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New Bishop for Antigonish Roman Catholic Diocese of Antigonish November 21, 2009
[includes French version] (CCCB - Ottawa) – His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI today appointed Most Rev. Brian Dunn, Bishop of Antigonish in Nova Scotia. He was previously Auxiliary Bishop of Sault Ste-Marie in Ontario. Since the resignation this past September of Most Rev. Raymond Lahey, Most Rev. Anthony Mancini, Archbishop of Halifax and Apostolic Administrator of Yarmouth, had been appointed Apostolic Administrator of Antigonish for the duration of the vacancy, while continuing with his responsibilities for the Archdiocese of Halifax and the Diocese of Yarmouth. Bishop Brian Dunn was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland, in 1955 and ordained to the priesthood in 1980. He was then assigned to a number of parishes in the Diocese of Grand Falls until 1988, when he moved to Ottawa in order to complete his Doctoral studies at Saint Paul University. In 1991, he was assigned to parish ministry and also worked as Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor for the Diocese of Grand Falls while teaching theology in the Maritimes. In 2002, he became a faculty member at St. Peter’s Seminary, in London, Ontario. From 2005 until his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Sault Ste-Marie in 2008, he had served as Dean of Studies. The Diocese of Antigonish has a Catholic population of 129,730 in 118 parishes and missions, served by 114 diocesan priests, three priests who are members of religious orders, one permanent deacon and 272 religious Sisters. Nouvel eveque a Antigonish (CECC – Ottawa) -- Le Pape Benoit XVI a nomme aujourd’hui Mgr Brian Dunn, eveque du diocese d’Antigonish, en Nouvelle-Ecosse. Il etait jusque-la eveque auxiliaire a Sault Ste-Marie en Ontario. Le siege episcopal etait vacant depuis la demission, en septembre dernier, de Mgr Raymond Lahey. Mgr Anthony Mancini, archeveque de Halifax et administrateur apostolique de Yarmouth, avait ete nomme administrateur apostolique d’Antigonish, tout en continuant d’acquitter ses responsabilites aux dioceses de Halifax et de Yarmouth. Mgr Brian Dunn est ne a St. John’s, a Terre-Neuve, en 1955. Ordonne pretre en 1980, il a ensuite travaille pendant quelques annees en paroisse. En 1988, il a entrepris des etudes de 3e cycle a l’Universite Saint-Paul d’Ottawa. Apres avoir obtenu un doctorat en droit canonique, en 1991, Mgr Dunn est retourne en paroisse, agissant egalement comme vice-chancelier et chancelier pour le diocese de Grand Falls, a Terre-Neuve, et en donnant des cours de theologie dans la region des Maritimes. En 2002, il a joint le corps professoral du St. Peter’s Seminary, a London, en Ontario, et a occupe, le poste de doyen des etudes, de 2005 a 2008, jusqu’au moment de sa nomination comme eveque auxiliaire a Sault Ste-Marie. Le diocese d’Antigonish compte 118 paroisses et missions regroupant quelques 129 730 catholiques, qui sont desservies par 114 pretres diocesains, trois pretres religieux, un diacre permanent et 272 religieuses. |
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