the hard work the Center for Public Integrity has done in bringing this story to light. For those of you appalled at the way university administrators reacted to cases of sexual assault, make it known to your college that turning a blind eye to a morally reprehensible crime cannot be tolerated.

Virginia Tech stepping up parent notification of alcohol violations

Let's face it: college students drink regardless if they are over the legal age of 21 or not.

However, some colleges are going to make you think twice about drinking on campus. As reported by the AP, Virginia Tech is just one of an ever-increasing number of universities that will send letters home to parents after minor alcohol-related infractions. VT has previously on a three strikes system, assigning strikes of varying count to the severity of a corresponding infraction.

Obviously, schools have notified parents in the past when their child facing serious consequences, like suspension. This new policy would make being found in your dorm room with a single beer an event of which your parents would be made aware.

Our Take:

Do you really want your parents finding out about EVERY little alcohol violation you commit? Yikes. Universities are going to be killing a few more trees this year I'd imagine. Or they're going to contribute an uncountable amount to inboxes across the interwebs.

Still, a more involved parent could curb some of the dangerous under-age drinking that occurs on every campus. Will you hold back on the drinking if you know you parents will get notified no matter how serious the infraction? Or are universities going too far in killing your party buzz?


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