Fears for Harney As Facebook Gets Govt to Call Papal Nuncio to Task

The Mire
December 4, 2009

Social media gurus are expecting a surge of activity on the Feck Off Mary Harney Facebook page after a Facebook campaign against the papal nuncio to Ireland resulted in his being called to task by the Government.

The page was created by Simon McGarr after the report of the commission of inquiry into sexual abuse in the Dublin archdiocese revealed that the papal nuncio had refused to reply to investigators.

The government refused to find fault with the papal nuncio following the report but yesterday he was requested to attend a meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin at Iveagh House in Dublin next week.

As government by Facebook becomes the modus operandi special interest groups are encouraged to get their campaigns up and running if they are to have any impact on next week’s budget.

There is no set figure on how many fans a Facebook page must have before it becomes government policy but the Expel the Irish Papal Nuncio page had 3628 fans this morning.

“It depends what you’re trying to achieve” a social media guru said. “Something outlandish, like restoring Bertie’s good name for example, would need the support of everyone on the island and would have to be witnessed by God.”


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