Hingham Speech Focuses on Clergy Sexual Abuse

Boston Globe
January 5, 2010

Glastonbury Abbey, in conjunction with the Scituate affiliate of Voice of the Faithful, is hosting a talk entitled, "The Enduring Psychological and Spiritual Effects of Clergy-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse". The event will take place at the Abbey Center at the Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham on Tuesday, January 26 at 7:15 pm.

The presenters of the talk are Barbara Thorp, LICSW and Robert McMackin, EdD. Barbara Thorp is the Director of the Boston Archdiocesan Office for Pastoral Support and Outreach (OPSO). Robert McMackin is a Psychologist Consultant for OPSO and co-editor of the book Understanding the Impact of Clergy Sexual Abuse, Routledge Press, 2009.

OPSO, established in 2002, assists those who have been sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or other church personnel of the Archdiocese of Boston. OPSO's mission is to provide assistance, pastoral/spiritual care, support, counseling referrals, and other resources to survivors, family members of survivors, and parishes. Barbara, Cardinal Séan O'Malley, and survivors of clergy sexual abuse met with Pope Benedict in Washington DC in April 2008.

On January 26th, Barbara and Bob will discuss the long-term effects of sexual abuse by clergy and the work of OPSO to help survivors. Admission is free. Donations are appreciated to help defray costs. All are welcome.


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