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Bishop Jerome Listecki to Be Archbishop of Milwaukee Installation to Be in Early January WISN November 13, 2009 MILWAUKEE -- The Vatican has announced that Bishop Jerome Listecki, 60, will be the new archbishop of Milwaukee. Bishop Jerome Listecki Listecki has been serving as bishop of the Diocese of La Crosse, where he was installed as bishop on March 1, 2005. He said he has known about the Vatican's decision for a couple of weeks.
The first thing Listecki did after he was introduced Saturday morning was to offer a moment of silence for Melodie Wilson, who died earlier in the week after a battle with breast cancer. Listecki will be installed as Milwaukee's archbishop in early January by Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Pietro Sambi. Listecki is originally from Chicago where he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Chicago by Pope John Paul II in November of 2000 and was ordained a bishop on Jan. 8, 2001. "I'm here because god wants me to be here for some specific reason. To assist this church, to aid this church, to help this church grow in holiness," Listecki said. He is also a retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Reserves. Listecki said he was surprised when he first learned of the appointment, but that he'll quickly get down to business, confronting lingering scandal and lawsuits related to sexual abuse. "If there was any question, any question of sexual abuse everything stopped in my office and that address was immediately attended to," Listecki said. Related to lawsuit settlements, the archdiocese also finds itself in dire financial shape. Listecki said he recognizes the challenge, even if he hasn't yet been briefed on specifics. "We'll do whatever it takes to get beyond the crisis, but in addressing those problems never losing sight of our mission," Listecki said. Former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan left to serve the New York archdiocese seven months ago. Dolan released a statement on Listecki's appointment on the Milwaukee archdiocese Web site. "Pope Benedict XVI has chosen wisely. Bishop Jerome Listecki is a good friend, and a most effective, generous, faithful, joyful shepherd. I feel bad for the Diocese of LaCrosse, but rejoice with my beloved people of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee." Dolan said. Many local Catholics got the news at the beginning of Saturday's mass at St. Monica Parish in Whitefish Bay. Parishoners said they will welcome Listecki with open arms, but say they will still make comparisons to his predecessor Archbishop Timothy Dolan. Some said they will wait to see what the new archbishop will accomplish. "I was so very pleased. He's from LaCrosse so he knows what's going on in Milwaukee and his belief system is close to mine," parishioner Marry Brennan said. Local community leaders also welcomed Listecki this weekend. "Other folks I visited with in La Crosse and Prairie du Chien, where I go hunting and other places like that, said he's in many ways very similar to Archbishop Timothy Dolan, very personable but very committed to the tenants of his faith and I think that's a good thing," Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker said. "My congratulations go out to him and welcome him from the western part of the state to the eastern part of the state. I think he'll find this is a community very engaged and cares about the people who live here so I think he'll find it a good place to be at home," Mayor Tom Barrett said. Dolan was an avid baseball fan. When Listecki was asked about his preferences he said he was a Chicago south-sider, so he could support the Brewers. He also weighed in on his football preferences. "I will root for the Packers when they play any team in the NFL except for the Chicago Bears," Listecki said. He said he feels his roots will help him connect. "The Midwest is my home. I'm a person who likes fun, I truly mean that. I think there's a joy in meeting people and discovering their stories," Listecki said. Listecki will serve 210 parishes and 644,000 Roman Catholics in 10 counties. |
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