Ottawa Archdiocese Holds Day of Penance in Response to Bishop Laheys Presence

Catholic Culture
December 14, 2009

CANADA -- As Bishop Raymond Lahey awaits trial on charges of possession of child pornography, the Archdiocese of Ottawa, where Bishop Lahey currently resides, has held a day of prayer and penance for victims of clerical abuse.

"After the arrest of Bishop Lahey and the focus on Ottawa (he is residing in our retired clergy centre here and the trial will be here-- he makes another court appearance on December 16), some of our priests got together to discuss our reactions, the impact on our lives and what we could do in response," Archbishop Terrence Prendergast explained in a blog entry.

The archbishop continued:

Among other things, we decided to hold a day of prayer and penance for victims of clergy abuse, for the sanctification of the clergy in this Year of Priests and for the Church in this difficult hour. My choice of December 4, the First Friday of the Month was based on the fact that this day has traditionally had the dimension of a day of reparation to the Sacred Heart for sin. Parishes and individual Catholics are free to observe the day as they wish with participation in a holy hour, confessions, Mass, adoration, abstinence and the salutary practice of fasting or any other devotional practice they choose (the Rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet, etc).


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