Parish Shocked by Priest Probe

By Elinor Glynn
Ballymena Times
November 24, 2009

BALLYMENA'S Catholic community was left stunned and shocked on Sunday to learn that one of their serving priests had been asked to leave his post over a claim of child abuse.

Many parishioners of Kirkinriola, which includes All Saints, Crebilly and Harryville, left Mass looking visibly shocked and some were in tears after hearing that Fr Paul Symonds was the subject of a police investigation.

Fr Paul Symonds

The accusation made against Fr Symonds, a curate in the Kirkinriola Parish, dates back to the 1970s when he worked in England. - Church authorities have refused to reveal where he was working on the mainland at that time.

Addressing parishioners in church on Sunday, Dr Noel Trainor, Bishop of Down and Connor, said that the "civil authorities" had notified the diocese of the allegation and that both the diocese and Fr Symonds were co-operating fully with the police investigation.

Confirming that Fr Symonds had agreed to cease his ministry while the investigation was taking place, Dr Treanor said: "Fr. Symonds, of course, continues to enjoy the natural right of every person to the presumption of innocence".

He said that the welfare of children was the "paramount concern for the diocese".

And he said the diocese is liaising with the statutory child safeguarding authorities.

No comment

"In accordance with the diocesan policy of safe-guarding, all concerned are offered appropriate support," said Dr Treanor, adding: "It would be inappropriate to make any further comment at this time in view of the ongoing police investigation".

Fr Symonds is known throughout the Ballymena area and beyond for his ecumenical and cross-community work.

He came to prominence a few years ago for his outspoken condemnation of sectarian attacks on the chapel in Harryville and other parts of the town and was awarded an OBE for his "tireless community work".


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