Vatican and Nuncio Ignored Letters
on Abuse
By Patsy McGarry and Paddy Agnew
The Irish Times
November 27, 2009
[This feature includes:
• Church
'Routinely Covered Up' Child Sexual Abuse for 30 Years, by Carl O'Brien
and Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Vatican
and Nuncio Ignored Letters on Abuse, by Patsy McGarry and Paddy Agnew,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Murphy
Report: Background and Composition, by Patsy McGarry and Carol Coulter,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• 30
Years of Church and State Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse, by Paul Cullen,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Cult
of Loyal Obedience at Heart of Lies and Cover-Up, by Patsy McGarry,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Garda
Connivance in Stifling Abuse Inquiries Deplored, by Carol Coulter,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Abuse
Continued for Years Due to Protection of Priests, by Carl O'Brien,
Irish Times (11/27/09)
• Bishops
Lied and Covered Up, by Mary Raftery, Irish Times (11/27/09)]
LETTERS SENT to the Vatican and the papal nuncio in Ireland seeking information
on clerical sex abuse cases were ignored, the Dublin
diocesan report disclosed yesterday.
In September 2006, the commission wrote to the Vatican’s Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith seeking information on reports of clerical
child sex abuse sent to it by the Dublin archdiocese over a 30-year period.
It also sought information on the document Crimen Solicitationis, which
deals with clerical sex abuse.
The congregation did not reply.
Instead, it contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs stating that the
commission had not gone through appropriate diplomatic channels. As a
body independent of government, the commission said it did not consider
it appropriate to use diplomatic channels.
In February 2007, the commission wrote to the papal nuncio in Dublin asking
that he forward all documents relevant to it and which had not been or
were not produced by the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. It also
requested that he confirm if he had no such documents.
The papal nuncio did not reply.
Earlier this year the commission again wrote to the papal nuncio enclosing
extracts from its draft report which referred to him and his office, as
it was required to do. Again, there was no reply.
At his press conference Dr Martin said he regretted these letters were
not answered. “I believe letters should be answered,” he said. “There
were other channels the commission could have used, but it didn’t use
them. I’m not too sure why that was.”
There were “various ways in which communications between states take place.
I regret that this happened in this way”, he said.
Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said yesterday that any outside
requests made to the governance of the Holy See, as in the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, would pass through diplomatic channels
– in this case the Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin and the Irish
Embassy to the Holy See in Rome. “If you are looking for official documents
from the Vatican, then you have to go through the normal diplomatic channels,”
he insisted.
Vatican observers told The Irish Times that the same “diplomatic” reasoning
would apply to lack of a reply from the nuncio in Dublin who, as the Vatican’s
ambassador in Ireland, cannot respond directly to a request from an albeit
independent Irish body.
On the Dublin report, Fr Lombardi said “that is for the local bishop.
In the case of Dublin, we have an excellent archbishop and he knows what
has to be said”.
It also emerged in the report that the 1996 framework document on child
protection, prepared by the Irish bishops, was not accepted by the Vatican.
The congregation felt it was “contrary to canonical discipline. In particular
‘mandatory reporting’ gives rise to serious reservations of both a moral
and canonical nature”.