Retired Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse

Catholic Courier
November 17, 2009

According to a Nov. 17 statement by the Diocese of Rochester, Father Conrad Sundholm, a retired priest currently residing in Florida, has been accused of sexually abusing a minor during the mid-1970s.

The statement said that the allegation has been deemed "credible," and that the abuse allegedly occurred while Father Sundholm was pastor at St. Salome Parish in Irondequoit.

Bishop Matthew H. Clark has withdrawn Father Sundholm's priestly faculties, meaning he no longer is allowed to exercise public ministry.

Father Sundholm served at St. Salome from 1974-82. Ordained in 1955, he previously had served at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Rochester from 1955-60, Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester from 1960-65, St. Mary in Auburn from 1965-71 and St. Cecilia in Irondequoit from 1971-74. After leaving St. Salome, he served at Holy Family and St. Aloysius parishes in Auburn until his retirement in 1999.

The diocesan statement emphasized that abuse victims always are encouraged to report the abuse to civil authorities. To report possible cases of abuse and receive help and guidance from the diocese, victims should contact Barbara Pedeville, diocesan victims' assistance coordinator, at 585-328-3228, ext. 1215, or 800-388-71771, ext. 1215. Pedeville also may be reached by e-mail at


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