Attorney Breaks Silence about Abuse Docs
Diocese Released 12,000 Pages of Sex Abuse Documents

December 2, 2009

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- After releasing over 12,000 pages of documents related to the church sex abuse scandal were made public, one attorney who has detailed knowledge of the case spoke out.

Cindy Robinson's law office is near the Bridgeport Cathedral and Bridgeport Diocese. However, it's been a long journey for Robinson to see the day when legal documents in the dozens of cases of alleged sexual abuse at the hands of clergy were finally released.

Robinson said, "Hopefully, because of the fact that we've had so many courageous people come out and tell their story, it will have a stifling effect in the future and policies will be enacted to prevent this from happening."

For example, in 1995, then-Priest Raymond Pcolka, under questioning for multiple allegations of sodomy, rape, and brutality, exercised his right against self-incrimination more than 100 times. Pcolka was asked if he considered himself a heterosexual, homosexual and pedophile. Each time a question was asked, Pcolka responded and said, "I refuse to answer that on the grounds of the Fifth Amendment."

Robinson said, "It was quite frustrating when you are representing numerous people who were abused by this man to have him, you know, continually take the Fifth Amendment."


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