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SNAP Sends Second Letter to Archbishop Demanding Public Exposure of Abusive Priests Pacific News Center February 23, 2010 GUAM -- The survivors network of abused priests is rejecting Archbishop Anthony Apuron's statement on priestly abuse. In that statement, the Archdiocese said no member of Guam's clergy has ever been charged with or convicted of sexual abuse.
But the latest release from the group called SNAP accuse the Archbishop of being "disingenuous" and "minimizing" the issue. Even though no charges have made against any priests, SNAP says accusations have been made by island residents who they claim to be in touch with. It is the second letter in as many weeks from SNAP urging the Archbishop to publicly name the priests who are serving or have served on Guam who have been accused of sexual abuse. To date, no one on Guam has publicly stepped forward to say they have been victimized. And no priests on island has ever been publicly accused of sexual misconduct. Archdiocese Spokesman Deacon Jeff Barcinas told PNC News Tuesday that they did not receive SNAP's latest letter until late Monday afternoon and they have not yet had a time to review it and respond. However, Barcinas said that the Archdiocese is preparing another response but he could not say when it would be released. The latest SNAP letter to the Archbishop is reprinted below: ******************************** Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap, D.D. Archdiocese of Agana, Guam 196 B Cuesta San Ramon Hagatna, GUAM 96910 February 22, 2010 Via Email and Fax (671) 477-3519 Dear Archbishop Apuron, We are dismayed and disturbed at your February 12, 2010 response to our heartfelt letter, asking for help for victims of sexual abuse in the Archdiocese. Not only have you refused to take token steps of posting information about support group meetings and helplines for victims, but you went even further to marginalize and minimalize the problem of sexual abuse on Guam - and compound the pain of survivors - by claiming that since no cleric has been arrested for sexual abuse in your Archdiocese, then "no problem exists." The vast majority - more than 99 percent - of child molesting clerics are never arrested, in part because church officials successfully conceal crimes, destroy evidence, protect predators, deceive parishioners and 'run out the clock' until victims have no legal remedies. So the issue isn't who has or hasn't been arrested. The issue is: Who are the proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics who have or had access to Guam kids and why aren't you telling parents who and where they are? Anything less is reckless, dangerous and against the Lenten traditions you claim to espouse. You ask your faithful to fast and attend Mass. We ask you to make small steps to help the most vulnerable in your care. It's the least you can do. That is why we are asking you to hold an open and well-publicized meeting with victims and the faithful to address our concerns. We ask for a healing, supportive environment where people are free to ask you the "tough questions" that are necessary to keep kids safe. We also ask that you schedule the meeting at a time where a member of SNAP can attend, to offer support and safety for men and women addressing their abuse for the first time. In addition, we would like to reiterate our requests from last week ~ We ask you to delay no longer and immediately post on the Archdiocesan website and parish printed and online materials: -- the names, whereabouts, work histories, and current status of predator clerics, -- information about SNAP and how victims on Guam can receive help and healing, and -- contact information for sex crimes law enforcement where survivors can go and report their abuse. Survivors of sexual abuse on Guam carry a great deal of unnecessary pain. They live in fear and isolation. They suffer from shame - shame stemming from their abuse and shame at the fact that you have done nothing to ensure that what happened to them never happens to another child. In the Lenten spirit, we believe that this is the least you can do to show your compassion, love and support for victims and the faithful. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Joelle Casteix SNAP SW Regional Director (949) 322-7434 David Clohessy SNAP National Director 314-566-9790 |
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