Monks Slated by Charity Commission after They Allowed a Known Paedophile Access to Teenager

National Secular Society
January 9, 2010

[Inquiry Report: The Trust of St. Benedict's Abbey Ealing]

The Charity Commission has issued an unusually strongly-worded criticism of the monks of Ealing Abbey in west London, when one of their number, who was known to have abused children, was allowed to have contact with a teenager at the abbey, who he then sexually assaulted.

“Father” David Pearce, a former head teacher at St Benedict’s Junior School, was jailed in October after he belatedly admitted 10 indecent assaults and one sexual assault. Complaints of abuse against Pearce had already been heard in a civil court and damages were awarded against him. He was allowed to return to the Abbey, but was arrested in 2008 for sexually assaulting a sixth-form pupil who was employed to wash up for the monks.

Abbott Martin Shipperlee is chairman of the board of trustees of the school and was severely criticised by the Charity Commission. He said he accepted responsibility and was “reconsidering his position”. The report said that the Diocese of Westminster was well aware of the allegations against Pearce and had told the trustees to keep him away from children or young people. The trustees failed to do this, and the consequent assault took place.


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